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Show THE BOX ELDER NEWS, Brigham Gty, Utah , Tuesday Morning, Ociober 27, 1959 I Ml Brigham Man Assigned to Missile Work Am UtlU Tm 'S.WuaiiSfedlUII IU Decide on Faces Variety Closing Hour Of Problems Safety Record A new record safety was here today by rocket builders ONLY 19 AND A PRIVATE SECRETARY!. set of Just a year ago last May I was graduated from Box Elder High. Now Ive been a private secretary for about six months in a wonderful office thanks to Stevens Hena-ge- r College. I enrolled for a stenographic course, includshorthand. ing Speedwriting Speedwriting is so easy to learn and so easy to use. I just love my position and I started at $60 a month more than a previous job that kept me on my feet all day. Thiokols Longhorn Division as their 402nd no they completed lost time accident-fre- e day for a total of over 3 million accident-fre- e manhours. the This achievement places plant in the lead In the Chemical Section group of the National Safety Award program. If the plant holds to Its present safety record until Dec. 31, 1959, it will be a candidate for the NSC Safety Citation, awarded to the top company each industrial group for the lowest accident frequency for the Parents of first and second (Continued From Page One) grade students at Southeast elementary school will determine the previous meeting. The officials declosing hour for their children at cided to retain possession because a meeting being held this evethe land had been originally acning, Tuesday, at 8 p. m. at the Central school auditorium. quired for flood control purposes. E. Major Airus Bergstrom, George Facer met to object to Principal Arch Sims said this USAF, has been assigned to the the sale. He stated that he was Atlas facilities division at the Air meeting was called as the result of the land of a report given by Supt. Walter TOPS Force Ballistic Missile Division ac Nyman Jensen is Farm currently farming part cording to an announcement by f), Talbot at the Oct. 14 meeting Bureau food poster contest winner. is had been the agreement when it was purchased by the county in of thp Board of Education. Maj. Gen. 0. J. Ritland, AFBMD He said that he felt this 1,935. Commander. Talbot told board members at ASSIGNED Major Airus E. Bergshould be continued arrangement to of son is the and that after time been that has Major Bergstrom checking assigned strom, USAF, for Gray but that the county year. Mr. and Mrs. E. A Bergstrom of missile work. with Dr. E. Allen The Longhorn plant, operated by should keep ownership. 38 East 5th South, Brigham City Bateman, State Supt. of Public InMrs. Mable Yourt of Brigham Thiokol for Army Ordinance rePrior to his assignment at the tamed his BS degree, class of 1948. struction, it had been decided that City asked about buying a piece cently unveiled new manufacturDiane Meacham AFBMD, Major Bergstrom was He is married to the former it would be justifiable to release of property in Mantua-- , owned by ing facilities capable of producing chief of project control under the Madge Hogan of Lewiston, Utah. first and second grades on hour s the county. She said the proper- big motors for the Sergeant, directorate of installations at Head- They have four children; John, 12, earlier than the other grades at Brigham City, Utah and Pershing missiles. Curty was located between Rasmusquarters 3rd Air Force, England. Kenneth 11, Alan 6, - and Jill 2 Southeast and Central schools, motors includes MEACHAM rent and the sens DIANE road and production cemetery He has been in military service for months. which are now operating on doufor the Falcon, Nike Hercules, was less than an acre in area. START YOUR SUCCESS NOW! 16' years. The Air Force Ballistic Missile ble daily sessions. The county attorney was asked and Sergeant missiles. Intrestcd In an exciting new position with a bigHow , Among other decorations, he has Division manages and directs the Parents Assume Responsibility about you? to find out if the property could be been awarded the distinguished fly- research and develoment of the Air The board members and Talbot ger pay check, more prestige? You can do it with Speedwriting Top berth for local artists in sold. ' ing cross and six air medals. that if these the South Box Elder Farm Burshorthand. Forces Thor, Atlas, Titan and however, agreed, Don Robinson, representing V. weapon systems, a project grades are dismissed one hour eau poster contest is filled by Major Bergstrom is a graduate ENROLL NOW FOR SPEEDWRITING of Ogden, met . White company pf Box Elder High school and of which is the nations highest prior- prior to tha others, that it would Nyman Jensen, son of Mr. and to inform the commissioners that EVENING COURSE MON., NOV. 2 be with the understanding Utah State University where he at- - ity at this time. that Mrs. Ben Day, 864 West Forest, With Speedwriting you can easily qualify as a fast, accurate sechis company has some steel pipe the parents assume the responsiJensen, a senior at Box Elder coming in and would like to give retary or stenographer. No symbols. No machines. Use ABCs. bility of returning their first and High school, caught the eyes of 'he terms Day or evening Free placement service. to first opportunity .county second grade children to their the classes In Ogden Mondays and Thursdays. judges with his outstanding buy it at present prices. He pointhomes at the closing of school. fitness poster. His prize is $6 with ed out that ' the current steel Call or write now for bulletin. No obligation. Enrollment limited. The school district provides bus his now being judged in strike will Increase prices. poster transportation to students at the the Utah Farm Bureau poster Proper Sleep Support Is Needed There is a difference in Steveas Henager training. close of school at 7 p. m. Will Order Built To Fit Any Back . . . And Any Budget contest. The closing hour problem was State winner will vie ' for nato The commissioner agreed then turned over to the principals tional contests. Top prizes in thi have the road supervisor order of the two schools involved to be nation will be a trip to the Cjiica-g- what pipe the county needs when decided. Paneled End Farm Bureau convention and he returns from his vacation. Join your Principal Sims said Monday that three wrist watches. 51st Year I. W. Stevens, Pres. , Adjustable Springs The commissioners authorized questionnaire had been sent ARMY NATIONAL GUARD for second place are frade-iAdjustable Sides Tieing of the assessor home with the first and second departNance Keller, ninth daughInnersprlng Mattress ment's ca--r on another auto. The grade students in Southeast school ter of Mr. and Mrs.grade Kel Waterproof Cover Ralph lifference would be ?200. on Friday evening and was to be and Gregg Anderreturned Monday afternoon. This ler, Honeyville, Mountain States Telephone and sen, eighth grade son of Mr. and COMPLETE questionnaire was to present the Mrs. Robert A. Andersen, company was granted 160 Telegraph Dorposal to the parents in prepar- North Sixth East. Their in easement across county prop prizes ation for the meeting this evening. will :rty in Willard over which the be $4. Principal J. D. Gunderson said y for tie third :ompany will extend lines permitIt was a dial telephone sendee for the Mondiy that Central school will $2 as prizes for David ting with place abide by whatever is decided by son of Mr. and community. senior, Squires, Southeast school. This would mean Mrs. Merrill Squires, of Brigham Representing t? e company that if parents decide to take adand Imogene Delgarito, sen- making the easement request was City, vantage of the early closing, ior, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kee Calvin Dunn. Central school first and second An application for renewal Delgarito, Intermountain school. graders will be dismissed at 12 The students are of Miss beer license at Point Lookout noon, and that Southeast first and Karen Andersen andpupils Mrs. Marie and signed by B. Y. Westmoreland second grades will dismiss at 6 T. Jeppson, art instructors at Box vas presented and approved after p. m. Elder High and Junior High having been approved by Sheriff Innersprlng Mattress Under the present double sesschools. Warren W. Hyde. sions school students Central Box plan. Matching Spring attend school from 7 a. m. to 12:45 break for p. m. with a Complete for lunch period. Southeast students attend school from 1:15 p. m. to 7 p. m., aUo with a lunch period. The plan also provides that the , The following births are antwo schools will charge sessions nounced at Cooley Memorial hosThe U. S. Marine Corps recruitA PARK Ic TILFCTRD at the middle of the year, some- pital: ing office at Ogden this week anSPECIAL SELECTION will time in January, at which time, a nounced that representative Benjamin Alvord and Louise be at the "the finest tasting the Southeast school will be conCOMPANY Brigham City Post Office River City, Bear Young Tingey, whiskey of it type to inOct. hours 29, ducted the PARKsTILFORD afternoon, Thursday morning during 1 Phone 27 24 East st South boy, on Oct. 22. men interested in and Central during the afternoon. terview young RESERVE James Hector and Jeannette Cetheir country. celia Jarvis Cole, Brigham City, serving There are 158 different jobs open 22. Oct. girl, the Donald B. and Mary LaPriel to young men who can meet officials of the OgDouglas Larsen, Provo, girl, Oct, qualifications, ssvjrwwssifjy den office said. 23. PARK &TIIF0RD, NEW YORK Interested young men are urged BOURBON STRAIGHT WHISKEY. 86 PROOF. Neland Grant Kayla Tingey FOR FULFILLING THE DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM OF 1957 to contact the recruiter Thursday. son, Brigham City, boy, Oct. 24. Val Dee and Ann Lish Bennett, RUEL ESKELSON LEON PACKER Brigham City, boy, Oct. 25. Operate on Balanced Budget Robert Dale and Joanne Alene A Maintain Favorable Tax Base Democrat Bathrick Ralston, Willard, girl, Improve Water System Oct. 25. VERL PETERSON Wendell N. and Rosalyn Swen-soExpand Recreation Program JOHN HADFIELD Christensen, City, Brigham For Young People Democrat Oct. 25. girl, Install Street Markers Lomas-news Thomas and Gertrude double-checkin- Top Berth g Announced Nike-Zeu- By Bureau n FROM TOTS TO TEENS Junior Line Crib n $39.95 two-wa- Hollwood Beds Marine Recruiter BIRTHS $54.95 Coming Thursday EVERTON MATTRESS A CENTURY OF QUALITY IN EVERY BOTTLE CONGRATULATIONS CITY COUNCIL announces important price reductions oti every model! For n JOHN LARSON Democrat Maintain High Excellency of Fire Department Intermountain Pola-cca-, DON CHASE school, girl, Oct. 25. Constant Viewers WE, YOUR CANDIDATES Will Support Issues That Will Benefit the Majority WE QUALIFY FOR YOUR VOTE Successful Business Men High Ethics & Moral Standards Interested In Brighams Growth Properly Owners Tax Payers Family Men If ROCHESTER, N. Y. (UPI) Police rushed into an apartment where smoke was billowing from a gas oven and a space heater was glowjng in the corner and found three small children clustered around the TV set calmly watching a program. 1960-Mercu- ry THIS POPULAR MERCURY MONTEREY, FOR EXAMPLE, IS NOW PRICED 136 LOWER THAN LAST YEAR 4 Based monufodwrari suggested delivered price tor a Monterey on f Sedan, I960 V. JW9. WONDER FAX ecuxct N f 1 MEDICAL SOfNCI ho Hi ovprogi Itfo tpofi of MOB by 30 yoort. Tofotbor with fomwiio - olmoot tiont, Wo ndof Drvgt, ooy illnotB ton bo curod or Art Fishier D. D. George A. Nielsen, Jr. Billings WE OFFER YOU OUR NEW PLATFORM Get first aids where guarding your good health is a specialty. 1960 Mtrcury Continue Expansion of City Recreation for Our Youth VOTE NOV. 3-V- 0TE DEMOCRATIC (Paul Pi'htii.il Adseitisement) Free Prescription Delivery Phone 4 58 Se. Mala with dehu mttftw gnd eomplti cfpttrt it 72 The new lower Ntereury prices now make it for you to own this troly beautiful far for practically the same amount of money you would pav for a ear with a low price name. Ami we mean price rnmpariwina the auine body sllc, equipped the name waewilh Irpiral equipment most driven want (such pos-ubl- DON'T BUY ANY CAR UNTIL YOU'VE DRIVEN Maintain A Balanced Budget Support Our Fine Fire Department Sd no ottfl cori NOW THIS MERCURY MONTEREY DELIVERS FOR ONLY MORE THAN "LOW-PRIC- E NAME CARS WITH THE SAME EQUIPMENT. u-- Support and Increase Present Water Program Encourage New Business Maintain An Efficient and Adequate Police Department Monttrty I door , as radio, heater, und automatic transmission). Remenilier, this esi ititig priee news applies to Airieru a s lie-- t built ear now vour hel luiy. loo. on mt 4 uK'dv tijeuvtrabiiportleflforetotjel160ot Mrvy Mentwty J doer dLd pogui or c" tl tew pnrm nomf hotr ar4 pew, or metd etee mrliwtet gad hrmdtwtf eftorg JJHE rof rod wipvrt feotfc w4st wheel toe, R0ADTUNED wi'h ShJowiD ties, twee ox iwrtric riect, prwpsjfrrtK tovl aewl i960 ff-V- " huetent MERCURY! ANDERSEN'S - FORD, INC. 323 South Main |