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Show "r ,vvvve-..- - . - L --- i---- v I , TUESD4Y- - SEPTE3IBEH THE DESERET NEWS ------t ri-1- IS. PO1110E11E0 I Freels Churned ' 0. ft Two - CZAR-ALS-- Mush large pkgs. Malt &Wheat pponentsof Washington , . SEATTLE...W1k, Oatslido Light meat tuna fish tans 5 CertitivdCora Reet PORK AND REARS- - , - COPPER. TRA. I lb. Hill's Red Can Coffee-4.-44- e 2 lbs. Hill's Red tan Coffee 25 lb- - Tree Tea , 2 can lb-- z m East .470 -- '-- NTS - 'root North Ie. 10e. age 1Arge package Binge Somothing stew, .reet'a Washing 400 Soap Poop tree Two bare Creme" oil it. Try with each package. each Se 11. C. Crackers, Waters. Seausw Grahatri, cheese Lod Seett. IIINS t. Bottle -- f Solfatielmb-d.- ,F,00,04, r21111 - Malt le.-i- - mod Sod Woom6- ,- - .1 , SOME EVERYDAY SAVING PRICES - ' .1.631S. SCGAR. Our lame amotment and r, extra fine Cane Surar.lust unloaded. 100 lbs. Extra Fine Cana Sugar . A few earn of unI- SMIAi values will Intermit you. 16-o- z. Can Pure-leru- it Preserves. - Berry Assonment 20d Can Pure Fruit Preserves ; -.. Awortment 350 ,Berry Lrg. Can MouetabLliade Jam 420 Small Can Mountain, Strawberri - or Raspberry Jam ..25c -oz Jar Repeater Pure Fruit , 25e Ageorted Jam . .0c az EESE. , lb.. Fine, Beet 8ugar117 ' 29c . ,,100 - - 10 Ibi. Sugar CRACKERS All Our stores have large 'ear16- lety Purtt7 lum3111-00- . Pol0setts Craelberu....,.1..r -Ail large size Craekere I for 22c Family PIZ Crackers 20e 100, I woridegt ettmr talvt,t4 sodas 4ge the ligliest anal: 'Large Carton Plan - Soda" 40c Itytibeese, both Elitaterti and la0(11,, Barrel. Lemor4---dingor 'Full Snarl . 220 Full Cream Chevy!. lb. 25e Smelt r11,e11 NardlIa Clore!.-- Ftnaps McLaren'. PimentoCheeee., -2 for ,.. ... Animal Crackers -- Menntra Stzti 'MetaYrtfirlottppy-rhiwite:;;-4P04aelts -Medium Brze Oyetrraeks for 725b for 12c Visages Aatiorted Cooklea. lb. ..211c bt 1 ILO. AND Brand Fresh Creamery RINK) SOAP Butter Ism made many minimums fallee et baz wisp for ils-4-111 it., and you. like thousfor the restales faintly stabbands of ethers, will return for la mutt easier to handle and -goes further. .8k a g girttrand Fratift 'tea nieriF-An expert Ramo- desnoiiiiira- Butter; lb. tot eill be In our the Qty &twee 420 Nut 4argatine,3 glee- We know Ithstio's wonderful Fresh eggs. dozen 17e trautilleiiP7u .want to know. The demonstsator will gladly tell rrmh breed every day in she rmall Se yessr. Pkg: Sml. Pkgs. 3 Loaves White. Who!. Vitheat 15 SM. or Dread Pkgs. .57a 23e Raisin, Rye IT Sml. Pkgs. 1 Large gum PICKLE. Package gle s. Mason Jar. Sour Mix 2ne PEANUT BUTTEILL Mason Jar Sweet Ws ..35e Mason JarChow-chow- have Moody's Peanut Rutter Ile In Gimes ..latra nest in Tine at these Quart Can Dills - ... saving prices: OLIVFA 7 oz. Net Jar Peanut Butter..15e Jar 33c 13 oz. Net Jar Peanut Butter..23c Queen Olive r. Jar Queen Olives ese I lb. Can Peanut Butt ef 25c Large Tall Csn Ripe ()lives jgc 2 lb. Can Peanut Butter ....47c lb. Can Peanut Butter ..$1.04 Large Tall Can Fancy Ripe Olives .. 23c -- POTATO , ' PRETE& Smell Sits Paratt) Chipsl for Slie Pine Ripe Bananas; lb. 10c size Potato Chips 2 for Roc Large 10c Large Museat Grapes, lb. SANDWICH MEATS Large Elbert Peaches, 3 lbs. 10c 3 lb.. Noter the saving prices on these 23c . . .. Crate 45c suggestions for sandwiches: Sunkist Letnona,--dozeVeal Loaf for $5c I Potted M 4 for 115e PAPER NAPKINS.. Deviled Mast S for 25e 10o Paper Napkins, 40 to pkg. Vienna Sausage . .. for l5e Waxed- - Paper,-- 2 long 1r--- tit. Jar Sliced Dried Beef .2iic - 15 .. y 111N IIIISIT.0.01,1 -- .M-.4.- er ...., f..QM.S.!IN...1.1,1.,NNE11:.O.F.'il,T--..i7- iiii:;',:111161JUNG,11.101SL. ". - PARK. ....OVEXQU.AHIC pre-seas- first-Irrrou- r lfiee-met- O - -"re . wible-chan- - pre-Ice- nt 1 LtBallit111---Bab- 1 :Slayer Al Fattier " to' t" lin 26-os- - 24-o- s. rl t. 26-o- is eph ....... ...". "Abe n. - olia--.7;-.130 2 - p0int- -10U , 4 twenty-fire-year ...; 14-o- z. ' n, ' ...; - ban( pnson at Joliet , ...... - of -- i Sent. 12,-,-- A C - Harrison Thomson. HMI all, around champion of Amerten, be, came 'the national decathlon tit1etold(SP3111 .,t,711n "tewil ' JACKSON. Calif.. Sept 18.Tom feet J UNIVERSITY' OF 'IDAIT071footeosir. ..114,114gda,S3ILA,Vargln of lees than were seined In the 1.109 foot drifts InSept. survey of grid lee pointa over the the Kennedy mine last night by came Osborne of the Illinois Athletic- club. available entre who arc digging through wee fromt 'events. that mins to the Argonaut min where i forAbe first season in the Coast con- - Eaeh The title was in doubt until each Because final e7 men are entombed. The men en is heroism, highly promising. of race. the the lap thei foot 89 level had feet to go M Idalteei change, , of - Coac hea on .the cloaing event of the program. To win , fore they reached the rock which forma ,of Mile Osborne had to ti.at Thomeon bar first footbati mason- in the the the last barrier between diggers and eve-lie by at iPallt twenty-Itv- e ....petinte. e Pacific Coast Conference sports victims. oucceeded in winning the ,evenC but additional feet were gained in I ViWOTIO are giving Idaho prospects was only eleven of ahead seconds, the rock on the tete foot level, enfilkaminff -m eatie n and tor the ,'Thonison at the tape.. "- -int' a balance of 182 feet to go befor.!"- - th... 100 meters flat.' Thomson the took fastsee a th workers on this level reach the most part they a r able to the the discus and the 110-- 1 camp nicer botput, victor-- 1 Argonaut. hurdles- ,wellbalanced squad at blathew's . It was announced there was no pos.. ious in Mel the Gaeta running high and the broad Loa.. 1540- of reaching the Mee be. and the throw lump; fine 1(me hao tore Although Idaho holds PialEer Klels- 'meter race Friday on either level. shit mill From Seattle came word that- I:Itr.-enat"t- al Victor Neegell cit the Latent club of any other conference eleven Bullock, owner of another mine neer' to those Itave-ist-t- ha race and tied Lieutenant. Eugene L. th0 the during sired Vidal of the tnited States army in the raising a fund with which to reward Prnwn will captain pole vault. Thomson scored total of 1te,.57 Osborne. 4796.26; Lieutenant waste rescru- - ;Lose.- - Ttie mintritOfft- - with ---tho view of the lots points; lit 1264.13. and Vidal. elate already hve offered on. reward In: WS Naegeli. Abe Goff, ;tiro pliers:L:111i Hugh M. Lockett. rolumbia university. jot Irving. game ibIL- Se." I at exceptionti - 4149.02; Joseph Shevlin. Knights of St. Norfrom . will have keen competition - who wilt Anthony 66....714Tbotnate -- Hector. 4reshr-acaptain.Stamford. Conn.. A. A.. 4434.111' Frank - ctraKloinuse-fo- r CENTER WARD BISHOPRIC Job on the v ar- - J. 3464 pivot COMUT- A. Daley, Stamford, The IV, r li we veterans ars sity. la Pete Barto, Dale hrm Breshears, were held,' events Five national relay Vohs, Jim Neal and Jeff Stone, the New York Athletic .00i runners three of the five. the Boston liEfificANIzEll suNDAI Maus Eligible; taking A. A. team winning one and the MeaThere to DO shortage of new material dowbrook club of Phtiadelphia the " Bob this year. Fitsks, .ineligiblei,?! other. last year.' will come to the front with 46- the sure within drop-kick almost a After 11 years faithful and efficient lino. Elyb Wenner. Charity Hsu-so- BEAUTY BANCROFT ervic in the Center ward bishopric, yard Otis Neuman and Noah Hays art Albert J. Davis was honorably released, In last evening from that office. His the outstanding playars stepping WITH BEST:freshman squad. Walt Roafrom the couneelors. Peter Noords. and Conrad mer end the for contender la strong hs were SHORTFIELDERS alao like snowier OF Stuttnegger. left vacant by the graduation of released- .- Elder ltoorda Is takine up , Evan, last- - year tr csotata. his born. in another locality. having Speaking of shortstops. thera Ii I moved from the ward. Votes of gratiNILLEM-STIL- L David James Bancrolt..captain- of the tude and good will were extended to the retiring ePIL fitiVAnd al dazzler ATLANTIC CITY. The new bishopric consists of Ben- Phil Minor Of Della Tease, today ro- - 'Giants, 135 in the bittercOnsistent jamin IL Hollingsworth. Jr, bishop. Ms title of North American clay When It comes to making seemingly; wnh Albert H. Davis first and Thomas tainod Champion defeat by at II, yards targot The B. Montgomery second counselors. stops and eateltee and impossible Ad. of ChamPaito. int Mark authorities officiating in the reorgan- after and low. annual red-h'hooting liners inthe trios four high Clawson ization were President Rodger -- Aria was, former champuna spearing of the- - quorum-o- f tins Twelve, land toe contoatDavy give precedence to nobotlY; eithchampion. also and Olympic made whom of each stake presidency. the past or the present "He's ail In ths first match both men got 124 er of se timely arid enCOUrattnt remarks-the first good Alley ever came." said HughrYi out of a poorsible 260; in ButibeY1.1 of a 24 out both possible off got Jennings the aother dayand With bionittit at the Polo grounds, this shoot off both second shoot got was a bit of shortstop himself new Yankee ball park and Ebbets field2 21. OutIn ofths both third In 26. the old Orioles got a the end the prospect of opening the New Bancroft ennaetimego IA referred to and in Ms final shoot off Miller ries this wintor the fight fan of a perfect soot& while Aria got as "Beauty." but he layir no claim' to York City and vicinity is likely to get , an extraordinary share of pulchritude-IJollity 22. enough of the game. d fact. he's a sort of this man Bancroftgrim bebirdis cause be plays too bard to smile. When be name to the Phillies from !Portland of the Pacific Coast .league he brought with him a habit of shouting piteher sent 1'Beauty." every time his bath MeV, everatrondinokiatt the history of the "Beauty" handle. still, better but He's no Waller, Reid. e felloW-1 wrAt has a title chapa-halmet. on the square and give his very' beet every minute. David James wee 34 years old last, fain-no I than giving away Apriland Ton may find the date in ily secretthe record book. He first saw the light of day. as they say in the biographies of famous men., in Sioux City . la- - on April 20. iii92. but be seems to have' lived down City part of his At the age of three he took history. Is right shoe arid hurled a curve off Me kind of good will lhat 'vomitsright Into Father Bancroft's face. , Bancroft senior howled whereupon - moat with the dealer is the good will of --with delight; "A born ballby And Bancroft senior was !Jimminyl" the public towards your good- s.-right. to be held later. however. votes. of both sides last -night - said Senator Poindexter's vote for the SO per- approximately netting of Truman H. Newberry of 1of the state'e voting strengthMichigan, his use of money M in Martcopa county of Mous campaigns. particularly that far the neellestion in the last Presdentist; which, Phoenix le the county seat.this - - 'action, and the allegation that he probably would decide the Var. had deserted the Bull Moose policies. 'county ' carried him into whose popularity the senate in 1911, were talking ,points of his opponents. He replied with a de- tense of Senator Newberry and with , , a recapitulation of the services that --- 1 be declared be had rendered the state and that ha asserted eould not be given n br a new man- - in the senate; rack of the Senatorial candidates expressed confidence that he would win. Far the Democratic nomination for the senate Clarence C. Dill. Spokane: Lyman Seely. Bellingham, and James C. Longstreet Pert Townsend, are 'CHICAGO. Sept. Vaeek ' contending. The five congressmen from the state 77. who Jailed his father eleven years e are candidates forin the was headed back- - towards Two of thorn. John ago today - - nembiicen paitv.penitentiary-- 2 at W. fitimmer. Walls Walla. an4 L FtanJoliet from which be escaped three are let Webster. Spokane, unopposed In their party. years ago after serving seven years sentence. of a 'Heavy Registration is Vacek was recognized by 'John P. Recorded in Phoenix. Connerion a member of the coroner's kirk which held him to the grand CO- ConnertOm (By Tbe Associated Prem.) jury - eleven years now a policeman. picked. Vacek .. out unPHOENIX, Artz.. Sept- on a street car. crowd a of usually heavy registration of voters - Between sobs. Vacek said he kill,Iwan indication of the interest being ed his father because he quarreled taken in todare primary and special with the boy mother. election In Arizona. In which candiAs he prepared to go back to Joliet dates for rutted States senator, con Varek bid goodbye to the wife be marZressman. governor and other state ried a year ago and his five weeks' offices will be named and judgment old baby...,, .':i7' e s worrietre-augtHar- :.:1I0i0:$iii--4 Mille could-441.0- n lays .!:- -- -- Is-Take- $0.4.001 euliabie foods for sandwiches, desserts, ete. Anticipating this want we hove hug received a big ettipstwet Of Pure Fruit Preserves. just the thing as it is wholesome and cheap, and easy to serve. We pre offering a splendid assortment at yott cannot equal anywhere. Buy it by the dozen as ft swift purelypriers eotne in handy during the AKIO dais, for the entire family as well ais the biddies. . Owing to the quiets turuover by all our aftwee,4thei foodetuffe Tea Purr-haafrom as are &Sway s fresh stock. We list below some gave.. live items whieh fit itt with the list yon are preparing, and the prices on ever Article listed will effect for s saving you. , exam-motio- Pat.. 2333 Se. 34,F:Otl:SejjOj:e er ,. 20113 ege ' .. atetiedwith -- - that-tits-thi- bars Cryotal White bars Kirk. White Sento bars P. as CL Naptha ()Taira Soap :.:-- richoOl days are here and many Bottom swill have to provide for wholesome lunches for gale boys and girls. EVerrovhere housewives are preparing "quick lunch"thelista ass that their pantry may be wet j (By Associated Presiol PORTLAND. Ore.4 Sept. women will be for stMolotment as deaconesses in the Protestant' Episcopal church, if a new canon rec-- 1 lommanded the report of a joint la, Is adopted by the convention here. ,Tha proposed canon le a departura from the established custom f thirchurch Other change, recommended to elevate the office of deaconetss and give it permanence for epeeist n courses of trainingprovide and for an before a board of examiners. ofin the Providing such elaboration fice of deaconess the report specifically notes that there Is no purpose to suggest the elevation of deaconesses to the priesthood of the church. Bishop Philip If. Kbynelander of sattariranft chairman of the ..10in commission making the report Miss firaeo- - LtndIey nf New --Tort was executive secretor'', of -- or the church. the The fight for thepextArteitnialn- vetottom-tt.sinto the rank the women when invitittinertrurere given by. Providence...R-1--end Olict LUX 't011; big.,11.44 .:: To Be Deaconesses -- will be peened on - eleven - ProPooediiinendments to the gists constitution-Th- e munpaign between Charles it, NV PWard orPhoents,ancl-Georg- s Hunt. former governor of Arizona end minister to Siam under President Wile , . 1 owe e aY a a. forAlieDamn . oppOetarResater emits nomination for governor had arld 200,000 by the pantas- been particularly hard fought. The successfut one in this contest will opne-of -S- enator pose Gov; Thomas EL Campbell at the The''''camytatirn November election. Governor CampPoindexter has been made on bell has no opposition for the Repub. ---,opponents- especially licarrnomination for govertior.Most of the contests in today's Mrs lodge, Austin E. Griffiths. wilLba- - on thc.Democratio t and Cot- - Limping. primary tickAts la the Republicans hays namEntered. as candidates for the sena- ed but one candidate for each of the -torial nomination oleo arc George H. principal offices. noThe Republicans so candidates to op.. Stevenson of Seattle and Lee Tittle of far have named pose- United States Senator Henry F., Carl Ha- A featuvw of the campaign was- lin I Ashurst effort to have Judge Grit- -' den, unopposed Democratic candidates to their respective tithe,- MrA Antell and Col. Lamping for agree for two of them to withdraw so poetic, The IRepublicans may name all ths, candidates for these places at a -- lb. 4 . mood Stet& 101 ,2423 &Dusk Sod Last Prenetur-C;--Astel- --- Kaysrille Flour Itud South. hisree---ord-bP-A- - . ' i Soalls HosKissoNss l PeanutPutter et fide 2es Sept- - gatr, weather.',..predicted and s record IlePtember hot Spell Matted, expecteCons" here today Were that a heavy vote woulti-bcast ht the Washington PrltelliM; 'ar The Itorrit-tenteeritt campaign Of tufted Stifee hAi Poindexter who le plenattir for-th- e Republican TrOminstion to succeedhlinself,-- of The ,:yote e stem- lary- from 200,.. throughout-thp Porten otCol-Geor- ge -L- 100.14441 10 16 10 Imported from Primo& Hotel Mushrooms, per mill..;.111k ChOtre Mushrooms, per ran. .See 2 Cane Grated Pineeppli Passeake Plasm. I.Atrgo pig. Peerless . Pisabake Itle Flour ale , tan Folger's J. a Coffee lb. ean L 5 d - i gOAIPS. WHEAT 334) - Moans WINTEIPA In Ige 'Wilson'', Deviled Meat. Can. Del Motile i'ark anti 3 . (By Amociatea Press) . . .. Illemes011e yea east arar the old wheat al a low pried. all lb. bag Old Whostel Irleur ,4."11 SIAM' pee ewe . I. Senator Open Cazhpaign By Denounciig His Rec.- , orci in Senate.- - OLT TO(M likr o guru-ips- , mery Butter. lb. Cron. 11 rInrr.led. Women irressK Nutlesor:lh, Int: ' when prises jump and they surely will acemrding to all Ste per buehol. or Borden's &ago lbs. new pots- -titoes Me Meatless.. Hoskiation.to stores will still solUnt for lima ..iitilk .... .. . . a. .... ...... lao But de a rise sow bettors wait? few it why staples Buy prices bo anberty or 4 lbs. Tonietoeelise and be that much ahead. About flour: W heee an imminent plum lam .... ..tos Large Cantaloupes sad 'Wheat a Old flour of billtir rock bottom at grad oe prim. each , Sr , recommend it for )'OUP winter use. COM. in. let as tell YOU 14"1 it. , , Par wax. loe EXTRA SPECIAL ALL DAY. . CMIA - . - . ;101,0 I saaon Jar .1,101a Auk, I3ilea1ork Pork 444 Tall' Can --bc linnts ' Red Salmon ... 360 1 4 Call . Ale 9nut1l can Pink Balm an. I for , za dozen ll PRIMARY -- 1!12-11-23 . STORM CENTER OF 1-- 12.1922 Eta la - - sorca-sHrti4cliCar,ryo- ms Nail -California 40 So. Mai.n Wyoming Ormos 334 So. Main 317 State eimmomsW, 153 Regent State. 216 arm-12- .! n - grim-visage- -- , -- - 1- Veer Pleats Autter ,,,...., ,,..... df oaI t" , i k Complete ...7 ,:.., te Test f Good Will , consumer is demanding-your the dealer is able to supand product, ply it at a profit, he will have ample good will for the house that makes this The final test of.good will is the Fah bility of the productthe consumer de-- . : - ,-- . f --- - the , '. - ' 1 ' -- I- 4 ' - - f 1 :- - . , . , :- -- - . , - - ' - acknowledges-T-consum- , - There is just one way tobnild up this consumer good. will, and that is by making the product Hitt and telling the about its merits through Ad- - - - , e - - I . ', , . - - , er - - , - - ---- -- . certain! , Good will becomes a big reality in business when that good will ex- ' ' tends to the consumer. More and bet- . . '-te But-al- lcannot triate:7- - ter advertising this- - good The .4d5 good will that every mar, f rially help the dealer sell your goods un. 1less the most. . public is disposed to buy them. - lm it.e7stvereler , , , ivill-crea- - , ( Published!. with hi . Tile , -- - ----T- .-- - . ' , BUTTER-KRUS- - -'- kitid-of---- - , - Deseret !nem", ht Ansbeistien i Advertising Agencies at .. Danvillta - .rI fltrinpir, j Mot football t4am that thy' club at an Francitwn will put in On, field this fall In made, atx of ty7, ' - . luetpteet package. Delivered trealk., oily rake. Yeg will may.' - 'nu Buy one today! . or ran - BAKING COMPANY T - - SALE LAKE CTrE mandm."1:1- - "1"1"..."1-At.-Z- rZMiMil!: You sh6uld try !1,1t114.1J1;11) ibsons Assn AIEMkIEMtMt3MIlltl2BICEferret. -- Salad Dressitt ---- - , t's a Icevetation rfq111' , . - POUND CAKE st AI your illealtlesi. Preza ) -, , , - - ' s L.m.., - . ' , ' . - . I -- -- s . , - - :- -- 4 741 16 Ounces, in Cardboard Box, at 30 Cents lasi the foremost freely that it is one ofIfi...v.mgao,..tott .tstoreort.UtLatakakaalarlerho tz ..earlbiwalferatZtoentrentaWaretvalv,020..bigNiamermtemsnowts.,..te concerns in the business, that it is ,f With consumer the men demanding your, who have a solid repu backed by , ' and dealer the pmduct, disposed to give -re-tation in their industry, and that its its it every preference, steady sale is lar with the dealer are bus' ess- - like and pleasant. Ire is disposed to es- timate all these things at full value. - . -- -' , - Prosh 9 Ounces, in Tinfoil Packages, at 20 Cents - 26 BANVII-L- E Ky. veterans 'of the squad that last year ill took Harvard into camp. Centre college football officials are looking Vie., ward to another great team this year. The sehedule calla for ten games. with Polytechnic. Hamar& Clem-lz:- ,.1Virginla Kentucky and Washinil-,10."i and tee bseing included. the great 2,1cMillan, lion mot of the last t be with the COIOnell. Neither will Tom l Moran. But "Reel" Roberts will be to destiniel of the the guide 'present ,Colonels. ; Backers of the (earn are counting on the hole 'young Herb Covington filling lett by the graduation of ldrMillan to tismitiese,Ardnieterweeesmsedeorsts elington whil perkier, lack lizz-t- ha the foothall instinct. moat uncanny -outwit-Icin- g knack of his and Be mighty the opposition. it, a better broken runner - than McMillan. Veterans to- report' for duty,- on gem; include: Captain "Bed" Roberts, t Terry Snoddy, ,Tanner. Minos Gordy. Black Jones.. Ed Bill Shatioan. Tom Bartlett and ;Kubale. The Coloneia will not' a dozen other Chick Murphy has been retained es Charlie Moran and freshman coach. I"Chick" Meyer. will have charge or 'the varsity. 22; Car. ge. at Sept. tion.Newman 'Clemson at Clemson; Oct. 2, Misissippi 14. Oct, at Danville; Virgin's College Oct. 21. liar.; Polytechnic at Richmond; Oct. 2e, Louisville yard at Cambridge; lit Danville: -Rive.- 4, Kentucky at Lox.: ington; Nov.- It- Watittegtow. and Lee. Auburn at at Louisville; Nov,. mingham and Nov. 20, South Carolina, . - --. .4-- k., Picnic time ts bere! Sepe-Tt.--- ' ---- . manufacturet.------.H- (By ASS9Clatei Butter-Kru- atett In atneetblp Eng I will keep tee tato tweak& Lt HOPEFUL THAN EVER - possible. -- i01..s Arwe4 - - The dealer may be willing to eon- - , cede the high standing and prestige of - : -- -- it allots CENTRE IS MORE lithe . Delicious s , ly .re,401t 4ff - , more-thorough- -- , pla-yer.- . - - 144.01 1 , -- Most manufacturers appreciate the im, . portance of good will on .the part of the - dealer, and count it one of their greatest assets. But many of them need to consider in what good will W k - - -', , - - that-BMu- -- "' -- at - ,r,---:--!- A KAYONRAISL SALAD CRESSI - 1 ,A, ' e :;;.:,- ibs6ns ,- - - Salt Lake, Harvard. eornea, the It,, players.of California, Stanford vtint-Unlversity thai Vo snit 0,.tais U.S.-A.-- - - I 15ePtraggagnera 5!...A.1E.-:BEPEY- ) . ,,,ft.,,;'14 -- a - .- -- ' ,tm, 100T' |