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Show ri t m THE BOX CIDER NEWS, Brigham City, Utah Tuesday Morning, November 24, 1959 By R. J. SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK SCOTT 'fcRE THANKSGIVING SPECIA- L- 10 FOR SALE 1958 Chev. Delray, FOR SALE Fireplace wood. Get off all Stereo, and 43 rpm sedan. Can see at 167 before stormy weather. Phone PRICE REDUCED $100 stock ftom Recard Thursday, South Third East after 6 p. m. 392-or 392-on this fine Pontiac Sedan. 19 to Sat., Nov. 28. Includes Nov. evenings, This is a real bargain. $25 Tabernacle Choir, Lords PrayFOR SALE Good clean 1952 Ford down with secured credit, er, Spirit of Christmas, and amatic. See Homer Tingey, Ph. low monthly payments. album Messiah.. 732-Cal! No. 6 Nows The Time To Get GENTS GIFTS, New Theatre FOR SALE Excellent Bldg., Tremonton. CHRISTMAS GIFT PHOTOS quality used lumber, 1x12, 2x12, 3x12, LOR SALE 1 coal range, coal COMPTONS STUDIO short pieces or up to 20 feet and portable electric heater 102 So. Main Ph. J washer, small. Phone 47. lengths, timbers 8x8 to 16x16, up HI LAND DAIRY PRODUCTS to 20 feet. Pickup or delivers s from Midvale Smelter, Phone STEVE ROSE FOR SALE 4 door 1956 Bel Air FOR SALE 1950 Ford with 712-City. Brigham low new Chevrolet; mileage, drive. Phone 985-N-- l 72 N. 3rd West Phone 1211 tires, very good condition. Ph. 0286-J- 1 Brigham City, Utah after 5:30 p. m. Get mild, odorless, skin color QUILT BATTING H & M Ointment for mild skin White Miracle fine Celanese fiber quilt batting for only $1.50 irritations, even burning, cracked, dtching athletes foot, (fungus per pound at Infection). You must be satisfied EVERTON MATTRESS CO. or your druggist will refund. 24 E. 1 South Phone 27 10 Off on All Stereo, HiFi and 45 RPM Records in Stock From FOR SALE 1957 Renalt, brand FOR SALE Used electric range; Thursday, Nov. 19th to Saturday, Nov. 28th. Includes Tabernacle new motor, good tires, excellent coil springs; TV antenna; bufChoir Lords Prayer. Spirit of Christmas, and 2 Record Aleconomical condition, running fet, dining table and chairs. In bum Messiah. transportation. $1000.00. See good condition. See at 235 East Howard Simcox, Phone 2. Fourth North or phone Tramnnfnn aYikY CWAduttli WANTED FOR SALE 1952 Chev. sedan; clean, iow mileage, $295.90. Snalding sklis, ski boots. Size 12 with bindings. Phone 506-- Apply in Person ft. KS 2,003,400 Younq rt oxv . SompSi 672 South Main p after 6 p.m. FOR SALE 1959 Rambler, mileage. Call 793-- Lai PURIK4 MS 8KODUCrf ml COAL JOB PRINTING BOX ELDER NEWS AND JOURNAL Phone 1000 Great Country Newspapers Complete advertising service for all Box Elder Connty Quality Commercial Printing Quirk Service APPLIANCES Phone 1190 ALL GE APPLIANCES Rent an Ironrite Automatic Ironer for only $2 a Week. Box Elders Only Ironrite Dealer VAEEEk SHAKE D AUQWANCfr ST I NX S, FOR SALE Kelvinator refrigerator, 8 ft., 4 years old. Ph. 1375-R- . 360-N- Elder Box c-- o News-Journa- ftui&s or nu bolus, EXPLODE UHDER. Wl -f rest 66 So. WANTED TO RENT BRIGHAM TRUCK 27 TAILORED AUTO SEAT COVERS Tailored to fit any make or model of car Choice of fabrics and colors CVFRTON MATTRESS CO 24 East 1st South Phone 4 119 So. Main 43 years of friendly service Ante Repairs Goodyear Tires Garage hr Towing AAA Phone 28 967. SIW1 626 We specialise in beautifully decorated WEDDING CAKES AND SPECIAL PARTY CAKES - BEAUTY AIDS FOR SALE built-in- s; REPAIRS w Right Here it, Brigham City Phono - 7ft BLUE PRINTING MARGARET R. EVANS Phone 1300 J or 178 Copies of all Tracings, including House Plana Reasonable Fees Prompt Service Leave work at 218 North Sixth East after 4 CHOICE EATING PLACES Cafes & 30 AND FLOOR COVERINGS home with Ken-mor- AT TREMONTON MOTOR . COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 304 South Second East Sunday Church Schol ;3i A.M. 1 1:06 a.M. Morning Worship HercheV Jotten Pastor Phone 91 M - DYEING - LAUNDRY - FUR STORAGE SOFT WATER SF.KIVCK 46 North k Soft water service, Self service rental units. Home owned units, Industrial Installation. Complete line of water conditioning eqnlpmrnt CULLIOAN READY-MI- X CONCRETE FIFE ROUE PRODUCTS CONSTRUCTION East 6th South Ready Mix Concrete Heavy Construction Brigham City. Utah Phone 11 COMPANY 1829 Wall At, Ogdea. Utah Ph t on It.fcANKKH 1.10 Month Msm SHEET METAL PIIONh 61-ROOFING "Everything You Wear We Clean With Care Whites and Drapes Our Specialty Pickup A Delivery Service HFATING ROOFING BOBS SHEET METAL ixclutlve Gold Strike Stamp franclse for Dry Cleaners In thta ares All Types of Rooting and Sheet Metal Work FREE FSTIMATFS BRIGHAM CITY LAUNDERETTE A DRY CLEANFRS 22 W Forest 93 North Main C. Kllvlngton Phone 911 Robert White Shirts One Wash Service Day Family Speclsity Free Pickup and Delivery Approved Sanltono Service BATTERIES TIRES flume 63 SERVICE STATIONS stamps MODERN CLEANERS A DYERS Ml SOUTH MAIN FRVKE AC CAZURS CONOCO 16 No. Mala Thou 14 Licensed Hanlun Cleaners 3 Hour Reveler Washing Peliahing Expert I.obriratU-B. F. Goodrich Tires, Tubes snd Batlrrle, Furs Cleaned . Glased Far Storage We Give BAH Grm pumps ft 6 Glv Gold Strike Stamps, Free fickup and Delivery. Phone 1046 Delivery Bert loo J - 1 8 $295 51 Payment Bulck . No Down Payment 52 Ford 8 No Down '53 Chevrolet $395 Payment 6 $395 .No Down Payment '51 Plymouth I $395 Plymouth $ Me Down Payment NOTICK TO CRKDITORS Estate of WILLIAM A. BRAEGGER. Deceased Creditors will present claims with vouihers to the undersigned at 31 First Security Bank Building, Brigham City. I tah. on or before the 2uth day of Match, A. D I960. DEE the and other no down payment cars or phone and ws will come to you. AL7-22- Selection of Pickups, Soms With No Down Payment. If You Can Maks Monthly Payment and Have No Down Payment, Call or Como to Your FORD, FALCON, MFRCURY nd LINCOLN DEALLR. Good FOR SALE 44.89 acre of Afarming land; good water right; modem home and out building. If Interested write Frank Cre ger, Lewiston, Utah, or Phone Administrator. ,, Plaintiff, E. TYSON and LOTTIE JL Defendants. To be sold at Sheriffs sale on the 10th dav of December, 1959, on the front steps of the Box Eider County Court House, In Biigham Citv, Utah, the following described property 107 ft W of the SE Cor ot Beg Lot i, block 21. Plat A, Brigham C ity, thence Nortl) 114 ft., West IB ft.. South 114 ft East 70 ft. to pt. of beg , in Brigham City Survey. Together with water rights and appurtenances thereto belonging Dated this loth day of Novembef, U.S. SAVINGS BONDS 1959. ( W HYDE, of Rox Elder Sheritf County, -Utah. By ORIJN D. ALLEN, Deputy, h ALAN E. BROCKBANK --- Invites You To Watch Us Build A CH WESTERN HORIZON HOME WANTED IRRIGATED FARMS We have two choice row crop farms in the Corinne area. One has a fine brick home, other has poor improvements. THREE BEDROOM HOME WE HAVE AN EXCELLENT HOME IN THE WADE ADAREA. DITION HOUSE IS AS CLEAN AS A PIN. Immediate possession. THIS NEW T1IRFE BEDROOM WILL HAVE A BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME READY TOR OCCUPANCY WITHIN 15 DAYS. Yeu can be In and settled before XMAS. HOME AT CORINNE modern, very Completely nice I bedroom home with double garage, nicely located on attractive comer lot. WE HAVE MANY OTHERS SPACE WILL NOT ALLOW ALL US TO ADVERTISE OUR PROPERTIES. W list only a portion or sample, call us for all your real estate, flouncing and Insurance needs. C These Customer Approved homes have been developed over the last twenty years In which we have built over 4000 home in Utah. You will be pleased and surprised to find we use materials and construction features usually found only in homes at much higher prices. Remember, seeing is believing, so come In and see for yourThen ask John Weigel, our representative, about availability and prices'. self. Yours Very Truly, ctlan C. A teillanL Continental Real Estate and Insurance Co. Sales Agent 1050 South Main Brigham City' Phone 1970 P.O.Box 447 TREMONTON I bedroom brick veneer, full basement. Want smaller home In Tremonton or Brigham, or farm in Bear River Valley. GARLAND Six rooms on I BRIGHAM Corner lot, REAL 82 acre. ft. x 100 ESTATE $10,500. ft. EXCHANGE North Main Jesse F. Petersen, Mgr. 17 OPEN HOUSE Starts TODAY! r A Real Home Buy! Priced for Quick Sale! New 3 bedroom brick home located at 61 1 South 1st East. Tile bath and window tills. Landscaped lot. Cove linoleum, Formica cabinet tops. Cement driveway. B TREMONTON WILLIAMS MOTOR CO. REAL ESTATE BROKER Hank Bahrn, Salesman 141 South Main Phons or 1711 AL7-22- LUND. $795 See Phono MOFFAT. A WE No Down Payment 55 EVANS 1(XM Kearns Building, Salt Lake CUy. Utah. ation. $295 V HEAVY CONSTRUCTION 626 Ford BFHLE. PAHSONS. J. FOR RENT 2 private trailer spaces. 1 mil south of Willard. Phone 6393-R- PAYMENT Me Down TROPICAL CAFE 128 So. Main Phono 63U Visit Our Beautiful Tropical Room STORAGE MOVING Hickory Q Dinners Buffet Lunch Smorgasbord Regular Also Calerlnr to Special Parties and Ranquets C. R. Johnson Jr Mgr C. R. JOHNSON TRANSFER CO. Local and Long Distance Moving, Storage, Packing, Crating CHURCH SERVICES Special Programs AERO-MAYLOWER TRANSIT CO. Americas Finest AgenWfor 9H7 Forest St. Brleham CUy Phone 1684 Dav or Night FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 126 East Forest tftM AM. Sunday School Rentals Sole OFFICE EQUIPMENT Prayer Meeting Repairs 7:04 P.M. Training Union Tuesday 7 F.M. 11:99 A.M. and (:0t P.M. MACHINES CASU ADDLNG REGISTER Worship Service TYPEWRITERS Rented Sold Bought Repaired CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Re. Cornelius Kolper REMINDER OFFICE SUPPLY PHONE t On the Air Sunda Worship 653 8. 3rd B All National! Advertised Brand, Handled KBLH "Way of Life I A.M. Church Training das 16:11 A.M. KI.Q Bark to God 9 A.M. 4:38 P.M, PLUMBING SOFT WATER SERVICE HEATING Vesper Service CLEANING NO DOWN 51 Phone 859 74 South Main EUNDELS Complete stock of Men Furnishing. Clothing, Hart Schaffner tt Marx Shoes and Sportswear Complete Bov' Department Florshelm, Arrow, Dobbs HOLY CROSS LUJHFRAN CHURCH Lincoln Elementary School, 271 North 1st Wait 9:80 A. M. Sunday School Dlvlno Woralhp II: IS A.M. Donald T. Ranatrem, Pastor, Phons 1932-- A. UNFORD, Administrator of the Estate of Elisabeth A Linford, Deceased. Date of first publication November 24, a. d, my for Administrator; Attorneys WARREN A-- ADV. HOME FURNISHINGS MENS CLOTHING Restaurant 1060 CYRIL . -l DRINK TOO MUCH? . Needs Some Help! Youre not alone so did wo! Contact its tor Freel Dont wait Phono 1427-- Lumber Plywood Sheet Rock - Knotty Pine DeVoe Paint Plumbing and Electrical Supplies Chain Link Fencing - Rool Roofing Shingles - Window (.UMBER HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL OF BOX ELDER COUNT1 Hardware Martin Senonr Paint Plywood APPLIANCES WEST1NGUOUSE Phone ft (custom millworkl MFRRFLL8 INC p m. A. D N for details. 1607 Bought must sell new gas range. Phone 876-- E LATEST HINTS ON REVLON MAKEUP AND A NEW LINE IN 61 North 1st West LEWS BEAUTY SHOE Thone NOTICI TO CREDITORS Do Estate of Elisabeth A. Linford ceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at 1003 Kearns Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, on or before the 24th day of March. vs WILLIAM TYSON, 649-N- All varieties baked goods fresh daily from your local bakery. For Special Orders Phone 857 FOOD KINO BAKFRY STYLING FOR SALE Large comer lot ai 10th and Eliason Avenue. Terms, Contact Fred Eliason, Ph. 719. c-- o BAKERY PRODUCTS & PASTRIES Hon Co City Inform- NOTICE OP SHERIFF'S SALfe In the District Court of the First Judicial District Of the Stoto of Utah (n and For tho County of Box Elder. BOX ELDER COUNTY BANK, corpor- ESTATE R The Home of World Famous FARAH JEANS Outwear Aav Other Two To One THE YOUTH SHOP 22 South Main Onalltv Always Costs Less - HAIR You Can Gei Professional AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION - REAL tlgnert tor or respective Utah, ft trail- or 1303-FAMOUS MAKE CARPETS Hoover Sales and Service Special Prices on USED FURNITURE WANTED Man with direct ealee 1 North Main Phone 258 BRIGHAM FURNITURE SAWS SHARPENED by machine, experience who needs to earn at least $1,869 per month operatwork. , at always precision UPHOLSTERING & FURNITURE RESTYLING ing own dealership of essential Merrelis, Pbon 8. home appliance. No capital re1446 Phono UPHOLSTERING LAURITZEN for the man. Write quired right old furniture to by Add new beauty your YosYand FOUND Box R, News and Journal. and restyling Free pickup anddeilvery Materials shown in your home FOUND On part Shetland pinto NSURANCE mare, white and buckskin with O Trniler Pork some black markings. Possible Life Truck Auto Fire Q 7 brand on left hip. Contact TRAILER Mountain PARKING DEE ADAMS, Local Agent Sheriffs office, Brigham City, View Mobile Home Park. Utahs Res. Phone 905 for further Information. finest park! Make reservations 685 South Main Brigham City N now a tew spaces available. BUILDING SUPPLIES UMBER HARDWARE Trailer Center, 1060 South Main. Phone 1756, Phono 179 LUMBER (Bestway Payment Plan) BABIES & CHILDRENS WEARING APPAREL BEAUTY SHOPS Phono 306 ORGANIZATIONS FINEST IN NATIONALLY FOR SALE Commercial and Residential Phone 478-- J R FURNITURE CAR INSPECTION AUTO SUPPLY CO. for Yard cleaning Wastepaper Garbage Rubbish IMPLEMENT CO. 28 FOR SALE or RENT 1958 trailer house, 19 ft. wide, 45 ft. long. Excellent condition. Sacrifice. 575 South Fifth East. Ph. 24-- SCAVENGER SERVICE Amity Lodge No. 23, F A A M , Stated Meeting: First Wednesday of Month Watch for Announcement of Special Meetings Maxwell A. Pohl, Secy., Phone 1005-- 27 FOR SALE 1957 Capri er house. Call 0383-J- INDEPENDENT Phono MERRELL'S INCORPORATED Baleo ana Service John Deere Farm Equipment Complete Parts Department for Yonr Spring Repat Large Selection of Used Farm Equipment CUSTOM LEGAL NOTICES n NoflCM. rrobr tourainshTp8 tilt Clrk of District Court, ritjtum O PARTS North Main AUTOMOBILE SEAT COVERS, BRIGHAM & 8-- PAID for your old piano. Call Beh Grant, Phone 1365. If no answer, Phone 977. N-- n FRATERNAL AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS 594 FOR YOUR WINDOWS by FAWSON-YOURYard Goods Cafe Curtains Draperies Beauti-PleaRods t The new Snap-oDrapery Hardware Phone 474 9 a.m. to 5 p m. Closed Mondays. 1st West International Harvester Parts and Service Farmall Tractors CASH 47-f- WASTE DISPOSAL CO. 157 So. 6th West Brigham INSPECTION SALES t. FOR SALE-1- 958 long wide house trailer; immediate possession. Many extras. No. 13, 4982 Cozydale Trailer park. South 1709 West, Ogden. After 5 l 1 1 p. m. Dairy Superior Phone Custom-Mad- e iriwh TRAILER Milk A Cream Delivered TRY IT1 EVERYTHING FARM EQUIPMENT GLAZING OAKRELLS GLASS SERVICE, Perry, Utah, Phone 0395-RSkilled Mechanics Complete Glass Service " No job too big, none too small Reasonable Prices Prompt Service GLASS GLASS GLASS GLASS ' Window Glass Plate Glass Heavy Sheet Glam Automobile Windshield and Door Glam 4 MFRRELLS IN- CMirrors Cut to 81a Phone 8 .. CREAM TOP and HOMOGENIZED WINDOW SHADES tUNLIK. Fwt Years. Lady to work in home. Phone SKyllne WANTED used BEAUTY IS OUR BUSINESS WANTED TO RENT- -2 or 3 bedReconditioned, Why not make it yours? AVON $45.00 up. Breitenbe-ke- r room unfurnished apartment or Cosmetics offers an excellent Electric. 69, South Main. house; couple, both work, no earning opportunity for women children or pets. Call 566-who can qualify. Write Avon Manager, Box 1304, Ogden, Utah, SERVICES OFFERED for interview. FOR RENT or LEASE NEEDED Woman over 21 to work in Childrens Nursery. Cali FOR RENT 3 room apt. Adults 493-after 1 p. m. Harrison only. Phone 1046-Nursery. Do not call Nursery Grade A Pasteurized WANTED TO BUY )( aoRtl 5XALU 3AHPP)PER$ r sxoofmfl f SHORES FOR SALE appliances, ex- SYK.AW BLEMH4 Livt, RISKMS ASUA.U. FUN4I, l. Phone WANTED Full time female cab driver. Call 741-- Reasonable; J. Max Juaaaou, mgt aUnnlwff flow vona Ht KM frtt quis-ui- d Electric range, good FOR SALE condition. FERTILIZERS LUOt AHY V-- Feed Seed Fertiliser Wholesale and Retail Gasoline Automotive Accessories Hardware Phone 2001 Corinne, Utah 131 Sooth Main on n HORSLEYS SEED STORE Wholesale and Retail Dealers titalfa. Grains, Pasture Mixtures, Corn, Gardes DRAPERIES HARDWARE APPLIANCE SPORTING GOODS 41 South Main, Brigham City Phone 163 MAYTAG RCA TV, Radio, Record Playera HOTPOINT Colt Firearms Browning Automatics Bausch Lomb Scopes & BEAR RIVER mwb4ab THOMPSON AUTOMOBILE GLASS, MIRRORS SEED Bounty COriFlhEr 1bRfcSRid& wrfrt tsp. RF.SPECi 'fo A FOR SALE 1959 Chev. se- WANTED Single man from 55 to dan, 8 engine, standard trans65 years of age for ranch mission. Burns regular gat. hand, familiar In feeding hero-for- d Must sacrifice. No down paycattle. Room furnished, no ment. Phone 1166 or 1068. board. Prefer LDS. Write Box tt ' BKE1TENBEKER ELECTRIC Your GENERAL ELECTRIC Dealer t FEED STINT. J low-lo- w J. MILK ADVERTISING SERVICE Hi BA$IBAVL I ABOU-- f 13 SECONDS. WAITRESSES - GIFTS New Theatre Building BASIS FOR SALE Metal bed and springs $15.98. Phone 781. 1813-N- FOR SALE Second hand electric FOR SALE Restyled piano, cellent condition. Phone 781. range. E .G. Mecham, 465 North Second West. carpet Shilled THANKSGIVING SPECIAL GENTS ciRjO-m- q KE traffic lanes cause pain? Remove them with easy to use Blue Lustre. Brigham Furniture, 31 North Main, Ph. 250. DO Hi-F- i, Se or Call . LOWELL MACHEN 1 06 East 6h South Phono 1112-- R BBMMBEBgJ |