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Show rrr j KbAli hUU M ,r UlVbKUil KbiOlvia b Parties and Visitors Keep Bear River m f ' , '' Ar n0f, ynw 9 y IW) r.t i IKOAiON TORI i oIin W- I rtf.--. -. V - " ... T j V 7? jn. i I! City Residents Busy During Past Week By Mrs. Ernest Huggins A lovely family party, honor- Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Thompson. The Barkers have moved ing William Cates, was held on to Ogden to make their home. Thursday evening at Mas and Roy. Places were set for Mr. and Mrs. Orson Christensen of Brigham City, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Fridal and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Tolman of Roy, Mr. and Mrs. George Harris of Ogden, Mrs. Lee (Mary) Sycamore of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Holmgren, Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Holmgren, Mrs. Joan C. Jensen, and Mrs. Frona Cates, all of Bear River City and the guest of honor, William Cates of Victorville, Calif. William (Bill) is studying voice under a noted teacher and he entertained the group with .several vocal numbers. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Anderson and sons visited Mrs. Andersons sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Adams in Idaho Falls, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Adams formerly lived in Pocatello, Idaho, but they have purchased the Haven Motel in Idaho Falls so they are making their home there. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Holmgren, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Christensen, Mrs Frona Cates and William Gates visited open house at Thiokol, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Oleen Nelson and Christy motored to Preston, Ida., Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Nelson of Brigham City visited their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ere Whitaker, Saturday. : Daughters of the Utah Pioneers met at the home of Amelia Burt, Friday. Mrs. Gertrude Jensen and Mrs. Lela Anderson gave the lesson. A delicious dessert luncheon was served by Mrs. Burt and Mrs. Lilas Bywater. Neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Barker honored them Saturday evening at a lovely party, which was held at the home of Pas place in Lka New community wishes them their new surroundings. They were very active in the Bear River ward. Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Christensen were host and hostess at a delicious dinner party given at their home Saturday evening, honoring William Gates. Mrs. Farrell Huggins was hostess to her club Thursday eve ning. Mrs. Kent Jensen was a special guest Little Miss Shelley and Susan Woodyatt of Willard have been guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Emery Huggins for the past few days while their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom at Las Woodyatt, vacationed well in De-ver- Vegas, Nev. Mr. and Mrs. Olsen Nelson attended a birthday party in honor of Mrs. Melvin Nelson one night last week at their lovely new home in Corinne. Mrs. Lilas By water and Mrs. LaVela Matteson were Ogden visitors, Friday. and Mrs. Myrtle Anderson Mrs. Andrea Huggins visited in Logan, Wednesday. Mrs. Frona Cates, accompanied her son, Bill, to California. Bill lives in Victorville and Mrs. Cates will make her home with him for the winter. The community extends their sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hansen, in the death of Mr. Hansens father, Mathias Hansen. Mrs. Chester Stander and Mrs. Clifford Jensen who were evein a car accident Friday ning near Logan, are confined to a Logan hospital, and at, this writing are slowly recovering. The details of the accident can be read in another part of the paper. Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Huggins entertained at dinner, Sunday. Captain and Mrs. James Karo of Ogden were out of town guests. (Mel-trud- Smog-Damag- Areas Promontory Families and Cub Scouts Attend Open House at Thiokol Plant By Rosalie Wells Many persons attended the open house, at Thiokol Chemical company, Saturday, and enjoyed the interesting and informative tour through the manufacturing plant. Among those attending were Mrs. Wanda Larsen and boys, Steven and Brent; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Toombs e and family; Mr. and Mrs. Stokes and family; Mr. and Mrs. Duane Wells and family; Mrs. Doris Flint and family. The Cub Scouts also attended as a group under the leadership of Den Mother Doris Flint. Now we all have a much better understanding of the Thiokol industry. The blue floodlights at the plant are a beacon to people traveling this lonely road so late at night. They can be seen from the south end of Prom-ontor- V :1LX. The in e California smog-damag- Also visiting at the Jensens for deer hunting were Mr. and Mrs. Oleen Nicholas and family of Garland, and Mr. and Mrs. Nate Pierce and family of Brigham City. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Anderson were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Woodward. Beverly Woodward visited over the weekend. She er returned early Monday ing to Salt Lake City for mornschool. Mrs. Helen Brown, Mrs. La-Vo- Woodward, and Jerald Brown were in Salt Lake City, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Wells and children visited friends and relatives in Little Valley, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Nicholas of Brigham City and Mrs. Janice Nicholas of Honey vllle and their families visited the Joseph Janices Nicholas, Saturday. boys, Dwight and Richard, were delighted to have been taken A had a sad misdeer hunting by Leonard Whitadventure; he got tangled In his aker. Mr. and Mrs. Arvln Fackrell rope and tolled himself off. andMrs. Rose Stokes motored to SNEAK PREVIEW Ogden, Wednesday. Mrs. Stokes remained to visit her sister, Mrs. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8 Mabel Frandsen. Attending Primary preparation meeting in Tremonton Saturday afternoon were Wanda Larsen, Verna Jensen, Rosalie Wells and Tessa Flint. Wednesday evening at the home of Helen Brown, the Jolly club held a party for Gents their parents to show them what 1958 PONTIAC -they have learned in their club this year. A nice program was 6 Box Elder NEWS COPPIN MOTOR CO. arranged by the club president, Brigham City, Utah Jerome Richman. All the boys Wednesday, November 6, 1957 gave demonstrations of cooking skills. They served sandwiches, milk drinks, cookies and candies that they learned to make. clubs Monday evening, the attended the County Achievement program in Brigham City where their they received awards for the years work. Dr. Woodhead and Lynn Iverson were the speakers at sacrament meeting Sunday evening. Several Halloween festivities have been planned for this week. Tuesday, the children from age five to those of Mutual age will be taken on an annual Trick or Treat" visit to the homes by Primary President Wanda Larsen and MIA President Helen Brown. The ' Come in, this week, for an amazing demonstraMutual officers have a party planned for Tuesday evening. We have it in the NEW 1958 tion of COLOR T-Thursday, the PTA are sponsorWe invite you to come in and see the MOTOROLA. ing a Halloween Carnival. Whenew color TV,' t ther it is a church or school affair it involves the same people MOTOROLA for participation and it sounds like we have a busy week COLORED .. . . j ahead. . at the visitors home of Mr. and Mrs. Wendell TVreg.$695 Jensen were Vernas sister and Bill and Giles Mr. Mrs. husband, of Carlin, Nev., and their mother, Mrs, Fannie - Nicholas of ' Brigham City. While they were 1 BUDGET PRICED the together they observed birthday anniversaries of Mrs. 21" TABLE TV Nicholas and little Mitzl Jensen. ' When the Giles returned home Reg $279.95 Mrs. Nicholas accompanied them .She plans to visit awhile in Carlin, then on to Susan-villCalif., to visit her son, Oswith trade car . and family, to Sacramento Built-i- n antenna to see daughter, Ila and family; Aluminized tube and to Richmond, Calif., to visit another daughter, Laura, and gives brilliant family. She will return to BrigWith your Table Model TV, ham City sometime in the Choice of colors well give you absolutely spring. 4-- ? V V. , fr-- jiu t .Atk , . William Wagstaff, Perry farmer, points to one of the risers which OLD FAITHFUL he recently installed as part of a pipe line irrigation system for watering of his orchards. Water surfaces through the risers from the concrete pipe three feet below the ground surface. Observing the new setup, is Lester P. Knight, unit conservationist for South Box Elder Soil Conservation district. Perry Farmers Install Lines For Irrigation CORINNE COMMENTS Social Events Dot Calendars of Two Perry -- Corinne People During Past Week By Marijane Morris farmers have been i I d Achievement - Program Ends 1 4-- great-grandchil- d NOW! 4-- e, 22995 pic-lur- es FREE a set of four brass legs, to make it a floor model. 1958 MOTOROLA TV CONSOLE AT TABLE MODEL PRICES in COLOR De-On- n 1953 NEW FOR additional telephones k . BRIGHAM TIRE SHOP Out-of-sta- r Activities Thin line styling New tube sentry" gives 4 times longer w tube life Volume control, contrast regulator, . switch all in one entt Optimum performance In all areas One-yeguarantee on aluminized picture tube 4-- . Regular $349.95 with trade MOTOROLA r, 1958 Calypso HI-- Model 3H24 FI Portable Phonograph Fiber glass portable ease Three Goldea Voice apeatk ers with separate base and treble controls chassis udtfc watt amplifier ' , With each Hi-F- i Portable we will include 40 recordings records in a or 20 plaid carrying case with handle and gold metal hard- ware. This FREE gift has a $20 retail value. 45-RP- , FOR STOVE and FURNACE World's most powerful NON-DRINKER- POCKET PORTABLE 4-- 53995 $4 down 4-- 3RD1GM! TIRE SEW YOU'LL WANT TO KNOW ABOUT OUDSHOBILITY as attractive as they are useful ' COMING NOVEMBER 8, TO CENTRAL CHEVROLET , RIVERSIDE, Calif. (UP) Recent surveys have turned up e new areas in California. Air polution experts found typical symptoms of locally created smog and resulting crop damage at Bakersfield, for the first time. Just north of Bakersfield the experts found the unique silvering and bronzing caused by smog on petunias and lamba-quartweed. Damage appeared to be confined to a small area. The fact that it was north of the city Indicates it was lo-- , cally produced, not an overflow from Los Angeles, the scientists said. Smog damage to crops in other central California counties was generally less titan found in a similar study made last year. Damage to beans, peas, tomatoes and petunias was found at Lathrop, Antioch and Palo Alto. heavy Damage was particularly near San Leandro. bell-ring- (leaders for the coming year. I always wanted to be a cheer Very seldom does a week go j leader, but someone was always month plant- by that I don t have the pleasbusy for the past me for a reporter ing cement in their land and ure of writing about a new baby. nominating and j most always was elected are and 1ve they expect to harvest many Ths time congratulations been reporting ever labors in order for Mr. and Mrs. Quinn dividends , from their since. So good luck, DeOnn and over the years to come. is Chlarson the Chlarson. Mr. I do hope you have and Katherine, with the Soil former Ann Fredrickson In BORDERLINE INCIDENTS a lot of fun. Conservation Service, William Im afraid that anything Ann We never lack for some serWagstaff and Dave Allen have does or has happen to her will i installed some 2425 feet of eight always be of interest to her ious news. This week, to hear land ten inch concrete pipe for home town folks. So we are Walter Bosley tell it, some of irrigation purposes on nearly 30 happy to tell of the arrival of his fingers were too long so ' he Box in This sawed the. ends off, accidently, a new little daughter. 'acres of orchard land. According to Wagstaff, a mem- makes three children for the oi course. - If we arent careful, Rhea Oman and Luella Tracy ber of South Box Elder Soil Quinn Chlarsons, and that many cutting off fingers in Corinne, By Mrs. R. G. Barnes to Brigham City, Friday, Conservation district, the new grandchildren for the maternal will get to be commonplace. Gary Oman, son of Mr. and went irrigation system will enable grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. HenMrs. H. G. Oman, Yost, has re- on business. The Rebekah Lodge with Mrs. C. A. him to use his water more prof- ry Fredrickson. Also, this arriViola the from father, Tracys been discharged cently Vernon Cutler, Noble Grand, val adds another spent his vacation itably and more efficiently. armed forces, and is now con- Chatlain, to Mrs. William Youngs held their regular meeting reThe project has been under fined in the hospital with Asian visiting them. He returned to list. This little girl cently. The hostesses for the men Christmas two consideration the by Ogden, Sunday. flu. evening were Mrs. Mary Morevent all around. blessed a technical is and for several Karen LaRue Mrs. years Yates,' School and other public gathand gan, Mrs. Eva Forsgren has been forthcoming and Blanche Oman spon- advise Mrs. Marbra Forsgren, Mrs. Mrs. Dorothy Hansen. Birthday erings have been greatly cur- Fowles, hon- from the Soil Conservation Sera in sored shower wedding Mrs. Stella sickness. tailed due to flu and Forsgren, Margaret congratulations were in order this time. Johnson, Helen and Scott, spent for Mrs. Maralyn D. Campbell Six students were out of the or of Jeanette Teefer Shill, last vice during to be of Most the and Jeanette property Douglas Friday. o In Midvale, visiting and Mrs. James Moore. last Yost school Wednesday. Sixty-twlines with Sunday serviced by the newly-laiMrs. Ida Johnson. The ocwere absent from the Malta Shill were married a month ago The Corinne Pinochle club livcherries. in in are is Nevada. Elko, planted They casion was Idas birthday. school. met at the home of Mrs. WenWater flowing through the in Burley, Idaho. . Mr. and Mrs. Duke Sizemore ing met Bridge club dell Holmes in Brigham City Melvin A. Brown is showing system under gravity from Pine at The Corinne took their son, Rocky, to the the home of Mrs. Joan Mor- for the regular meeting. Prize of east View Malta located in canal, cinemascope just pictures doctor Thursday. Some of the Mrs. last for their rill meeting. hostess for the evening was Mrs. Allens property, can be sur- Sharon others with bad cases of flu each week. Miller, Mrs. Patsy Wells Charles Fredrieksen. Mrs. Jenfaced at 20 or 30 feet intervals have been Catherine and Gussie went Mrs. Roche and Irene nie Gilbert and Mrs, Janie Jenthrough vertical lengths of con- home with the prizes. Oman, Kent Tracy, Jo Ann Spensen received the prizes, and Mrs called risers.- These crete pipe Karl Andrea cer, Thompson, Mrs. George Ross is home Dave Nelsbn was special guest. ex10 inch in diameter, risers, and Omans children, Reggie tend from the water line, three froman Ogden hospital and doTeeter. feet below the ground surface ing as well as can be expected. over-people t. Deer hunting season is to a few inches above and on She seems to get a little better from near and far travday, we are'glad to hear. Wagstaffs land, are equipped each eled the hills until the very last We wish her better health all to valves alfalfa with regulate day. It was a regular sight ev- 4-- H and hope she shows her usual from each unit. flow cars see to leaving ery day illfrom serious The system will afford Wags- bounce-bactown, some going slow, so that ness. Anyway, were glad shes control Allen and taff greater their deer on their cars would achievement programs water, home. Others speed- were the highlight of the years over their irrigation draw attention. deal a great Congratulations to two young eliminating thereby in Box El- of ing through with their game activities for waste and unequal distribu- ladies from Corinne. Miss etc. in trailers, on der county piled Monday evening, Wells, daughter of Mr. and ; It has been such a delightful Oct 28, at Brigham City in the tion. about of the Wells," and Miss Kath-eri- n Cost Mrs.Lysle project, was venison season; and the Eighth ward chapel. Approxi- $1,600, is being shared by the Thompson, daughter of Mr. never better fat and good. received cermately 150 Con- and Mrs. Eugene Thompson will It is reported that the boun-tiou- s tificates of completion for their Agricultural Stabilization servation, according to Lester P. be helping the Junior High at crop of potatoes are all projects. unit conservationist for Box Elder cheer their teams on Knight, out and in the cellars. Fruits Five members outstanding are- - also garnered in. Let us were given $5 savings accounts. South Box Elder Conservation to victory. They were selected district. along with others to be cheer give thanks for the earths mag These were presented by J. Leo nificent harvest. Nelson, representing the First t The Primary sponsored a very Security Foundation. Those reHalloween party in ceiving these awards were Dadelightful the Yost amusement hall, Thurs- vid Jensen, Ronald D. Wells, day night. Carnival fish pond, Suellen Yates, Yvonne Hunsa-keahd cake walk were the highand Joseph Max Reeder. lights of the party. Also prizes These awards were for achievewere given to those that wore ment in record keeping. costumes and masks for the ocCounty Key Banker Freeman casion. - Paulette Barnes, Ar- Byington presented certificates lene Thompson, Milton Oman, and seals of completion. These and Leslie Wheatley were win- certificates and seals were givners. Arland Thompson, Ina en by the Bankers Association Wright and Jim Kimber were of Utah. Special awards were judges. given to the county winners in Mr. and Mrs. Walter Teeter homemaking, . canning, clothing, and family from Boise, Idaho, and leadership. spent several days visiting Roy The North Brigham City LiveTeeter and family. stock club was presented the Herdsman plaque award for their exhibit at the County Fair. INSURANCE This plaque is FKEFERRED RISK MUTUAl given by the of HOTTEST BURNING Morning Milk Company S Wellsville. O CLEANEST BURNING AUTO The Top Notchers club, led INSURANCE PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE . by Lilly Bennett and Elva PierAT REDUCED RATES AUTOMATIC DELIVERY SERVICE son, received the loving cup for the outstanding campfire skit BUDGET TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED for Information Call Club Camp on the at the ,Mlss Amy Kearsley, assistant extension youth supervisor, H. DEE JOHNSON ur meters print automatically told from Utah State Your Insurance Counselor the group aboutUniversity, the awards your sales slip, for your protection. activities. I available through You get positive proof of gallons dePHONE 19 or 1212 Cub River. livered. No chance for error! Potato Harvest Completes Bounteous Elder County Western Season 1 fes ,y.' .v W.; easy td order : OIL COMPANY 437 North Second West Phone 1372 i y X' ,y ...J .J:. ,r': v. Phone 548 146 South Main jJsf call t Mountain States Telephone in n 1 1 |