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Show Is Regular Auxiliary Meeting Tonight Regular meeting of the Eagles Auxiliary will be held Wednesday, Nov. 26, at 8 p. m. at the aerie hall. A social will follow. Officers report no Eaglo games Thursday, Thangsgiving. Smoot Says Future Good for Agriculture Dairy Princess Contest Slated On State Basis the General Welfare committee permittees of public lands and those of the Church of Jesus Christ of agencies administering Latter-daSaints to discuss the lands was asked, and water rights control by states rather problem. Another resolution concerned than by the federal government taxes, and declared opposition to also was asked. Also favored the sales tax for cities and coun- was equalization of school finances so that rural areas might l ties on or have equal opportunity of edubasis. Bonding of produce dealers of cation with urban areas. Commendation was voted the farm products will be protection against failure of dealers to pay U. S. Department of Agriculture in full for produce purchased for its program of exporting agwas urged, as was better regula- ricultural products and elimination of commission dealers, inef- tion of federal controls to perficient marketing systems of in- mit return to the principle of state-wid- at Central Fifth Grade 2 for $1.00 BEEHIVE COAL & APPLIANCE 68 N. Main Phone One Enjoys Indian Study The Central fifth year students from Mrs. Cora Vavrickas room have spent the past four weeks studying about Indians of the United States. They have done extensive reading on Pueblo, Navajo, Woodland and Plains Indians. Model homes, charts, maps CLO-CANDLE- S y T(Q)p 3(D) Good Selection of Records now for as low as Brigham City, Utah As Utah Farm Bureau Ends Annual two-hou- Playmates 3 Box Elder NEWS , Don Lewis Olsen and Mrs. IVSeet Dorothy L. Olsen attended Burn- Wednesday, November 26, 1958 hams Floral Design school last the Northwestern States attend. ing. (Continued From Page One) tariffs and other aids of keeping week in Salt Lake City. Two new were held sessions ideas were days presenMany in was and public bodies such as school mines operation urged, Kiwanis-Fel- t Boys and ted and new merchandise. 4is boards. Complaint of price cut- and commendation was voiced at the Girls club with designers from played. ting and competition with Utah for the weed control program of farmers was cited. A commi- public and private agencies. ttee will be named to meet with Better understanding between (Continued From Page One) a of of raft taking advantage Refining company on KTVT on friends is the only thing that Saturday at 9 p. m. keeps some people afloat. lunFollowing a cheon on Friday, Dairy Princess r finalists will be given a THIS WEEK'S charm course by Charlotte Sheffield, Utah lovely who last year was chosen Miss United States. Miss Sheffield is also a former Utah Dairy Princess finalist Serve as Hostesses The annual Dairy Princess banquet will be held in Hotel Utah on. Friday evening. Saturdays activities will begin with a BEEHIVE breakfast The finalists will then serve as hostesses at a RECORD BAR dairy foods demonstration, Festive Parlor Picnics presented TO KNOW HIM IS TO the Dairy Council of Utah by LOVE HIM under the direction of GeneEvelyn Kingsley, Cathy vieve Allen, director. Carr, Teddy Bears. An audience of approximately to ITS ONLY MAKE 200,000 people is expected view the televised finals SaturBELIEVE day evening.. Conway Twitty I GOT STUNG Elvis Presley TOPSY PART II Cozy Cole' BEEP BEEP Local Florists Attend Floral Design School PRIZE STEER Ervin Maddox is shown with the grand champion steer he purchased at the Golden Spike Livestock show in Ogden last week. Steaks from the animal, which cost $2,200, will be served over - the tables - at Maddox Ranch House in about three weeks. and stories have been done by the students. Indian articles and pictures were brought by the children and attractively arranged for all the children of Central school to see. The pupils dramatized The for Clair Song of Hiawatha A local eating place will be s Hallings and Mrs. Blythe passing choice beef steaks over fifth grade classes. its tables several weeks after Parents were purchasing the grand champion many attended. steer at the 1958 Golden Spike National livestock show in Ogden. r Ervin Maddox, of the Maddox Ranch House, animal bought the last Wednesday for $2 a pound. The grand champion, bred and raised by Miller and Mortinsen, Hayden, Colo., was on display in front of the famed eating place until Sunday evening. The steer was slaughtered Monday and placed in Maddoxs aging box where it will hang for about three weeks Maddox invited anyone who wishes to come out and see what a $2,200 grand champion steer looks like as it hangs in the Maddox Buys Grand Champ AtStock Show e county-optiona- dividual producers were discussed and ways of correcting the situation were suggested. Ask Gasoline Refund Refunds of taxes on gasoline for use off highways was asked. Where services are extended to rural areas, these services should be charged to those only by whom they are used and not by the whole rural population, delegates maincity-typ- e tained. Elimination of trading stamps and similar devices which increase cost of goods without adding values to them should be eliminated by law, the bureau resolved. Establishment of ' protective free marketing of products of the farm were among resolutions adopted. v SpectacularXM ASvDecordlion$ made With your qwn ,hands ' ' EXCELLENT FAMILY OR, GROUP PROJECT GET STARTED ON YOUR PROJECT TODAY Breathtaking Display. tforChristma. Actually GLOW .from Flame Tip' to Candle Base.. Theyre Easy, Fun and fixating Mo , Make j 'These Inexpensive Add a. Festive. Spirit ten Any Occationr For material kiti arid informaliorttdp in at Glo-Cand- le Local Bond Buyers Continue Purchases Savings bonds buyers in Glo-Candl- Box Elder county continued to add to their reserves by puhehasing $26,043 in series E and II bonds during the month of October, according South to Box chairman. The T. Frank Coppin, bond Elder county total purchased by .Box Elder county residents has reached $316,532, or 109 1 percent of the countys 1958 sales goal, Coppin concluded. ALL MATERIALS AVAILABLE AT BEAR RIVER VALLEY i d lnlWl TCyETEt TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS FOR newly-complete- Do Stores Start BUILDING BUYING CHRISTMAS BEFORE THANKSGIVING MODERNIZING Examination for REPAIRS Clerk-Carrie- rs To Be Held Here THAT'S A QUESTION THAT IS OFTEN ASKED AND DESERVES A SINCERE ANSWER The same condition exists in regard to the childrens visits to Santa Claus. Thousands of children and their parents look forward to their annual visit with him, and unless he makes an early appearance, many would be doomed to disappointment, simply because its physically impossible to reach him in a shorter time. However, when the reasons for the urge to Shop Early are examined, even the most critical agree its MORE than a problem for stores alone. - S3 were happy to take this opportunity to present some of the problems that confront all stores at Those in the store business know that an extremely large percentage of the Christmas gifts that are selected are items that are in plentiful supply holiday time. , crowded of retail employees and as a group they represent one of the largest emthey ployee groups in the nation would tell you that much of the stress and strain of their Christmas would be relieved if the shopping public would anticipate Christmas shopping throughout the year. Then youd seldom hear your friends remark: Im simply worn down to my knees by Christmas Eve. , period, modate them. Scarcely a major store in the nation could cope with the store traffic that would be generated if any part of early Christmas shopping was postponed until after Thanksgiving. Even under present circumstances most stores are strained to capacity during the peak of the season, to maintain the kind pf store service all shoppers have learned to expect. Granted a one-sid- ed that the problem is not it should be recogniz- one, ed that stores are faced with the problems of convenient service to customers, of maintaining helpful employee relations, and of providing a place where those people who wait When you recall the extremely crowded conditions of stores the final two or three weeks before Christmas the problem becomes evident. until the last minute may select gifts for their families and friends. t If no early Christmas shopping Christmas. We are sure that if storekeepers everywhere could chat with you, personally and informally, you would be convinced of their sincerity, and in the true Spirit of Christmas they would not be criticized for their efforts to perform a helpful service to their shopping public. , . This statement published in the interest of Brigham City Retailers by The BOX ELDER Ifjewi r. ,rif clerk-carrie- The right kind of home loan can save you money and make it easier for you to get exactly what you want. Individual needs differ so we offer various loan plans designed to take care of any home financing problem. It is our business, 1 Hl-Lit- es Of journal History HOURS 9 to 4 Mon. thru Thurs. 9 to 6 Friday possible advantage. Pharmacy" J G by Bob Hills Here are a few examples of the four types of drugs: Palliative-morphine for the relief of pain and caffeine in shock. Prophylactic-vacinesuch as typhoid, diphtheria, smallpox, etc. Restorative such as iron salts used in anemia to restore the blood to normal condition. Curative such as sulfanilamide, which acts against streptococci . . . its time For your home loan, see us Save at to Ogden First Federal and get both of suggestions. The parts of plants that have medicinal values are dried and then known as crude From crude drugs drugs. medicinal preparations are made . . . some of these crude drugs come from such plants as roots of dandelion, poke-weand leaves of jimson wood etc. These come from all over the world as opium poppy from China, Digitalis leaves from Europe and from India nux vomica seeds the source of strychine ed ... PEOPLES DRUG Phone 4 FIRST FEDERAL LOANS socially tailored to individual 0 and women problems. insured by the U. S. Government start filling those gift lists and we have a store full Free Prescription Delivery LOANS FHA LOANS Hurry in for your Christmas Greeting Cards while selections are complete. Remember too, I lor s 58 South Main EXTRA CONVENIENT and our pleasure, to help borrowers enjoy every IN THI If you were to ask the thousands Christmas merchandise and displays are brought forward early to accom- were done, this condition would be multiplied many fold. Actually there would not be enough 'room behind store counters for enough sale people to serve shoppers during this period between Thanksgiving and Postmaster C. Henry Nielsen announced this week that the Civil Service Commission will give an examination in Brigham City in the near future for the position of clerk-carriePurpose of the examination in this locality is to add names to r the register now on file at the local post office which now contains only one name. The examinations have previously been conducted in Logan or Ogden. Persons interested in taking the examination with the view in mind of becoming a permanent employee of the post office department may obtain application blanks from Francis Christensen, local Civil Service secretary at the post office. throughout the entire year. Every successful store directs its best effort toward perfecting a helpful service to ALL its customers, And since many customers ask stores to make it easier for them to complete their gift shopping before the CO-O- P Tin-gey- 1,100-poun- ' ) CORINNE, UTAH owner-manage- We appreciate the spirit that prompts many of the objections to early Christmas shopping promotions. , - at OGDEN FIRST FEDERAL first. |