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Show mwmM t TS The ' Net Paid Circulation of THE DESERET NEWS, QA flO'7 For Tuesday, May 8, 1923, was ,.A - jf J- f L- FOUNDED 1850 RMT Admission, of Ballantynes . . Dying Statement Denied Utah Ideal Weather Favorable to Crops Fields and ranges of Utah have benefited by the Ideal weather that haa prevailed this week, says the weekly report of the weather bureau, and abundant crops of fruit, grain, auger boots, hay, ate., aro practically assured. Warm weather baa brought tn the flood waters on tha Weber end Provo rivers which heve about reached the oreet, according to J- Cecil Alter, but he expressed fear that trouble would be experienced from floods in Big Cottonwood and other canyons draining tha higher water, sheds tn the vicinity or Balt Lake. The snow Is deep fn the mountains, he said, and with the delayed spring exceptionally warm weather may be expected to bring It down practically all at once,. Considerable talk was occaeion-r- d iaet year about the high ws-t-er of Great Balt Lags which reached 7.5 feet ebove the aero gauge. The lake IFalready above this level while at the same time last year It was 4.9 feet. The lake will reach ll height between June IS and July 1 when. It le predicted. It may reach S.S feet above the gauge, the highest " In many year!."' . Defense Wins Point When Judf e Noel S. Pratt Rules Foundation Not Laid for Testimony- .- - Former ' Superintendent Webb Hud V Teitifie Weapon When Shot in Carbon Row. Frank E. Hsnriha. formerly superintendent of the Standard Coal companys miners, continued on the - witness stand under redirect and reckons examination this morning In ttte trial of the caee against Tony Kambourakls and John Kriarls, two , of the 11 defendants charged wltn murder In the first degree for the alleged slaying of A. P. Webb, railroad fireman and deputy sheriff, tn'Carbotf county " June 1 4, '1922. "The ceee Is helng lrled before a Jury In Judge George Christensens division of the Third district court, having transferred to this city on a change of venue- from the Seventh judicial district.The two defendants now being tried are allegel to have been members of a band of Carbon county coal mlna strikers who fired from .ambush on a train ctrrying strike breakers through Spring canyon. Webb was fatally wounded. Mr. Hennes testified That Webb awl other employees lot the Standard Coal company had been akmed with rifles and ammunition by himself on the morning of June 11 for the purpose of escorting a train carrying canstrikebreakers through Spring He testified to having been yon. a few feet away from the victim when the fatal shooting took place. Obtstaed Am On cross examination the witness said that on June 11, 1911, he received a telephone message from Fred A. Sweet, president of the company tn Salt take advising him a carload of that the following, day sen would be sent to Castle Gate, from which point Mr. Hennes was ssked to meet them and arrange for their transportation to the mines over the Utah railroad. The witness testified that he went to Price and obtained from Sheriff 0 T. F. Keller, six rifles and rounds of ammunition. . later he suR. J. with Vaughn, arranged to perintendent of the Utah railroad, eet the strikebreakers at Castle-.at- e end have a locomotive ready to take the car to the mines at Btandardvillo. Mr. Hennes said that he had sev men In the employ of the mlm eral com pa mr corns to hi office at 4 a.m. on the morning of the shootand each given h rifle add ing Three of these men ammunition. Webb accompanied HenIncluding nes In an automobile down the canyon, and another automobile load ofarmed men, followed with the undtgstanding that one was to precede the train end the otht was to fol . Heard Firing. Upon arrival at Castle Gate It y wee found, according to the of the witness, that the regular train crew refused to ope te the train carrying the etrlke bi said that then Vaughn 'mounted the locomotive as engineer as Webb fireman. and As the train emerged from the tn tunnel Spring canyon tha witness testified that he' heard shots but lid not know from what direction taey ceme A second or two later the witness testified that he saw two men about 150 yards sway and he fired three shots at them. Later he saw two men on the road below about 1,200 feet away from the tunnel. - During the shooting, he raid, Webb was.etruck by one of the bullets and fatally Injured. Except for this one occasion, Mr Hennes said that hla company had never armed employees ef the company for train guard. Dr. M. J. Seldner. of Storrs. Utah, testified that he examined Webbs bod after the killing. The bullet penbtrated hie - right aide ana passed through the body. In W. F. Abbott, a guard the employ 'of the mining company, was called to the stand shortly x before the noon recess. The witness tald that he was on the train carrying the strikers and that ea It emerged frotn the mouth of the tunnel In spring canyon he sew between 46 and 60 armed men down the road to the side of the track. Almost Instantly as the trainhe came In sight the shooting began, said. The said that he returned the fire Abbott described the shooting of Webb, when court resumed Its session at 2 oclock this aftprnoon SEVJSIX ARRESTED Charged with resorting to a disorderly house, seven men were by mem Mondays afternoon a here of tha police squad at 149 South State street. The men gave their names as Joe Brown, alias Sammy Spears, John Davie. Joseph Penny, C. J. Frailer, Steve Jacobs end S. Wilson, .They were released on bonds, , teetl-.rhon- - wlt-ue- gnti-vlc- ss jfurther dispute between .Attorney Marloneaux and County Attorney Moreton occurred on this poinLaach advancing technical aaguments and cases to bear out their points. ' Jtrir Oraaa Exaaalardt Wire, upon - f admitted that John Browning said that Ballantyne had been Snaking and' abusing hit wlfa, that they, meaning be and hla constn. Marrtner. come from .had and Atty, Reeder, - The following formal stato ment was today Issued and Attorney"" signed by County Arthur E. Morcton and DisA. trict Attorney E. Rogers: Attorney for the stale are deepely incensed at state men ta made by the Saflt lake Tele, gram to the effect that they had been guilty of legal Jug. be(ling in the Browning case, sncause they at one time urther-eaamlnatl- on. MAY 9 Stay in Line or Face', Coart, is Police Order We have again palnThd tha town for the benefit of autolata. said ChfM ot Polios Joseph E. Burbldge this morning, referring to white diagonal lines on the principal business These lines Indicate where au. tomobtlsa .may be parked and we want tha publla to kaow that cars must ba parked between tbe line, not on them or straddle of them. It will help matter won- -' derfully It autolata will observe tbe traffic laws, but I wqnt to serve this warning: If they dont they wlU have a chanoo to ex. plain matters to the court,' because wo ere ready and pre. rigidly onforo the fiared to and wara going to do It, Arreata will follow- - Infractions of this and every other section of the ordinance and we thoee with llghte too bright. tentlon to the matter of Thoee without tail lights; lights those with only one' --headlight and propose to pay particular at- willf bo arrested and prosecuted. SEVENTY 192T1 District .Assured in.Gty, County Anti-Mosquit- v o Moire Thin Twice Number Of Signature Nece- mmmw ROUTE GipSSi New Schednle of Ha ... V - -- -- J. FIFTEEN t. . s i de ssity Have Been Obtain- ed May Plant Minnow State Chief Explains . N , -- THIRD tural Reason Leading- te r Ordered by I.C.C. 7 Selection 8o fsy aa Balt Lake City la concerned, the mosquto abatement dla. trlct baa gon over the top .with double tha required number ot signatures. It was announced today by E. W. Banloc, vice chairman of the Chamber ot ..Corimrc4 mosquito committee. Signatures sent In by the Rotary club at noon today swelled the total to .29 for- - the city and 19 Boy Scouts that ara for names to tha patl canvassing tion bsva net yet reported. .. To form the district' In ths city t.m signatures ara required and to - of - Northers '- Nevada Highway. The format order of tha interstate commerce commission establishing a tfew schedule of fates on salt in car load lota from Saltalr to Crya-ta- l. Completion of the Weadover high Oi Utah,--t- opoints in Montana, way on -- tbe transcontinental real is expected weat from Belt Lake fn p referents end Idaho Washington that prooeed with the case without tly down to make had eon that thay wga fa B, of will Mrs, the testimony result di- to the' Sciberltne cut-o- ff Thle rate chenge He admitted that ha a settlement. On May 8 they Ballantyne. rectly from tha complaint filed with voted for- - a score of . reasons b; had heaAd John Browning aay they car load lota from Saltalr and Crys- Gov. Charles R. Mabay today apeak announced their readiness for had com down to settle the trouble tal Salt company of this city.deter-An Ing before the Belt Lake Chsmbe without her presence. . between Ballantyne and his wlfa to examiner dree sent here - Hearing Muck bf the further cross exam) fat the interim Mrs- - Ballantyae lh mine question - end decided of Commerce at It tegular wsekli , nation prior to the noon recess was made statements prepared eviHow luncheon. From the standpoint et the company. salt against of a tbe story merely repetition W, ever, da to -tbe effort of H. ex. dently by one familiar with the Jt Importance to the tourist, oommero) by the wtte.ee en dlreot-axanUTAH-SCHOOLS- VIN ol deoleloa thethe defense of the accused. After' told Prlckett Inal Ion. After Mrs Ballantyne had from N end military strategy the governot - hsvtnr gone into the case ex- - -- been we the reversed amlner by Sand Ordered from the automobile 91 beHeved the- - Wandover - emtnentl; i the rot hauatlvelr, the states attorand to return to tha bourn by her salt In car load th best of th two The new rata i conclusion was law arrived Wire at the certain husband. highway route . neys quits lot from Utah to point In Idaho to ba signed byroqiJo per cent ot tho Montana At the outset Governor Mabey testi that John Browning used the word, that Mrs. BaUantynes la placed and Washington number of told follow ef when Jie person voting et the lest a mileage beat a follows: the subject from th mony was not indispensable. -, "fercelj," election for governor. Report from on back In fortIng MfLaadAiretBrownlng Mile Rate Miles Rate Miles Rate tndoiflL4Lta Khy .thn ndmlnle.r. hav not ben dtstrtcts tnrUytng witness to The house. the admitted,, Mrs. possible to interview but Mr. Ban tor said ha was tratlon favored tbe Wendover reed -however, that Browning aaid noth but without avail and advised that results would reflect end not from th standpoint f I i ing of what sort of fores ne used. the same eenthnent ee show In the R breame apparent that deW lrei furthermore, would not adcontroversy with th Lincoln High city. mit that John Browning told- him spite this fact she was Interway association, he declared. Frio; The law making the district pot that when ha John) followed- Balviewed and made statements th time he took office he knee Ible May . Aft Into the sun rvom -er li- State Educational Institu er thebecame effective in conflict wih the facts the of no controversy and having a lantyne Mrs. ar to submitted signature Balantyna fled- from brary, state had previous reason to dealings with either on Internet ot the county commissioner there la the house. He admitted such a th other the subject Was brougb I believe she would have testirequired a public notice of , two tionl made been have Gain Place statement Second to hla attention shortly after 7hu by might weeks end a hearing before the disfied to." Induction- - Into office when- - he he ' John Browning, but not tp hla preseen become oomplete and - e trict ence. no prejudices, he told , 1 In The law permits a Crusade Tha objection of ths defense to mainfind "We farther thet tbe of Sergeant Croat examination members In October, 11 tax of 1 mil! which In Sell tbe Introduction af a statement at- Wire was resumed at 2 p.m. on wo from ot tenance salt th matter had become of such pig. rate Lake would raise 919,999 and In tha tributed to Benjamin F. Ballantyne Competition. county, 1.379,994 However, It I un ductag' points In Kansas and Mich' nlficence, thet a trip waa made by Argameat ea Statement, j himself In company with official ot likely thet half this amount will be igan and from Duhith to the destln. that, T wanted to live, but they The greatAr pert of Tuesday afrequired. It le tald. atlon territory here under consld' the stat road department and tho , wouldn't let me was sustained this ternoons session wee devoted to The committee hag collected 9v. eratton, which are lower than the bureau of public reads over both as to whether the stateWord was received yesterday by erel thousand pagee routes end at time Governor ' of data on the morning by City Judge Noel B. Pratt arguments ment made by Ballantyne upon be- the Utah Public junction and Mebey believed thla himself Inclined to Health association ubjeot and formed n plan to rid tho rate from Saltalr in the preliminary hearing of Mar- -' ing removed to the hospital I where distance the ravor Junction, Crystal II that achools In If district of this won Utah peat. Compared to anything th south road be--orrtner A. and John Browning, chart- wanted to live bnt they wouldnt national pannants tn the bad as he national tha problem successfully solved In from tbe former ar tha same as or the Belberllii cut-of- f, admissible me, was tournament. In dislleved ed with the fatal shooting of Bal- - I let this roed l would serve thet health from which tha Utah greater than th average of tho knighthood, California, declare tlon.- more lew conducted of oltlaena ' the National the state and Salt Tuber Lake by bee an tance originated. of from afternoon Utah the the producing April, jester Wire, detective of police, lantyne.on i at hla reeldenc, for the future-wi- ll testified point schools in have e I tha United were few shallow States ponds," douth street. was made by Ballantyne. Thomas unduly prejudicial, winners, and Utah laada all he said., compared to Immense be,The Weadever Reete This statement was the object) of Marloneaux. ef counsel for the de- - prise Interstate commerce commit. the western atatea with but ona ex- areas of deep slough In states like prolonged legal contention between fendants argued that tha statement ception. The result of this trjp and a alon today reaffirmed a former rul- -j , New and on settlements Jeraey the a Moreton E. tha law not Arthur constitute under aid . waa that jounty Attorney of tha Ounn.n! th Wandover Following ar the name of the great rivers ef ths country. Jng, la th and Thomas Marloneaux, counsel for dying declaration, since a hour or successful waa selected lor Some curious information about Valley Sugar company v. D. In Utah, with R. 0, the following road . the defendsnta It wee held by At- - so subsequently the decedent had tha teachsrcontestant reasons: i In tha haa bean of health the mosquito io get charga gathered. te th effect thet rates on second- - First, th Wandover I th torney Marloneaux that tha state-- 1 Indicated that ha expected, tnstenoe crusade It Per he been work: eradicated a well. ment was not admlsasble et dying; hand sugar-makimachinery . In rout and that la naturally whet Central school, Hebar City, Vanola by n email minnow called the declaration because of doubt as tol Mr. Marloneaux declared that for Ohlwller; attract the tourist, he aaid. carloads from Waverly, Wash., to will school cklsbeok of Top minnow In on th highway la th whether Ballantyne believed hi wee a statement made by a dying mas Helper. H. HalE. r Central Lincoln war not unreason, At no point tforale sections. This minnow lives 9unnlion,47tab, Kellett; more than flva about to die. County Attorney More-- ! to H admissible as what le known school. Hyrum. Bessie traveler mile from la salt or brackish water and foods nbl. , Brown; Lin on a dying declaration, tha person coin whereas on th south roaa ton, on the other hand, argued that as water, the larvae of school Lincoln, J. Alls Park la It mosquitos. time of must It malt at lt the be ng somo should more of bit evidence this than 99 mils placea point gr Benson nchool, Logan, Vlr- - claimed that great tracks of water from water. The traveler la always .n tbe hands of the Jury for decision making be under the fixed belief tnson; Daniels; Whittier school, Lo- In California have been freed from moral conviction that hla death glnls within a few hundred yard the and minnow joInto Its value. June that wlgglera gan. by Woodruff Murdock; railroad and always within n f making his ruling In favor Of , Logan, Matharina Creighton: waters now used by the various mile of phone service while nn ' of sohool tha defense the court held that the . Peteraboro school, Mendon, Mrs duck hunters tn tha vicinity of Sail lh th south road at times a tourist feel the should .t that fatlafied Ideal Ml Lake are M. for propagation el Judge Sorenson; Richfield school. of law Verna would find hlmaslf more than 69 of the deceased Indicated IVJ; XUe.tdUwM a Mr. fish. this Senior aaid that jtatement tiny Richfield, Ooldbranaon; Sophia miles from tha railroad and teleb w.v Bluffdal school, Jttvarton, Joseph rather than destroy duck I bunting v- -t phone service. 8. rounds certain la local this lies, T?' school Riverton Riverton. Fish; tru since the person giving, such - rBaaoad, - tha 5; J 4WwOoeir- which be Melt Carter: Bellow publto tehooi Pratt said, ah, (would gho pressed late service. Judge eoukd not be oroes-enevidence move doubt ae to the deceased le, lnwL Further, that the person Railroads have cheapest road, Governor Mat- to p Saltan, - Lahroo Mowers; Sherman Unofficial but natwrit-li- ve Pay checks ent today ..to mem aartad. arete if n districtpromised la formed. There of mind; BnUaatyne had notj nchool Salt la not Sarah under lake oeth. county, (Tuience ,ach been asked by the officers as to Therefore, he argued,-- for a dying Bjorklund; Central achool Walla-burg- . ere miles of stagnant water la bars of th tush Poultry Producer' cost estimate show that it trow 21,999.999 more to hnfld ta where earth haa been whether ha . was apprebenaiva of statement to be admlealble the perVers Watson; Wellington pieces for railroad grades that can Incorporated bring th total ram It sooth road than tha Berth. Th son making it is required to have school Wellington, La Verd death. taae In coat ha attributed is of association diffarano th not to be drained. The roads, if tha members the knowledge that ha Is on the Explains Rating. The national trophies ara expect county removes other brooding to between 111,999 and 317,000 tor tha Lincoln way having ti giovn- -. of the next life, about to It leaves- - me in doubt, Judge, threshold tww , rounds, will fill these pieces, Mr. th past week. Th business la In hla Maker. and tharefore In ed from New York within the next on the Wendover rent again . Pratt belli "and for that reason tha- meet and an tv a state pf mind where he la not like- few days and will be presented tc Ssnior believes. rourt believes that the proper fonn- ly creasing remarkably fast according erne elevation of about .999 to stat of a each mletruth. achools tha with , winning to Benjamin Brown, manager, who against 4,999 on the Wendnver. - , datlon Is not laid to admit of the -UwetTeu of State ef Kind. appropriate exercises. Lloyd H. Duffin Chosen reports that about flv ear loads of Again th accusatory declaration. governor, told the The work of organising and diar being shipped out of the chamber eggs That Ballantyne Was not In such recting Examination of Detective Lesterthat thd road was th rusk Crusade Modern Health the 65th eecreMr. a ot state Brigade mind. Marloneaux which consists of tha direct by th F. Wire and Herman Bauer, over rout company aacb week. tb atata 9 thperformance Th export according to Mr. Brown weat, being 35 mtle short ar la t?tsa.-anby hla rary to Chief of Police Joseph B. contended, health choraa for a was resumed this morning. er statement that ho thought ha of ten ofdally two feoen elected total as many sggs In two wosks mil Dutfln has actually shorter ta ; Lloyd Is ona of the II works. period tha snUro The questienlng of Mr. Bauer by would recover. atata Ely, Nevada. , , , of th , of the Utah Public Health preeldent and Irwin Clawson secre- as - - ahipmsat . hand the state ar-t- o activities . last year, Attorney Marloneaux, was designed1 On the other Cel association. has Busts attention f Especial llgty-flft- h , er. th of a not latar statement did that made statement Moat out war tary a, of to brigade gned th by bring sggs shipped been gfcrln Jo extending the value mad Quoting from a change the stattlme-th-of mind of tho City Physician John J. Galligan to ceased York, whers thle health movement among tha ganlsatlon Including" th tilth field Los Angela and New data of April lt.lljl. by 14 V ' at theIn the ward S3 tha Holy first state of th market has been particularly der so ar Plana schools state ofetho this year, Col being A Fitch: ef tb Kuvb . arranged artillery. Roger Cross hospital following ths shoot- ment was made. The very favorable other and in tha points tha excellency of the work done for n reunion of member ef- til eastern eras on a survey mad by him . of the statement i wanted te live, that ing. part ot th country, Th corps national recognition brigade to b bald Returdey .night, would brtn to determine tha "Did Dr. Galligan state to Ballan- but they wouldn't let me" shows to military strategy largest shipments havs bean from of several routaa. has tha work Utah. Heretofore, was tha governor aaid. Ocl eon ha undsr that tha moral asked tyne. Attorney Marloneaux, main assembling plant In .Balt It had been recommended been confined to the sixth grade ar being mad to obtain th Effort that th that: The chances ara not so good vtctlon that he was about to' die, but Th Lake. hosrevsr Includes total the commencement of th aeven film th 144th Victory road be chosen for th " for yog and we want you to realise I argued County Atty. Arthur E. schoolwith from Jk association's primary last September, Dr. C. N. In service from showing from th time It was shipment bouse road San Moreton. Francisco , tow etch you la various places to Lake nd from 8at Lak The court allowed the defense to Jensen, state school superintendent' mustered at Fort Douglas, Aug. . storag Upon the objection by the prose- tbo state including Dg esst;Salt that It be plaeed In the third, 1917, until It waa discharged at Lo- throughout this that selection thoXinho sutlon to thia question being over-- 1 present evidence of the conditions asked fourth and fifth grades Of the gan Jnn. 21. 1919, Colonel .E, Le- deq, Prove and Gunnison. coin facta surrounding the Mr. Bauer replied that this highway. Tranacontlnantat Sanpete. highways dtntant from transcontai-nentwas made by Dr. Gaill- - 1Tment and also eoncerlng the later schools of Cache, North roy Bourn end Weeley p. King and Acachools. Cltv and Y. been Logan Jordan, Claweon have are of relatively Curtla Diminutive thet after being ic. statement, Major railways, gan. Secretary la Then followed the examination of jualnted with all the facta, It might cording to James H, Wallis, whothe appointed, a special committee-- to alight military Importance, . CM, Filch aaid. To Detective Chief is better poaltton to determine health crusade director for the ecure th films. A committee with Detective Wire by Attorney Merlon-- , k All who have investigated tha Garrison as chairman, la col. eeux. Thle referred to the scene T,!'C!,r the statement testified to state, the results have exceeded Lloyd , of of the two routes have ceme Wlra member constituted In law dying moatsangulna expectations. n the hospital ward and to a conby Thief Suspsct Nemesis merits regarding lectlng data ana to tha conclusion favoring th Wan for th the brigade versation between Wire and Ballan- declaration. arranging dover Dees seeds Conditio Told. route, reunion. . . continued, tyne. Cheater Colborn, secretary to Flrit the 8pry administration, won Marloneaux: Didnt you aak him Wlra was then Interrogated by Italian King Arranges . Chief of Detectives Riley M. Beck- - tho Bamberger administration and who shot him and didnt he answer Marloneaux as to the condition of ; Prison Inmate Seeks ptead, again Agriculture distinguished himself finally, tha present administration . Course In substance that he didnt know! n Ballantyne when he made the- statewhen, single-hand- had taken stands in Its favor. The Wire: Tea. ment. The witness sal that Bal- h captured an allagsd plck- - argument had been made that tour- Termination of Sentence Summer eourq;lnetructlon In agMarioneaux: Didnt you aak him lantj-breathed with but of robbing Q. C. 1st should be Knketln th 4 n tho state aa whet you should do with Mr.; that he wee able to talkdifficulty Italy for American stuand ricultureandIn taachera 713 east Twenty-firplainly Iser, South no possiblekept and- - In answer ta from dents to street agricul. Lawrence Johnson sentenced Browning and dldn t he say, Leave i seemed rational. baseball long Tuesday's during, thla Governor It to me Ill take care of him when declared h be- Herman L. Bauer, secretary to tha tural colleges and others Interested serve an Indeterminate terra la the Mabey lievod It waa seeing anly an aid OC . I chief f et outr of police, testified that ha was In ogrlculture have been arranged, atata penitentiary for petty larceny gam. Th of "Cheta" head th question top waa and Ire: I dont believe he said It. I present-a- t the hospital when the under the patronage of the king of ha overlooking reaches nearly te th belt Hue of th of the tourlet traf- applied to th board of: pardons the Marloneaux development Italy, It la announced by Fortunato for termination what but sentence. Hla appoliceman, average of f the day. This the from he didnt? Pacific Ansel for consular mo, I Italian slope agent easterly. ' aftr Baiiantyne offset In Summing up he said h believed with others Chet lacks In weight Petectlv Wire repeated that he had been operated upon. It To a num-fe- ll Salt Lake. The course will be un- plication will be heard supply of grit. at tha regular n generous certain that no such statement ber of questions propounded by Dr, der the direct supervision of the In already announced apparent that the route with, the waa tn watchth het bleachers th board tha of at prison Jlower meeting oleavatlon bo was made and further questioning could J. of ternatlonal the Institute witness Agrloulture Galligan. cion a testified when hla 3 interest for a longer season and would b ing play with headquarters at Roma, Italy, Saturday, May 19. brought -- out that Ballantyne was that Ballantyne nodded his head In th gam waa distracted. A more valuable for tourist, commerin such a manner that dlcatlng that his answers were In and will begin at Geneva, July 19 had selisd a wallet from cial and military purpose In the affirmative. One distance anyone of theee quaa-ha- and end in Rome, Aug. IS. with Neighborhood House could hearing Mr. Risers pocket and was makMrs. W. F. Koch of tho board 7 . heard him. tlons was: visits to all the principal agriculhi when someone shouting etcaps Of of th Y, W,.C. A., directors Marloneaux cities to want then raised know If of Italy. i Correct, State Report ed. Chet made a flying leap tor the Attorney They think tural centers and the question cf the admiesablllty of you will get better," theyou county poke briefly, making an appeal Lectures on agricultural and prob The for him. fugitive caught ' statement that "I attorney having asked the doctor Ittns, labor and emigration wilt ba support In tha . association Ballantyne . hold on.. Aocountof the Salt Lakg'Ffaa - "Let go o mChet you membership-driewanted to live, but they wouldnt,0 Put the question. The wltaeti conducted tn English and the stuprior to th shrimp, ernors A addressr let me. What waa advanced Tuee- Tha that- Ballantyne nodded hle dents will be accompanied by Eng. Kindergarten' governor was Neighborhood snarled the man. . In day by the prosecution as a paral- - hsad. Ilsh You com along with me. Im Introduced by VP H. Levesy of th making It unnecessary House, as iioclstlon were found tel case in which the court had ad-- 1 Then he waa asked: "If you to heguides, A. Day. an officer, - replied the, doughty membership council, who also, pre- with the Walter Italian condition acquainted by good, mltted a dyinr declaration waa not thought you were . going to , die language. Details of the trip can chlsf deputy state auditor In e re- little secretary, still on. sided In reality so, he said. Inasmuch as wuld you Confirmation of the Wendover make a statement' He Then Chet drew- -- hlahanging he had from the office of the cent audit made by that official exrevolver, highway In that csss there was stronger evl- - Again be nodded. - The witness said project by Hennv C. Wsl- - ' to In 29 headmarched Forty-thirhla ar d declared west prisoner police oociety, lace, secretary of agriculture, will dence that the man had believed he that he ince attempted to apeak where he was booked , street. New York. cellent shape and are exceptionally Suartera asked be hv 8hlt Lake Rotarlan. was tJylnt, Indicated through the hut could not. name B. Inon of T, th Clark welt kept reflecting credit waa decided at the luncheon of fact that he had called for a priest. vestigation disclosed that Clark it part of th treasurer. Victim of Idaho Auto waa arrested In Salt.Lake IS 1917 th cl((h in tha HotaT Utah Tuee- - , .The vote waa unanimous to for a similar offense, Tmt was given day. Accident Improving petition Mr.. Wallace , for hls a "flotrr"-ou- t of town.- - Mr. R- dotaement.. ' In , , isers wallet contained 325.. It was recovered It waa reported from Holy Cfos Borne months ago Colhorn' hospital today that the condition of 9-Hattention to himself when Hsrrv W, Lambouro. son of Mr had a run In with four suspiclouA in end Mrs. Sidney R. Lambourne, 969 characters. One of tho men drew a revolves Chet replied in kind, and Elisabeth etreet. was sllghtty' ImA- - nine - hour won. stopover In Balt proved. , You ng Mr. Lambeurn Lake will be possible after May 12 was seriously Injured In an automoT1TOMEN Ilka th New 8u-- " near Idaho bile accident Students to Visit Thursday for tourists arriving on Denver A perlcr Chevrolet because Rio Grande Western tram No. 3. Falla. Ida. He was brought to Balt they can operate It with ease. Provo on Excursion To give you a full for treatment and It la probThis train , arrive in Salt Lake, at Lake Ite a handy car and tha low able that an operation will be par- 12 noon. dollars 13 tn cost ,ot operation makes It, The annual educational excursion Bouthern j formed If hi condition Improves 1 of the students ef the University Pacific will Inaugural ' - service for each dola standard . sufficiently to permit It. doubly serviceable. of Utah will be to Provo Msv ll andt tourists sleeper service on Its A eneclal train will leave Balt Lake . lar yoifrpay. . (rain that will leave this city at 1:19 Mabey Deposits Coin for 15 a, m. on the Balt Lake A at vDelight Mother with one Utah railroad. Th npeclal will i Thla will give tourists an opporMothers Day. L. ... leave Provo at 3 pm. Survey Revolving und -- To keep you satisfied While in Provo th Utah students tunity to see local attractions of 9 ' Interest. The passenger touring model general will visit the B. y. it. and other deIn out service and Mshsv Charles Gov today happy The tourist that atop over a day posited with th federal -- reserve nlaces of Intoreet. Prof George ta BOSO fully equipped delivAFTE9 you buy our care, even have time to visit some WJ ; Coray and Dr. E. E. Erickson sr the credit of th United ered anywhere In Salt Lake In Ford of the many cenyont ana a trip to hank tosurveyor th aa ar you msklng arrangement for the Utah for rneml pistes th famou Inland sea. , County. . Itself. . 319,900 of the 359.900 revolving fund .anproprleted by the state for th Call Murrey 4 AX for a demon- Th ot cube ""rvr' Minnesota Students . Wherry Named Utah am stratlon. 'No' obligation." ls th ftrtt to J mad avail Phono ns toy serv.from th new appropriation Visit Utah Mines Deputy Order De Moldy able mads for this purpose by tbe last ice as salesman.' tore. leglslf Or. A. C. Wherry war designated A party of 29 student from el mines connected wlh th deputy for th Order of D Molar the Increase Git Salary Urlversltv Mlnneeots of at for Utah,-- at th grana council at In s1t Lake arrive Kansas City reoently,, U became the east at 12 noon Thursday. Balarv from th known Tuesday. Dr. Wherry, haa renerat fund th ptd state effective H. Pees who Is acting been. an earnest -- advocate of this April I amountln 9416 77 per aa edvaoea agent for the party (a arRaairmbar esr iMSlbx. Asa MasA order of boys for some time. He I month have been anbnrlaed hv th rived today. , save sf Shari 1.1a luttaw , a past grand master of tha Grand tats board of examiners. Th In , . The partv. will stop over In thla 98 to Lodge of Utah, Fra and Accepted creases vary from J8 for several seatam is. 18 sad M par sare, th vicinity Strast days visiting - Masons. , mo ni a various locql mine ,, . gv. asas omr dun '' . , ; , 7 - - ' O t ' vi WEDNESDAY UTAH CITY LAKE -- HEALTH FLAGS no Hon Dollars Considerable equalisation of prop, es Jn Boxaldar county will be required by the state board ot equalisation to bring the values up to the fair average reflected In reports received to date from county assessors. The tendency of property values In the several countlea reported to date with the single exception of Boxelder le to hold their own with 1922 with a slight Increase erty-valu- somewhat larger Increeee In sheep value by reason of the Increased laced on the flocks by the state g oard. - - Q. C. Jensen, Boxelder county assessor reported to the state board today, however, a drop tn tha value of property under hie Jurisdiction He places amounting 'to 11,932,480. values this year at 120,149,829, com1922. In 921,172,909 with pared The decrease le largely accountable to a reclassification In real estate. Hie report shows that more than 19,000 acres of Improved farm lands, 9.009 acres of unimproved nd 112,000 scree a. farm lands laads of 1922 have appargrastngbeen placed In the class ol ently waste lands this year. This la reol sponsible for a drop in the value 13,- real estate from 914,797,299 t 278.470. dhbwr Persvna? property-alsdecrease from 99,944,020 to 99,944,800, borne proportionately by claspractically all of the severalehow a sifications Improvements gain, 31.131.853 to 91.189,380. slight Livestock values are increased from 91.2B9.1I3 to 31.240, 72, bul this Is due to an increased value the state boart placed on sheep by Increase in the rather than any number of herds and flocks. There Increase a haa howpver, been slight In the number of horses and mulee on the assessment rolla Range cat. tie show a small gain but this K offset by a decrease tn the number of pure bred cattle. Range abeep ere reduced In number from 47,249 to 3.274. Pure bred aheep are Increased from 269 to 1,147. Swine are increased from 697 to 1,46. o Western - 'that'achtiemnt -la--and- . asf'' -- . . efa $17,OfcrM st,ss'SSfckvj,5K I ! . co-o- glv-fra- : ed -- Jagi President 'fd - d . ntrh e - - . Mountain States aj-e- Farm Population state-stateme- nt al Shows Decrease States in the mountain region euP fared a migration of fanners te the cities In the two years andlng last Dee. 21 amounting to 11.2 per cent of the entire population while the average for the nation as a whole was. but 9.4 per cent. Tha figures taken from ar sport received today by M. M. Juattn. statistician tor ths United States bureau ot markets and crop estimates for Utah and Nevada Indicate a migration from farms In thli region hlgner than m any other group of states Included In the table. There was a population on mountain states farms on an. 1, 1920, has of 1,152,000. This population dropped so 'that on Deo. II, 1922, there were but 1,109.000 living on the farms In the same district. Of the arrivals during the period 2.2 per cent of the population were births compared with 2.9 .per cent births In tha nation as a whole; 10.6 farms per cent were from other comparad with 11.9 per-c- ent average: 4.3 per. sect were from cities and towns compared with 2.9 per cent national average Of the departure per rent of the population 19 5 per cent went-t- o ether farms-- . 10 2 per cent went to cities and towns Thns left but 99.3 per cent of the population on the farms after two, years compared wltn 98 3 per cent' national average. The latter pop figure le taken to Indlciyje the ulatlon of mountain states ' rarma is somewhat more tfranslent than In the nation as a whole but this is lees noticeable than In the pacific coast ' ational - wera-deaths- ; states.. . . y, First Aid Mine Meet x Training for,, the International first aid and mine rescue meet to 27. 28 and 29 will begin. Monday at tbe Murray smelters of the American Smelting A Refining Co It was announced today by Dr- - Arthdr Murray, surgeon for States bureau of mines. The first aid and mine reecus qar of ths bureau No. 9 will arrive Salt Lake 8unday and will be taken t at once to Murray to teams which are to enter therontest. Up to the time of the meet the car will be held tn. Utah training fha be score or more teams who.wl)) entered In the meet by local minInterests. Tha Itinerary which ing la not yet complete will carry the car and the Instruction --crew to various camps of tha stat to aid In . tho work. t , the--Unl- ted 1 train-contes- -- in - -- Tuetday-afternoo- 'at '' st - vu kept-open- .... plch-pock- et Fund ve ! - - - Italy-Amerlc- sn - , D. & R: G. to Give Stopover oor Hardware Everything We Do Our Best 'IP worthin On-M- Training Starts Monday be held In Salt Lake August -- F Automotive Equipment Mining & Industrial - Machinery! . Dr th to end Mlnne-ool1s.w- lll .f -- -- . , jSalftahc chartfwaireCoi ' 7 |