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Show , Peaches Play Garland Tonight at 8:00 p. m. Rees Park Diamond . In two baseball games play- ed Thursday and Friday of last week, the Brigham City Peach-ewon one and lost one. The game at Preston was won thus giving the leuehes their only loss of the season so far At rhe Thursday night game in Preston, the Peaches collected seven hits and the Pieston team got six hits from the and pitching staff of Troxel Adams. Central Chevrolet Out In Front of the Junior Division Pack Is Golden Spike Is Name of New DUP Camp A new Daughters of Utah Pioneers camp was organized on Friday afternoon, June 25, at the First ward Relief society room in Tremonton. The newly organized camp will be known as the Golden Spike camp and its members After a temporary setback, come from the Flwood ward and the Peaches got back on the the Tremonton LDS ward. winning path Friday night by On hand to officiate at the 12 to 8 from the Hill h winning election of officers on Friday 1 Air Force Hornets at Rees park. was Mrs. Jennie L. Jones, presiBud Powers sprained an ankle of the Box Elder dent County reat the game and had to be company and Mrs, May D. lieved in the third Inning. . Holman and Hunsaker hit Smith, first vice president. Elected as officers were: Mrs. hdmers for the Peaches along - with a two bagger bit by Mur- Mary K. Steniuist, captain: phy and a three base hit by Mrs. Eva B. Hansen, first viceAnderson. In all, the Peaches captain; Mrs. Ethel Hansen, sec; Mrs. collected 15 hits off the service ond May ' team. Mermey hit a two base Cornwall, secretary: Mrs. Mar ball for the Hornets and Lindsey jorie Stenqulst, treasuier; Mrs. Winifred Barfus, registrar: Mrs. hit a homer. Tonight, Wednesday, June 30, Ethel Palmer, historian; Mrs. the Peaches will play the Gar-- Cleo Andersen, chorister and lea-- , Mrs. Dezza Christensen, chapland team in a Utah-Idahgue encounter at Rees park at lain. 8:00 p. m. Garland has a This is the first new camp to record of one game lost and he organized in Box Elder coun- one in the column. winning ty for many years, Mrs. Jones In other Utah-Idah; league stated today. games last week, Loghn beat the Garland team 12 to 1, and Smithfield swamped Willard 15 to 0 in a Friday night game at f Smithfield. Hill AFB Hornets -- v lea-gu- e Senior Division of .the The senior division Made Your league is in a neck and neck race with a three way tie between Smiths Market, and Browns Shoe Hospital Breiteiibeker's, each team having a two and 0 record. In league games played last Friday at Rees park, Browns caked out a 11 to 10 win over Smiths team, and Breitenbakers beat Thompsons 11 to 9. In one of the best played Made Your league games of the season, a game which was tied in the sixtli inning, Molenaar tagged a hit to open the seventh followed by a double, hit by Kelly, which scored the winning run. Eugene Hailing, pitcher for the Bi owns team collected a home run and a triple. Herbert Molenaar of Brown's also Two base collected a triple. hits wer hit by Dale Smith for the Brown's team, and by Lynn Biailsford and Cottle of the Smith team. Dale Smith was the player of the week from his showing in the game. The other senior division game last Friday, won by Breitenbe-ker's- , put the league in a three way tie for first place. Dean Jensen, pitcher for Thompsons, struck out seven and gave up five hits but Breitenbekers went on to win the game. Brown's vs. Smith's Market Brown's D. AB 4 3 2 Leo I). Smith E. Hailing, p H. Molenaar, if Christensen, c D. Kelly, lb 33 12 15 S. Stumm, cf 8 R. Fife, 2b 003 320 0 165 000 x 12 D. Day Totals Hill AFB Brigham City Utah-IdahLeague Standings Won Lost 4 4 4 4 2 AB R ..... 4 0 5 2 Jensen, ss Totals Browns Smith's D. DAIRYMEN: ! " Only American llreeder Service can offer you 1007c Proved Sire Seryice every day of the year. Call 1063. PAUL H. TINGEY TECHNICIAN WE SPECIALIZE SEE OR CALL Nick Topik Insurance Agency 586 So. 2nd East Brigham City AB 5 4 3 3 4 3 4 2 Tracy, cf Jensen, p Smith, ss Whitaker, lb D. Johnson, 2b Forsgren, if C. Barter, 3b Cottle, c Morgan, rf S. D. V. IN SERVICE! REDUCTION, accepted by all finance companies. . . . 20 DIVIDEND for all property owners on Fire Insurance. Telephone 11 Hess. 2 b 2 A. R. 3 Thompson, 3b Korth, ss Romer, if Craghead, cf Nelsen, rf Totals 2 3 K. 2 0 19 le 0 0 4 Central Chevrolet AB R H 3 0 3 3 2 0 0 0 2 2 Jaggi, If Tlngey, 3b R. Jensen, p Jeppersen, ss W. Davis, lb Rigby, 2b Nelsen, rf Hall, cf 1 1 3 0 0 1 15 320 10 020 5x Jensen 2 Thursday Rees 7:30 8:45 8:45 8:00 Dale Smith . . . player for Browns Shoe team of the senior division of the Made Your League, was named player of the week after hitting three for three in a game against Smiths Market last Friday. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sandford Smith of 49 North Third West Chase Firestone Blocks Howard Cafe Macks Pharmacy 2 1 1 0 0 2 2 3 night schedule at park:' Fifth vs. Sixth. Perry vs. Mantua. First vs. Second. Intermountain school at Willard. i$iiiti More mmu. Work per hour gel Dr., Mrs. Christensen Visit Here for Week Dr. and Mrs. Norman A. Christensen arrived back in Brigham City, Monday, for a weeks visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Bowen Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Orson A. Christensen, before returning to their home in Rochester, Minn. with our IH Tractor Service 5-S- tar 5 ' It will paj you to let out skilled servicemen restore your to do your work faster tractor to full power to keep field work on schedule. Take. time now to Save time in the field later. Schedule your McCormick lraftnf service. fur ... ... MU 4 3 1 6 7 ' j CALL US TODAY! EL lead-zin- c Elder NEWS 12 and 13 at the Ogden Country club. All eligible should enter the loeal tournament so that Brigham City will make a good showing at the state tournament, according to Bob Pella, director member of the tournament. The five low men at the state tournament will go to the national meet later this summer. Registration for 18 year old and under who wish to enter a Junior golf tournament sponsored by the Brigham City Junior Chamber of Commerce, will start today, Wednesday at the golf course and will continue until Monday evening, July 5. Run offs start Tuesday, June 6 at the local golf com so. The fivp low scorers of the Brigham Dr. and Mrs. Christensen drove two through Brigham City weeks ago, enroute to the Schedule: 1, Thursday, July American Medical association 8:00 a. m. Central Chevrolet convention in San Francisco, vs. Howard Cafe. leaving their three children to 10:00 a. m. Chase Firestone visit with grandparents here. vs. Macks Pharmacy. Dr. Christensen is on the staff 12:00 p. m. vs. of the Mayo clinic in Roches' Blocks ter. The government's c City tournament wil be eligible to go to the state Junior tournament put on by the Junior Chamber of Commerce on July For Golf Meet Tri-Stat- e SERVICE stockpil- ing plan has been disappointing. It has weakened, not strengthened, metal prices. Our real need is adequate tariffs to control imports and prevent dumping. This will enable Utah mines e to compete with foreign producers. It will result in a stable market and again make possible exploration and development work so vital to a healthy mining industry. PHONE 300 low-wag- BRIGHAM TRUCK AIID IMPLEMENT CO. jag;. 27 North Main Brigham City, Utah The onjy truck with INCREASED SALES 11 11 11 3 2 12 0 SALES LOSS 40 1 30 70 10 SALES GAIN 10 20 30 40 0 1 11 Macks vs. Block's Mack's Pharmacy 10 10 3 3 Perry and the Brigham Fifth ward continue their battle for first half honors in the South stake Senior Softball league on Thursday night, July 1, at Rees park. Both have tough assignments as Perry faces Mantua and Fifth meets the fast improving Sixth ward. Should one of these win while the other loses, the first half championship would be decided then and there. A win for both ori a loss for both will throw the race into a tjie. Box Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, June 30, 1954 Registration Howard Cafe vs. Howard Cafe C. Lee, 3b AB R H B. Bradbury, p M. John, 2b 2 A. Petersen, lb 3 4 2 1 B. Petersen, lb 4 2 2 Cochran, rf 3 2 2 D. Whitaker, rf R. Reeves, If 2 e LV.f r 4 Juniors Start Tri-Stat- e 110 10 0 0 0 2 27 11 0 0 Smith, ss Totals AB 2 0 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 18 R H 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 Block's 5 Totals AB R H 212 103 0 9 Thompsons 0 Breitenbekers ... 006 050 x 11 R. Beecher, 2b K. Brailsford, 3b 2 0 Senior Division Standings: 2' 1 Won Lost T. Barnard, lb . ... 2 0 Berlund, p 1 2 Smith's Market 0 0 Sheffield, ss 1 2 Browns D. Beecher, c 3 1 1 2 Breitenbekers 2 0 Pebley, if , 0 3 Thompsons P. Petersen, cf 2 1 T. Smith, rf 3 0 Totals 17 5 Junior Division Central Chevrolets team edg- Macks Ill 01 45 ed past 002 21 the Chase Firestone Blocks team 7 to 6 in Junior division of Junior Division Standings the Made Your league and beWon Lost came the league front runner. Central Chevrolet .... 2 0 In other Junior division games, 2 1 Lumber 12 . , Representing stock and mutual companies. Established, AUTOMOIILE FIRE FARM LIABLITY HOSPITAL LIFE 0 0 6 R II 110 29 9 10 Breitenbeker's D. 767-- AB R II 3 2 0 2 Poulsen, c J. C. Stuart, p Morrell, lb Nuttall, lb L. Thompson's vs. Breltenbeker's Thompson's Totals . . . offering LOW COST insurance. . . . featuring Collision Insurance for farmers at 20 Chase vs Central Cliev. Chase Firestone 010 t t ing. 11 11 10 10 Erdmann, If Reeves, rf I) no-ru- n 11 Williams Stokes, 3b ATTENTION 10 0 0 ; Tri-Stat- AB R H 4 2 4 4 0 0 4 4 2 3 4 0 0 4 3 2 3 32 10 10 260 200 111 260 Oil Cottle, c Hawkes, cf Brigham City Stuart walked the first two man up in the inning and errors on the part of the catcher and the Central first baseman allowed Chevrolet to score the winning run. In the game against tlie Howard cafe team, Billy Bell pitched the first no hit game of the league and became the player of the week for the second week in a row. Darrell Nuttall pitched a two hit game for Howards Cafe but errors by team members hurt the team. Mack's scored a run in all innings but the fourth, and was defeated when Blocks scored the winning run in the last inn- Smith's Super Market S. Holman, If Hunsaker, cf Set for Thursday 11 10 Brailsford, p H. Morgan, 2b " s Tri State beat the Howard Cafe team 7 to 0, and Blocks nuged Macks Pharmacy 5 to 4. Chase Firestone team- led until the fourth inning, but J. C. Sheffield, 3b M. Nelsen, 2b D. Coppin, c D. Knudsen, lb R H P. Petersen, P. Coppin, ss 3 3 Freeman, rf 3 2 Oldroyd, If 2 2 Christensen, cf 0 1 Totals 0 1 Chase Firestone Central Chevrolet 110 30 11 : Totals o ' Soulli Slake Games In Made Your League Division s by a seore of 6 to 4 by Preston, Player of Week Three Teams Tic for Firsl Place Brigliam Cily Pcaclics Are Near Top of UtahTdaho League Pack 1 Latest reports I for 54 show Ford Truck sales Up 19.9 over last year! The same reports show all other make trucks down in sales. The big swing is to the trucks that give you more for your money new Fords! FORD 130-h.- The onjy truck with NEW t. Express with Power King V-GVW, 7100 Deluxe Cab shown is extra cost. lbs V8s for oli capacities Tri-Stat- !oncrefi61Block mUi HOME FREEZES t ' ft FERTILIZE Only Ford offers V-- 8 engines in every size truck, tonners to 60,000-lb- . GCW Bia Jobs! lord s got four new all new overhead-valvdesign! 9 from -- s, FARM INDUSTRIAL fM A TEi NO OBLIGATION J e, Phosphate your alfalfa hay between, cuttings for insect control and high quality hay. The onjy truck.thut gives you TRIPLE ECONOMY Side dress row crops now with our high analysis, pelleted fertilizers, and many others. 10-16-- 8, 10-20-- 0, 0, Low-Frictio- deep-bloc- 17-7-- 0, OnC: New Ford Truck engines have shortest strokes, lowest piston speeds gf any truck line. Fords modem, design saves gas, cuts wear, prolongs engine life! Two: Ford Driverized Cabs cut fatigue. Power Steering standard on some Big Jobs, available on most others . . . Fordomatic on all light duty series . . . Power Brakes even all help the driver do a better job. Three: on Ford gives top payload capacities with strong construction, in a full line of over 220 models! Thats Triple Economy! And . . . Ford Trucks last longer, too! Low-FRlcno- N SEE YOUR BRANCH MANAGER FOR ALL YOFR FARM NEEDS. , I V'j' ' - $ low-wei- UTAH CONCRETEftPIPE CO. Cache Valley Bank Building Phone 660 m OGDEN 1940 Wall Avenue PROVO 1550 Springville Road SALT LAKE 925 So. 6th West At LOGAN, . UTAH Phone Phone Phone UTAH POULTRY AND 7978 3444 FARMERS i Serving AH Farmers In This - Cbhne th oh Vhohe Tdcfayf extra cost MORE TRUCK rca. FOR YOUR MONEY! t COOPERATIVE 4 k worth-whtl- e j Area 323 South Main ANDERSENS -- FORD, INC. . Phone S6 |