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Show Ff Brigham Tuesday, October 31, 1961 The best man or woman is the most unselfed Mary Baker Eddy WM. 'Hears Speaker Community Club To HearTalk PACKER L. Civic Club Cty, Utah THE BOX ELDER NEWS, On Space Age Civic Improvement club members heard Thiokol public relations manager, Robert Hart, discuss the impact of the space age He urged that youth on youth continue an interest in rocketry, but that they should be reminded of the dangers of He said that it should be emphasized to youth experimenters that each step of development and research carried out by Thiokol is pre planned by engineers. Prior to the regular meeting of the group, a social time was held beginning at 3 45 p. m on Thursday, Oct 26, at the War Memorial Home Chairman for the serving committee was Mrs. Eph-riaJohnson Assisting her were Mrs C R Jones, Mrs. L. Smith, Mrs Mark Nielson, Mrs Mathew Compton, Mis Leslie Dunn and A lovely Mrs Gilbert Horrocks table was set with fall flowers and lighted yellow tapers adding a gracious touch On Cooking Ladies Community club will welcome new members and present members at then regular monthly Nov on Thursday, m at the War meeting at 2, 3 4a p Memonal Home Guest speaker will be Merle Chipman, who is the Utah Power and I ight home demonstration Her theme will be Holi-di- y agent and Cooking Elect! ically she will cook many holiday items that can be included on home menus Samples of items will be p issed among the club members for tasting and comments ' CHAIRMAN for the meeting is while Helen Marjorie Humphreys Mae Young as dnector member New members to the club were Candidate for Councilman officially welcomed into membership at the annual banquet on Lifetime resident of Brigham New members Thursday Oct 26 City include Mis Fred B Baugh, Mrs 18 Years Experience in Business Mrs Harmon Tomas Blanchaid Administration Mis Roland Gourley, Campbell College Education in Business Mis Donald E Hume, Mrs SidAdministration Mrs Lynn Nelson, ney Jensen Property Owner, Taxpayer and Mis Duane Phippcn Mrs I eon Man Family Smith Mis Kay Walker, and Mrs Familiar With City Problems Chailes J Wilson Past and Present Progiam at the anual memberBusiness Experience in Taxes, was planned by ship banquet Financing, Adniinistiatiun ch in man Nilson with Bessie Active in Civic Groups, Politics, of Church. guest speaker Mis Gisburn the Dave Welling Travel Agency WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT giving an illustrated lecture on (Paid Political Adv.) Hawaii yjr im mv-xL- A., 4zV4-x- r p, rl. j tftPnh? NEW MEMBERS WELCOMED New members of the Ladies Community Club numbered 12 as chairman Bessie Nelson welcomed them into the club at a Banquet held on Thursday, Oct. 26. The ladies will attend their first official meeting of the local civic group on Thursday, Nov. 2, as the club meets to hear a talk and demonstration on holiday cooking by Utah Power and Lignt representative Merle Chipman. MUSICAL numbers heard during the afternoon included a violin duet by Margaret and Barbara Mulliken, and a cello solo by Mary Ellen Mulliken They were accompanied by Patsy Fitch. PTA PATTER South Box Elder Council Sets Meeting Date for Thursday Nite Chairman for the days program was Mrs Rudger Price. She stated her appreciation for the work of the committees and the excellence of the program numbers Harts talk fitted into the local man, are urged to attend. Mrs. on youth Dean Bunderson will conduct the clubs project centering and education which has been taworkshop session ken by the Civic Improvement PTA MEMBERSHIP month will club for the coming year. Hart be encouraged to be over with the end of October urged that youth Parents are urged to join now to pursue engineering education. get full benefit of PTA memberIt is stressed that parents ship join each group to which they have BE an interest Membership in a grade SOUTH BOX ELDER COUNCIL of PTA will meet on Thursday, Nov 2, at 8 p m at Buntleison School with the theme of the meets of PTA ing set as Purpos-eAll exteutive officers, which included elected officers fiom each PTA group and progiam chair- - North BIRTHS school PTA group does not give rights in the Junior The following births are report- membership High or High School group and the Memorial hospited from Cooley parents should join each group as alan individual unit Persons need Dai roll Dean and Lou Anne not be parents to join Roseboiough Sober, Bngham City, HALLOWEEN CARNIVALS set gnl, Oet 16 Willaid Allen and Gaye Nielson for tonight by local PTA groups include. Bunderson school at 6 p m Maughan White, Bngham City, with supper to be served and the 17. boy, Oct Lincoln entile family invited, Roger Dean and Norma Velene school from 6 to 8 p m for the chilCity, dren only with Singleton Olsen, Brigham parents invited to 17 boy, Oet the grand march at the conclusion, Biuce Buiton and Chloan Sum- - Cential School beginning at 6 30 mers Kolaluk, Ogden, girl, Oct. p m dessert and a special 19 area for children Raymond Kelly and Doiothy Oy-lKmidson, Brigham City, girl, Oct 20 Joseph Sid and tthel Amy Harding lluot, Bngham City, boy, Oct. Stake Relief Society -- S K' L ii I ' Yf' x if v - V- ! v v M ' i ' J j 1 FASTCO, EfiSSER vjihter ctartikg y For onv 146 or PA Mills JJ 3 TIPO Bngham City, Oc t bov. OF BRIGHAM UTAH PHONE PA If no answer 3-24- 3-- CITY i 1 31 3 Saturday, Sunday 'iiii'ni THEY'LL IN-CA- 'mni , w R Tingey OF NOMINATIONS LIST ELECTION, NOV. 7th 1961 TUESDAY, INDEPENDENT , CITIZENS REPUBLICAN DEMOCRATIC o COMMITTEE o lor Major (4 r Tor Mayor Term) WILLIS L. HANSEN o or Mayor (4 yr Term) 1 (4 yr Teim) lor o , J .1, , (4 yr Teim) 1 or Mayor lor X t - Starring JEAN SIMMONS Councilman (4 yr. X FOR WILLIAM ' ROBERT E. (BOB) KEATING V CANDIDATE For Councilman Term) MAYOR 0 1. FOR ANY 1 (4 yr. Term) for Count liman FULTON G. THOMPSON L. PACKER CH VERL L. PETERSEN PERSON FOR MAYOR AND ANY Count ilman 2 PERSONS 1 OR COUNCILMLN Blown buxines miiimger L'i.'.j Tl ILl i V(,,l Proven organizer State of Utah County of Box Elder Blown livic suppoiler I, Fannie J. Christensen, Recorder in and for Brigham City, Box Elder County, State of Utah, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct copy of the sample ballot to be used in the Municipal Election to be held Tuesday, November 7, 1961, at which time the polls will be open from 7.00 A M. to 8 00 P.M. Active in locul, slate and na tional fraternal organizations. i T IM i DOWN TO BE SURE TO DRIVE NEWEST THE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT DRIVE-I- N N - ' I have set my hand and affixed my official seal this 28th day of October, A. D. 1961. Seal - - v- - (1aiii I'liliin il lv Fannie J. Christensen j - I 1 Term) D. D. BILLINGS KEITH A. HANSEN Xk M Jji la AND A (4 yr. WARM YOU and Thanks again Elder Lowell TO 'm THIS EARTH IS KUNE" In Color- I am grateful for all the town papers you have sent to me I look forward each week to able to hear about the great ci I have of Bngham now bei transferred to Seattle so wou you please send my paper to S W. Roxbury, Seattle 6, Wash. Deakin I owell lav and Shuuna step, Gat land, bov. Oit D. D. BILLINGS Thursday thru Sunday ROCK HUDSON Christensen. H Dear Sir: vfeirS HEATERS R KEEP Elder Don BRIGHAM CITY MUNICIPAL Box Office Opens af 6:1 0 ELECTRIC Sincerely, TO Open Thursday, Friday, Farin' Im writing to inform you ot my change of address Im now labor mg in Linden, Alabama My ad dress is P. 0 Box 302, Linden, Ala I really appreciate receiving the paper twice a week and I thank you for it. I love the work. OF OFFICIAL lohn 11 innlton and LnVell Wan-kie- r Biyan, Brigham City, boy, Ort 2S Gaiv D and Pamela Richards I ov eland, Brigham City, gnl, Oit. 55 call PA Dear Sirs: 2H THEATRE PERRY, Try us today! gnl (Kt 2S Newell Rich ud and Mary Burton Moss Bngham City, girl, Oct miisi&j SOUTH says George Be convinced 27 Melvin Rtihaid and Charlotte Sin lin'd Maxfield, Rte 2, boy. jOct 27 Thomas Daniel and Elizabeth Muble Miller, Willard, boy, Oct e N - Enjoy the good things in life Dining here is one of them John Walter and Karen Lyle Storey Langley Jr, Bngham t uv, gnl, Oct 25 Ron lid Ivan and Vivitn Paiker Pn ston 1 lovd and Bubara I lensin Keller, Brigham City, DRIVE-I- IN 24 REYNOLDS V. REEDER South 6th East, Brigham City, Utah Phone: PA MR. BIG DRIVE Reds Easy Pickins PHILADELPHIA (UPI) Grover Cleveland Alexander pitched five Dear Sirwhile shutouts against Cincinnati I have been transferred to St for during playing Philadelphia New and my John, Brunswick, new address is. 293 King street the 1916 National League season. West, St. John, New Brunswick, Canada I would also like to thank you at this time for the newspapers you have sent I really enjoy them and find out what is going on back in Brigham City. ' ckVr.OH Standard Oil product, call Ds pre-scho- , engines start in seconds with Chevron Pressure Primer System even in sub zero weather. Safe, simple system uses pressurized steel cartridges of priming fuel, discharger and metal tubing to intake manifold Reduces engine wear, lengthens battery life. Avoid fuel line icing, just pour a little Chevron Ban Ice Fluid in your gas tank. Heavy-dut- & Yours truly, ELDER DON BALLS North Box Elder Stake Relief Society groups held their leadership meeting at the Fourth LDS Ward on Saturday, Oct 28 The program was under the chairmanship of Stake Work director Fern Brown, and the work chairmen of each member ward Relief Society members were greeted with seven tables loaded with lovely displays of Chnstmas ideas Foods in the form of cakes, fancy cookies and other holiday foods were on display Inside and outdoor decorations for the Chnstmas season were shown, along with toy ideas and 21 childrens clothing Regular gift Roy Hugh and Deloies Mae 01-- s items such as fancy handiwork was n Stme, Washington, gnl, Oct The regular meeting of Amity also shown in the large display of 23 No 23, F and A M will be Lodge Mui t ay Lllis and Btenda Lee held Wednesday evening, Nov. 1, at Olson Stevens, Willaid boy, Oct The U S Department of Agri'24 8pm in the Masonic Temple culture reports 2,137,460 acres I Idnn K and Kathleen Ioiraine All Master Masons arc invited to were p,anted ,0 trees m the 50 Atde on McBude, Mendon girl, attend, according to Maxwell Pohl, states in 1960 Georgia led with Oct. 24. plantings of 330,196 acres John Otto and Karen Goodey secietary Silicon Bngham City, boy, Oct Master Masons Slate Meeting - C OUR READERS WRITE Exchanges Ideas , - WILL SERVE GOLF GROUP Mis. Roy Barnard and Mrs. Chet Hamilton are among ofticers elected Oct. 13 to serve the Northern Utah Womens Golf Association, which represents four golfing groups in the area. Mrs. Barnard is serving as president of the group, while Mrs. Hamilton is secretary. Missing from the picture are officers Mrs. Danavam Fleming of Ogden, vice president; and treasurer Mrs. Elwood Hill of Ogden. The Northern Division tournament will be held at the Brigham City club in the summer of 1962. 9 (4 yr Term) M "V |