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Show i V3" Brik W1 Female Help Wanted to help WOMAN WANTED 5 Elder NEWS Box Wednesday, November 16, Brigham City. Utah FOR SALE Good used vacuums FOR RENT Ironrite ironers. $10 and up. Breitenbeker ElecCut ironing time in half. Ph. tric. 410. Free demonstration coppin FOR New Stokermatics; used oil heaters and coal stov- CLEAN FIVE room Apts. Steam es, Your Stokermatic dealer. heat furnished. Play yard for . 128 South Call First rhildren. Peach City Apts., West. 677 south Second east, BrigD16,tf-cham, phone 723-J- . FOR SALE 1953 Massey-Harri- s No. 90 combine FOR 2 unfurnished RENT 14 It auger. Practically new. houses, Brigham City Fourth No reasonable offer refused. ward and Honeyville. One unPhone Salt Lake 224174, or furnished apt.. Brigham City 78928. Second ward. Miller Real Estate. Phone 1040. 11x24 ft. FOR SALE Garage, 471 See at FOR RENT Unfurnished North First West. apt. Stove and refrig. furnished. Ph. 1327. MOTOR CO. 238-W- "WiLL USED h d CARS WINTERIZED! GUARANTEED! N16-18-c- h $2795 53 Cad. DeVille A real show car $1895 53 Olds 98 Conv. Full power, clean COAL DELIVERED 53 Buick Riviera $1495 Perfect Condition Two bedroom, newElectric ly decorated apt. stove; oil heater, built in cabinets. Phone 285-mornings and evenings. LEONARD DICKEY Phone 50 Cad. Sedan Extra Clean $1395 FOR RENT $12 A TON 1006-- 4 room unfurnished modem home. 548 South Third West Phone 0182-R3- . FOR RENT FOR SALE Auto- Refrigerator, matic washer. Guitar, Closet bowls. Mahogany slab door. FOR RENT 5 room unfurnishCall 1255-J- . ed basement apt., $20.00 per N16-pmonth. Phone 1370-V- . USED TV Motorola 21 inch table model. Excellent condi5 room modern tion. New picture tube with FOR RENT house, 4 miles North of Brigone year guarantee. Mountain ham. Call alter 5 p. m. Ph. States Electric. 028S-J3- . N16-18- $750 50 Chev. Bel Air Powerglide $895 49 Cad Set,an One Owner $745 52 Chev Tudor RH - Good tires d FO.t SALEGirl's bicycle, needs FOR RENT Three room fixing up. $10. Call 1535. or unfurnished apt. in . 4- Willard, Phone FOR SALE Used refrigerator and G. E, electric stove. 112 South Second West. Phone FOR RENT Three room . furnished apartment. Ph. . fur-nish- 51 CMC $gg J'a honey, good shape Carry-al- l $350 1 0191-R4- , Chev. Panel ton, good tires. 955-W- 562-W- $225 N-I- 6 47 Chry. Sedan Good family car. Hay. Phone FOR SALE 246-R- FOR SALE Large red $1.35 each. 304 South West Call evenings. 1955 PONTIAC CATALINA COUPE New Car Guarantee N16-18-- 55 INTERNATIONAL Pickup with Overdrive $500 Discount FOR RENT apt; hens, Third Services Offered Used Norge conventional washer, good condition. Electric. Mt. States $30.00. MILK Phone 410. FOR RENT apt. 2 'A Pasteurized MILK & CREAM DELIVERED Rent or Lease For 865-J- Grade N16-tf-ch- g bedroom modern TRY IT . DAIRY Phone 501 SUPERIOR Put our manpower on your tillage team , - ARTIFICIAL BREEDNG Only A.B.S. offer: 100 proven great sires; make 2 calls a day; fresh semen every day. LARKIN CARLYLE Local Technician Phone 1357 or 0396-R- 2 For Sale - Real Estate Have your Frame home LIKE NEW, with full basement and attached garage. Priced reasonably. Central near Brick home two bedrooms, full school basement, fire place and patio. Price includes electric stove and refrigerator. Two bedroom home $8,400.00 with an apartment in the basement. Also it would be ' an excellent buy for G.I. with large family. tools heavy-dut- y ready when nature says go! servicemen can increase the efficiency of your Our production team by checking the condition of your heavy-dut- y tillage tools now. Theyll look for bent frames, worn bearings and ground tools that should be replaced. Theyll rec- . WE ALSO WRITE FIRE AND AND AUTO INSURANCE ESTATE MAKE REAL LOANS. ommend only the service needed. Call us today to make a Service date. PHONE 300 C. B. WILLIAMS TRUCK AND IMPLEMENT CO. BRIGHAM REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 140 South Main Phone 6 Brigham City. Utah 27 North Main PHILCO Television sets, Radios, , Ranges, Freezers, Refrigera tors, Hoover Vacuum Cleaners. North Main Furniture Co., Ph. 250. AUTO PAINTING, body and fender work. Burts Body Shop, . 604 North Main, phone Cleaners Sanitone dry cleaning, fur storage. Free pick up and delivery. Ph. 86. MODERN CLEANERS. Auto Repairs Furnace Cleaning I I I I e Ruth USED CAR; BARGAINS! All GUARANTEED 53 Buick 1595 L. R. Pett, right, general manaPRESENT SYMPHONY ger Utah Copper division of Kennecott Copjier, and David S. Romney, managing director of the Utah Symphony, map plans for broadcasts by the group for enjoyment of music 53 lovers. Kennecott to County Men Attend Farm Sponsor Utah Loan Music Series Meeting E. J Holmgren, i ' , new-busines- s N-- , '47 OLDS aiea a chance to hear the finest music In the world played toy the Utah Sym- orchestra will do it again phony this- - season, it was announced by L, R Pett, Kennecott geneial manager, formerly of Biigham THE INTERIOR, MAN'ACEMLN , Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah. October 31, 1955. Notice Is hereby given that Ralph Taylor of Tremonton, Utah, on May 10, 1955, filed applica-lio- n Utah Oli5532 pursuant to Sec. 8 of the Taylor Grazing Act, an amend edf to select the sec. 6, F. 14 N., R 9 W, MM. Sy2 so c. 12, T. 14 N, si, R 10 W, SLM, Utah, containing 642.92 in exchange for alt sac 3, 1. oirea, 13 N , R. 9 W SLM, Utah, containing 644 20 acres, This notice is For the purpose of allowing all persons churning the select ed land or having bona fide objections to such application an opjaortun-it- y tions to such application an opportunto file their protests or oilier obfile to their ity protests or other objections In the Land Otlue bait Lake jections in the Land Office, Salt Lake C tty, Utah, logether wilh evidence 1 hat City, Utah, together with evidence that f a cdpv of aui h protest or objection a copy such protest or objection served u --on the applicant has been, served upon the applicant ha, been 38 30 from tiie date oj the within from the date of the within, days days fir-. liiMt publication of this nolice publication ot this notice E IKXJGLAb . DOUGLAS HENiRIQUnS, HENRIQUFA Acting Manager, t Acting Manager. j FtrsL publication Nov. 9. T955 First publication Nov. 9, 1955 23-3- NL, SN i - N 9 16 N Students Local lege at Logan, accompanied the colleges marching band to Den-ve- s last weekend. The purpose of the tilp was to participate in lactivllies at the Utah game, where Seionata" as they presented their half time show. . The group stayed ait the Shirley Savoy hotel in Denver. 2330 Those making the tiip from this area were Wallace Bunnell, Dale Holmes, Newell Jensen, Paul Siggard, John Willie, and John Olsen of Biigham City; and Joseph Huggins of Bear River City., State-Denve- Buick 50 Ply. 595 49 Chev. 495 Romney. "The Kennecott Copper broadcasts have made it possible for thousands unable to attend the regular concerts to hear and enjoy our state orchestra," points outWe have had Romney. hundred of letters praising the has become program which recognized as one of the most popular local programs on the air. The symphony series? will likely be aired on Tuesday nights. The exact times and dates will be announced later. The program will be heard on KSL. Meanwhile the orchestra has dates scheduled at Cedar City on November 18, Snow college at Ephraim on Nov. 19; Logan on Nov. 21, and a pair of school concerts will be played at Og den on Nov, 23. Other appearances around the state are being planned. 48 Chev. 295 46 Chev. 175 - Jack Morris - Buick Co. 550-54- 5 PICK South Main PHONE 272 O "Love Is A Many Splendored Thing"; " Co-II- it ENDS TONIGHT "Heart of the Rockies" 'THE KENTUCKIAN' THURS..- THUR.- - FRI, SAT. TWO BIG FEATURES - FRI. - SAT. Double Bill Program BURST Of MUSICAL IN COLOR ANO SUNSMINS OnemaScoPE rs Always W Fair F m Weather with j i Gil Kelly 'ft r Dan Dailey CYD CHARISSE DALE ROBERTSON EVELYN KEYES FRANK LOVE JOY i Dolores Gray Michael Kidd Co-II- it Bullet-Streake- d Adventure! 6 Residential, commercial and automobile glass. Complete line of General paints for inside and out. Andersens Glass and Paints, 85 No. Main. Ph. 480. HIE PICTURES LAST TIMES TODAY SCUTTLEBUTT Glass and Paint 895 one-hou- r Accompany AC Band to Denver Seven local students attending the Utah State Agricultural col- 51 of Kennecott will sponsor the Utah Symphony series on the air for the sixth straight season. Thirteen radio programs will be aired starting the first of the year. The broadcasts will include music taken from the series of regular subscription the symphony, according to Mr. asso-ciation- i 245 City. The Utah Copper division . offer, Best in winter transportation. Raseat dio, heater, covers. Good rubber. II j dramatic. Only which has giiven thousands. of music fans in the Wil-me- O. H Peterson, of Mendon, Utah; David Peterson, of Mendon, Utah; Howard PetersJon, of 648 E. 8th N , Logan, Utah; Ray Partington, of 495 W. fst N., Logan, Utah. ERNEST E, HOUSE, Manager. Oct-2Nov t chg 52 Dodge 895 Thanksgiving SPECIAL! The Kennecott Copper corpor- Wll-lai- Chev. 1295 P and ation Resident, Lloyd N. Davis, George f. Rudd, A. E. Roche, Charles E. Kunzler, directors, and Harry Drew, sec- retary tieasurer and manager of the Box Elder county National Farm loan association, spent Tuesday and Wednesday of last week in Salt Lake City, attending a conference of directors of the eight national farm loan associations in the state of Utah, These associations, together with 44 similar cooperative lending organizations in Ariand Nevada, zona, California, are the owners of the Federal Land Bank of Berkeley. The meeting was devoted principally to discussion of recent policy changes in the Berkeley bank which makes it possible for these local organizations, hereby Omer J Call, quired to serve upon through which Land Bank loans Plaintiff's attorney, whose address is LEGAL NOTICE are made, to offer improved 26 First Security Bank Building, Brigham City, Utah, an answer to the service to farmers and ranchers complaint within 20 days after service NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION of this summons upon you. If throughout Utah and the othpr you United States fail so to do, judgment by defailt will three states., Department of the interior be taken against you 'for"6he relief Bureau of Land Managemennt In a report to the conference demanded in said (which complaint LAND OFFICE, Salt Lake City, Utah. has been filed with the clerk of said Walter C. Dpan, presigroup, 1955. October 21, court ) NOTICE ts hereby given that Grover dent of the Federal Land Bank This is an action to sever the bonds Pnatt of Park, Hancey, Utah, Hyde of matrimony existing between the of Berkeley, stated that the fion June 19, 1950, made Homeparties hereto, and for the custody and who, stead entry. No. Sait Lake 071387, for nancial conditions of the bank support of the minor children of said E'-12 Section 24, Township j North, is parties. Range 9 West, Salt Lake Meridian, is extremely healthy and it Dated Nov. 4, 1955, has filed notice of intention to make enjoying one of its best S) OMER J. CALL, T inal proof, to establish claim to the Attorney for Plaintiff, years in history. He land above described, before Cleone 26 First Security Bank Bldg., Public. at Read, Notary Smlthfield, commented that loans in excess Utah Brigham City, 22nd the of on Utah, 16 0 December, of $33 million had been made day 1955. so far this year and the volume Claimant names as witnesses of the department interior, BUREAU OF LAND Jack Godderldge, Ross Goddertdge, MANAGEMENT, had inLand Office, Salt Lake City, Utah. and Don T Metkle, all of Smlthfield, of loans outstanding Oatober 31, 1955. Notice is hereby Utah, and Dean R Ellis, of Logan, creased from $89 million on Jangiven that Ralph Taylor of Tremonton, Utah. ERNEST E. uary 1, 1955, to approximately Utah on May 10, 1955, filed applicaHOUSE, Manager. $105 million as of October 31, tion Utah 015533, pursuant to Sec. 8 of the Taylor Crazing Act, As amend1955. Mr. Dean went on to say ed, to select all of sec 18, T 14 N R NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 9 W, SLM, Utah, that at no time since the found638,88 containing United States acres, in exchange for all sec. 19, T. ing of the cooperative land bank Department of The Interior 14 N, R 9 W.t SUM, Utah, containBureau of Land Management has there been greater ing 638 72 acres. LAND OFFICE, Salt Lake City, Utah, system This notice is for the purpose of alopportunity to satisfy the finanOctober 5, 1955. lowing all persons claiming the selectNOTICE r is hereby given that cial needs of farmers and ranched land or having bona fide objecH Chltrch, of Logan, Utah, who, tions to such application an opportuners and he stressed the fact that on Homemade 1950, 20, file September to obtheir other or ity protests are conentry. No SL 070191, for Lots association directors jections m the Land Office, Salt Lake stead 2. 3. 4, E'jSWH, W'ASE4, SE City, Utah, together with evidence that SE!4 with this challenging . Section 18, N., fronted a copy of such protest or objection Township 14 Range 8 W., Salt Lake Meridian, has situation which can be met only has Ibeen served upon the within 30 days from the data applicant of the filed notice of intention to make Final flrs-proof, to establish claim to the land through a very real and deterpublication of this notice above described, before L, Hickman, mined effort .to let everyone DOUGLAS E HENR1QUES, Notary Public, at Logan, Utah, on the know of the facilities their ' s Acting Manager. , 22nd day of November, 1955. First publication Nov. 9, 195 5 Claimant names as witnesses: and the bank have to 1 Completely WINTERIZED N16-18-c- h DFPARTMDNT Or BUREAU OF LAND yyfy yjmynyif This includes use of the accordion for six weeks. Six private lessons and an instruction book. Dont Contact delay! Lemon, Willard, Utah, phone 0382-- J 2. This course is for beginners only. . gen-eia- DFPARTMEiNT OF THE INTERIOR, BUREAU OF. LAND MANAGEMENT, Land Of lice, Salt Lake City, Utah. October 31, 1955. Notice is hereby given that Ralph Taylor of Tremonton, Utah, on May 10, 1955, filed application Utah 01553 pursuant to Sec. 8 of the laylor Crazing Act, as amended to select lots I, 2, 3, 4, NISEIS, SUPINE1! sec 4, lots I, 3, 4, 5, bh. sec. 6, T. SE14NW4, E$SEV 14 N , R 8 all sec 30, T. 15 N, R 8 W , all of secs 26, 32, and 36, T. 5 TM ; R 9 W SLM, Utah, contain for ing 2,335 94 acres m exchange Vi Uts I, 2, 3, 4, sec. 4, lota I, 2, 3. 4, 5,N l aec 5, T. 13 N, R 9 W , all sec 13, W', sec. 35. 1. 13 R. N W. S2NW14, N'W'4 NW'4 sec 14, r. 14 N, R. H W , SLM. Utah, containing 2 044 08 acre. This notice for the purpose of a lowing alt parsons claiming the select-k- J land or having - bona fide objec- f ri"f"r t I V only $5.00 MEN-BOY- . 4m 'KLDHESOHE . HICK0CK Office Supplies We vacuum clean all makes and BRIGHAM AUTO SUPPLY CO. TYPEWRITERS, Adding Machinsizes heating equipment. Im40 es and Cash Registers rented, friendly service. mediate service, Phone 420. Goodyear Tires, Garage, Auto bought, sold and REPAIRED, Clyde P. Larsen Sheet Metal Works. , The Reminder Office. Repairs. years T I I through the American Institute Talent Discovery Program for handy reference guide to Brigham Citys Sales and Service institutions Auto Paint & Body I on the accordion ANYONE needing a coal heat- executive committee ami repreer may have one for hauling sentative of Farm Bureau at the 325 West Sixth International Federation of Agit away. ricultural Producers in Canada South. In 1947, Mexico in 1951, and Rome in 1954 will be a princiLost and Found pal speaker at the Utah State Farm Bureau convention to be LOST Dark brown dapple Ger- held in Salt Citv, Novemman Shorthair dog, wearing ber 28. 29 andLake 30. collar and dragging short Also participating on the conrope. Call J. Leo Nelson. vention Marie is program Daugherty from Chicago, naREWARD: $25.00 for return of tional director of Farm Bureau Herbert Black in good women's department; Labrador, shape. Male, very large, white Alp, AFBF commodity departtoes; won't hunt, gun shy. ment director; William A DawWorthless to others; very val- son, member of the House of uable to me. Phone Ogden Representatives front Utah; and Ivan D. Wood, Extension Spe22964. Lawrence Molgard. cialist from Denver, Colo., Who will give an illustrated talk cm land and water use. Wanted To Rent The convention begins MonWANTED Furnished or unfur- day, November 28, with regisnished sleeping room with tration at the Hotel Utah. Four kitchen privileges. C. Kuipers, departments will be held MonBox 672. City. day morning: Farm Bureau women, insurance services, organiMale Help Wanted zation and commodities. General sessions will be bold at 16 to 25. Must be 2:00 p. m. and 6:30 p. m Monsmart and intelligent. Full day, and 9:45 and 1:30 p. m. on l and part-timwork. Earn up Tuesday, November 29. All to $18 day (4 to 5 hours per sessions will lie held on the day) working with MANAGER beautiful Hotel Utah roof garon routes. Transportation fur- den. The annual banquet will benished. Write Personnel, 222 Ness Bldg., Salt Lake or come gin at 7:00 p m. Tuesday, November 29, tin the Hotel Utah in lor interview. Lafayette ballroom at which seivice awards LEGAL NOTICES distinguished will be given to one man and Probate and Guardianship No- one woman for outstanding tices. Consult Clerk of District to agriculture. Another Court, Brigham City, Utah, or feature will be a "top banquet for informa respective signers talent floor snow presenting tlon. winners in the Fawn Euteau NOTICE TO CREDITORS talent find contest The winner DAVIS GftASER. Estate of JI NNII--, will be given an all exlense Dec eased. Credtors will present cLiims with paid trip to Chicago. to the underiipne-tat Action on resolutions and Box Elder County, Utah, on or be'ore the. 20th day of January, A. D., e lectio ir of officers will take 1956. place Wednesday, Nov. 30. EARL GRASER, Administrator. O DLE LUND, The convention will be under Administrator. for Attorney the direction of State President N J. Blaine Swenson, Spanish SUMMONS Fork; Frank G. Shelley, exeeu Civil No. 7762 In the District Court, County of Box tive secretary and Mrs. Grant F. Elder, State of Utah. Larsen, chaiman of State Farm NONA J, WALTHERS, Plaintiff. Bureau women. Approximately MERLIN P WALtHERS, Defendant. guests are THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE 500 members and ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT. to attend. expected You are summoned and re- BUSINESS DIRECTORY Appliances 1 George II Wilson, a member ot the American Farm Bureau This Is Your Brigham City A T I T Announced by Farm Bureau . DRINK TOO MUCH? Need Some Help! You're not alone so did we! i it's for Free! Contact A-Don't wait phone 1262-or 1303-- fT PARENTS: This is the opportunity that comes only rarely. You can now try your child service s 1111. p rugs and upholstery at home with odorless Blue Lustre. North Main Furniture. 5-S- tar ? 2 room utili-tie- and some furniture furnished. $35.00 per month. Marie Apts,. 20 North Main. Ph. FOR SALE Auto Shoppin? See Coppin! tf-c- h . IT'S inexpensive to clean - p "f Convention Is Miscellaneous ' SALE mfftffi dis- abled man. Must cook for, keep house, and give physical aid, daytimes. Must be willing to work at least six months. Good pay. Call 1535. For Rent or Lease 1955 9 ipw lw Call Us Today For Prompt Delivery PHONE ONE TONE North Main Street Brigham City 'nwwinf MORRIS JOHN AOELE JERGENS BEEHIVE COAL & APPLIANCE 60 rjydmcfr "four bells and all MreU. 1$ bits PndKlM AGAR EDGAR I Upper! t wji MJU BUCHANAN hetorts DEAN JL.ba'?'! ADVENTURfe PLUS NEWS CARTOONS and SELECTED SHORTS PnsdAUtM Mother!' J |