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Show n . TTT THE DESERET NEWS TUESDAY MENTIS Geis-- Il IN Relieves Corns in 30 Seconds Factional Disputes in 4s!i Your Demi-'ccrat- ic Ranks and Prob- able Policies , of Both Parties Cauce Anxiety. - Frienda-Th- ey Know hav only ihm- Theun4e ef elves to blame people for corn aaony, biped- poison, etc. Trimming and tratlDgM -- Tfcta ! an ml a eerie ml trtlrln fa be wrteiea by Leal. KefboM, wall, kaawa aatlanal Writer, aa palltli-a- l tka 1 altr4 tbrswgb, States. Mr. ftelbelx la a t.ar at tka reentry aaf w making writ fr-laaa- ly wlrhaal tavar aa raadl. aaaa aa ka find. Aar ml taaf ar a aala. laa la Ika artlrlaaaapraaalaa will ka wholly aa ka raeaeealkttry aa4 authority ml Mr. Selbld. Tka Dee ret tw. ata y aat akara la tka aalalaaa art . itf w fert., !. atala-mm- mt tailor. and paring merely makes a rutting bad matter worse Millions of are wiser. The know how easilyothers and shrivels and peels quickly JGeta-l- t (Special to Th Ne corns and calluses off in one piece. Sew YORK CTTV. Sept. 22 Th Get your money back if it falia. Wear chief Intareat of prnfettlon.l politician! new shoes with comfort. Get a bottle E Lawrence today. Co, Mfr, ChiIn tha old style nominating convecago. Costs but a trifle everywhere. . ntion, Mr kick the two partlea will hold Adv. a nett waak. ta raflectad In tbeaa generally aaked throughout tha ertflmenr.The principal and almost only complications In the Republican country: situation grow out of conflicting perjyiU Jh Democratic procram turn sonal ambitions the desire cf a out to be ss radical as Is now expected majority of county leaders asserting once the monopolised by one end tbe Republican policy continue as privileges or two bosses and affecting individuals ss conservative liberally Miller fortunes than rather " party policy. nude it up to date? There does not appear to exist at W1Q the Democratic leaders of the the moment any reason to doubt the determination of (he Republican leadst&4 be able to reconcile the bitterly ers to accept the record of the Herding Intense factional dispute which at administration at its face valuo and voters of the line the to, up Republican seem to menses any thq moment by chances (or success at the November state back of th program which trend the with of Demoelection? comparison sentiment wilt seem solidly conCity and atata leaders of both parties cratic in contrast to the resra giving most of tbstr thought to th servative and or stand pat record of the Republics and Democratic nominat- actionary in Congress 'reaRepublican majority ing conventions which are to be held in Alban on 8epL 27 and In Syracuse sonably liberal. Oov on the following day. Miller fa credited by the The modified havprimer? law provides for the selection national leaders of hia party with comof members of Congress, delegates to ing effected a most agreeable the nominating conventions and local promise between the dominant con- iservatlve element of tbe psrtv and the candidates. The work of selecting a candidate rapidly disintegrating progressive sen. now almost obsolete and with-tnefor United States senator and for state offices will be per-0present power in the present formed In accordance with the rules councils He la esteemed to have that governed the game of politics be- - eliminated the line of contentious fore the adoption of the statewide demarcation by fusing the chief frrt- direct primary .law covering all nom tanta. Inattona which prevailed up to nine For the first time In the history of ths Republican party years ago. in fifty d years it is without a boss of Miller's Diplomacy. of Ths control the style. party The Republican State convention In la a hands dosen of tha wilt r'eaomlnate Gov. Miller, who has machinery or more Important sectional leaders wen a commanding place in the Gov Miller acta aa umof national Republican pol- for whom this amicable pire. It Is likely-tha- t itical because of the record made by arrangement will prevail during tha him Raring the last twenty-on- e vaselection of candidates months. This much has already been rious offices to be filled. for the settled, net through the Insistence of Colder and Weed. rny single group of leaders or small try bosses but y overwhelming party - Next to the govemorenlp the larger By Louis Seibold. D&on Sc. quee--tion- I', editor-politicia- 26 ft 3922 i fltaarat ar. unknown If any deal baa There lea effected. tactuallydealbeen In of confusioa the Demogreat XOMfflio cratic mind in both tbe city and upoa state districts this point. Tbe conBottlw trol of the city payroll le conceded to "'US deeldedgive Hearet a advantage in X Jt the situation and to add greatly to the t other embarrassments of Murphy. In meny respects the conditions that notr prevail are identical to those which resulted In the nomination of Hearet in ISOS Qome ef the most important leaders in Tammany Hall, notably Thomas T. Foley, the political mentor bate Hearn with holy fervor. omiib, The threat that emanatea from tbe Foley element cannot be regarded aa an i Idle threat. But It la a singular fact SPLENDID of also that tbe Intense bitterness that! j prevalla In Manhattan Borough does TONIC not prevail in some of the other bor- - ' The McCooey machine In cughe. Brooklyn la a ease in point. You howMaks Hesrst and Hylan have disciplined the McCooey outfit roundly on eeverel EAT BETTER. occasions until there Is Uttlq fight left In it Some of the leaders Iq The Bronx In Queens one or perhaps BETTER and SLEEP is have also displayed leaning funderfndureor substantial coercion equally WORK BETTER of ments or arguments) toward' the Hearst nmblttons. FEEL BETTER In this condition of affairs the final decision is up to Murphy and no one else. With characteristic reticence be has to date refused to be smoked out. He will probably continue this policy until what promises to be the most spectacular and escUtag Democratic tfae emotions whtdr wfft smite the props convention held In this state a and proaches the actual test. Until t Tammany Hail Murout from under the -i Tammany bosses meet the Issue there ef prestige impair ertuusty ether Tammany base beetle little thought regarding phw. -- The sturdy some features of the nomination procram, weathered devastating storms, of tenure Inf A great many Tammany and Demo years hie twenty employees. during office. He is regarded as bearing Mcratio leaders as well as a vast number charmed life, forwith the exception f Democrats who would voteagainat will be of the aristocratic Henry Tabot Lea i Hunt refuse to be convinced that of Massachusetts and Senator Hiram Murphy will fly In the face of political lasted ban on he of California, were, Johnson by Insisting so-- 1 providence, salt tha preferment of the longer than any other leader or These still continue to conjure with ha name of Smith, that of Supreme nnc Murohv rlll be Court Justice Wegner, former Oov. to display even greater eklUcon-In Martin 01y and Representative Ten party breakers ofif he of Albany. negotiating .Hearst. Eyck a.ata to A sporting estimate of tha situation certain to be - tw now a crie of Paradoxically, ha ia ktaat tf ho doesn t would b that it to a plUlaaa bnt reiponde to the Hearst against ths field.nominal Hearet, tnetatent Hearst Argwnaeata. demand that and Tka valid arguments urged by Conb given to A1 Smith. the nomination a nominating con- nors and other agents of Hearst are It ia not often that vaet numerous if not convincing. His sup vention ignore! the tvleKea ohtDemo-erataa thS; with tha help of majority of delegates porters contend that National Convention dldtjln Mayor Hylan- bn can bold on to "about 417. 00. majority centof tho in selecting Grover Cleveland aa canit per didate for president against tbo pro-te- at given to the mayor last Tsar, that the 4 Hearet program embracing municipal of tha Tammany organisation. state ownerehlp or tho arbitrary regulation Morphy, la in control of tka Smith. demands which of the machinery, policies utilities, tho system of repreoentaUoa In and certain varieties of doctrine, more Under rwV fv.4writie State convention at or less Socialistic wUL' appeal to tha delethe city of ths state and particularly Syracuse the votes of the candidate for paopls of tb cities. gates can nominate of the wiaheo of Tho Hsarst supporters contend that governor regardless those from the districts above Ths b Is tho only mao who will stand Bronx. Thsrs will be 7tft delegates in any chance .of beating Oov. Mliler, ths control which does not, of course, harmonths Syracuss Inconvention, ftftft. Ths ftvs boroughs ise with the views of Democrats, who bslng vssted of Nsw York city will have aa aggre- ere opposed to Hesrst. In the first gate of ill delegates sr eleven mors place these men oontend the 440 Sift In the five ths than majority. majority given Harding Mr. Hearet agents appreciating boroughs of ths city two years ago and their centered firs have fact more this than overbalanced the Hvian DemIn th second arguments on ths borough organisa- showing. tions of ths city. With the exception ocratic critics assert that place the Republiof on or two spots like Buffalo, where cans would rather have Murphy nomEditor W. J. Conners, ths gensral inate Mr. Hearst than any other man manager of ths Hesrst campaign In tha state. Democratic control of tho city was court discharged Thompson after forces, la not without Influence. DemoCrlwwf f cratic sentiment in ths ether fifty-et- x wiped out by Mr. Harding He car- nesses had testified Middaugh levelled nom Ana League counties of tbo state Is unmistakably ried every borough The vote for him his revolver at Thompson and snapped Reorganizes of Hearet Mackay further the fact that Mur- th trigger on an empty chamber. opposed to tho nomination developed and la favor of Smith. In tho Republi- phy's legitimate bailiwick of Manhat(Special to Th. Newa.) can convention the city boroughs have tan had yielded the supremacy in the so that matter of votes to Brooklyn In this Geraldine Farrar Gowns MACKAT. Idaho. Sept. Id Tb only S7ft out of l.lld delegates tho balance of power Is just tho other confusion of estimates, Homo and School ban orcanlsed arguments and To Auction Sold be from Democratic. around ths way deductions Republican leaders and for fall iha and winter months, with Democratic of Hearst opponents figure Democrats. the following officer.: Pr.aid.nt. Mrs. that even with his "liberal or rad(By Tb. Auoclat.d Preaa ) Frenk Pulton; rice president, C. UrAside from Hearet. Murphy end ical program he would make a poor - U. NEW TORE. Th. et 8pt,.) Connors end. sf course, their confi- ehowing In the matter of majority and. ban, ..cr.tary-traaeur.- r, lira. B. Mofdential agents, the terms of any deal in face might loose one or two of public auction October 14 end 14 of tb. fett. It 1. expected that much good that may have already been aegotl- - tho borough. ratio NinmM. hou.ebold furniture will remit from th. organisation In op. of bringing parent and teachnted looking to tbo nomination of Republicans who hope Hearst will wm. of th. peraonal jewelry of th. way succeed In Inducing or coercing Mor- and together. Geraldin. Farrar, former aoprano of er.Th. first of tho league w.a ph r to. nominate him are confident tb. Metropolitan oparn company, who featured bymeeting an Interesting program, Miller's majority above The Bronx I. now on a concert tour. wa. an- with A. E. Stratford Tho would exceed 406.04. or a minimum nounced today, presiding. number, were glean : orche.f of 100,000 above the recent normal to bo di.po.ed of. which following Tb. property tra talk vote. is While community Heast election, elnglnr the Includes the costumes m which Republican she j,', gupt. 8 J Millbrook, piano solo by chief Irritant In the Democratic sit- made Berlla and New Yerk debuts. , Alberts Ths serving of uation In the city, there are one or two will beheyplaced on exhibition at s Fifth luncheon Seratford. and informal with other features ihst make for annoyauction gallery before the date music by the orchestra dancing finished out ance. Tbe popular support indicated Avenue of thd the evenings entertainmeiL for Smith for governor is the most important of these. An English railway that soon will Tammany men generally do not look Cassia Progressives undertake ths electrification of 2ftft with favor on the suggestion ohvfousty miles of Its main line will make the Put Ticket in Field firat jnapireL ia Heast quarters that the Important development along that Ido! run for the popular Tammany line in Great Britain. Senate on the same ticket with the (Special to Tbe News) want him for They 26. The ProgresALBION, Ida.. governor. They do not entertain the sive party has Sept. organised a county lightest doubt Hearst would Ilk to- central committee, nominated candihave Bmltb as a running and vote get- dates and will enter tbe race for Caasia on tho same ticket. But county offices with a full ticket. Can'ate believe Hearst would let loose didates are Senator, B. C. Edmonds: very broadside under hte command representatives, Victor 6mUh and Leo against Smith as the candidate for McKineey; county commieaioners, H. governor. Lee, W. D. Cranney and F. Burns, clerk. and the P. Morteneon; sheriff, W. W. McEwen: Smiths real ambitions wishes of his friends are matters of assessor, J. Schultz; treasurer, Anna lively speculation around the Tam- Larsen; probate Judge, J. Peterson; many clubhouses at present. He seems school superintendent, L. Kiesenger. to have adopted the policy of sticking surveror, W. C Paul; coroner, G & to his trucking business and letting Enyert. nature take its course. That political ns would side with Foley against Mur- Salmon River Mission In row over Hearet there apa phy advertisepears. to be no question. The former Survivor Called by Death not conferred with Murhas governor Any breaking out of .kin irritation phy over the problems which have (Special to The New) in on- - face, neck or- body U ore room, confronted the latter during tha laat HARRISVTLLK. three months, and there is no telling Funeral Sept. 2 r. for Frederick A. Miller. 4. qulckert by applying eerrlc. just what his attitude wl.t be whento will be held In th ward chapel Wed .ay a noted akin specialist. Because the delegates gather at Syracuse make the party nomination. needay. Sept 27. at t p.m. with Bl.hop of It. germ destroying properties local Irritant that bodes little com Roy Brown officiating Intarmect will nothing has ever been found 20 take machine has fort tho Murphy develop- ba In tha Ogden cemetery. Mr. Miller died at hie horn. Sunday. the ed from the setting aside of Surrogate place of this sulphur preparation wa. born In New Tork March 24. Cobaian, who desired a ronomination. He to Utah In 1841. He that instantly brings eaas from tha wee given to Corporation 1122. and cam The place adverHe itching, burning and Irritation. Couneel OBrien et the lnetenee of had lived In HarrMvllle 12 year Jlrntho-Hulphwa. one of th two eurvlvor. of th heals eczema right Mayor Hylan and presumably Hearst He Mlealon Indian River wa. Salmon enIs has another stray which This up. leaving tha akin dear and amooth. element In Tam- a member of the ward blehoprle for If" seldom falls ta relieve the torcouraged the sporting everal year, and at.o jtntlc of the ment or many to bet even money that Murhpy peace disfigurement. A little jar and echool truetee He wax a wilt throw the vote of tho city maRowlee Mentho-Sulphmay be obprteet In th North Weber .take. of nigh chine to Hearst. tained at etx eon are any drug store. It la used eight daughter Tho Cohalans have not accepted the Surviving like cold cream. Adv. rebuke as submissively ae most can- 47 grandchildren and on brother. didates do In a like situation. They baton their armor for a are girding tle royal with the Murphy machine and from present Indications tbo city is to bo treated to aa lively a guerilla test over the Surrogate's job as it has witnessed in years. Surrogate CohaL an. supported by an aggressively mill- sympa- tent army of IrishAmerlcan thlsere, la preparing for a drive against general Interest of eeerse relates to the suoceeeor ef Senator Colder wbe la ambitious tor another term. There are eae or two weak spots In the Calder armor. Several leaders and a substantial element of the delegatee would probably prefer the selecting ef Theodore Roosevelt. Assistant Secretary of the Kavy and son of tbe former president and creator of the Progressive venture. It may be that tbe premetera of the enterprise to prelect Col Roosevelt in th senatorial cos tost will essay to stampede the Albany convention for him without reference to hie own per sons! wishes, which at the present time do not point In that direction. Professional Republican opinion ta will be renom-note- d that Senator Calder without opposition Col. Roosevelts chief concern appears to relate to the manifest desire of the greatest number of Republican lenders to set aside Lieut Gov. Wood of his own country and nominate In hie place District Attorney ("Wild BUD Donovan of Eric county There la certain to be n lively tilt ever this preposition, with the Chinese fevering' the Buffalo man. whose record fdr valor oa battlefields in Prance won him merited distinction. One or two other oonfliete of the same sort may contribute excitement to tbe Rehut publican nominating convention, will probably not result In any serious consequences to the party or the candidates ultimately chosen. Meant, and Tammany. The Democratic program Is generally predicated on the theory that the number of men and women greater citlsene of New York are of an extreme radical turn of mind: that they aro disgusted with the 'failures' of the Harding administration to fulfill' its pledges, and finally that they desire a change jwt Pal. In .the national The Democratic burstate government. situatfon presents af'once s striking analogy of .he governorship at present recalls the condition In the! party that existed at same relative stage of the prenominat- ing campaign sixteen years ago. Hearst was then and now the cause of the confession that then prevailed, and atlll exists In the - Democratic mind. He le the stormy petrel In tha many Democratic complexities of tha moment. Not one Tammany politician In a hundred entertains the slightest doubt of Hsarets deterlnadton to fact ths Murphy machine to give him the nomination for governor. n Tbe la conceded by the same authority to hold tnaay trumps that the Tammany boss canaot Not the least tra- afford to overlook. portent of these Is money: another la control Heamts through Mayor Hylan of th. municipal parroU of Now York the visible which constitute city, mean of support of thouxasd of TimmtnrU henchmen Further than thle. it admitted by some of Murphys most loysl supporter that he f afraid of Hearst This le not the least meting feature of the situation because. according to Tammany estimate, Hearet canaot actually control or deliver raor than 2ft SOS votes. Wherefore Tammany district leaders tnd their lieutenants who reflect no enthtislaam for Hearst as a candidate are compelled to admit that he Is In fact the boas of ths Tammany boss. The situation of Murphy Is not a pleaednt or in sgreeable one. The ambition of Hret has ripped the Tammsny organisation as well as Its allied connections In Brooklyn, Queen. The Bronx and Richmond wide open. The anomaly of the situation Is that white the district leaders and their cohorts believe Murphy will be compelled to bow to the ambition of Hearst. tft out of every 1SS Tammany men and women desire the nomination for governor of At Smith. Mssfiyi POemWi It Is the opinion of experienced Tamwho know their districts leaders many that if Murphy "lays down to Hearst tbere will be aa explosion of elemental -- SEPTEMBER i - Expansion Depends Upon Earnings JITHE telephone system must keep ahead the needs of its com munity. That costs money. The expenditures for expansion, ever, do not come from earnings, but from new money which constantly being invested in the securities the company. A I , editor-politici- uheYm i I A reasonable dividend must be paid on this investment exactly same as reasonable wages must be If earnings lire paid to too lowthere no dividends and therefore no new investments and no extensions and no important betterments. fe deep-root- t ' f- t- 7s t ..Sr. r f t- - Remember thata company which is not prosperous cannot render good service nor extend its system to meet the demands of growing ed lt le s Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Go. abeo-lute- lv J nom-Um- bt ut the-ol- ' r-- sr- , at l(u. at j S Aatft-Hecr- ot Beacon Lights of Business A LONG perilous coasts, lighthouses .J t t editor-politicia- n. throw their ing rays far into the night to warn the mariners and help them safely past the shoals. t Business, too, has its beacons. They are the ments, which throw a powerful light to guide you your buying. They show you what to buy, where to buy and when to Huy. - MehUio-Sulphu- Spend a" few minutes a day running through the tisements in this paper. Then buy the products that have proved up in the light of advertising. Merchants and manufacturers who advertise deliberately focus thousands of eyes on their products. Their wares must be good, their values honest and their prices right ot ' they could not advertise successfully. you see1 products that .have made good under the critical, inspection of buyers. These prod-- , .uets are full value products. They return you dollar for dollar. Buy them. . rogate. The managers of the Cohalan enterthe support of prise expect to receive meny thousands of Republicans In addition to the insurgent Irish element as well as stra'ght organise tion men who will rebel agsinet the nomination of Hearst for governor if he Is nominated. Let the beacon of advertising guide you as it is guiding so many astute buyers. Small Child Dias After Eating Poison Pellets (By Th Aeeoclated Pres) 24 SIERRA MADRE. Calif 1 Sept. alamm'ng of a door Indirectly to shoot death the brought child of Mr. end Mr W. L. Hibb A bottle of poi.on. In pellet form, was from a (half to tho floor when jarred tho door was slammed, Aa older ehlld opened th bottle and played with the pellets for a time and then left them scattered on the floor. There the younger child found them and .wallowed several. Th . Then you can know t1at every cent you r ; Spend buys its fullquota of value U. S. Officer Slain in California Was Former Body Guard to Roosevelt "TByThe" i LIVE -WIRE NEWSBOYS WANTED for work Thursday, Friday, and Saturday afternoons. Good profit each sale, also valuable prizes. r V f ? Lm I A, APPLY FORD MOTOR COMPANY. 228 South West Temple St. ; A.ocJiled'TrT AN BERNARDINO, W. H- - Midd.ugh, Calif.. 8ept 2 deputy United State marshal, shot ar.d killed st by Deputy Constable H. J. Thomp-se- n on September 1. eras a former body of President Theodore Roosevelt, guard It was declared on the wltnes lend her yeetefda y by the widow. . The Bar-Mo- w ' H .J ' ur U |