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Show I II Dr. Wm, Anderson And Wife Visit fn Brigham TO FLY! "i 1 Jwir Why Not Drop In And" Talk Over A Flight Training Course? ooi. night i Descendnnt ,S.0' ? S:lohn Hold Their Annual Reunion In Bear River City Sunday an?rdanU of C c Johnsen Younq Elders Speak Hansen Johnsen family held their annual reunAt Perry Sacrament ion at the Bear During the month of June, Dr and Mrs. William L. Anderson of San Francisco, California, have been visiting at the home River City ward of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. , hal1 last George Anderson, ai8na Sunday ju Dr. Anderson is now a resi-deamiy dinner at doctor at the Sanford Lane 1 FJl!Vne m the the hospital and is specializing in following programafternoon, was presen- radiology. Community singing was led by Dorothy G. Jeppsen. Several s hymns were well as original words sung as sung to familiar tunes some depicting of the Incidents In the lives of many of the people present. Margaret Johnsen was the accompanist. Janice Jensen played Madia-gnamon the piano. Floyd Jensen, accompanied by his daughter, Janice, played a saxophone solo. Rusty Jensen sang Lucky Old Sun, accompanied by Margaret Johnsen. Larry Jensen, son of Max Jensen of Salt Lake City Bless This House. sang. He was accompanied on the piano by his father. Vard and Charlene Johnsen sang a duet, My Best To You," accompanied by their mother, .Margaret Johnsen. Clarke Johnsen toasted those present, as did Vera Jensen. A duet, Dearie, was sung by Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Gardner. Mrs. Vernon Johnsen accompanied a Saxo-phobi- I see the Smiths have a new baby! them. Leron Johnsen sang two bass Basso solos, Profunda and Roll On Thou Deep and Dark Blue Ocean. Mrs. Victoria Johnsen accompanied them. A brief sketch of the life of C. C. Johnsen was given by Lee Johnsen. Bishop Vernon Johnsen sang The Builders as a closing number. Amanda J. Jensen read the minutes of the last meeting and mentioned the many accomplishments of members of the family during the past year, Fred F. Peterson, an uncle, spoke briefly. With 50 members of the family present, a large birthday cake, made and decorated by Victoria and Wanda Johnsen. was served in honor of the 17 reads this paper regularly about the news of people informed to keep in our activities md community. She also for news that will columns looks to our advertising of her own problems tomorrhelp her with some ows dinner, shoes for little Johnny, a new paint job for the kitchen. Your advertising in this paper can be a newsAdvertise regularly. paper within a newspaper. merchandKeep our readers informed about your Mrs. Housewife copy of our A.B.C. report for complete information about our circulation. snd audited yjeiud-oumcELDER BOX ry. Eva A. Young conducted the singing with Connie Wagstaff as accompanist. The sacramental song, My Prayer," was sung, afterwhich sacrament was administered un der the direction of Lawrence A Wright and Boyd Hirsehi. piano solo was played by Pa tricia Bott. First speaker of the evening was Elder John Reeves who fol spoke of Our Salvation, lowed by a vocal solo, The Lord's Prayer, by Donna Wood, accompanied by Mrs. Vera Jean Stokes. The concluding speak er was Max Hirsehi who talked on The Book of Mormon. Following the closing song, We Thank Thee O God For a Prophet," benediction was pro nounced by Carrie Petersen, ORINNE Is Named Head Of 'OMMENTS Twenty-Thirt- y By Anns Mrs. J. Gordon Felt was elected president of the Brigham Anns at a meeting City 20-3Monday evening at the home of Barbara Katherine Fishburn. Olsen was named secretary. Retiring president was LaRaine Petersen and retiring secretary was Mrs. Clair Goodliffe. Hostesses at the party were Katherine Fishburn and Mrs. Mrs. Clair Goodliffe. Cards were played during the evening and refreshments ,were served. Present were: LaRaine Peter sen, Claire Goodliffe, Helen Felt, Leora Baron, Peggy Candland, Melva Baron, Glenna Anderson, Katherine Fishburn, Mary Lou Call, Ida Smith, Norma Hansen, Vola Lowe, Dorothy Beard and Buelah Bloxham, Coy Hadfleld, Virginia Mellor, Erma Crompton, Vila Brown and Barbara Olsen. Marijane Morris A woman said to me recently, The smoke never dies out of 1 of Corinne. the chimneys know ridw what she really meant. As 1 tart Sphering the news for this weekly column I am always amazed at the Interesting activities of this small community. Most of It Is pleas ant to report, because It pictures happy occasions, but some, like the $16.00 worth of windows broken out of the Masonic lodge hall is another thing. So Is the forced entrance of the Wulf SerMR. WULF revice Station. s of pennies, theft the ports the and gasoline .candy pump turned on. . . . MRS. RETA REDELINGS visited last weekend with MRS. FRED MATHEWS of Salt Lake City. Mrs. Mathew's Is Mrs. Redelings sister. MRS. STELLA FORSGREN visit-ewith her mother, MRS. ALrs Sing In BERT JOHNSON this week in JOHNIDA Tremonton. , . MRS. Logan L.D.S. Temple SON has Just returned from The composed of Midvale, where she visited with Norma Jensen her mother and other relatives. MRS. JANIE JENSEN, MRS. and Dorinne Wheeler sang two MRS. selections in the Logan L. D. S PAULINE FORSGREN, MRS. MIL- temple, morning, OLIVE FILLMORE, Thursday DRED NELSON and, MRS. STEL-L- June 15. FORSGREN attended the M. The two numbers the trio I. A. dance review at Salt Lake sang were, The King Of Glory, City Friday night and then and How Beautiful Upon The Mountain." spent Saturday at the confer. MR. AND MRS VER-NOence. cig-aret- d ostings From ERRY Fairy Haws Brigham City, Utah Friday, June 23, 1950 Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Ramsdell of Bear River City were honored at an open house on their silrever wedding anniversary cently. Friends from Murray, Salt Lake City, Ogden, Brigham City and Tremonton, as well as a host of friends from Bear River City called to pay their respects. The serving table was centered with a beautiful wedding cake. Peonies, roses and orange blossoms were used throughout the rooms. , was occasion the of Highlight when Mrs. Ramsdell received a gift of 25 American Beauty roses tied with silver ribbon, from her husband. They also received many lovely silver pieces as well as congratulation cards from friends who could not attend. TRUSSES Sufferers from Hernia (Rupture) now enjoy our NO CHARGE SERVICE offered to oil trua wearer by ouf perienced fitter. Let them help you in your selection end pplicetioo b appliaoeaa the finest line of turtle! manufactured. Ta Insure ouf customer of trua ea fort and security, we recommend SPOT PAD TRUSSES NON-SKI- D gppli.ncM hold The.. lUht-welr- ht requiring only your ruptur aacurely, one-ha- lf the pressure of ordinary truss. serve your also fitter Our experienced reed for Abdominal Supporter, Elastic and our etc., Braces, Shoulder Hosiery, reasonable prices VU eurely please you. HAMILTON DRUG Tri-Canto- Mr. Lymaa Wight CUTLER had as Sunday PERRY Lt. Col. and Mrs. MR. AND MRS. HENRY guests, B. White Boyd and children, CUTLER. . . . MR. and MRS. B. Boyd Jr., Alana and Kenneth TOM ANDERSON entertained By iUKtiE BOX ELDER JOURNAL )ewey Ramsdells ... For the Bride Erma-Crompto- D page Open House Honors MIXMASTER ITS AMERICAS FAVORITE .- - Mr. And Mrs. Thayne Jensen Visit Here of Tucson, Arizona are spending Famous Mix-Find- er Mr. and Mrs. Thayne Jensen a three weeks vacation at the MR. AND MRS. P. W. MERRILL been Dial of have on Arizona, from Mesa, Fathers Day. Ogden homes of their parents, Mr. and last week with Mrs. W. R. PERSONS, the MethMR. spending Mrs. LeRoy D. White here, and Automatic Juice his Jensens father, W. B. Jensen of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Anderson at odist pastor for Corinne, and Extractor to for Denver have City. Brigham gone family Corinne. conference Automatic Beater They will spend the next Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wood and the annual .general of the Methodist church. He will Mr. Elector children, Orlin and llene, left return in time to conduct the week in Salt LakeF.City with and Mns. Hyrum Young. last Wednesday for a weeks services for Bowl-spa- ed e Automatic 2nd. July trip to California, where they Control GEORGE MRS. MR. AND will visit with friends. They ex Corinne Farm Bureau e e Powerful peet to return by way of the ROSS, their granddaughter and MR. and MRS. MARTIN .adies Plan Meeting coast line visiting points of inMotor ROSS were honored guests at terest enroute. Associated Ladies of the CoY. in B. home Westmoreland Mrs. DeEsta Young entertain- the Bureau will meet Mr. Westmoreland rinne Farm ed a few friends at her home Tremonton. 28, at 2 oclock June Wednesday, June birthdays in the family. Rosss .father, last Thursday evening honoring is Mrs. Martin In the afternoon In the Relief was beautiful chicken the flowers, Many sup' iMiss Barbara Hansen who will George says rooms at the Corinne L. plied by Verlyn Jensen and leave soon for- the Southern delicious, but so was the corn society S. ward. D. You have the correct mixing speed at your fingertips. Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. Peterson, States mission field. Games and bred and honey. . . . MRS. EL The lesson, to be given by Mixmaster Plainly indicated. who were special guests, decoluncheon was enjoyed and gifts LEN LARSEN has gone to Cali Bessie Hansen, Box Elder counextra sucwork. Puts arm extra saves deliciousness, time, ser to funeral attend rated the hall. were presented to Miss Hansen fornia home demonstration agent, cess into every recipe. Mixes, mashes, whips, beats, juices, . . . MRS. ty by the following guests present: vices of a . will be on handicrafts. enthusiastic users. Complete with etc. Over Dopna Packer, Ann Cleverly, Lu- A. L. SHAW has guests from This includes Swedish weavcille Hansen, Diane Davis and Columbus, Ohio. They are her attachment, two bowls. These additional attachjuicer of out ing, creating pictures ments also available: Combination Food Chopper-Mea- t Wanda Freeman. nephew, MR. WILLIAM SHAD cloth material and other things. CLOSED SUNDAY Drink Mixer; Butter Churn. Arlene Wight from Perry and WICK and his wife and sons, Grinder; A baby tender will be availIt was able Mary Lou Burrows of Bjigbam Douglas and David. chilcare of to the take City entered Weber college n learned from MRS. C. G. ADNEY dren. June 12, where they will take a that a group of Corinne people Everybody Is invited to atsummer course In business and will go to Bingham Canyon on tend the meeting. Sunday to witness a blasting bookkeeping. 68 North Main Phone ONE mines at the The fathers of the Perry ward operation copper Phone your news to 1000 were honored in connection with and then have luncheon after the Sunday school last Sunday ward. The trip Is under the of the Bingham morning with Supt. Lisle Lar- sponsorship sen In charge. ' A vocal duet, Canyon O.E.S. for special fund Father," was sung by 'Hazel raising project for O.E.S. 'Home Allen and Nola Fallows, accom- Fund. . . . Also the hospitality panied by Opal Petersen: talks of the C. G. 'Adney home has were given by Joanne Barnard once again included many MR. AND MRS F. F, and DeVerne Perry, each pay- guests of New Orleans, ing tribute to father. Hyrum REYNOLDS in the Louisiana and Mr. and Mrs. A. Thorne, eldest father Perry ward, was presented with F. REYNOLDS of Salt Lake City, at Corinne on a gift and responded with a They stopped Yellowshort talk; regular classes then their way back from stone. Mr. and Mrs. Adney ac convened. Mr. and Mrs .Clyde Bate of eompanied them as far as Og igby, Idaho, visited over the den where they all enjoyed YOULL FIND HERE DRESSES AT VALUE PACKED eek-enat the home of Mr. canyon party as guests of MR. PRICES Dressy Dresses, Casuals, Ensembles. Prints, F. EASLEY. Mrs, id Mrs. H. 'Eugene Perry on AND MRS E. Solids, Nylons, Linen like Rayons, Cottons and airy fabEasley is a sister of Mrs. Adney. The Corinne Cemetery associa rics. A STOCK REDUCING SALE in the heart of the The Perry Junior girls met at tion will have a meeting at the Season. Summer he home of their leader, Mrs. Corinne City Hall, Friday at MRS. JAMES REED is e Esta Young last Tuesday p. m. From there the group again confined to her home with ivening. Fine Summer Rayon Prints a strep throat. . . MRS. 'BERNICE and light backgrounds. All sizes. Dark MARIANDERSON and MRS. JANE MORRIS attended the Styled for girls and women. One and annual Improvement to the Young second then returned styles. Values $8.95 to $19.75. conference at Writers Era Salt some where home enjoyed they for Now $6.95 to $14.75 refreshments, and a discussion Lake City last Thursday. This conference is confined to those on the resurrection was held. The family of .John O. Oyler who have been fortunate enough BEMBERG SHEERS who recently died, met at his to have published in the Era. Good assortment smart patterns, all sizhome in East Garland last Sun Highlight of the program was Fathers day, the luncheon at the historic es. Some with jackets. Casuals and dressy day afternoon. paying tribute to their deceased Lion House and a talk by RICHstyles. Formerly $8.95 to $19.75. father and visiting with rela- ARD L. EVANS, on how he preNow $6.95 to $14.75 tives from far and near. Those pares and presents his "Spoken Under the direction of present were: Mr. and Mrs. Vin- Word. AXEL FREDRICKSEN, son Davis and family, and Mr. MRS. SUN DRESSES and Mrs. Douglas Oyler and state W. C. T. U. speech director For girls in big variety. Ginghams, Cham-bray- . family of Perry; Mr. and Mrs. a silver metal speeoh, contest Mark Jenson and family and will be held . at the Corinne Linen, Picolay, Rayon Prints and Mr. and Mrs. LeGrand Jenson ward chapel, the 26th of June, Values $8.95 to $16.75. combinations. Mr. 8 p. m. MR. A. M. REEDER will and family of Oollinston; the official be and Mrs. Now $6.95 to $13.75 and speaker. Eugene Oyler children of Ogden and Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Wadsworth and Michigan state police average TRIPLE SHEERS children of Warrenton, Oregon. 4,518 traffic arrests each month. ' IV a In black and navy. Some taffetla trim, med. Also all Tafietta dresses specially On San Diego Bay, Cal., Nice size range. Former values priced. many yachtsmen enjoy $10.75 to $19.75 sailing at its best! ise and service. Ask for a Sacrament meeting held In the Perry ward 1381 Sunday eve ning was conducted by Eugene Bott, counselor. The opening song, Choose The Right, was followed by the invocation from H. Eugene Per- Mrs. J. Gordon Felt if De-On- Easy-to-se- Easy-to-se- t. son-in-la- FRI. & SAT. SPECIALS ... Hi-spe- BEEHIVE COAL CARNATION CORN DRESS FLAKES U oz. pkgs. packages Take Q7c Of for FLAPJACK Camping FOOD LISTS FRilE CAMP d 4LB. BOX 47' REDEEM YOUR FRISKIE ... COUPONS 2 CANS 27' 4 lESTTISSUE Med snacks vegetables FrESH i, T local green PEAS 2 lbs 19' Each WCRMBERS gm.E Tasti 25' IV King Oscar FRUITS & MCE 5' Now $6.95 to $12.75 25 Hill and Hill will not make you a great skipper but it will treat you to 'well Bartlett PEARS No 2i LUNCH MEATS Assorted Pound - FINE COTTON CASUALS Famous Georgiana and Martha Manning makes. Ginghams, Chambrays. Madras, Sheer Cottons. Cords, etc. All late arrivals. All sizes. - $7.95 to $16.75 values at 10 Closeout Group Dresses ft Main I APPLIANCE Plenty of Parting Space Brigham City It HOOF NATIONAL Miscellaneous Cottons and Rayons. Varied sizes ranges. Values to $10.75 DISTILLERS HODUCTS CO IPO AATlOk, N.T. - 56IA1N HEUTBAL SMUTS Discount THE SHOP I |