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Show Brigham City, Utah Tuesday, January 16, 1962 THE BOX EIDER NEWS, DrighamLady Dies Saturday Supervisor to Slick Streets Death Claims Former Local Postmaster Thursday Night Visit Church Bring Mishaps C. V. Knemeyer, circuit suSlick roads contributed to a pair Roland Adolphus Madsen, 81, forWitnesses of Jehovahs pervisor of intersection accidents occuring mer Brigham City postmaster, died less than two hours apart in Brig- for Idaho Circuit No. 1 will arrive Thursday at 10 p.m. at his resiin Brigham City Monday to suham City Saturday. dence, 136 North First East, of causes incident to age. accident pervise final preparations for the Involved in the first He was born in Brigham City on were cars driven by Wanda Gail convention of Jehovahs Witnesses Mrs. Ellen Hendrickson Olsen, Oct. 2, 1880, a son of Peter F. and Exum, 565 East Sixth South, and which wil be held at the Box Elder 248 of Second North East, age 75, Madsen. Emelia a Dahlgren Brigham City boy. followat died Saturday her home On Jan. 24, 1906, he married Sixth Junior High school next week. The vehicles collided at ing an extended illness. Rees in the Salt Lake LDS Third East. South and Abigail Knemeyer has been a minister She was born Sept. 8, 1886, ' in Temple. Damage to the Exum car was of Jehovahs Witnesses since 1935.: MR. MADSEN was a former Copenhagen, Denmark, a daughestimaan with $500 estimated at He is a graduate of the Watch-towter of Theodore and Emma Chris- banker and manager of the Stude-bakted $200 to the other vehicle. There tiansen Hendrickson. Co. in both Malad, Idaho, Kingdom Ministry school in. were no citations issued. She was married to August O- and Brigham City. He served as A sedan driven by Doris Pali Broklyn, N.Y., and has served most lsen on May 24, 1909 in Brigham labor foreman during the construcRees, Tremonton, and a station of his ministry in southern Califortion of Bushneil Hospital, was labor City. He died May 1, 1957. wagon driven by Mathalano Florez, nia. On Jan. 1, 1962, he was apWPA for the Mrs. Olsen came to the United and project supervisor 667 North Third East, collided at pointed circuit supervisor of. JeS: 20 States when she was seven years in Brigham City. He also had p.m. at the intersection of hovahs Witnesses for all congregations in Southeastern Idaho and old and made her home in Brig- been an income tax consultant. was Sixth North and Second East. At the time of his death he Northern Utah. ham City. She was a member of was car Florez the to Damage a member of the board of directhe Chudch of Jesus Christ of Latte- tors of the Box vehicle to the and other set at $175 Elder County Mosr-day Florez for failure to yield Saints. $100. quito Abatement program. Officer Harvey McCoy cited of in Church Jesus Active the SHE IS survived by two sons Saints, he had and a daughter, Ralph A. Olsen, Christ of Latter-da- y served a mission to New Zealand Brigham City; Floyd J. Olsen, Lo- as a young man. He had been su- SUCCUMBS Roland A. Madsen, gan; Mrs. Leo (Virginia) Panes-saNew York City; two brothers, perintendent of the Brigham City 81, died Thursday night of causes Walter Hendrickson and Henry Fourth ward Sunday school and incident to age. both of Brigham was a member of the seventy Hendrickson, quorum. CARD OF THANKS City; one sister, Mrs. Hannah Hansen of Perry. HE WAS the father of 14 sons To those who by their acts of and daughters, 13 of whom are livFuneral services will be conkindness expressed their sympaing. ducted Wednesday at 1 p. m. in Survivors include his widow thy and friendship at the time of MARCH FOR DIMES Participating in the annual Mothers March for the New March of Dimes the Brigham City Eighth LDS Brigham City, and the following the death of our beloved wife and ' drive in Mrs. Ted Charles C. Mrs. Mrs. J. Kastrop, Rogers, Potnots Cheractm Q 1950 Brigham City will be Mrs. Norman Snow, ward chapel with Bishop E. B. sons and daughters: R. Wayne mother, Elsie Marie Mclntire, we United fMtvre Syiwtate, Inc. C. Christensen and Mrs. J. Gordon Felt (seated). Standing are Mrs. Dee Coates, Mrs. Dee Mitton, Harrison officiating. Friends may Madsen, Salt Lake City; Mrs. Wil- wish to express heartfelt thanks. Mrs. Fred Mitchell, Mrs. John Naumann, Mrs. Richard Fly, Mrs. Carver Kennedy and Mrs. Morgan call at the Harold B. Felt Funeral lis A. (Lola) Tingey and Mrs. Asa We wish especially to thank the i Wilson. Local residents are asked to contribute generously as the mothers make their personal pleas Home Tuesday from 7 to 9 p. m. L. (Amy) Beecher, both of Logan; ward bishopric, the Relief society, r. and Wednesday prior to services. Mrs. W. H. (Mildred) Stowe, Og- our friends, and all others who Clyde R. Madsen, Gainsville, assisted in any way. Interment will be in the Brig- den; FOR BEST RESULTS USE THE WANT ADS Fla.; Mrs. Alma (Grace) Pratt, ham City cemetery. William Mclntire Family. Mrs. J. M. Kailua, Hawaii; (Laura) Weber, Greeley, ' Colo.; Mrs. Earl (Afton) Bingham, Carl D. Madsen, Provo; Fred R. Madsen, Lawndale, Calif; Milton R. Madsen, Albuquerque, N.M.; Mrs. Stanley (Dorothy) A disappointing turnout at last Bramweil, San Antonio, Tex.; DelVERL t. PETERSEN meeting Saturdays organization Director HAROLD B. FELT bert R. Madsen, Ruskin, Fla. BRIGHAM CITY has not dampened hopes to get adAlso surviving are 60 grandchil' ministrative matters settled for the one dren, 26 Black-fooCanyon Little League, Western A concert featuring three organs brother, Sterling Madsen, The Comfort of the families we survival training Boys Baseball association, in Brig- being played simultaneously will Idaho; and one sister, Mrs. ham City. be presented Friday evening, Jan, Connie M. Peters, Salt Lake City. course is being planned for the serve is our most earnest concern. FUNERAL services were conBrigham City area by the Box Only six parents attended Satur- 19, at 8 p.m. in the Brigham City days meeting. Another session is Seventh LDS ward chapel as a ducted Monday at 1 p. m. in the Eider Wildlife federation. The flexibility of our spacious facilities planned Friday, Jan. 19, in - the benefit for the North Box Elder Brigham City Fourth LDS ward The course will begin Jan. 24 Central school library starting at stake building fund. chapel with Bishop Herman W. at 7:30 p. m. with classes sched' 7:30 p.m. Hadfield home-lik- e cong officiating. atmosphere uled for Box Elder Junior High provides warm, Sponsoring the Interment was in the Brigham WE SELL THE MOST, SO YOU SAVE THE MOST... SEE US TODAY 1 All parents of boys nine to 12 cert are the Brigham City Seventh school. The room number will City cemetery under the direction who plan to play baseball this and Eighth LDS wards. . for both large and small families alike. announced. be of the Blaine Olsen Mortuary. summer are urged to be there. will be Dale Featured Ail youthful nlmrods who plan The Canyon league includes the Bates, well organists known Utah organist; Their many friends may pay their reto purchase their first Utah area east of Main and South of Gordon Steed, -Sodium chloride common salt Ogden orpopular Forest plus Willard and Mantua, ganist, and Michael Ohman, talen- has been called the edible gem. hunting license must first comspects without crowding or confusion. It is the only stone eaten directly plete the course. ted Brigham City organist "h man. 323 South Main Street, Brigham City, Utah by Other musical numbers will be presented as a part of the program, according to the committee in charge. Bates is a professional organist, phone having played with several famous dance bAids. Steed is a teacher PA3-520.. The class in Spanish for Begin- in the Ogden area and has his own ners being offered under the eve- orchestra there. J.' ning education program of the Box Ohman is a son of Mr. and Mrs. WWW Elder county school district will Earland Ohman, 544 South First hold its registration and first class West, and is a senior student1 at this evening, Tuesday, Jan. 16, at Box Elder High. He has had ex7 p. m. in room at the Box tensive musical training and : is Elder Junior High school. giving organ instructions at the 7L Beautiful Serf ice Need Not Be Costly Edgar L. Wagner will be the in- present time. The general public is invited to structor. Wagner has spent several years in Mexico and Central attend the musical concert and America and speaks Spanish flu- suggested donations of one dollar will be accepted at the door, com623 SOUTH MAIN ently. mittee members said. PA Phone A One class in advanced Spanish will hour 4 also be organized if there is sufBLANKET BUYS! . COTTON TERRY PULLOVERS Full cut, DIAPER BUYS! waterproof ficient registration. Those inter- CARD OF THANKS coated knit rayon plastic 1 to Combed cotton cut Medium weight strong towel, 1 washcloth, I Gaily printed receiving ested in advanced Spanish should in PHyCUMHW- pants. White, pastels. Words cannot express the gratih full size specifications. bib in soft, blankets of sturdy wovthe Birdseye weave, highly also attend this evening at 7 p. m, en cotton. 26 x 34 Inch tude and appreciation we feel tocotton terry knit. White, absorbent, 27 x 27 inch Lap shoulders! Sizes 0 to 3 for 88c 4 colors. size. 3. ward those who, by their kindness size. Yanks In Britain and generous assistance, helped 1 .88 dozen for 3 88c for 88c to 2 3 88c set sizes t LONDON (UPI) The number lighten our burden of sorrow at of American visitors to Britain in- the time of the death of our becreased 234 percent between 1950 loved husband and father, Edward and 1960, the British Travel Asso- J. Cole. May Gods blessing rest ciation reports. with those who came to our asA total of 127,000 came to Brit- sistance in any way. ain in 1950. The figure for 1960 The Edward J. Cole Family. was 426,000. After Illness er er . to ? door-to-doo- FALCONS ARE Parents Absent From Meeting; New Date Set FUNERAL HOME GOING FOR PEANUTS AT YOUR FORD DEALERS Hon-eyvill- Organ Concert Slated Friday Federation Sets t, Course in Survival Training r.muorrm Another SELLING SPREE! - fund-raisin- i 5 nmn , ANDERSENS FORD, Inc. im Spanish Class Begins Tonight Look For The Tags With the 88s . Check The Extra Big Savings! 13-- B ' 74 mnRTimiin si! non-stretc- You Save 51c with each coat MENS OVERCOATS LADIES and BOWLING COATS (No Fur Trim) TOPCOATS - Expertly Finished Professionally Cleaned NO LIMIT SPECIAL ENDS SATURDAY, A beautiful collection of baby things LETS GO JAN. 20 m . measufS of Novelty BARGAIN and CLEANING DRY COIN-O- P INTRODUCTORY BUDGET OFFER IS . . . 6 lbs. only $1 .00 (minimum price) 25c per additional pound 91b Includes 10 lb..., $1.75 etc. DRY fobmet GARMENTS RETURNED Dont WE ( & ... STEAM-AI- R r $2.00 P.S. Ask your CLEAN ON HANGERS Forget DAY ALL SATURDAY! Bowling is fun for everyone of all ages.. . Its America's favorite family sport. This is our advertising campaign to introduce bowling to new bowlers and say Thank You to our regular bowlers. For one week only we offer 40 games of bowling for only $4 in the form of a Family Bowling Pass. More than $20.00 of bowling for just $4.00! Use your 40 games any time in the next 10 months. Your bowling pass (wallet size) can be used by all the members of your family,- - for family fun, or individual practice. Sorry, this is not a standing offer, and will not be repeated. To receive your 40 games for $4 bring in this ad before 10 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 21, 1962. I Take your aealot A pound It IS ounces today, nx week, or tharo'l comothlng wrongl Soma with valuol H null balance who! you pay by a full moaiuro of quality and wrvlca or It's no value of all! Salat belt, talat talk, slashed prion you'll navar find these of value-bree- d neck! value I easy snap shoulders. Penney pHcat ora tot to gtvo you your mangy's worth. Thtvbw low because a buying crow thopt untiringly to bring you tho bolt tha market hat to offer . . . because laboratory toiti endlessly to assure satisfactory performance . . . because ovary Penney store labors unceasingly to check waste . . . because we want everything wo tell to ustify your confidence in et and bring you back for mote . , . IT'S A 2 for 88c sizes tradition AT FINNEY'S to 4 1 once-a-ye- ar Limited one J " 1 NYLON N COTTON Nursery printed cotton crib close-weav- e blank- ets. Acetate binding. Cotton knit layette gowns White fitted bottom made to quality ards keep shape.. ton muslin standPas- tels. 2 for 2.88 pass per person, one line a day 3 for 1.88 cot- TRAINER-PAN- crib sheets, reinforced edges. 3 for 88c 88c 1 88 T Absorbent double thick combed cotton. Triple crotch! Sizes 1 to S. TERRY It stretches flu 1 1 on baby, Soft, ab- a snap. sorbent, machine washable . , . its the choice of busy Moms. Priced to please. ROCKET BOWL BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH Store Hours neighbor and friends how they liked our Complete Service. crew Short sleeve polo shirts, OF EXTENSION prlcesl baby-size- d Penney's. Go FAMILY BOWLING PASS i "0ly at Phone PA 15 East 5th North I ' Open Friday Nights till 9:00 P.M. 75 i - - - - A A iA |