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Show rrrr V Brigham Gty, Utah Tuesday, January 2, 1962 Local Family Former Local Credit Reference Book Lists Featured in Resident to 337 Businesses in County Now Cosmopolitan Serve Mission THE BOX EIDER NEWS, Statistics released this week by D.E. Smith, district manager of the Salt Lake City office of Dun & Bradstreet, Inc., reflect the trend of the business population in Box Elder county during the past year. Figures obtained from a physical count of the Dun & Bradstreet reference book for January, 1962, totaled 337 manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers in this area. ' THE REFERENCE book lists all manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers who seek or grant commercial credit. It does not include some of the service and professional businesses such as beauty and barber shops, security dealers and real estate brokers. Therefore, the figures for businesses in Box Elder County would actually be higher than the 337 quoted above. ' Using the reference book as a guide, it is noted that Brigham City had 186 listings in January, 1962, as compared with 190 in 1961 and 188 in 1960. WHEN THE owner or officer of a business enterprise, or his accountant, fills out and mails his fi s Utah Savers Will Receive nancial statement to Dun & Bradstreet, it becomes a part of the credit report on his business and a factor in determining the credit rating of his business. Each reference book listing is a condensed summary of the information contained in the Dun & Bradstreet credit report. The report includes a history of the business; a description of what the business does and how it does it; a financial section which usually includes the latest financial statement; and a record of how the business pays its bills. The Dun & Bradstreet reference book, which is the worlds largest regularly published volume, is revised every 60 days to keep the business listings current. Elder Ronald Youngquist, former resident of Brigham City, and now of 613 - Fifth Street, Ogden, will serve a mission for the Church of Saints Jesus Christ of Latter-dain Florida. A Brigham City family was featured as "Rocketeer Family in a special illustrated article appearing in the January issue of Cosmopolitan magazine. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Thirkill, who reside at 545 East Sixth North, and their two sons, David, 7, and Daniel, 5, have had an exciting experience in being interviewed and photographed for the this article, Mrs. Thirkill said week. Thirkill heads the preliminary design and analysis department of Wasatch division of Thiokol Chemical corporation. THE spread recognizes the Thirkill family as pioneers in the new era of space age exploration; these young Americans work hours, have precious little time together, but are sustained by the knowledge that they are helping preserve our freedoms and the life we all love. Author of the story is Stephan Wilkinson, who came to Brigham from New York City some Workers should insist on sepa- City six weeks ago to interview the' ration notices (blue slips) when Thirkills and get information for laid off. They should keep copies the article. of them for the period before the date of their last layHIS VISIT was preceded by a four-daoff. visit from Nolan Pattere a photographer These slips are a basis for de- son, Los from in late July. Angeles, unemtermining eligibility for Permission had previously been A record of ployment benefits. given by the Thirkills to the Costheir occurances during the for the intermopolitan period prior to filing a view and magazine photos. claim for benefits plays a part in Patterson spent two days at the determining how much in benefits a claimant may receive, and for local Thiokol plant, where he toook part of the photographs and the how long. other two days were spent at the AS SOON AS a lald-of- f worker Thirkill residence, where he folpresents his blue slip to an em- lowed the family in their everyployment security office, all em- day living, taking more photoployers for whom the individual graphs. worked during the prior HE JOINED the Thirkills at the period are contacted. This is done swimto determine the periods worked Brigham City Municipal and wages paid. Not until this ming pool, followed them during can the a shopping jaunt at a local superinformation is received market and in other local stores. claimthe determine department He went along on an outing to the duramount benefit the and ants air show staged in Ogden, and ation of his elegibility. was guest of honor at a barbeque workFailure to give a laid-of- f patio that er a separation notice, or failure supper on the Thirkill he met a host of where evening, of an employer to promptly supBrigham City residents who were ply wage information can cost the Invited in for the occasion. employer a $10 penalty on each count. We really enjoyed having Mr. Patterson with us the entire time, Mrs. Thirkill said, and it has OUR READERS WRITE been exciting to await the January issue when the feature apDear Editors and Friends; Ive been here in Austria for peared. over a year and have been re JOHN THIRKILL has been as"ceiving the Box Elder News and sociated with Thiokol since 1955 Journal regularly twice a week. and was among the first company Id like to commend and thank employees (o come to Brigham everyone for the effort they have City, having resided here for the put forth in sending me the Box past five years. He is a native of Elder News and Journal. Soda Springs, Idaho, and Mrs. 11 I am sure that the other Thirkill was born and raised in missionaries and people that read Spokane, Wash. They resided in this paper enjoy it as much as I Delaware before coming to Brigdo. ham City. It keeps me informed and "We love the West and are more on the latest happenings in than happy with our home and the Box Elder area and other friends here in Brigham City, Mrs. Thirkill concluded. parts of the state. I would again like to thank evA full grown raccoon averages eryone who has made it possible for me to receive the Box Elder 30 to 36 inches in length, weighs News and Journal. between 15 and 25 pounds and is about 12 inches high at the Sincerely, Elder Hans Berger. y honored A farewell testimonial Elder Youngquist Sunday evening, Dec. 31, at 6:30 p m. in the Ogden Seventh LDS ward chapel. He will enter the LDS Mission Home in Salt Lake City on Jan. 8 TO FLORIDA Elder Ronald far training prior to leaving a week Youngquist will serve LDS mission later for his mission headquarters. in Florida. Elder Youngquist is a graduate of Ben Lomond High school and has attended Weber College. He is currently employed at the Bank of Utah in Ogden. He is serving as President of the M Men of the Lorin Farr LDS stake. Lillian He is a son of Mrs. Leo Youngquist and the late Youngquist. SIX-PAG- E Blue Slips round-the-cloc- k Vital to Although the polar bears native Arctic habitat is the region the animal takes to captivity quite well and can be kept in from zoos while some animals more temperature climates can- Unemployed not. y free-lanc- $3.42 Million - More than 128,000 savers next week will receive more than $3.42 million in earnings from Utahs Insured savings and loan associations, G. Blair Bradshaw said Friday. Bradshaw is president of Utah Savings and Loan League. ' ' Earnings paid by Utahs insured associations for the second half of 1961 were 14.8 percent greater than those for the same period in mil1960, when they were $2.98 lion. Total earnings paid by these associations in 1961 will amount to $6.66 million, compared with $5.72 million in 1960. ? EARNINGS figures of Ogden First Federal Savings and Loan Association, Main at Forest in Brigham City, were included in the, report. Bradshaw said that the e record. figure is an "The earnings are for the Utah offices of these associations only, semi-annu- all-tim- not include branches, he added. "Tremendous gains in savings in the states insured savings and loan associations have been apparent in 1961, Bradshaw said. "Net gains in savings of Utahs insured associations this year will exceed those in 1960 by approximately 30 percent," and do ASSETS of Utahs Insured associations at the end of November were $284.86 million. ' Bradshaw added that the nations savings and loan associations are distributing the largest total of earnings in the history of the business an estimated $1.36 billion. This is 15 percent more than a year ago. Total assets of savings and loan associations across the country Stands at an estimated $81.8 semi-annu- IS HERE WITH A FOR YOUI Deal now . . . collect bonus dollars now! The Early Traders Bonus is yours on any purchase of $500 or more . , from tractors to twine, from tillage tools to harvesting equipment. Come in today, so we can figure your Early Traders Bonus deal on the IH ec ipment you need. When you buy, the dollars eh wer down. Youll collect interest at the rate pf 6 on your trade-i- n andor down payment And you get your check at oncel ROCKETEER FAMILY John and Mary Thirkill and their sons, David and Daniel, shown above, are featured as a Rocketeer Family in the January issue of Cosmopolitan magazine now on the newsstands. Thirkill holds a key position at Wasatch Division of Thiokol Chemical Corporation here. The above photo is one taken by Nolan D. Patterson, photographer for the feature story, and was taken last July on Brigham Citys Main Street. Job Layoffs Are Caused By Weather For the week ended Dec. 23, industrys need for new workers in Utah was at the usual ebb, but layoffs, caused mostly by weather, were higher than usual for the end of December, reported Douglas Miller, manager of the Brigham City employment security office. Only 742 jobs were made avail able through state employment offices during the week. Miller said, but new unemployment notices totaled 1,957. He said tht job offers were about on par, but layoffs were 534 higher than last years 1,423 for the same week. Miller explained that the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate, now at 3.4 percent, is in a more favorable position than last years 4.4 percent and represents an improved economy. During the week 7,552 individuals claimed unemployment compared to 9,332 for the same period in 1960. Miller said layoffs will continue at a relatively high level for the next eight to 10 weeks. Jensens Host Holiday Guests the earlier you trade the more bonus Recent weekend guests at the Osey Jensen home were Mr. and Mrs. Max Jensen and daughter Linda and Julia Ann, and Mr. and Mrs. Vear Jensen and sons Scott and Corey of Salt Lake City. During the busy holiday season the Jensens also hosted a dinner at an Ogden restaurant for grandchildren Mr. and Mrs. Arden Jensen of Hayworth, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jensen of Brigham Mark City, and Mr. and Mrs. (Janice) McGregor of Ogden. dollars you get BRIGHAM IMPLEMENT COMPANY West of Brigham City PA from January 1st ON SAVINGS ON DEPOSIT m FOR 1 YEAR AT INTEREST DATE ON ALL OTHER SAVINGS New! Interest paid 4 times each year: ' ' . MARCH 31st JUNE 30th DECEMBER SEPTEMBER 30th 31st Roxf LDER fOUNTY RANK BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. 63 |