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Show H, ' VOL. XI. 1KOVO Cl TV, UTAH, TIIUI1SDAY, JULY 2, 1!)0!1. MAHS LIFE WORTH FIREEH Frank Conover is Refused Commercial Club Appoints Committees to Arrange for $1500 Damages for the Jaunts to Sister Cities Loss of Husbands Enters Suit. Ad. for Provo. The board of directors' of the Electric company, by argument and vote, values a mans life as worth only $1000, and that, too, when a man is killed leaving a widow and The Commercial Club of this city has decided to take two more jaunts for the advertisement of 1rovo. This time, Tintio and Nephi will be the hosts. At a meeting held in the On November 3, 1907, Commercial club rooms last night, Frank Conover, while in the employ committees were appointed for the of the electric company, was instant- arrangement of taking the trips. The trip that is proposed for ly killed by an electric shock. the widow consulted a Tintie will be on July 24, when the lawyer, but before a suit for dam- Knight smelter will be formally children. 8ub-sequent- ly, instituted J. J. Nunn, opened, and a celebration held in electric company, that part. the An excellent program representing offered Mrs. Conover $1500 and or the entertainment of the visitors her attorneys fees to compromise ias been arranged under the auspices This was accepted, but of the Commercial club of Eureka. the case. before the money could be paid it This club assures thateverything will was necessary to have the board of )e done for the entertainment of tl e directors approve Nunns action. people of Provo, and it is hoped that The board of directors consists of many of the citizens wil make an Heed Smoot, C. E. Loose, L. Hol- effort to go and help Tintio have a The committee from brook, J. J. Nunn and A. L. Wood-hougood time. of others. and At a meeting the Provo Commercial club who has the board held on Tuesday, when this matter in charge are the followIf was expected that the compro- ing: Mayor Decker, chairman; mise would be approved, Reed Smoot Phil Speckart, It. E. Allen, J. D. made a talk and 6aid that the amount Larson and John lioundy. was more than should be paid beJ uly 10th. is set for an excursion The M. & M. associacause the blame could not be placed to Nephi. in and the Agriculfavor tion of Lake Salt on the Electric Co.; he was of cutting the figure to $1000. Hoi tural college experiment station of brook and Loose, it is said, were of Logan are responsible for the outthe same opinion, and when a vote ing, and they will be entertained by Several was taken on the proposition Smoot, the citizens of Nephi, Loose and Holbrook voted on $1000 prominent citizens from Salt Lake ages had been 1 hat, you here again? said Wise Jimmy to Newsy, as the latter railed on the former to get a little inside dope about the sanctified workings of the inner circle of the Republican party in this part of Well sit down, I will tell you something that Teddy's vineyard. makes my heart weep. 5 ou know misery likes company and maybe I will feel better if I confide in yon Newsv. 5 es Newsy, the worst has come; Reed and Ed. have had a quarrel and what the outcome will be it is hard to sav. Yes, can von blame me for feeling bad? Now Newsy, honestly, we cannot win the fall election if we are not united, and to think that our beloved leaders are fighting. Oh, I cannot bear to think of it. Of course I know what it was about. Reed, Ed. and Wise Jimmy were on the lawn down at Reeds home when the trouble came up, and I am glad that we were not where any one else could hear us. I dont mind telling you though, Newsv. You se, it happened like this: Ed. went and sold Ginger with (lie expecta tion of going out of the horse race business and entering the governor race. Reed had already promised the governorship to one of the Federal bunch, maybe Curly Cal lister; yes, thats what Burl Armstrong said. When lited told Ed. that he could not have the governorship, he got hot, and I thought for a minute that Ed. was going to soak Reed. Gee, if those two fellows had got to scrapping with their fists it would have made Cutler, who sat at the presidents left, ashamed of his encounter with his poor W hen they got the hottest, I acted as peace maker ad told them to remember the high calling they hold in tin machine. Tney got quieted down, but the matter is not settled yet, Now Newsy, you can understand why Ed. would not go to Chicago. The matter will have to be settled or it will play thunder with us. Well Newsy, I would just love to tell you more at this time, but I must go and get some advice from Cicero Willey. He is such a kind, mushy, mixie fellow, that I believe that be can help to settle the trouble between Reed and Ed. Come again Newsy. son-in-la- se I June, the fish After several years of married life Those have had little peace, that have been fortunate not to get on the fishermans hook have been kept busy lamenting the loss of their brother and sister fish if the expression may be used. and iu the eventide of life, Rebecca A. Pratt has entered complaint in the district court asking for a diverse from Wm. A. Pratt on the Since the 15th of The comcharge of also the that defendant plaint says non-suppo- rt. According to reports there is good party and give fishing iu all the streams of this It is the inpart and Warden Madson is authe compromise fails and suit will tention to run the excursion four thority for the statement that fishbe filed in the District court within miles south of Nephi to the experiing is better this year than it has a few days, when damages will be ment station, where some instructive been for years. Provo river is reexercises will be held. Those in asked in the sum of $25,000. paying the fishermeu for their charge of the affair from Provo are trouble and many pounds of fish W. H. RAY AND CO. ARE J. Craner, II. C. Hicks and Geo. are caught there daily. The bar, PUTTING IN TICKERS E. Barton. into the where the river and not to give Mrs. Conover $1500 will accompany the and $150 to her attorney. Thus addresses in Nephi. That Provo is getting to be the mining center of Utah is shown by the big improvements made by the mining stock brokerage firm of W. H. Kay & Co., which has this week installed a private telegraph line connecting their office with the Salt Lake Stock & Mining Exchange. The office is being fitted up in the latest and most fashion, up-to-d- J 27 II Mrs. Life i0. and is equipped with a complete telegraph system, which enables the brokers instantly to report every sale, bid and offer that is made on the Salt Lake exchange, together with accurate quotations on every one of the stocks. Owing to the danger of making mistakes by the use of the telephone, the boys have installed a telegraph system, so that their business may be handled accurately and with the least j)ossible delay. Traders in the different stocks can know from the second the call is opened in Salt Lake on any particular stock whether the tendency is up or down and all about what business is being This will enable transacted on it. a person interested in a certain stock to trade on it a dozen or more times in one call and know within a minute after the sale is made just how much the stock was bought or sold for and all the Conditions of the market. They will also con tiuue their telephone service, but will do the main part of their work by the telegraph system. Mr. Louis Oakley, an experienced telegraph ojrerator of Sprtngville, who has been working on the Southern Pacific railroad in California for several years, will have charge of the telegraphic department, and will try to please all customers. empties lake, has produced some big trout SPORTS FOR THE and many Provbites have been sucFOURTH OF JULY Two cessful in catching them. well known gentlemen of this city On Acudemy Avenue, between Center street and First North, coinjnencing returned the other day, after a few at 8:o0 a. in: hours sport ou the bar, with about Boys foot race, under 12 years, first twenty pounds of trout, all caught prize, oOe; second 25c. This shows that there Boys foot race, under 10 years, first on the bar. 50c. of fish at this place. 75c; abundance second, is an prize, Girls foot race, under 12 j ears, first Mr. Madson also says that the prize, o0c; second, 25c. Girls foot race, under 14 years, first fishing in the river at the South Fork is good and the water will prize, 75c; second, oOc. first for free foot race, all, 100 yard soon be clear enough for ffy fishing. prize, 2.50; second, 1.00. Bait has been used with success and some have found the spinner the are lined catcher. The streams best with fishermen from all parts of the Bicycle race, boys under 15, first prize, fl.00 second, 50c. Bieycle race, any old age, barring professionals or umiitures, first prize, sg.ot); second, 81.00. llonkeys hIow race, first prize 75c; second 60c. Hack race for men and boys, first prize 1.00; second, 60c. IF I. B. I Two Italians arc Captured and Three Bad Men Captured StrawFined for Stealing Tools berry Day Break for Liband Other Paraerty Two are Rephernalia. captured. Three wtll ropes trunks and a James Harris, James A. Healey 'ali.-- e and stolen tools and John Sullivan, three young men containing hinder from the rail road con- arrested here Strawberry day on the struct1 n gang at Thistle were dis- charge of burglary, iu that they covered yesterday by Special Agent broke into the home of William Tom Burge and Deputy Sheriff Al. Palmer, broke jail here Tuesday Hales at the Rio Grande depot in night while Sheriff Ilartnoii was Salt Lake. The officers waited for eating supper, They left on a Rio the return of the owners of the Grande freight train headed for Salt trunks and captured two Italians, Lake, it is believed, and officers all Nieoli Demand Currinine Marrelli. along the route have been advised Many tools leas been missed at the to keep on the lookout for them. onstructiou camp at Thistle, con- Sheriff Harmon left lute Tuesday sequently the men were arrested and night for Salt Luke, believing the' brought to Provo last night by Mr. three young men would bead for the Hales on No. 4. large city. The trunks were taken to the The trio was held to await the sheriffs office this morning. Antoni action of the district court Monday JacLetta, vice Italian counsel, was in bail of $500 each, and were reasked to come down and act as in- turned to the county jail. They were Iu the trunks much carelessly allowed the privilege of the terpreter. plunder was discovered. Tools, corridor aud here carried out their of of saws several consisting sizes, scheme to escape. They crawled to s, hammers, knives, scissors, the roof on the cell bars and tore iron squares, spirit levels away some corrugated iron strips, and a score of other kinds of build- giving them passage into the attic. Resides the They got onto the roof by kicking ing paraphernalia. tools, there was considerable wear- out two boards, and were then pracing material which, it is suppose tically free. From the roof they wusfitollen from different workmen craw led to a big shade tree and then of the construction gang. to the ground. The offenders were arraigned this When Sheriff Ilarinou started for afternoon before Judge Noon. They the jail to lock up the three men lead guilty and were lined seventy-iv- e for the night, his little son ran to dollars each. 'They paid the him and said that three men had money and were allowed to go. It just dropped from the shade tree is said that there are three impli- and were The running away. cated in the trouble, but one of them sheriff took a hurried look at the is still at large. jail, assured himself that they hud escaped aud then started iu pursuit, 1 has been cool, indifferent and Plaintiff claims she has been obliged to support herself and the defendant ever since they were married and refuses to do it The plaintiff states INSANE WOMAN any longer. that she has no way or means of BROUGHT TO PROVO support aud asked that the court allow her half of the property After thirty years of unsuccessful owned by tha defendant. attempts to kill herself, Emma Stanley of Salt Lake, was sent to the LOST JOSEPHINE MINE State Mental hospital by Judge IS MAKING GOOD Armstrong Wednesday. Those w ho testified at the hearing assert that President Singleton and Secretary Emma has, for the past thirty years, Smoot of the Lost Josephine com- nfltde threats repeatedly that she pany, which is protecting a large would end her life. Fearing tliat tract of placer ground on Currant she ultimately might accomplish her Mr. Drmy creek, have returned. it was purpose thought best to send and his men'are now working three her to a safe place. shifts, sinking a shaft to bed rock, which will probably take a month, GREEKS ARRESTED Messrs. Singleton cud Smoot are FOR STEALING SHEEP well pleased with the outlook, and Sheriff Harmon went to Thistle consider the ground a fine proposi tion. Wednesday to urrest two Greek The old workings, us fortnerlv rail rot:id men charged with stealing They entered a plea of described, were found to be as rej sheep. resented. The old placer miners in guilty to petit larceny aud were Mr. Drurys employ, who weDt out fined $35 each, which they paid. county and state, especially ou Sundays, excursions being run from Salt Lake and other points iu the Between city firemen state. with the understanding that if they and Fierponts boiler makers, 10 men not like the country they were did to side, prize, M.OO. Mexiu be bv to horsemen, PROGRAM FOR THE paid the expenses of the trip Tilting contest can syiort new to Provo, no entrance and not work, told Mr. Drury that FOURTH OF JULY fee, free for all, ladies or gentlemen, they would work, and they stayed first prise, 2.50; second, 1.50. Association foot ball, matched game to work, Salute of guns at sun rise. between Provo suckers and citizens Reports come from lleber and team, prize, Ml. 00. Music by the bands. from the roadhouses along the Co. ' Sports from 8:30 to 1.0:30 a.m. rant creek road that there is quite a FAST RACE BETWEEN Foot ball, foot races, climbing crowd of prospectors, who have GINGER AND PAMONA. greasy poles, catching greasy pigs, been attracted by the rejrort of go pole vaulting and other sports. in Currant creek, making their way in the country horseman 10:30, exercises in tabernacle. to the new diggings. Every has Ills eye on the epleudid races Mayor Decker, president of the day. that will be pulled off here on the Chaplain, J. B. Keeler. GRAND THEATRE IS Fourth. The race between Ginger Reading of Declaration of SHOWING FINE PICTURES and Queen Pamonia will be the off in the best that lias beeD pulled Song, Star Spangled Banner. The story of Cinderella is hold the are horses Both in pink Orator of day, T. N. Taylor. state. the boards at the Grand theatre of condition, The following are Patriotic address, Senator Reed ing week and is this giving satifaction the entries to date: Smoot. iSeveral humorous to the patrons. mi Purse $125.00; entries, Chami and some sketches are presented nado, by Harriman; Prodigal Barpair of gold rimmed eye can obtain good illustrated songs. There w Owner nez) (pin glasses 2tl6. oness, by Prodigal, tlie time from Mrs. Wm. ltunn, 645 be matiites ou the afternoon of the $200 Purse; Vinus, Peacock, Ka- Second North, and paying for this Foutth from 2 to 5 p, m, Maud B, Goldie, Dick, Jennie A'. d. LATKK Officer Ferry and others captured two of the the prisoners at Prospect, eight miles out from Provo, at un early hour Wednesday The men were on a Rio morning. Grande Western track. man is still at large. GINGER SOLD BY LOOSE TO BROWN. The selling of Ginger to Hal. Brown by Ed. Loose brought forth considerable comment. Ginger is one of the fastest race horses in the ooi fn try and will no doubt spring several surprises under the rein of .Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown is the owner of Altoka, one of the best stall Ions in the west. He is well acquainted with the horse business H11( BIMW88 is predicted to Ginger under his care. ' BERT TIIARE HELD ON HUNDRED DOLLAR BOND. Tug-of-w- ar lode-panden- . Iaj . A ce. BEET CROP LOOKS GOOD SAYS AUSTIN the belt field of Utah, lie says that the sugar-bee- t crop never looked lietter at tins seaof son of the year, and lie anticipates a Etq ecially is the bumper crop. stand promising in Provo, Lehi and Payson. The early rains brought the crops up nicely, and the thinnin Marriage licenses have beeu issued has now all beeu completed. The, to the fo1 lowing: Robt, Comer and I hnence Evans, both of Lehi; Geo. w'ater supply, though Very limited, h. Uneoli!lie!i Iiiiek by tin; that the supply in lie mountain, -t j J,!: 1Iu"Vcr I1 I'0" UrS"l A- 1.ruvi it iatlmuylit I of Hustle and Agnes Barnev tiler will be ample to mature the crop. I -- Bert Thare, who ,has beeu living in Spanish Fork and doing horse training for Hal Brown was arrested in Salt Lake in Tuesday and charged w ith obtaining money under false pretenses. He was arraigned and gave a bond of one hundred dollars. It is said that Thare, while working for Mr. Brown has been using money that belonged to Brown. The case will come up In the near future. Agricultural Superintendent Parley Austin returned to Lehi from an inspection The third For Sale Good pool table, A, ply at Exchange bar. of Springville. Foil Sauk 4th of July excursion tickets July 3rd and 4th. Returning utli. One fare round trip. Salt Lake Route. |