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Show J -- VYrla-y TT . F THE DESERET NEWS WEDNESDAY Ft ion and her mother Mt, rt If P""! 9 ' - t -' palls hia feet up under him Itae I dug when ha takes off want to lake him over a seveoifoot hurdle. He can do It with fours up Let's build a seven-fotruly hurdle tomorrow aiid try h'm out 'Fine! Well build It Don -Mike nd enthusiastically,a or. watching thii wife frightened face, threw back bis. head and i might have given mo an opportunlaughed. gTNorw. aaddla There ts "You are encouraging my daughity to decline Kisbeing xm Sftks Ferret reported thoughtful. ter to kill herself," the older woman aettoa, retarae Farrs! you "tomboy charged Rtnclthe heme, do not Jump that Ksy. ate agm Suppose rl-vr 7 fca fatlur hi awa horse phouid stumble and throw that fn - 0 k.r. a flilMclor, hi fea whllo you j10 fj. , blurhoil. mu old mart gas hi. pleasure at the lady's 'Nrnfeflse, mother That s - mare Wrm r.rkor " Tho l.rk.r line- observed thHr for Panchito. (na j hid goes tbs and a deashtef, bo she Michael Y j re a ni 'doesn't' . ride h get Jumpir aadsrtke wh'ie of young fur hit ear alone 'Why. every day, and rd all rve ever done to radeem tie rn.ao under the,s pfe xr.urnr. v " u old .fhlcfiH i haa been to young rascal1 Cen-a- s pussyfoot through rtetee ef U whch aenie k.mintend. 'i i Jju.n Mike stopped and held out tfgj I'ark. Fnrksr hed demotion period ms fconrt hns placed her left foot) tb fo you mean to tell me you ve a eoioaise the vn.lejr was lifted m and It never Okads. a taken JJ with IJgh'Jy hurdle before?1 Don in partavrship W pen he Mike was vcAndalisedvr Hhe nodded. adjusted tulrl(i tb saddle As a befinsing toward aid to he turned to fit her, the stirrups J8heil releeee do," to Parker aasured hla meant neoeoeery Kav. orly to discover that the gal proudly. Den Hike, on en old Judron, Ar.dre L.uetelot lant Panehllo had y3y performed Karrsl confirmed this verdict aaee r tr that tha lady by your h.rt honor, o hark.r with a nod and art."pAa .h of tho toil.y. tho gate. .squalling until oho could recta tho They rode through.opened the mini priviieg.. for ' xFavlmrxa. end him to close-- the gate.KayHewatted -- .Don Miko eeceoto aaw that praiwatfloa that tnt Pargsir rplr aha been had panchi-tcaptivated by hod S aTta;fc:J.JTta. Fhrre. lbt as their glances met, his t WO unfa sir.He wss a renctwiiun dhnttio pertoA - - ofhef -r id- - hers a smfla thoroughly and- - childishly oMotlnVhe.d g&. cf them, the to ur 1o,ed up the happy. ISfco yJdfaSL vo niy-wH him tT me toeil n, the ' If Mikle" h Su (. roROr .o 0)0 M.ko beoide she pleaded. T1I give tVbio Ike mlortohMkoe him him. you a wi,h K,y rM,r:i ruinous him " for , oplte out Ok the JpneM price ,h, j ,toU "He is not for sale. M.ss Key! to s porrU post sU quticj bin! - Dr,t a borsebetk party te b- - rdsong g mnf aSJJ; Wik But pro n, were you to give him going cb.n sue apparently Quiobu Hibn, a Miusi aim prsnnce Fhe knew away to our late battery comforo me hacienda ohl.yious was her a dam Mn mi. not in a mood to be mander!" tnat. he He held up it's right hand with carefree A Gcod E,oMtTtaue eftLrrtalj1ftg today. of diimi feta mind on buoy the red scar on the back of iu hut eouire made no further reply. l I. If w l h rpb!err. that threat When the Parkerc emerged tTOm r8 no fcim to . the hacienda, they found lion nlltj'.nfd not on!v him but everythin. In M lf-- ,hllt he held to be vorth nhllc. me" aha pleaded. I want him so " erd Pablo holding the hornea a wore htm. for he them. waitlnc Kay at KO Uirouitta that answered I0 f.0 -I could only part with that, tailored rldlnlt-hkbofith, )r .u.rje. hm yointln, to n five, and foe lave. Home dark unflnfahed material, ahot with (y.i) a wire fence that otreo Hay T may give in her'-., a feint admixture of gray: acroaa the Talleys and up the him to somebody worth while, but tor the present I think I shall he boots wara of shining black draaaed leather, and aha wore a pair yg selnab end continue to own him nodded of little apura, that course you do not have to go He a a big. powerful animal, and "Of ex- tr he can carry weight In a long he teaaed her. U. sight ef which cattaed PabloMb tomae-through 1 sage wtnka with ej,ito can go over It. Pic for bin-to- race, he'a fast enough te make me e stock Her some money wil Abmit five feet end a half" fastened by an exquialla little cameo tor ell practical pur-- . "let me tide htm In the "Enough etlck-pifrom under the brim of po.ee." ane replied, and touched her she pleaded, -- f weigh Jut tryout a Juia- sailor-ba- t, r sec well rirticuloue little a n dr ed and twenty-- 0 epurr to the on her head, her wistful brownIm,)'. .nk. tonka firm grip en tba Tomorrow well. hitrh even looked up at Don Mike, and reins with both handr. and eat down work ream and aek Jthe heart ufaTry In the aaodle, caught the quick glance of approval rirmly AU out old so rare of risht. r Ob. track with which he appraised her. before ,- y- eee cried, and at the Invita-rjil- ? we have such a thing" in replyyes. to i.1 "fr mto,hri Panchlto pricked up bis ears her lifted brows 'tton. My grandfather Ths black mars for Tf Mri broke Into Mike Induced my canter, grad Parker, he suggested, h anduk- Xw.n to build it way b.ck m Iikllylncreaslt, speed regular eld sweetheart and single- - irr the gate apparently Without ef-- ! the 'Fortes na TIh feota beautifully." I think you it find fori. Don Mtke to see theiouenka used to runInd.ene vrrub races ?' that tocksa!ale a far more com girl nse abruptly watcheJ in her as the in davs was it fact, thsir fortabie seat than tha saddle Miss horse came down on the other side jthoe .main pastime " -Kay is using But no Phe was still iof the Where Is ths J know rm not a T!cht and sitting gate down in the saddle, her Ht- Ta!!ovAfH?II the' In "Down f graceful as I used to be, Mike.' the tie hands lightly on 'he hlAom H ffg1 grown, and amiable soul assured him. but ft horsa s nerk,resting whlia Farrel , ft Vaa t n need In twenty-fir- a Irks me to bava men notice It Too Watched her In snd admira' downright when the Indians In fMrt thl partiep( of th funtry fortnuthor in tho and pu!J vtllffy o,fiilona!lf off iome 4nib raco." How moon can mo pot it In mm mlMton aha dvrevndbd agrlv-Tdiak it tomorrow Th ground la roft now. affr thtv rain. Then- I!l barrow it wll r and ron a over it wH br thn nd of ft ouvht to ho a falrlv fat trark " "Ooody Wr it o n tu El Toro to morrow and til irlr to Ran Frn-- , , " - K, Fe-r- sl rop-Sce- Japi. P Justtryorte and Still Prefer the See whether on-- f - 3923 11 and speechless on U black mare, Kay ahead a hundred yard, gltope and came hack over me turned, MU) j, dgee'ggJ fife - JULY" . Old-fashion- ed Intelligent nsoft-gag- tad' fhiehlr This they have proved over o, )n -- t- H- U4. -e- 1 and over again, under very possible -- taMi -- ST , to you the WE extend of using a can of Mazola. If yoU are not perfectly satisfied that Mazola is better and more economical, your grocer will refund your money. Fot frying, sauteing and all M -- cooking purposes you use much less Mazola than of lard, cooking com- pounds and butter. d Pan-chan- Mazola is sold in pint, quart, and gallon tins, packed and sealed Under expert supervision. It is never sold in bottles or in bulk. half-gall- t Because Mazola can be heated white-piqu- 11 and over again. throughout the country use Mazola exclusively for all cooking and salad ' purposes. lly black-beave- no odors or) flavors of the foods fried in it. You' can strain Alazola and use it over Thats why more million discerning housewives ica-t- i bs Mazola-absor- than-seve- JtfTi-b- a ; food quickly on the outside and prevents the oil from soaking into the food making all your fried foods digestible. easily -- - condition. hr'h , American women who demand the best for their table find Mazola gives a satisfaction obtained from no animal fat or ordinary cooking oil. j i without smoking, to a higher-degreyou dont have smoky rooms or the i, odors of burning fat around the house. e T7I7 Cook Book clillaatraied Cota FrmiaeU TJI) A peca. W rite to IvIjEi FABIAN BROKERAGE Salt Laka City This high heating cooks the . uxty-fo- ar COMPAjfY Utafc -- HEALTH FOR culti-pakv- th'wlc r.i Let Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Comj ound HelpYou toBecomeW elL Thocsandi fn home, 'f gMg hare to work . store, mill or factories who are physically unfit for work, with often an aed or invalid father or Ksthar dependent upon them for support. Standing u day wssic in and week out, or sitting in cramped positions s girl r often coo tyacts some deranged condition of her organic system which call a bait to her proems and demand restoration to health before she can be of use to terse If or anyone pise. For these distressing weaknesses nd derangements these girls have found health to do the'r wor! in, Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegeta. ofi . Compound. , .Brooklyn, N. Y. " Lika many girls, I bad troubles every m nth, says Carolyn Mangels, ant, they interfered with my work a 1 1 mid never be sure of my time. My mother often suggested that I tai i Lydia E.Pinkhm's Vegetable Compound, but I never did until lately. I have, bad very good results, and am now a private secretary and do my work without missing a day. I recommend vour medicine to every girl who speaks of having troubles ' ItttTo across tfeat mea- "It'alt a moment Mla Kav YC snail feav something to sprint r f1r winutea. 1 think." As af-f- the h'ninds ttv tongue in a path of willows thov had Keen far to tho right. Don Miks pu led up h!s horso and Stslened Hot trail" he Informed feer like I bare bad KanCakoltnk Ther H ait he babbling !n a mocels, V714th St, Brooklyn. N.Y. ment He was right , ,nr Office Worker Helped rrnt. (,.,b. inform.up rtj. of th. the wa.h I have taken Milwaukee, Wis. he hul f It s a eat h. 11 that open snare lo a Lydia E, Pmkham't Vegetable Com- cat fhrourh In the akr bvond Ha The pound and Lydia E. Pinkhams tree Blood Medicine for three and a half goe a mountain Jion Ater him" fThterntionsl Feature Service years, and they have improved my In' ) health wonderfully. My another fTo Ee Continued also baa taken the Vegetable Compound and we recommend it to our Gunnison Woodmen friends. 1 am working in an office now and can always do my work as Initiate 38 Members 1 do not have the troubles I had at first 1 read of your Vegetable ComSpfaJ i rt The News; GL'.NNISO.V. Juty 11 The Gunnl- pound in the newspaper and you mar use my letter in that way if you bn and Centrrfteld camps of --the wish to do so.- - El, E a.nob Sheblak. Uodarn Woodra.n of America H37 3Cth St, Milwaukee, ftu. drill, and .pec. a I ig In Gunnison Monday evening Thw Pains and Headache drill was giten by tfee Kepfei . So 1760 Hpeciat rnutr n 'wp. I was all "Webster, Mass. N UmbfrtoA and wife of Fait Lake had a bad complexion, and Cl iy were present sul 'ered with pains and backache, Thirty eight new members were from Gonn'son and rner- and was dizzy at time and Me Inl'iated field ramos reoresentd weakT I worked in a mill and my were above tb mentioned ana girl chum told me about your won- ramps from Raima. JLchfieid aaa derful medicine, Lydia E, Pink-- b Elsinore alo Immediately after m s Vegetate Compound. I am-- the nesting luncheon was served to 101 persons by the Royal neighmuch better since taking bors. A dsw.-tnling party was gien it. -- Mary Puiza, 13 West Street, r, ght in their, honor Tued at We. ter. Mass. Cetata-- f invest!-gst;n- ,rl g Far fry tag fraack friad MiUn. lat pataiaar iUad im csU wal aa law altar tfery ara wt ISwa dry wall, m4 drsr a vary feet Ura a dump pat, ar tfe will preraat tfea Msisis Ini iw. rit.f wfeaa ymm drop tfea prtatraa ia man was received w!h much joj , nuance, and Dicky rnanv ill tem John L Ber.xh Mm. Bohne; know that Li'lian Moroui especially as the one who hat been pered hours Went, A W. Miner for him has ben aaked for bailee ed Katherine to be ignorant caring Howell. Mr pleasant North In another casw So Mre Bickett of Dr. Pettit a former penchant for Elmo John i Moer, Mt will slip into the place without any me. or she would not ha.e aMmled I leasartIrons hoctk Burns Cvx. Thorval to it but I was not so s ire that Kigbv . Spring question or comment, Andrew Larsen, Oiy, "Good Lillian's characteristic the keen Intelligence of the l.ttie Arthur t Neilson. Wales Henry P. nurse had not perceived more tuan trtson. Francis O JoneN; Chester. was emphatic monosvllable Then; ADELE . GARRISON, By what time tomorrow will rou cell she had Andercon. Vernbe Jensen berad in those old for her? It will be better for Mrs. days of close association Cwprrfght, t9SS by Xawapapar Featwre frrlct, lea. Graham and me not ta appear in .. Goes MIT14LR l (HUGE. Dicky Biding. i the matter at ail. t 1 sent lne car along speaitlv GLNNIriON. Jul) IE The unni-- n D,D DCKr STEAL U ADCEf , plcion of anythin out of the or- Cff eourse.ihe physician agreed r but perfu.ictory atteu,n to Mutual officers are io "And 1 will call at to o'clock, if Han's instrfuction to Kathrrln av ,'r MvaTt'1"' ho'bplXl." that of th-prophy concernln " to her answers is charge Mrs to Blektt io Iick postht Katherine was prom ptly fulfilled. Lillians tone was assertne rathariHa '.bowed' formaSIe July celebration wtrfirh wHl be held each questions And w hat we had T e found DTi rsnoning it arranged itself home aaln Aftr w fewr hours tyfrear enforcedl4 Fartunatl, Ha ' the sama ridiruloua dartlnx I"', 5 'f?ur'" k)enfroeratn lunrh on th veranda old ramrod,K. then or declared Dr Pettit returned man half will be the diversions :ns god dpt affectionate!as Dirkv we up apeang fnrnel whose car struck r- ' our uas after perfunctory farewells we - I1 dr.vewsy and helped Lill'an end 7 arduous work planned for her Ac- - friend, was so conscience-stricke- n drove --rapidly bark to tlTe farm- - Katheine out greeting Kathertne Katherine and l.oer the result ot iu ,v 7. cordgtyJJlltan oharrr.inglF b.it oddly then putttrg tng that he ordered no expense to .nr bouse. lo rr FettH on h batk wlt wonder If hell ever marrv If tne lweat-besidF-mgestureT he climbed1 ot daf ,bfr came to uaM spared in hia care That has meant he Imanaged eTn,nf to to gepthe right wort-o- f for the arrangement of the neces- room, and a private nurse. private his for wife But temperament, to her he caed mock-of nurses the Pardon, shed, staff hospital is short- cure him of prviminaries I fee! like a of those I ttle inglt but girls. handed, and my suggestion that the neat day little spin. engagement t so I'm mannerisms wel-- , could T nr tall, grave to curse another seal Friend Vfe for going this bring phactap hauffeuae or a few pia- - i corned m little friend with more ' Dr. Pettit. DUtsmIbc E . real, unaffected cordiality than 1 MAni he in her coffin or a padded Uten He settled Hmself hesrde me and in hm for many months, j had cell when she got the jo h accomI tried u I recalled that in the old da of my gatherI mv scrambled wits plished. Lillian commented drv. together with foresaw a for Katherine. fire ' Nav, na. dear heart, vnur frlen acquaintance PRIESTHOOD TO MLET. I h l suspected Dr. Pettit of a on the subject cfleng'hv Kath- i a born old bachelor he wouldn't; is I had but erine toward her, 11 MT RANT. TT,E Th fit into the picture in an other ca- July afterward that his feeling for North Sanpete stake priesthood her was pacitf" 1NRTR1CTION Lit I think voure wrong JCaThr- simplv the admiration and meet.ng wl be field In the North lne retorted soiritedlx rd chapel, hundaj, July 13. at 2 liking of a phsician for an unusuIf he ever! KIIKORH. ,Sljr 11. A ally capable and gifted nurse, who irv love I m feI ... , h. aar.ii im'in Salurdaj i bftit In under possessed be.? p, most Attractive nt.nt.tfnnbn tJ. P the evening personality. direction of tne South fevter Make ou?.,Vev But whatever his feeling of the I mV'. A for the htehop. and Iy M M. old days. Dr Pettit a pleasure In If Id co tnere be fjj-councils 4itake presidenriea and re- seeing Katherine again was most j J T"r Tatlonal romiP.ttee. rf th- - .take. fL for a few minutes Lilpstenhand W.vtoxefa Mew lian did not interrupt the exchange t.y ri.uq-I''rurttor,. a ere (riven for B?t let-- not Ia.tM.jr t ,me r?r?.wa.11-- . f)e,d of questions and reminiscences bethe tarjr j non tm een them. w him e aVut f frnf talking ' Indeed, it was Katherine herself t , of twdlamoria '0,TIn,c w1' n.Kvhirdf.. ; whn. with characterisl.c hougu ounce. Mudonarjrl ness, put a period to the .... h LYHanrarnh-tbajwhlcI as thankful, indeed tha' any druccist will supply for a h, Appointments Announced had so summarily switched th spo'ogefic Not a Blemish should have remem I Pardon feer and ef tn the hoped that sppearaace frantically s ) perfect in (PpCcial to The ou hav bered tha .v. something jnd you are effeca! the wheel had M complcnoa. Slua troebie most Important to dtscusa with Dr of the most wonderful freckle K.v, MT PLEASANT. July 11 Reduces waters! Home and either of mr friends fromprvned tively concealed. noticing Betti? t he fl?lfe 1 Mfh f COUld nOt COntTOl miionary appointment of anil complexion color aad corrects freasy sfeivs. Higfe-In the It i. perfeetlv ..1 r'ght. my de.r,"ln cram- 3 North hanpwt aake presidency for at Lillians words aatiseptic. fe feite- - f tesfe RacfeeL Her. Be stfre that I SmJtOtfmTrtolSim responded are Sunday, July 1. feou.tan Massage this sweety should have interrupted you ruth- fragrant Green. James Jenen. Alfred J T. BOnUNS I SOT. ffew Twft CMy neck. lessly Iff had felt that " I must. Butthmon cream Into the face. Reeee: Freedom. W I! ford L Allred. t ,r.9.,m If you hfee finished She paused arms and hands each day and see rorem infatuation for Claire Foster Hannah Christensen. Fairvfew . how freckles and blemishes natural-ten?atiel. for me which he North. Reid H Allred. Vivian Iar-en- , If bleach right out and how youth-jha- d hut th Katherine smiled. 'Absolutely ao frequentlv btravdin the Fairview South, .C A Larsen. i soft cases and "Then ict down to clear, the? fully get earlv years of mv marriage and I Alired. AfUbum, MerHn Mad- Tou have managed ao that bo sus- - skin feacomes-Ad- v. Jwhieh-fca- d caused me st much ao- - sen. George Tucker. Aloroai Eaet. I 1 MY MARRIAGE run-dev- n, f -i Ccbb Shinn , ttr , gtc-Ir.g I 1 iur '' -- - er 1 1 1 I 9n -- ss cate-his- E. llLit i ti, cp, !'r 1 , i D.LAV ofbanl era.-jttra- a, i sjb-jec- t. j lae T ( y beautl-LElia- im ; fjng . Peter PorKer .. ! . . 0 s PROBLEMS -. 5-7- 7 dropped MasAle. ! rr.d '4 it Merela ar dwiaN fri rs wvertrws mktd.ig (bsywa erwat at eecawfee mto feet CroIUrB -- E. Plnkiiams Private Tc -- Book Upon Lydia to Women" will lie sent Peillar u free uiM.n rroirra B rite to the Lydia E. Pinkliam Mt irine Oo I.vnn Mu. aachusctts. This book contains aJun do infortuaiionl Kiddies-Can-Do- a dow rosy-whi- POLLY AND HER- PALS - te Delicia Didnt Expect to be Taken at Her Word. Pal |