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Show Mrs . Mary Robbins Enjoys Entire Family Mrs. Mary Rdbbins recently enjoyed her entire family home for the first time in eight years. A family dinner was held at the Robbins home with places set for the following: Commander and Mrs. L JE. Harmon and children, Len and Jerry; Mr. and Mrs. Dale F. Robbins and children, Connie and Ronnie, Ogden; and Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Irishman and children, Larry, Marl-linand Kim, and Gerald Rabbins, all of Salt Lake City. The Harmon family was to a new ipost In Washington, D. C., following two years duty with the navy at Coronado, California. Commander Harmon will have offices in the Pentagon in Washington. Mrs. Harmon is the farmer Edna Robbins. While here they were also en tertained toy Mr. and Mrs. Grant Nielsen of Salt Lake City when a group of former school chums held a The Leishmans entertained In Salt Lake City and the Robbins in Ogden before the Harmons left last Monday for Washing ton. n Large Crowd Attends Mantua Ward Mr. and Mrs. Ira W. Larson have returned from a months vacation in Tucson. While there they were the houseguests of Dr. and Mrs. Ira Larsen, Jr. and family. They were greatly impressed with the spectacular shows presented by Texas groups during the between-hal- f period of football games. They saw the games 'between the University of Texas and the" University of Arizona and also the game between Oregon State and University of Arizona. Another highlight of their Arizona visit was witnessing the televising of Eldorado Days in Tombstone, Arizona. They later saiw the television program showing the men and women attired in Gay Ninety costumes; mules with packs and horses hitched to old wagons depicting the boom of Tomlbstone. They were interested in a tour of the Silver King mine and also the Copper Queen mine. During their visit they went to Mexico and report good weather and a delightful trip. PHEASANT HUNTERS By Mrs. Lamont Wells SMILES APPRECIATION Mrs. Robert Morgan, president of South Stake PTA Council (left), has just presented Superintendent Kenneh E. Weight (right), with a boutonniere in commemoration of National Education Week. Boutonnieres and corsages were presented Monday to administrative executives and Tuesday school board members were surprised with floral remembrances by North and South PTA Councils. Study Group Plans . Mental Health Class Auxiliary at Corinne, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. V. F. W. Hall is the place. Time, 9:00 A. M. to 3:00 P.M. PRICES LOW! M Held at St. Henrys Another successful First Friday breakfast was held Friday morning, Nov. 4, sponsored by St. Teresas Altar society. Breakfast was served at the rectory of St. 'Henrys Parrish to 31 Catholic students by Mrs. Attend Brighamites John Gomez, Mrs. McKay. Mrs. Special Catholic Meet Robert Benavidez, and Mrs. Jothe seph Florez. attending Brighamites board meeting of the Northern Utah District Diocessean Coun- A Lot Of Soda A Tenn. (UP) MEMPHIS, cil of Catholic Women included here Mrs. Robert Benavidez and Mrs. man In a supermarket Joseph Florez, who attended ail moved into the checkout line sessions and Mrs. John Sereika, with 38 boxes of baking soda Mrs. Wm. McKay t nd Miss in 'his basket. Tally Hanlin said Nora Coco, who attended the the customer explained to the checker that be worked for a evening lectures. railroad and used the soda to The meeting was held at St. clean diesel engines. Josephs Society Center in Ogden on November 3, beginning at 1 p. m. e Floral Tributes Smiles of gratitude were order Monday morning, Nov. 7, at the Board of Education office as members of the administrative staff were surprised with floral presentations toy North and South PTA Councils in commemoration of National Education Week. Boutonnieres went to Superintendent Kenneth E. Weight; Hervin Bunderson, administrative assistant; Leon Christiansen, secondary supervisor and Eberhart Zundel, clerk of (he 'board. Corsages were presented to Miss Norma Jensen, elementary supervisor and Mrs. Ruby Hansen, school lunch supervisor. Notes of thanks accompanied each presentation. , Officers of the North and South PTA Councils Include: Mrs. Robert Morgan, Mrs. Floyd Andersen and Mrs. Clyde Glover, South Council; Mrs. Clifford McMurty, Tremonton; Mrs. Bert F.liason, Snowville, and Mrs. Tremonton, Quenton Allen, North Council. Tuesday during regular board meeting, sc hood board members also received 'boutonnieres from the same group. Board includes: President Wayne Sandall; Vice President, A. Loren Durrell Nielsen, D. G. Nelson, Jr., and Warren Hansen. trist at (he Utah Mental hospital in Provo, in charge. The meetings will begin Monday, November 21, at 7:30 p. m. and will be held In conjunction with the adult education program at Box Elder High school. will be Dr. Jensens topic mental health during the encourse. tire eight-weeAnyone interested is cordially invited to attend the lectures. Relief Society Gives , Sunday Night Meeting Sixth ward enjoyed a program presented by the ward Relief Society, Sunday night, Nov. 6, in the ward chapel. Counselor Marvin Wright conducted the meeting. Following announcements, the time was turned to the , Relief society with President . Alice Jensen presiding and Counselor Roma Thor son conducting. Master the Tempest is Raging was the opening song followed by invocation by Mrs. Evelyn Johnson. Special stake board visitor for the evening was Mrs. Renie Following the reading of officers and teachers by Mrs. Etta Gilbert, they were sustained by the board members. President Jensen issued the J. A. Weavers Enjoy address of welcome for the eveCalifornia Vacation ning followed by a talk, Peace Mr. and Mrs. J. Albert Weaver Begins in the Home, by Mrs. returned to their borne in Brig- Nedra Emily, a Relief society ham City last Friday evening member from Intermountain after a pleasant vacation in school. A double trio from Intermoun-taisunny California. school composed of Relief They spent two weeks at San Diego with their son, Duane society members sang Oh Lord, Weaver and family, and their Most Merciful. Mrs. Beth Baird spoke on daughters, Mrs. Parley (Lucille) Peace in the World, followed Deem and family. They visited in Los Angeles by remarks by Bishop J. Edwin where they saw the Los Angeles Band. Scitptural reading for the eveLDS temple which is nearing completion, and they visited the ning was given by Mrs. Lottie Forest Lawn cemetery. They at- Tyson. Meeting closed with Singing tended the Bob Crosby television show in Hollywood, and spent Mothers of the Sixth ward singa day at Tiajuana, Mexico, ing, Peace I Leave With You." Where they enjoyed shopping Mrs. Mabel Burr offered the and seeing the many sights the city offers. Michigan ranks only 22nd In On their return trip home they visited for three days with an- the nation in area with 58,216 Mrs. Orville square miles but is 7th in popuother daughter, at lation with 6,371,766. , (Delia) Deem and family Delta. They made the trip by train and reported an enjoyable trip, but were happy to be home ' ,, again. Hun-sake- A boy was born November 4 to Clifford and Kayla ,Ann Tracy Nelson, Brigham City. Aaron (Ronnie) and Ruth Walker Endress, Brigham City, girl, Nov. 6. A girt was 'born Nov. 6 to Alexander and Ramona Naha Mia, Intermountain school. John Ray and Reva Ann Reese Harper, Route No. 1, Brigham City are the parents of a girl born Nov. 6. Meetings continued until 9 and included lectures of the training of the average woman for Catholic action. Workby the shops were sponsored Northern District of Catholic Women in cooperation with the National Council and Salt Lake City Diocesean Council of Cath olic Women. Miss Nora LeTourneau, field secretary of the National Coun cil of Catholic Welfare, from Washington, D. C. was in charge, Mrs. Richard A. Alston, former Brigham resident, now of Ogden assisted Miss LeTourneau with lectures on charities, youth pro of grams and confraternity Christian doctrines. p. m. mm k I955 The following births are announced from Cooley Memorial hospital: . Last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Marlowe Archibald of Wells-villgave a chicken dinner for members of the family. Those from Mantua were Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Hailing, Joan and Dar win Hailing; Mr. and Mrs. Ches-teRasmussen, Janet and Shir The starfish has an eye at the ley Rasmussen. end of each arm so it can see Mr. and Mrs. Ardh Sims and in all directions at once. family went to Roy Sunday to see their new granddaughter blessed. She was named We'n-d- y Myrna Weird. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jeppsen, Myrtle and Niel, and Mr. and issi. jr iv. Mrs. John Isaacson and Kathit07dy... leen went to Logan to spend While To Drive! Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Isaacson and to see STOPS COSTLY OH. BURNING I their new baby girl blessed. She GAS MILEAGE I INCREASES Isaac name of received the Joy RAISES COMPRESSION! son. Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Jensen of fVeg Motoloy lob lta W tal tank Motaloy t soni4c plating ocHon take ploce while Brigham City spent the day with ' you drive.' lost 200 000 Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Jensen, and to Motaioy guaranteed. Mr. Jensen blessed little John Ernest Jensen. Ask For It At Your i The easiest way to wash Ven etian 'blinds is to put them into FAVORITE SERVICE STATION a bathtub full of warm, soapy or Phone 973-Nwater. A special study group composed of parents of South Stake PTA Council will be conducted during the next eight weeks in the audio-visua- l rom at Box Elder High school with Dr. C. In LaMar Jensen, senior psychia- Give Special Home cooked dinners to be served by V.F.W. A number of people from here went to Richmond to attend the wedding reception of Miss Anna Mae Hill and Mr. Carl E. Bert. Those attending were Mrs. Cora Hailing, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Rasmussen, Mrs. Ida Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Nelson, Newell Larsen, Mrs. Marlene Nelson, Mrs. Carol Hansen, Mrs. Dorothy Jeppsen, Janet Rasmussen, Darwin Hailing, Curtis Larsen, Joan Hailing, Renee and Wilma Larsen, and Lillis Jeppsen. Several of these people were on Lillis Jeppsep the program. played a violin solo; the trio, Marlene 'and Carol, Dorothy, sang, accompanied by Janet; Joan Hailing was brides maid, and Renee and Wilma Larsen helped serve. Our Sunday night meeting was under the direction of the Re was lief society. The theme Peace. There were two stake board members present, Mrs. Baddley and Mrs. Poulter. A very nice program was present ed under (he direction of Pres blent Berniece Rasmussen. Box Elder NEWS Brigham City, Utah Wednesday. November 9, Relief Society Conference Sunday PTA Councils ATTENTION! 4 1st Friday Breakfast MANTUA REPORTS Larsens Return From Month in Arizona NORM ADVERTOTnO, ta NEED MORE LIVING SPACE? See Merrells Inc. if all the familys activities are restricted to one room. Well show you how to add an extra room for as little as $2.50 a week. Come in or phone 8 for a FREE estimate. j Custom Millwork Available LUMBER HARDWARE-PAIN- ! 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