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Show T? Writers Club Prize of . lntermountain school in Brigham City was a. prize wihner-in- ' the 'recent Esther R. Beer Memorial Award compati-tiosponsored by the National Writers club. 4ifyt Information was received from s the National Writers club located in Denver, Colo., stating that Dr. George A. This annual - national contest, held this r year in connection with the Fifth Annual Writers convention in Denver on Oct. 26 and, 27, was open to all free .4 L WINS MINK Mrs. Darrell Greenup, lntermountain with her $1,000 mink stole won in a resent national contest. She is pictured before the Sta-Fl- o starch display at Smith Market where she purchased her starch and picked up the blank that, when filled in, proved to be a prize winner. The first prize was a $10,000 mink school is shown coat. v' ' ' f 3 cry r - Box Elder' NEWS Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, November 14, 1956 4 Aluminum can be rolled into sheets would be needed to make up the foil so thin that 5,000 thickness of one inch. n Mrs. Darrell Greenup, Bldg. . at lntermountain school, literally hit the jack69, Apt 8, lost week when she won second prize in a national starch contest. Mrs. Greenup is now the proud owner of a $1,000 mink stole. She reports she will be forever grateful to the Smith Mjrket where she purchased her bottle of Sta-Flliquid starch. The contest was entered early in August and just last week a telegram came from A. E. Stahley company telling the glad news. A few days later a call from Holley Brokerage In Salt Lake City informed her that they would deliver the stole to her. As excited about the new mink stole as Mrs. Greenup are her husband and three children, Randy 7, Sandra Lynn 5, and Reba 2. She had never owned a stole before. bead-quarter- pot Remembers Happiness PEPPERELL, Mass. (UP) When Mrs. Adney W. Gray, 90, observed her 70th wedding annihusversary with her band, she was asked if her married life had been completely No two harmonious. people she think alike all the time, but occasional spats didsaid, nt mean a thing. It was the happiness we shared that count ed and happiness is something that takes more than one to really enjoy. Boyce Local Man Awarded Young Mother Wins Mink Stole in National Contest lance writers everywhere, It was pointed out. 'Out 'of ' hundreds of manuscripts submitted from all parts of the United States and CanWhite ada, Dr. Boyces story Mans Moccasins, was selected by the committee of judges as , ninth prize wmner. Dr. Boyces prize consisted of books on writing to .add to his professional library, , : , BSiij, &q - V i AtsSii fjctlq, tftsq cli 'nv FOOTBALL CELEBRITIES LaRae Johnson and Leon Young were selected to reign as queen and king over the traditional football assembly and celebration held at Box Elder High school last Friday to mark the close of the 1956 football season. change fi om the repetitious talks which are usually given by the members of the team. Each boy on the varsity team said a few words, but the most hilarious part of the entire celebration was u'hen Williams, Wight, Page, and Pebley sang what they called, A Tribute to the Coach. They were encored and Robert (Prop) Williams sang his version of Tigero. I thought this change in the speaking was very interesting as well as original, stated Leon Young, the king over the celebration. After the team finished, Coach Ferguson spoke to the students and stressed the point that the players who sat it out on the bench, game after game, .were just as, important- - as those who played in every game. He said, "the reserve strength makes up the backbone of the team, and continued, these players along with the regulars are needed to have a well balanced team. Leon Young and LaRae Johnson were voted as the King and Queen of the football celebration. They felt that the celebration was very worthwhile and mentioned that it was enjoyed by all. BEHS Notes Close Of Football Season Brent Horsley By The annual football celebration, which was held on the campus of the Box Elder High school on Friday, November 8, was claimed as one of the highlights of the school year. One of the highest points' of the day was the traditional football assembly. This was particularly , interesting because of a . At the Bonneville Salt Flats, we watched twor57 Fords streak through a 50,000 mile endurance run at better than 108 mph! . ... u a great performer in theae parts But a 50,000 mile rndur Salt Fiats- am test on well how much can you expect o! a ' i f etiy car? In just 20 daya we .knew the answer! The Ford people insisted on making this an impartial test So an independent engineering organisation was engaged to '57 Fords through put two the most grueling tests a man-ma- d machine has ever undergone. Day and night twelve of the world's greatest drivers drove these cars a distance greater than twice around the Vcve kiovn Ford world a distance equal to 5 years of normal driving. lord No. I averaged 108 16 mph for No. 2, over 107 the entire mph. tiem averages include tune for mil , ' fHt SfOp. Vie had to throw away the record hook when Ford ended this test on September 28 In all, some 456 records had been broken. And rrmember, this remarkahle demonstration of car performance was made at an altitude of over 42K) feet typical of the driving conditions we have every day! Perhaps the most astonishing part ruir..frd ar, ' about this test Is that these Torih are identical to those can now being offered There was no Msoupmg Dealers. ford by t up". . . no special parts beyond what yen'll find on any 57 ford. Chances are, you'll never have to pva ' your Ford this kind of a teat. But it's sure J good to know what it's capable of doing, . . no matter how hard you drive it. This is the new kind of Ford...engt peered from the .inside out. A Ford that's worth more when you buy... and when you self. A Ford you have to action tost to really appreciate. hy not do just that at your ford Dealers today! flqoinrFORD GOES FIRST? ANDERSENS-FOR- Your lawn will get an earlier start in spring if it is green when it freezes in the fall. wmam ins m"VTViyz mi win rturvi ififtiitiifr'-r r if IRC. D, 323 South Main Street , mu frus RETURNS Elder Lamont Richard McDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Dale, Brigham City, has returned from a New England LDS mission. , S3 G O Homecoming Set MAIL THE COUPON For LDS Elder Lamont Richard McDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. T- - E. Dale, Brigham City, has returned, honorably released, from a New England LDS mission. Elder McDonald served for two years in the Now England states and reports that he loves the people in the communities there. He hopes to return and do further missionary work. Homecoming services will be conducted in the Ammon LDS ward in Idaho Falls, Idaho, Sunday, Nov. 18, at 7.30 p. m. Elder McDonald left from the Ammon ward. The following Sunday, Nov. 25, he hopes to be in the Second LDS ward in Brigham City to report on his missionary activities. He graduated from Ammon High school, then attended the at Brigham Young University Provo prior to receiving his missionary call. I PHEASANT LIMITS Depending on where you were hunting, birds were plentiful or scarce on the Pheasant opening, Saturday. Here were some of the luckier ones, hunting on the Gilbert Gun Club, east of Corinne. Holding limits for the party are, lef to right, Chris Pella, Mark Nielsen Jr., Bob Pella, Wade Ebeling and Howard Simcox. Glen C5mp-towho was with the group, took the picture. vy ; DECEMBER CLOSES 1st 1956 t ITS SIMPLE TO ENTER CAPITOL'S MILLION DOOR JUBILEE CONTEST There is nothing to buy no rhymes to write all you do is witness a free demonstration of the new 1 957 model Capitol Corrw bination Storm Door, or Jasco Storm Window, then Fill in the free official entry blank and you may be the winner of a brand new 1 957 Ford Ranch Wagon what a Christmas present far the entire family! n - , OF ADVANTAGE TAKE CAPITOL'S door jubilee contest 1,000,000th See for yourself why people all over America ore buying more Capitol Storm Doors than any other wake of door we think you will agree that one million customers can't be wrong America's finest door with quality and price that can't be beat , anywhere. , , , , ' Revised Status of Water Supply Told Capitol doors have marry advanced features that most high quality aluminum Reed S. Roberts, District Sanitarian, this week told the status of public water supplies in Box Elder county, as the revised list was compiled Oct. 25. Based on sanitary surveys and the analysis of water supplies, the Utah State Department of Health classifies public water supplies with the State of Utah. These water supplies are classified according to established sanitary standards in keeping rewith the 1953 law which quires the State Health Department to evaulate public water , supplies. In Box Eldr county the cities and towns were listed as fol- storm doors will have in a year from now BUT Capitol has these features NOW such as:,. "j weather stripping extruded aluminum reia strong forced corners to prevent sagging. 3. Horizontal bracing for greater strength 4. Heavy Z bar frame 1. ScMegel wool pile 2. Extra 5. Fell I inch thick bronze oilite bearings (25 times the wear) and many other quality 6. Hinges with MAIL THIS - ! lows: Corinne, Dewey-villApproved Elwood, Honeyville, Washakie and West Corinne. Provisionally approved Brigham City, Bear River City, Both-wel- l, Garland Howell, Perry, Portage, South Willard, Thatcher and Willard. Probationally approved Fielding and Mantua. Not approved Beaver Dam, Grouse Creek, Laketown, Plymouth, Snowville and Wheelon. Further information concerning the status of the above listed water supplies may be obtained from the respective towns health officer, mayor, town pres ident. water superintendent, ot the district sauitai ian, Roberts F sard. CONTEST y n, . BELOW or visit MERRELLS for a free demonstration and pick up blank. your-entr- features COUPON I MERRELLS, Inc. I 98 North Main Street, e, Tre-monto- t f Brigham City, Utah - WiHl At j would bk Every drop of Ancient Age is distilled in one place ... in Frankfort, Kentucky. Of the .three leading bourbons, Ancient Age is the only one that can claim this advantage. We never put anyone elses whiskey in our bottles . . . its all our own. And we make all of our whiskey only at the original distillery, right in the heart of the bourbon country. Thats why the taste and flavor pf this superb bourbon is always the same.. .bottle after bottle, year after year. Thats why Ancient Age is the fastest growing bourbon in America! Kentucky Straight Bourbon Ancient Age Dist. Co., Frankfort, Ky. Whiskey 6 Years Old 86 Proof J I fflOt to kavo daenonsfrated Ooor Contact. PHONE 8 I I I am ml obfigoted Door ot Jotco Storm Window I o Capital hi my know ad onr Capitol T,0MU00rfi I FOR FULL DETAILS OR COME IN FOR FREE (name J ADORES I -- HONE NUMBER OtfNbMirM.lTn' . DEMONSTRATION DAT- E- Walk A Block Phone and Save tr 8 |