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Show I 1 BEHS Wedding Unites Intermountain Graduates Pep Band Creates Spirit Of Ball Games By Linda Palmer The BEtte Pep club, seated as a group in the center of the bleachers, seems to be a very enthusiastic cheering section. Each dressed in her uniform, , and waving her screaming to the top of her voice, adds much to the excitement of the game. three They have presented marches so far this year during of the games. It the half-timis a tradition which adds pep and spirit to the game. Their marches have been under the direction of Paulette Lichtenstein, Ruth Weir, and Myrtle Jeppsen, march leaders. And what would a game be without B. E.s faithful pep band? It adds much to the yells and is a great aid in stirring up excitement in the pep rallys held in the auditorium prior to the games. It also accompanies the BEtteSj,as they march on at FURNISH PEP the field. Stirring up pep and enthusiasm at pep rallies and athletic events The officers of the pep band Box Elder High school is the Pep Band, comprised of 18 top musicians at the school. They are, left to right, front: Gil Jensen, Larry Hansen, Don Christensen, Dallas Moyes, this year are: Gill Jensen, presGary Larsen, Dave Walker, Dennis Billings, Glen Kimber; middle: Dwayne Lee, Ken ident; Gary Larsen, vice presiEugene Victor, secretary; Seegmiller, Eugene Victor, Vin Andreason, Joe Hillam, Richard Nelson, Gary Nelson; dent; and Larry Hansen, librarian. back : Gail Ruddell and Robert Boyce. The rest of the pep band members include: Ken Seigmil-ler- , Joe Hillam, Dennis Billings, 'Too Many, Too Little, Too Late in Education ' Party Marks Sixth Dallas Moyes, David Walker, Here Gary Nelson, Is Topic Richard Nelson, Regional AAUW Dinner-Meetin- g Birthday for Young Vinn Andreason, George Kna-veBillie Crossman Mrs. Leon Lamet of Warsaw, In developing her theme, Mrs. Glen Kimber, Dwayn Lee, Too Many, means Don 111., was the guest speaker at a Lamet said Christensen, Robert Boyce, marked regional dinner A party for friends meeting of the children, which we have an the sixth birthday of young Bil- AAUW held Wednesday eve- abundance of at present, com- and Gail Ruddell. lie Crossman on Saturday, Nov. ning, Nov. 13, at the Tropical pared to our facilities for their 9, when his mother, Mrs. Char- Restaurant in means education. Too Little Brigham City. at les Crossman, entertained HOSPITAL NOTES money and qualified teachers. i branch with The Brigham City their home. We spend more money for cigMrs. Mary Owen, president, Twelve close friends were in- were in The following persons were charge of the evenings arettes, dog foods and roads vited to join in the festivities arrangements, with guests being than we do for education. Teach- admitted to the Cooley Memoof the afternoon, including Chad present from Logan, Ogden, ing would be a more promising rial hospital during the past Maddox, David Walker, Kevin Kaysville and Bountiful. vocation if there were more cit- week. Musulas, Bobbie Musulas, Brent Medical patients: izen interest. Public schools Mrs. visitwelcomed Owen the Master Wynn Zunlel, son of Kotter, Blake Hill, Janet Han- ors and introduced members of are only as good as he want Mr. and Mrs. Steve Zundel of sen, Donalie Hansen, Shawna the local branch. Mrs. W. D. them to be. Rasmussen, Debra Rasmussen, Hollist She stressed the fact that Willard was the only medical sang two vocal solos, acand .Kathy Carol Redelings Miss Paulette there are only good teachers, patient. companied by Crossman. , Surgical patients: and that poor teachers are not Lichtenstein. Mrs. Ruth Everton of Twin Various games were played, Miss Dora Coffman of Ogden teachers at all. Idaho. after which lunch was served. introduced Falls, the president of Too Late In developing the DeLos Mrs. J. (Trilva) Paper hats and favors added to each of the other branches ' in point of her speech, Mrs. Lamet of the party atmosphere and de- this City. Brigham Thompson who in turn intro- said that we cannot comprehend region, Mrs. Gilbert (Mildred) All-relighted the young guests. duced their members. the rapidity of change which of East Garland birthSix candles topping the Mrs. Lamet. who is a member the next 50 years will bring. Mrs. Ron (Evansine) Johnson day cake were lighted while the of the National Education com- Each generation must earn its youngsters sang Happy Birth- mittee, was introduced by Miss own freedom and for survival of Brigham City. day to Billie. Coffman. Her topic for the we need every child educated to Mrs. Delbert (Marie) Robinette Climax of the afternoon was evening was Too Many, Too its full capacity. We also heed of Brigham City. the opening of the numerous Little, and Too Late in 75 percent more skilled people in the next 15 years. Our gifts, by the guest of honor. Birthday Party Notes schools, however, should have a Fourth Birthday for program with science and the humanities having Kaylee Jean Richardson equal consideration. C. Richardson enMrs. She pointed out that vocation- tertainedEdgar home honoring at her al education does not mean to her daughter, little Kaylee Jean work only with your hands, on the occasion of without using your head. The Richardson, fourth her birthday, Tuesday main trouble with our school afternoon, Nov. 12. program at present is that we The little guests were presenkeep adding to it and never ted a paper hat as they arrived throw anything out. at the party. A fish pond was "A new look in education is the most spot in the Mrs. house untilpopular our hope for the future, each guest had pullLamet concluded. ed out a book and balloon as prizes. Games were played and stories were read to the kiddies. The birthday lunch was served at a table centered with a birthday cake and decorated i with pink balloons and the numI The following births were re- ber 4 being placed at interported at the Cooley Memorial vals along the table. Birthday party guests includhospital during the past week: On Nov. 10, a baby girl was ed Kassie and Susan Baird, Nanborn to Delbert LeRoy and cy Barnard. Lydell and Michelle Veda Mae Petersen Smith of Loosli, Lorin and Debby Green, Thetas Ann, Steve and Kelly Tremonton. On Nov. 13, a baby boy was Valentine and Alberta Bitsoe. born to Carl Boyd and Nola Mrs. Richardson was assisted Hunsaker Rhodes of Tremonton. during the afternoon by Donna On Nov. 15, a baby girl was Valentine and Ada Simpson. born to LeRoy and Connie MorTuesday evening, Kaylee Jean was center of attraction at a gan Craner of Cbrinne. A baby boy was born Nov. 17 second party, with the guests into Lee O. and Donna Barker cluding her grandparents, Mrs. Hansen of Brigham City. Mary Blaylock and Mr. and Mrs. A baby girl was born Nov. 17 Edgar J. Richardson, and Miss to Gale and DeRevo Harper Ada Simpson. Maddox of Brigham City. Welcoming the little sister at the Maddox home are three older I STJcrtfie GIVE brothers, Dane, Chad and Tyler. light fmidi cf&Iymz pom-pom- e at l, 1 strand of white pearls upon the newlyweds. carAn informal reception honorried a white Bible with yellow ed the couple in the recreation rosebuds. hall adjacent to the chapel, Miss Loraine Larry, gowned where the bride and groom cut in blue, was the bridesmaid and the traditional wedding cake the brides sole attendant. Eu- and opened many lovely and gene Charles stood as best man. useful gifts. The bride was given in marAssisting with the reception riage, in behalf of her family, were a few close friends of the by John Yazzie of Salt Lake bride who are now enrolled as City. senior students at IntermounPrior to the ceremony, Ernest tain. Hurst played "O Promise Me, Guests at the wedding includand I Love You Truly. The ed friends from Brigham City, wedding party entered the cha- Salt Lake City and Bingham pel to the strains of Lohen-gren'- s Canyon and members of Interalso mountain school personnel. Wedding March, played by Mr. Hurst. Also included in the guest .After the I Dos were ex- list to witness the ceremony changed, Miss Helen de Lange of Salt Lake City sang "Trusting Thee Only as a benediction A ceremony performed at the Intermountain chapel united in marriage Miss Betty Laree Toledo and Boyd Whitehorse, both of whom are graduates of Intermountain school. The wedding ceremony was performed Saturday morning by the Reverend Cornelius Kui-per- s in the presence of close friends of the couple. The nuptial promises were exchanged in front of an altar decorated with a lighted candelabra and colorful chrysanthemums. Miss Darlynn Kui-per- s lighted the candles at the beginning of the ceremony. The bride was lovely in a street-lengtgown of black velvet, trimmed with rhinestones and pearls. She wore a small white satin hat and black suede pumps. was . h A her only jewelry. She was a group of 25 senior students at Intermountain, who were invited under the sponsorship of the school, as a part of their learn- and attend the reception ing process. Mrs. Maxwell A. Pohl and Mrs. Cornelius Kuipers were in charge of decorating the chapel altar for the ceremony. Since graduation from Intermountain school earlier this year, the bride has been employed in Salt Lake City. A 1955 graduate of the school, the by bridegroom is employed Kennecott Copper company at Bingham Canyon, where the their newlyweds will make home. . Beta Sigma Phi Pledges Twelve New Members at Formal Ritual and Banquet Beta Sigma Phi sorority members held their formal banquet and pledge ritual at Maddox Ranch House, Friday evening, when 12 new members were pledged to join the Epsilon Chapter. Theme of the evening was Over the Rainbow," and was carried out in the table decorations and program numbers. Gerrie Nelson served as toast-mistres- Program numbers included a vocal solo, If We AH Said a Prayer for Each Other, by Connie M. Peters, who accompanied herself at the piano; a violin solo by Genevieve Burt entitled acBluebirds of Happiness, companied by Paulette Lichtenstein; and a vocal solo, Over the Rainbow, by Eda Rae Anderson, who was also accompanied by Miss Lichtenstein. Toasts given during the eve ning were as follows: Vision, by Evelyn Daines, Humility Fellowby Karlene Richards, ship by Iona Cefalo. Marilyn Campbell gave a toast to the pledges and the response was given by Mary Parsons. Wilma Spaulding read the ritual and was assisted at the ritual table by Lbah Barker, Colleen Burr, Gerrie Nelson and Martel Humphreys. Taking the pledge ritual were the following: DeAnn Rasmus sen, Ila Anderson, Arlene Hansen. Carolyn Sackett, Marcia MacFarlane, Joan Davis, Arlene Roche, Merlynn Larsen, Karen Craghead, Mary Parsons, Lela Mae Johnson, and Phyllis Owen. Mrs. Phyllis Owen, who will now serve as the new director of Beta Sigma Phi, was installed by Deon Lichtenstein, president. CONSECUTIVE QUARTERLY DIVIDEND . 3 Vi cents per share from net investment income will be paid on December 16, 1957, to Financial Industrial Fund Shareholders of record, November 29, 1957. For the last 12 months, dividends totaled 14 cents share and security profits 11 cents per share. per financial Industrial fund, inc. S. Martin Rasmussen, District Manager 217 South 4th East, Brigham City, Utah . O.Ml d ONLY AT ROYCE HEATING COULD YOU GET SUCH TREMENDOUS SAVINGS d lithe No Money Down $639 a vrcnce month BIRTHS 1 PHOTOS ! Final Lecture Slated JTclienlei RBSBRVB Thursday The last in a series of lectures on the New Testament, delivered by Dr. Sidney B. Sperry, will be heard Thursday evening, Nov. 21, at 7:30 p. m. at the stake tabernacle. A good attendance is desired. I 6 Box ICHtNIEt OISIIIUIS CO . I. T. C. BlENOtO FOR CHRISTMAS! at Tabernacle WHISKY, OS PROOF. EVERTONS CSX CRAIN NtUIRAl COMFORT UP AND SET WIRED! WITH PROPER INSTALLATION WE GUARANTEE NO HEAT LOSS OVERNIGHT SAVE NOW! ON A COMPLETE EASILY INSTALLED Southern Air . . 85,000 B.T.U. GAS PERIMETER SYSTEM Elder NEWS Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, November 20, SPIRITS UNITS COMPLETED ALL 195 STYLED MATTRESS SOMETHING ONLY YOU CAN GIVE AND HAVE THEM TAKEN NOTHING DOWN 4 UP . TO 3 YEARS TO PAY , Gas Warm Air System No Extras to Buy You Get Furnace Controls WA Plenum RA Plenum Fittings for Five Warm Air Runs AGA Approved. Return Grille and Duct NOW BOX SPRING PHONE MEANS GREATER SLEEPING ENJOYMENT MORE WAKING REFRESHMENT LESS CASH OUTLAY. 27 DELIVERY PHONE or J TODAY come in 5-- TODAY! Springfilled niattress made with hundreds of heavy duty steel coils and covered with sturdy striped covering to match the box spring. PRICES START AS LOW AS TO INSURE CHRISTMAS COMPTONS OGDEN EX 49466 STUDIO EVERTON MATTRESS CO. BRIGHAM Phone 420 Cudom 102 South Main i t |