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Show gfimmi tf"' B 4' fL. 9 s s fki Saturday Marks Opening Of 1959 Pheasant Hunt Utah pheasant hunters should find a good supply of birds in the fields as the 1959 hunt gets under way Saturday, Nov, 7, at 8 a. m according to the department ,of fish and game. The department noted that late season brood counts throughout the state indicated there would be about the same number of birds for this hunt as was the case during the 1958 season when the pheasant cycle was at a peak. Once again, all hunters were reminded to respect the rights of the private landholder where nearly 100 percent of all pheasant hunting takes place. The law, as written on each fish and game license, decrees that it is illegal to trespass upon private property at any time without the express permission of the landholder or person in charge of such lands. ' Spokesmen noted that much has bengained during the past three years .to better these problems through the work ol the State Triangle Committee. This committee is now functioning on the state, county and local level in an effort to better the problems of private land use for -- hunting and at the same time project an equitable harvest of the fish and game resources produced on these lands, resentatives from the organized landholders, organized sportsmen and department personnel. In meetings held throughout the year the problems common to such use of private lands are discussed and solutions arrived upon to better them. One outgrowth of these meetings has been printing and availability of several triangle committee signs calling attention to the law, the use of land as the individual landholder desires it to be and the obligation of the sportsman going afield upon such land. These signs are available through tarmer &nd department offices over the state. Department director Harold S. to use Crane urged landowners these signs and remind each sportsman of the trespass laws and the need to observe and respect all signs if hunting upon private lands is to continue in the future. Box Elder Stake Announces Jr. Cage Schedule M-M- en 7.00 Tenth vs. Fifth. The Box Elder stake Junior basketbtall league will get 8:00 Second vs. Ninth. 9:00 Sixth vs. Willard 2nd. underway Thursday, Nov. 5, at 6 Box Elder High Willard ward, bye. p. m. in the school gym. There will be eleven 7 January teams participating. Following is 6:00 Willard vs. Mantua. the schedule for the season. 6:00 Willard 2nd vs. Fifth. November 5 , Sixth vs. Tenth. 8:00 First vs. Second. 8:00 Ninth vs. First. 6:00 Perry vs. Fifth. 9:00 Second vs. Eleventh. 7:00 Sixth vs. Mantua. Perry ward, bye. 7:00 Ninth vs. Eleventh. 14 January 8:00 Tenth vs. Willard. 6: 00 Sixth vs. First. Willard 2nd, bye. 6:00 Tenth vs. Mantua. November 12 7:00 Second vs. Willard. 8:00 Ninth vs. Mantuai. 8:00 Perry vs. Willard 2nd. 6:00 First vs. Eleventh. 9:00 Eleventh vs. Fifth. . 7:00 Fifth vs. Sixth. Ninth ward, bye. 7:00 Perry vs. Willard. 21 January 8:00 Willard 2nd vs. Second. 6:00 Fifth vs. Ninth. Tenth ward, bye. 6.00 Eleventh vs. Willard. November 19 7:00 Mantua vs. Willard 2nd. 6:00 Willard 2nd vs. Tenth. 8:00 Second vs. Perry. 6:00 Willard vs. Ninth. 9:00 First vs. Tenth. 7:00 Mantua vs. Perry. Sixth ward, bye. 7:00 Sixth vs. Eleventh. January 28 9:00 First vs. Fifth. 6:00 First vs. Perry. Second ward, bye. 6:00 Second vs. Sixth. December 3 ' 7:00 Ninth vs. Willard 2nd. 6:00 Second vs. Fifth. 8:00 Tenth vs. Eleventh. 6:00 Sixth vs. Perry. 9:00 Fifth vs. Willard. 7:00 Eleventh vs. Mantua. Mantua ward, bye. 8:00 Tenth vs. Ninth. 9:00 Willard vs. Willard 2nd. February 4 Eleventh vs. Willard 2nd. First wfard, bye. 6:00 Tenth vs. Perry. December 10 7:00 First vs. Willard. 6:00 Willard vs. Sixth, 8: 00 Second vs. ' Mantua. 6:00 Mantua vs. Fifth: 9:00 Sixth vs. Ninth. 7:00 Willard 2nd vs. First. Fifth ward, bye. 8:00 Tenth vs. Second. There will be a Round Robin vs. Ninth. ry , tournament at the close of the Eleventh ward, bye. with the first eight teams parDecember 17 ticipating to deside first place and Perry vs. Eleventh. runner up. 6:00 First vs. Mantua. . 9:00-Per- lea-gu- SOUTH'S CANNON-BA- - U A Alan Mover WLL BE A il.LYCANNON ISU B F HE HALFBACK, PRE-SEASO- N, ALL AMERICAN R Cm Post-SEASO- R ONE.ToO. PLAYS VP.ro HS 9S8 FORA. - ' RUDDYS REDHEADS CANVASBACKS Archers Report Success During 1959 Deer Hunt vi -- ju V- - && , -- V-- ,i !'i KNOW VOUR DUCKS Unfavorable conditions in northern nesting grounds have cut this falls duck supply. In most serious trouble are the three species here. Hunters may legally shoot only two of each or two in the aggregate in making up their limits. Ordinance Sergeant JJ Would Form To Support Seven Zones STRAC Units (Continued From Page One) way os to have a open space between the side lot line and a building. 3ut no building used for human occupancy can be ncated less than 24 feet from an- her building. There is presently no territory within the county which has been classified in the Highway Service zone. When the need develops a highway service zone will be ten-fo- In general, the dry farm land and mountanous areas lying east of Howell, as well as the natural lands along the slopes of the Wasatch mountains, have been clas- sified in the Grazing and Ranching zone. Regulations with this zone are about the same as the regulations within the agricultural zone. Howevqr, inasmuch as the territory occupies more remote areas than the agricultural zone, the manufacturing and storing of and certain other explosives uses are permitted in this zone, which would not be proper if located in the more populated areas of the county. Has Been Classified The area of Box Elder county adjacent to Weber countys industrial area has been classified in the Manufacturing and Industrial zone. In this zone all types of manufacturing, industrial and agricultural uses may be located. Land within this zone lies adjacent to railroads and has been particularly classified for the location of industries which give rise to dust, odor, noise, smoke and other emissions detrimental to the most populated areas. Other industrial zones will be created in the county if and when the need arises. In general the untilled area lying east of Howell and Snowville, and all of the county west to the Nevada state line, has been clas. sified in the Outlying zone, where little or no regulations apply, except that dump grounds and junk yards must be located at least 660 feet from any public street, Public Health Leaders Told Reed S. Roberts, state santar ian for this district, this week listed health officials for Box Elder county. Roberts said that all matters relative to public health in Box Elder county should be referred to Dr. George C. Ficklin. M. D., Box Elder county health officer, 18 North Second East, Tremonton; or to the Box Elder County Board of Court House, Brigham Health, City. For questions relative to health laws, rules and regulations or the enforcement of any health laws, etc., persons may contact Omer J. Call, Box Elder County Attorney, First Security Bank building, Brigham City. o Federal Agent Notes Leading Game Violation season this year once again proved and successful to be a popular hunt, according to the department of fish and game. and Return of questionnaires hunter cards showed 7,440 bow and arrow permit holders were afield during the season. They bagged 1,237 deer for a hunter success figure of 16.6 percent. Deer harvested included 683 bucks and 554 does. All figures show an increase over those for the 1958 archery season when 5,605 hunters bagged 881 deer for a hunter success figure of 15.7 percent. The department said average bow and arrow hunter success during the past nine years is 16.1 which is considerable percent, higher than the national average for this type of hunting. Shooting more than the legal The Army has revealed that the limits of redhead, cr.nvasback and newest member of its artillery mis- ruddie ducks was listed this week can as the most prevalent game viosile family the Sergeant be anywhere in lation of hunters in this area, by the world to give added fire sup- Jim Hogue, federal game agent. Strategic Hogue said that nine nimrods port to its have been picked up on this violai-tioArmy Corps. since the opening of Utahs At the same time, the Army waterfowl season on Oct. 7. disclosed that the Sergeant These species are down in num could be guided with pinpoint acbers this year because of drought curacy to its target on a modern conditions in northern hatching battlefield. areas. For that reason, hunters of the These and other details may legally take only two of each "Sergeant missile system were species or two in the aggregate in unveiled recently at the Annual making up their duck limits, HomeetAssociation Ordnance Army gue explained. ing at Aberdeen Proving Ground, However, he pointed out that be. Md where members watched a cause of low water conditions in team go through an other Sergeant parts of the country, the loemplacement drill with the wea- cal population of these ducks is demwas the It tirst public pon. from last year. He advised onstration of the versatile Ser- up hunters to be sure of their targets geant system, which will give and to become familiar with these tremendous firepower to STRAC species when going afield. forces. Powered by Thiokol Engine The long Sergeant, powered by Thiokol engines, is capable of carry ing nuclear and other warheads and can be flown anywhere to STRAC. Robert J. accompany three-divisio- Brigham City, Utah November 3, 1959 Tuesday Morning, Utahs September archery deer yjP c.? THE BOX ELDER NEWS, Bees, Scots Slate PostSeason Grid Test Here Friday IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Laying of curb and gutter in the citys newest speciul Improvement district began last week. The work is being done by Seth C. Frank of Logan under a $73,957 n Fish and Game Parks, Sergeant Project Director at the California Institute of Technology Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., made public for the first time the use of the 'drag brakes on the Sergeant. of Research and development has the powerplant Sergeant been conducted at the Redstone Examinations Announced Football fans will get a pigskin preview Friday afternoon when Box Elder plays Ben Lomond on the Bees gridiron. o The Region practice game will start at 2 p. m. afair It will be a with only juniors and sophomores scheduled for action. The clash should provide a fair idea of what the two schools have coming up for next year. The contest will be free to the public. a juvenile to hunt only game birds when properly licensed and under supervision of an adult, and is considered a training period for first time hunters of these ages. Both juvenile and parent are subject to court action if the youngster is apprehended in the field alone or only with other juveniles. Laws Says Adults One-Tw- Must Accompany Juvenile Hunters Bowling Results Nisei League. High series, Jeet Yagi, 757; high game, Jeet Yagi, 224; HTS, Finer Cleaners, 751; HTG, Bottling. Tri-Cit- y P 3192. 15 Muny juveniles 14 years of age will be hunting legal game for the first time during the upland game bird seasons beginning Nov. 7. Be sure they are accompanied by someone 21 years of age or older was the reminder this week from the Utah of Department Fish and Game. This is b requirement under the law as passed by the legislature muny years ago. The law permits Left Overs. High series, Harold G. McGee, 609; high game, Harold G. McGee. 220. HTS Horsleys Seed, 2948; HTG, Eagle Rocket?, 1080. Have you, or has someone you know, just moved to a NOW LAY AWAY new home? For The The first Fish and Game examiMixed Dougles league; nation announcements under the Utah Merit System, were issued high series, Ray Olsen, 600, Helen Hazelgren, 499; high game. Roy this week. Positions open and their monthly Olsen, 214, Deane Lichtenstein, Taho Lounge, 2259; 182; HTS, salary ranges are: Manager X, HTG, Beehive Squirts, 778. MarManaRegional Fishery, of Thiokol Chemical CorpDivision tha Williams picked up a ger X, Regional Game, oration, Huntsville, Ala. split. Wildlife Conservation loading is now underway Regional Educational Repat th Longhorn Ordnance Works, officer, ; District Plenty of Steel Marshall, Tex., also operated by resentative I, NEW YORK (UPI) The steel Conservation Officer II, Thiokol Chemical Corp. industry this year has the capaand Farm Assistant, The Jet Propulsion Laboratory city to provide 1,681 pounds of was assigned technical cognizance will Examinations include a raw steel for every person in the of Sergeant under the direction continentalU. S. The steel would an oral written test, interview, of the Army Rocket and Guided come from furnaces that operate exof and education a and rating Missile Agency for the U. S. Army In 29 out of the 50 states. Missile Command at perience. Ordnance blanks are now Application Sperry, Utah, Engineering Laboratories, Salt Lake City, Utah, was available by mail, or personal apselected as the contractor to work plication at the office of the Merit under the direction of the Jet Pro- System Council, 174 Social Hall avenue. Salt Lake City 11, Utah. pulsion Laboratory during the research and development phase Persons outside of Salt Lake City their and ultimately to produce the may obtain applications a local Fish and Game otfices, Utah missile. Employment Security offices, at Mobility Noted County Welfare offices, or District said was only designed, Sergeant Health offices. Parks, to provide the Army with Recruitment Is continuous. Apa weapon that approaches conven- plications will be received at any ease time. tional artillery in mobility, Examinations will be conof operation, speed of emplace- ducted as applicants apply until of ment and displacement, lack the positions are filled. The writdeand minimum complexity ten test may be given anywhere mands for specialized training for in the United States. the artillerymen who fire it. The first closing dale is Nov. Through Integrated design, use 17, 1959, However, applications of its guidance system, and the may be filled after this date and use of propulsion svstem that does as applicants will be examined not require fueling in the field, openings occur. It Is expected vehicles of the number normally that the first written examinations associated with ai ballistic guided will be conducted early in Decern missile operation have been re- ber. he added. duced to a minimum, Your Welcome Wagon Hostess will call with Ladies gifts and friendly on your List . $435-53- . . . $435-53- greetings from the . . Everything from LINGERIE $435-53- 1347-- R $415-505- LUGGAGE $375-45- Ga-m- $325-39- CBP5QC2323I' at ROBERTAS Announcing the new low prices for all 1960 Mercury Country Cruisers w The United Stales Information Agency reported that at the end of 1958, there were 49 countries overseas which had television. Including eight behind the Iron and Bamboo Curtains. 50 more than wagons with names" low-pric- e 'ZZDK' Y . T- - . WONDER FAX (' C q l-j,4 V;v.Y id J- - Notice To SPORTSMEN: Bwutitul a THE PHEASANT UPLAND GAME AND BIRD SAT., NOV. 7th 8 A.M. t priori two M.rrury Colon, trill onri Committor Country Cornell The Commuter, for example, is priced $H8 lower than last year. It now costa only fl.fiO more a month than station wagon e with names. And look at all you get: SEASONS OPEfl: low-pric- Detailed rules and regulations governing h various seasons ore shown in the annual proclamation available from license agents. hunting THf FtMAll MOSQUITOS rvtpofltibl for Hi ot blooddrtnking. btt and tody motqutto ti oquippod witk o tpociol ftingor mol wkick tk dot ot kav Blood It kor fovofitf food. Tk LET US BE YOUR VITAMIN (j) handsome hardtop styling. One side pillar replaces three. wheels. Greatest ride adunique roao-tunevance in s generation. (3) retractable rear window. No liftgato, earner loading. (4) most usable cargo space. o Over 101 cu. ft. (5) 3rd front-racin- g bm4 In 10 mortals elnii ftalwoeoH f low pew ct mm for 10 rOtfrn Morrury Ceiry Cu lr.ltS HEADQUARTERS. All hunters should became familiar with the B S PAH cJ CPPEHSE AS Lit F'SHT Hi T-'- E n'ROL'Srf A PERFECT SEASCH L$r 6 YARDS PER CARRY. 7HOUSV year-avera- ge? M L mas R, ntntn h !! dm too new trespass law which provides far mare stringent penalties for trespass private property. it fwm $ Optional on all I Quality Hodguaitaft your of a lasted hs Mtucusr HUNTING Mwury Daalnr DIVISION I960 MERC lirar IS A PRIVILEGE OBTAIN PERMISSION FROM UNO OWNERS BEFORE ENTERING THEIR PROPERTY RESPECT PRIVATE PROPERTY DON! Free Phone f rescrlptlon 4 BUY ANY CAR UNTIL YOU'VE DRIVINJJTHE Andersens him w UTAH FISH & GAME COMMISSION seat. No sitting backwards. model. We Invite you to check the fact and figures today. Delivery 68 So. Mala ROADTUNED UbO MERCURY! - Ford, Inc. 323 South Main Street, Brigham City, Utah |