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Show -- - Vi a . . 7 ?. ... v. . .- i ; - -- V it T v-r- v t v-vr--r- vrrrtrruTi 1 THE DESERET 26 DECUMEER TUESDAY 1922 Wandering Boy is Rescued from Jail ffARMUNITIONS TRADE WAXING 0G IN EUROPE And Taken Home (By The Aioc!ated Preee ) PHILADELPHIA, Pa, Dec. Frederick Llvlngetone, who left bis home in Lincoln, Neb, 11 years ago after a quarrel with hie father over the courae he should take In college, was found here yesterday In the house of correction and planned to leave today to spend New Year's wtth hla father. After being arrested for begging on the streets and sentenced he to Ihrt'e months imprisonment ) Aszoclated The PrM (By PAJtl.-'Mall) Th told an agent of the prison welfarei.tc la26.attU iBy ssocfati1' wanderhis n of storv & the fa.t (hat there In large under, munitions of wakings and aoid that he had concealed nurd Throughout Europe h& been disclosed is Identity bttaune he did not wish I . of through the recent charges ),,3 famil t that he k rlu!1. govern-NeAspipers Th Brf.rt notified Livingstone's .Ns merit had supplied the Turkish li father, a Lincoln contractor, who sent t ohalftt army with the M. Livingstone of to defeat iheTlreeke, and possibly to 'another son, Hock Island. Ills, to get the "long lost boy." Information reaching Paris Is After Liviftgstone j Heved to disprove this broadcast state- - Wes turned over to hie brother, who t ment against the French On the con- - ra.d he would take h.m to his borne, no small It U affirmed that ;rry, so he that could nart of the Turkish mllitarr uppie for a few davs rest at "ztnnd The welcome home" party that wrav obtatned- - ircXondort, through firm partly B'lttsk, and certain' with awaits him in Lincoln. i 1 was reduced to the ro'Curk eympatbies grade of head of the ,a3n said Frederick Livlnrtone ' Turkish peace delegation at Lsusann pauper," fr lltm a.1, to n1 ard u$rnzer cf the main Turkish nomo know prid.,tP of. I was. This he said in was paria ,rmj, My war materials were obtained from, i the happiest f'hrletmas I have bad Brltsb. American; Itai'an, Frenct.'in 11 earw and It will be the best Greek and Itussian sources, I played New Year's J .have evor known beno favorites. cause I be home." Malted for Good Seppty. "Much of it caue from the Greeks Ismet Pasha continued. themselves, I wadded until I bad a good supply on landtollected by agents operating in Europe. 1 did not waste any or until I was ready for a general drive against the Greek fn August. Like the American officers at Bunker H1U, I instructed my artillery and Infantry officers to wait . until they saw the whites of the eyes of the enemy, and then to shoot When the Greeks began to retreat, we got the very large stores they had collected. We are grateful to them for some By The Associated Press.) very fine field guns, made In England. Dec. 1. Scores HANKOW, 'There does not seem te be much of bakeries in Chian, Europe this year wtjl sentiment In h!s business of furnish- make their cakes with eggs holiday ing munition to countries anxious to laid bythens In Central China and fight each other. The dealers will to all comers so long ss cash is pa., flipped from this port on the Yangt-r- e oil delivery. There is a firm operating river, about 00 mhos inland from fn Holland that will sell any kind of The waterfront at Hangun in any quanity, and deliver it Shanghai. kow for the last two months has on the high seas if porta are lacking been literally piled high with boxes Firms in London will do the same of for destined eggs Europe. Trieste, at tbe head of the Adriatic, has become notorious as a place to China, noted for Its frequent fambuy war munitions There are other ines, is ctstfited with exporting more war goods located In Alex eggs than any other country. An agents for andria. In Constantinople, in various observer along saw the waterfront places In the Balkans and In Par's g ocean-goinliners, one from "One of the most successful sellers two big of war goods Is a German firm, the Liverpool and the other from Lonmembers of which were once connect- don, taking on cargoes chiefly of ed with Krupps They will supply eggs. The eggs, suitable for cooking anything asked for, including French purposes, are deprived of their shells munitions. Much of the material being and canned. Each can holds a dozen sold Is new Twenty-si- x factories are and about two dozen cans fill said to be working n Russia, and war aeggs crate. material may soon become Russia Cheapness of production prompts chief export. The general war left, not only the the British traders to come to CenUnited States, but each of the nations tral China for eggs. The price of of Europe with large supplies pn hand, eggs' here averages 50 cents, gold, a which were sold for a song These sup- hundred. The coolies who carry the plies slowly have been changing hands cargo from the warehouses to the Italians distributed to all comers large numbers of guns and cannon captured ships receive about 20 cents a day. from the Austrians, the total value of which In 191 S reached possibly a Pillion dollars, and the post war value of which was possibly a million or so American travelers in Jugoslavia have been mystified at aeelng what to be American soldiers appeared lounging sabout the railway stations were Serbs They waring joblot American uniforms, sold cheaply by the United States and resold to the JugoIdentlftrattrm ofthe hnfly found last slav government Thursday fn the lime kilns west of the One of the standard propaganda city as being that of Fred MHIer. 74. charges made by the Greeks against s onok was made Monday night by the Turks, and conversely bv the L T Williams of 129 Lincoln avenue, Turks . against the Greeks, was that and Mrs W P Wray, of 3U Whit, the enemy was wearing American uni. taksrbycourt According to Mrs forms as a ruse ic penetrst lines Miller roomed at her house untilWray. last without being fired on The evident April, while he was formerly emploed newer was joblot American urlforma at Young a cafe with Williams. Sometime ago Miller complained that Trade Flourishes. The governments of Europe seem he was unable to obtain employment to have taken little notice of this con- becatie of his age, the police were d and soon after he made a trabanding During the various periods that exposure caused his death of the British occupation of ConstanHeved thtft exposure caused his death tinople, British subjects are said to have sold to the Turkish Nationalists Prevent Influenza. either discarded British war material dr else Turkish war material that hid The Tnic and Laxative Effect of Laxbeen captured by the British ative BliOMO QUININE Tablets will At one time there was a large quanIn a healthy conditity of war material at Adrianople keep the system with the keys of the store houses in tion and thus ward off al attacks of the hands of sn allied commission Colds, Grip or Influenza. 30c. which had orders to detroy It. This f ie commission apparently failed to do and somehow the store houses were gradually emptied have KmajI wars and revolutions ieen sc frequent in Europe since the f the geat war, that t e av daiba citizen no longer attempts even tT remember then. A war went on in Ge.tcia for two ears. almost unnoticed were to Pola opposed Ukrainians, and 100 000 men were engaged Each Bide bought supplies wherever they were Santa Claus r.ltm.d supreme yeeter-- . fur notably In thle rase In Vten- - i morning et the State Capitol where na.and Budapest Then there have rifts were to fully 1 00 been new armies to equip es In Juro- - hlldrcrf fromdipen.d a tr-- e that probably holds the state lwvla. Czechoslovakia for record and Rumantn size Santa Claua Serbia recently voted $15.000. ono for stood at the foot of the tree that, from" the' 'tzulrtrte r uted 4.ef armaments, ,Rtitx Lwvu quantities of ma'erlsl during her floor of th rotunda Th children vajloua war and revolutions atnee 1917 guefts of the ftte end the Benevolent and Protective OrMany Warriors Rqwlpped. der of Elk For two hour the line t r Not a little of Knropc'a caat-oarms k idd'e filed hv a rent Santa Claua ha Ron, to Egypt, to Svrla to Arabia who choe for each a g ft as a ell aa a Persia, and to the hinterlands beof rand) nua and fri.it The yond the Caspian Afghans, R Governor and W. among others, he-- e equipped an Im- J O Connor hvles ru Mabey er rf B P CW portant army Portugal ar.d Spain. Ir. R were brth aa acting pieent have had tholr share. particular, -rs In Europe have made shipmentDeal. nnr'vn'i eerai' members nVtheFMke l Sale of Weapons. Uniforms And Other Supplies to Numerous Countries En- 4 sues on Huge Scale. , a . . ! where-with-a- r. The carpenters are working next door now must move a large amount of merchandise to room for them, as we are now ' 11 Large Cargoes of Eggs Sent From 7r Tie KE oTfUK China to Europe ' it 4 ' I VJ- i STORE Seasonable Wearing Apparel for Men, Women and Boys Will Sold at Prices So Low That They, Will Amaze You-o- n terms Liberal That No One Can Pass Up This Golden Opportunity. r n r r OCoats Reduced 'J Man Found Dead in Lime Kiln Identified to make more room Hand- belted some winter models heavy all styles, all weights; all sizes, patterns. plaid-back- tM s, i Come use your credit pret a nej overcoat at a big reduction! dug-llev- PAY AS YOU CAN TRULY AMAZING -- DRESSES j of every description. Canton crepe, .,Poiret twill, tricotine, values op to $25. A most wondrfal chance to get a fne winter dress at a great bargain. I ff aW. to keen goTng Indirectly b? rea" and I - rs r c the general war. the one thing 1,7,; They hare all been duced for this big Alteration Sale and must positively go at fC'w.th.h J1 ftreak aHs, ' ' high-grad- , bwrtinf y-s- ' other diaagrssahW raowlts of cold. Thie absfit, traatswnt arfll ootb th zooghcaod, otraioad throat, heal Irritated rijeuee and Inaadt yonr cold quickly. Why tstall auk yosr druggist now fat m.KINCSSir asyruf'fcfamgu&CDUt -- Get the boy one of these suits now. Pricesl especially reduced for this sale. Two pairs of Crepe de chine, pants give twice the wear. Use your credit! colors, styles. Reduced to AGES 7 TO 16 Si5J V, J j Girl SwcalcrsupIo$yOVaIucSYour Choice al $1.85 JBl L t JA, r ri 4 Bath Robes FOR MEN credit system in the world not 30 or 60 days but all the time you need to pay. Your promise to pay, as you get paid, is all the security we ask. Rest- -' dents of nearby towns, as well as Salt Lake City, especially invited to open an account here. llcn-dsreo- n . V Reduced Name Your Terms Greatly The most liberal fcvrk than 60 hiker moat of them tnembar of the University of Utah this loft club, Hiking morning at 6 30 o'clock for PIncret Inn. where they will enjoy three davs of entertainment and outdoor zport Trucks were taken to the mouth of Emigration canyon a here the party was transferred to bob elelghft In ths event that the snow Is too rieep further up the ran. yon for the sle'ghe to make progress each hiker was prepared to use skfla or enowehoea for tbe remainder of the journey. for the trip were Arrangements made by Brenton Jennings, president Miss Blanche while of the club, la In charge of the commissary Faculty members of th university are! acting ae chaperone Th return to the ( city will, be made Tbur aday. A BOYS' MACKINEWS GREATLY REDUCED Price Ootli an Hikers to Enjoy Winter ' Sports at Pinecrest wsatas Beautiful Canton Crepe, din-ne- S&t lbs dJ in exclusive designs e materials; pL Velvet- ,- Canton Crepe. Poiret Spanish Lace, Twill, etc worth up to $40. Use your eredit at this low price off : ($parey ourself ' etc. All FINER DRESSES I f oys Two Pairs of Pants Waists all MACKINAWS REDUCED al haw not been stinted .r; ured up and art! dv MrT-s- at Mnhet .a d Gover- ,h.rl'!m.. ,Th I emrit wants to start a new war today must 11.nl'ninst w 7 e n dure nd iara l,'L'n.rfornr,ke.,Tl'!7m'''7- - Ven stronger t a the vear roll bv I ap an army of a hundred 'thou enunren atthTh rre were made men en the fhdnr line Tf the repaired and decorated bv numbers maker cannot see that far ahead, he or the Salt Istke Fire department had better think twice about hla war of Reports of a Merry Christmas" are heard 'on everv hand today No one seemed to be forgotten. 8her!ff c Frank Em err provided an orchestra for an hour and prlsorers at the countv Jail enjoved a dance They were also served wi'h a bounteous Christmas r Similarly, there was a program at the s'ate prison followed hv a d'uncr llzce Silk 1 , WOMEN AND CHILDREN 1 |