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Show T Lost and hound This could be the most important call of your lifetime! ; ... Services Offered LOST Chain with black oynx guide, in or near Cooley hospital, on Nov. 21. Reward. Mrs, O. E. Runyon, Ph. 1327 W. FOR SALE New Easy washer-drie- r GRADUATE of McCune School LOST Sigma Chi pin, white of Music would like organ stucombination at a barcross, set with pearls, lost In If interested dents. Never been hooked phone gain. up vicinity of Brigham City. Re986-J- . because of bldg, restrictions. ward. Contact Idle Isle. Bldg. 68, Apt. 10, Iutermoun-taiARTIFICIAL BREEDING for School. cows that look better, milk e more and sell higher. Call For Rent or Lease FOR SALE One used Stoker-mattheater, new guarantee. your A.B.S. proved sire techniUsed oil and coal heaters, all cian, Wendell Cornia at Bear FOR RENT Three room apt., River Sinclair Station, Crest-woo- d kinds at any price you want to unfurnished. Stoves furnished. 92278. pd Your STOKERMAT1C pay. 505 South Sixth West. dealer, 128 South First West. SEWING DONE. Will dress dolls . Phone for Christmas. 223 South First FOR RENT Three room furEast. Ph. 1002-W- . nished apt. Phone 29 or 264. Electric heat tape to protect water pipes from freezing, stabilizer jacks, sewer hose. FOR RENT Three room newly decorated apt. Phone 14 or BRIGHAM CITY 59. TRAILER VILLAGE 410 So. Main Ph. 1563 Grade A Pasteurized FOR RENT One bedroom, mod-erfurnished apt. Ph. 752-CREAM TOP and after 6 p. m. ORANGE SALE New crop HOMOGENIZED Milk & Cream Delivered Washington Navels, three dozFOR RENT Furnished apt, gar-agN28-cen $1.00. Food Fare. TRY IT wash room, ground floor. R. M. Kaiser, Phone 473. FOR SALE Light weight, open bed, two wheel trailer; excelSUPERIOR DAIRY lent for hauling or hunting. FOR RENT Strictly modern, Phone 504 Phone 1314. furnished apt., automatic heat and hot water, choice locaUon, FOR SALE Army bunk bed TV antenna, adults only. 112 set; 6 chrome chairs, good SALES SLIPS, restaurant checks, East Forest. condition. Make an offer. Ph. manifold books, ledger sheets, 687. office forms and all printing FOR RENT Modern, furnished Ph. 1000 needs. three-rooapartment. Private Entrance. Phone 71. 363 North Trailer Sales - Supples First West. Furnished apt FOR RENT Window Class one child accepted. 11 heated; Plate Class East Fourth South. :opfin MOTOR CO GOOD WILL - N-2- N28-30-c- USED CARS '54 Cad. Sedan $2995 Youll be the proud owner of most distinctive Americas automobile with this buy. Its fully equipped with power accessories. Tires are like new. Drive with the convenient autronic eye and all the additional values that make Cadillac Americas top car value . . , New or Used. 238-W- N28-30-p- d milk '54 Dodge Sed. $1495 This local car has had top care by its original owner. Its snappy V8 power means speed when you want it. Complete with air conditioning, full power equipment and ww nylon tires its a top buy. '53 Pont. Sed. $1145 Heres a stylish, well-kep- t car with radio and heater. excellent There're years of good driving ahead for the new owner of this car. See it today. News-Journa- GLASS '52 Cod. Sedan $1495 Join the select Cadillac class with this exceptional value. Like new condition will give both pleasure and pride in ownership. Heavy Sheet Class Mirrors cut to size Automomile Class Windshields Door Class '55 DeSoto $2495 MERRELL'S, This famous sportsman hardtop coupe is clean, flashy and a bargain. Has power accessories, new tires and powerflite. Phone FOR SALE heater, hydramatic. M-3- FRONT AXLE sane, sensible, perfect towing trailer with front and rear wheels. the car. Brigham City TRAILER A-- or '54 GMC Pickup ; 5 snow tires FOR 410 Phone to train for position of CPA, Accountant or Bookkeeper at home. Top salary. Diploma. Free Placement Service. Free requirement Information. Kitlow Business Institute, P. O. Box WANTED ONE Beehive Coal & Appliance 68 North Main FRIGIDAIRE APPLIANCES ZENTH TVs and RADIOS WILLIAMSON OIL FURNACES For Sale FOR SALE or TRADE 1956 Plymouth; older car or pick up truck acceptable. RFD No. 1, Box 183. Julia J. Jensen. YOUNGSTOWN ' - STEEL KITCHENS O Business Opportunity AVON CALLING WOMEN who need money The demand for Avan Cosmetics and Gifts is No experience tremendous. we train you. Avon is nationally advertised and Is on TV. For interview, write Avon Box 1304, Ogden, Manager, Utah. O mm !M0n Calf Us Today For Prompt Delivery PHONE North Main Street GOOD NEWS for Brigham City Watch for our announcement, Nov. 30, on a New Building Service for Brigham City. GREAT WESTERN ' LAND & HOME Nick Topik J. W, Steele BUSINESS DIRECTORY handy reference guide to Brigham Citys Sales and Service institutions Appliances ' Auto Paint & Body Furnace Cleaning . CORPS CALL et 4 17 HODGES MRS. GEORGE Old Money MANCHESTER, Mass. (UP) Rummaging through an' old trunk he had inherited, Orlando Merchant found a $35 bill inscribed: The bearer is entitled to receive 35 Spanish millea dollars or an equal sum in gold or silver, acording to a resolution of Congress of the 14th January, 1779. semi-swe- WHERE THE FAMILY LIKES 00 TO TODAY to SAT. ; TWO BIG FEATURES ft YOUTH ON NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION? PUBLIC SALE United State Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management LAND OFFICE, Sait Lake City. Utah. November I, 1956 Under provisions of section 2455. R. 14 of the S., as amended by section act of June 28. 1934 (48 Stat.. 1274; U. 43 S. C. M7I), and pursuant to the Chemical Cor application of Thiokol poration, Trenton, New jersey. Serial No. Utah 018772, there will be offered to the highest bidder, at public sale to be held at II o'clock a. m., on the llth day of December 1954 next, at this office, the following tracts of land: Sec. 20 SEUN&I4. NE'4SE'4 containing 80 acres at $10 00 an acre; 40 Sec. 20, NW'NWi oontaimng acres at $2 50 an acre in T. II N., R. 5 W., SLM. Utah. These of parcels for land, ae indicated will be offerei No bid will be resale as a unit. ceive) for leas than all of an offered parcel of land. Bids may be made by the principal or his agent, either perwmally at the sale or by mail. , Bids sent by mail will be considered only if received at this office prior to the hour fixed for the aale. Bide must be in sealed envelopes accompanied check or post-offic- e by certified to the money orders made payable Treasurer of the United States for the The envelopes amounts of the bids. must be marked in the lower left-han- d No. Serial corner "Public sale bid, Utah OIS772, Sale, December II. 1954. The highest bidder will be required to pay immediately the amount thereof. d Any adverse claimants of the land should file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. The Bureau of Land Management has not searched the files of Box Elder County to ascertain evidence of any adverse claim. a Any contiguous owner claiming preferenc right must assert such right and substantiate the claim by submitting the evidence required by 43 C F.R. 250.11 within 30 days from the above sale date. ERNEST THE vr&Hsw Pick o the Pictures WED. thru SAT. E. HOUSE, bought, sold and REPAIRED. The Reminder Office , FAMILY hospital, accident and WE vacuum clean all mpkes and CO. health, polio and dreaded diSUPPLY AUTO BRIGHAM sizes heating equipment . Imseases and life insurance at 40 years friendly service. 420. mediate service. Phone lowest cost James IL Miller, Goodyear Tires, Garage, Auto Clyde P. Larsen Sheet Metal 63 North Main. Ph. 104a Works. Repairs. JOHN SMITH CHUCK CONNORS Manager. mum FARM SERVICE Dodge Plymouth Dealer Tremonton Phone 1 '54 Buick Century (Yield: about 1 6 tablespoons butter 1 garlic clove, crushed cup chopped onion cup chopped celery 1 apple, peeled, sliced thin 1 2 teaspoons curry powder U teaspoon salt 4 6 tablespoons flour LEGAL NOTICE '54 Ply. Belvedere est cars weve ever had. 1300 '54 Ply. Belvedere Rockkt Pilot, u.s.a. 2 quarts) quart lamb broth or chicken Btock made by dissolving 4 chicken bouillon cubes in 1 quart of boiling water medium banana, sliced TOWARD THE UNKNOWf (optional) cup chutney Have Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management LAND OFFICE, Salt Uke City, Utah, October 18, 1956. NOTICE is hereby given that Frank W. Hillyard, of Smithfield, Utah, who on June 15, 1951, homestead made entry, No. U 01943, for E'j NE!4 . SWJ4NEI4. SEV4SW, SEtf. Section 7, 7 West, Township 12 North, Range Salt Lake Meridian, haa filed notice of intention to make Final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Elliott Thornley, Notary Public, at Smithfield, Utah, on the 4lh day of December, 1956. Claimant names as witnesses: LEO J NUTTAL, JACK CODDERIDCE, DON MECKLE, DARRFLL RICKS, all of SMITHFIELD, UTAH. ERNEST E. HOUSE, Manager, BETTILYONS mom mm MTTOI It Your Way her new evening Wearing gown which was extremely daring, the wife paced up and down for her husbands inspection. ' . j she Well, how do I look? said 'finally. I hate to say it, dear, replied her husband grimly, "but youre getting fat. She gave him a look of annoyance. In the best places they say plump, she corrected. he retorted, Well, then, youre getting plump in the best places. leith g O0UCt McGRAW A T0URA LeROY M0DUCTHM STARTS SUNDAY imSm. War and Peace Plus News, Cartoons and Selected Shorts get fJore IVori per Iiotir REALTORS Modern sand and gravel business, all fully equipped and In operation. Check for further details in this business op- portunity. Two residential building lots, large sizes in very popular lo- cation, priced at $1,200.00 each. Check on location and details. Good opportunity to obtain a fine 100 acre, irrigated farm, . fully equipped, modem home, machine shed, along with easy terms. Located in the Snake River Valley area in Check for terms and prices on this Southern Idaho. good listing. critb ocr III V 3 Trador Service S-S- tar I MILLER REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 63 North Main Street . H. Miller James Troy M. Miller ! $515 49 Studebaker Cheap transportation. '55 Chevrolet 210 spotlights. 1595 KlMI UT CuA!ES It will pay yem m fee our skilled servicemen Good transportation! Radio, heater, real nice car. C Warner Bros. rSPiNIA J. Arnold Hall, ph. 659 or ph. 1100 Logan 275 North 2nd West '51 Ply. Cranbrook condition. il At WarnerColor $1150 Excellent :s jr fU'&ir - in i (Publisher) United States hat happens to woman A wamNDouftrottMERVYN Dynaflow. 4 door. Everything! Automatic transmission. One of the clean- At cubes or cups cubed pieces) boiled lamb shoulder Melt butter in large skillet or saucepan. Add garlic, onion and celery. Cook slowly, until onion is lightly browned. Add apple, curry powder, salt, and flour. Mix well and cook a few minutes. Add stock gradually, stirring constantly. Cook until thickened. Add banana, chutney,, and lamb. Mix well; serve hot over steamed rice or pilaf. To use up a small amount of leftover roast lamb, youll like this Quick Curry Sauce. Add 13 cup seedless raisins to cup water and bring to a boil. Simmer about 6 minutes to plump raisins. Stir to 1 teaspoon in 1 can condensed cream of chicken soup and curry powder. Add lamb and heat thoroughly. Makes 1 cups sauce. O CO-III- HOLDEN LAMB CURRY Low mileage! Wonderful car! $1705 imuAn Heres the perfect buffet supper dish for the holiday season Lamb Curry. Or, to be different, serve it as an appetizer with the the day before, hot drinks of the season. It may be made ahead ''or weeks before thanks to your freezer, to be heated, then kept hot in your gift food warmer. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION $100 Services Offered lORt NELSON , Office Supplies der work. Burts Body Shop, TYPEWRITERS, Adding Machin604 North Main, Ph. 83-es end Cash Registers rented, Auto Repairs semi-swe- FOR RENT Three room apt furnished, immacompletely culately clean. 119 East First South. AUTO PAINTING, body and fen- PHILCO Television sets, Radios, Ranges, Freezers, RefrigeraCleaners tors, Hoover Vacuum Cleaners. North Main Furniture, Ph. 250. MODERN CLEANERS. Sanitone dry cleaning, fur storage. Free pick up and delivery Ph Bfl OBSERVER E 1 con- One owner car. This Is Your Brigham City A TWO-TON- (l(0)(D GROUND BRIGHAM CITY TRAILER VILLAGE 410 So. Main Ph. 1563 HOME. BUILDERS ONE BEEHIVE COAL & APPLIANCE 60 Help Wanted HELP WANTED Pleasant money making opportunity for r man or woman to call on farm families in Box Elder County. Full or part time. Year round. No experience or capital required. Write McNESS COMPANY, P. O. Box 14, Bayshore Station, Oakland 23, Calif. Royal Coal Contains Mors Heat Units and Loss Ash Per Pound H.yv-' Men-Wome- n 1835, Salt Lake City, Utah. Elder NEWS Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, November 28, 1956 North Main O Education EXPERT REPAIRS AUTO SHOPPIN? SEE COPPIN! VILLAGE 1303-- TV & RADIO Special at $1045 5 Box No weight on Wed-tf-c- You're FUDGE chocolate cup cup evaporated milk 2 cups sugar morsels cup peanut butter pound (14) caramels Combine evaporated milk and sugar in saucepan. Add caramels. Place over low heat and cook, stirring constantly, until sugar is dissolved and mixture comes to a boil. Increase heat and boil 4 minutes, stirring constantly, until sugar is dissolved and mixture comes to a boil. Increase heat and boil 4 minutes, stirring chococonstantly. To 1 cups of the mixture add the late morsels and stir until smooth; turn into greased 7 or square pan. To remaining mixture add peanut butter and stir until smooth; turn into pan over chocolate mixture. Chill until firm; cut into squares. YIELD: Approximately 2 pounds. -Use remaining chocolate morsels to decorate fudge. TELEPHONE NUMBER LEGAL NOTICE Springs trailer show. See the safe, Needs Some Helpl not alone so aid we I Contact it's for Freel Don't wait Phone 1262-- Motor just overhanled. Good tires, radio, heater, hydrama tic transmission. Volunteering s fen hours of your spare time each week to the Ground Observer Corps could be the most important call of your lifetime! Your service as a could well mean the safety that comes with adequate warning Youre seeded non. Make that call today) , Direct from Palm DRINK TOO MUCH? lf R ON DISPLAY AT or Radio, heater, Low mileage. TRU-STEE- per lbs. SHARPENED by machine, always precision work. Merrells, Phone 8. '48 Pont. Sedan $145 '50 Pont. $445 ' I with SAWS Radio, heater, new paint. 1 range and oil' Services Offered '50 Buick Sed. $245 Ft. ROADLINER FOR SALE One used eight cuone used bic ft. Irigidaire; electric stove. Phone 277. Specials '50 Pont. Convert $245 28 The 1957 Two-Ton- crete slabs and patios. Only $25 per month. IT'S DIFFERENT! 8 Apples, $1.98 bushel, large cooking, 5 49c. Food Fare. Transportation I Spacious landscaped lots, Inc. FOR SALE er and hydramatic. 4 GE ... IT'S NEW heater with blower. 231 West First South. '54 Pont. $1745 Class is the word for this custom catalina coupe. It has leather upholstery, radio, heat- Radio, l, e Pure heaven for the youngsters !s this unusual Fudge creamy rich chocolate, teamed with the pleasant saltipess of basic butter. one all from combination of Its simple recipe peanut smooth evaporated milk, caramels and sugar. To one-haadd peanut butter, and to the other half, add semi-swechocolate morsels. Evaporated milk lends smoothness and rich flavor to this versatile fudge. The high milk solid content of evaporated milk helps prevent formation of sugary crystals, resulting in velvety texture without beating. Make this wholesome candy in squares, swirls dropped from a spoon on waxed paper or foil, peanut clusters, or rolls made by shaping cooled fudge into logs and rolling them in salted peanuts. A . Phone 1040 Brigham City, Utah For Real Estate Call 1 349-350J S. L. Jeppson 237B Leslie W. Allen ..Tremonton We have just become affiliated with a NATIONALLY ADVERTISED , - - ... . which specializes In handling all types of real estate in the WESTERN STATES. These listings, which go into the hands of several hundred REAL ESTATE BROKERS throughout this area include FARMS, RANCHES, BUSINESS and RESIt DENTIAL PROPERTY. CALL US FOR AN APPRAISAL ; . 3 bedroom home in 1st Ward. Choice location. $11,509. Home in 5th Ward. 3 bedrooms.' Furnished. $10 month. W-- carpeting. $1000 , lake time now to lavs lime io she field Inter. Schedule your McCormick ttacuar fur service. fEfe CALL US TODAYl SERVICE . MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Just Listed ...ndo Exactor so foil power keep field work era schedule, restore your your work tatter . . . m down. PIIOIIE 300 ORIGIIAM TRUCK AND IMPLEMENT CO. 27 North Main - v x Brigham Citjr, Utah L. , J ...i |