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Show - rfS'A NOTICE FACT Russell Kunzler Gets CyflERRY-CAHIu- : 0mmL PlK-- BACK PIMA jf7 BKKM BUUHTVP6 mmtoftoAJ the wiN6 on cumM mm Bow -- A Sergeants Stripes A -- OPEN MEETINGS B om miM, m,io iMtncm a tmm I ; . ztPPtuHf With the 7th Infantry Div. in 'Russell M. Kunzler, son of Bishop and Mrs. William Kunzler, Willard, was recently while promoted to sergeant serving with the Seventh divt-sio- n Korea Report on Livestock Caravan Discussion of Agricultural Situation in Korea. , Men of the Ttour Glass 7 Meetings in Utah ison NOV. 20lh- -3 00 Valley High School FRIDAY, NOV. 20th 7.00 P.M. Provo County Court House P.M. Brigham City High School SATURDAY, NOV. 21st-1:- 00 Jr. High School SATURDAY, NOV. 21st-7.- 00 P.M.-Bea- ver Court House MONDAY, NOV. 23rd-1.- 00 Stake House TUESDAY, NOV. 24th 1:00 P.M.-D- elta NOV. 25th 1.09 P.M. Coalville Court House WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY, Our Readers, Write W. Claytoaugh. Publisher Bob Crompton, Man. Editor Box Elder News and Journal Brigham City, Utah Dear Mr, Claytoaugh and Mr. Crompton: The members ot the Box Elder County Board of Education asked me to express to you their FARM PROBLEMS Sponsored by FARMERS UNION appreciation for publishing the report as prepared by the Lincoln G. Kelley Company, of the Box Elder High School Ac counts. TffedAPm This Is a fine public service coutTiTimn ofi&f- fand I also appreciate the many nhi PATTERNED AFWt fine things you are publishing to interpret the educational pro mcAi gram In the schools of Box El ' der county. Very sincerely yours, K. E. WEIGHT, Supt. of Schools. audit Salt Lake City, Utah NOW AT BRIGHAM TRUCK FARMALL FAST-HITC- H For The McCormick SUPER C TRACTOR 1 A' MMM;- WtfO W Ht fvR blind - flKTI 0 OFAEDaEET . A Braille calculator that automatically adds, multiplies, subtracts and divides has 'been put into production 'for the use of WfW TKE f iSft PATTISJ . K0PDIWIW; MM RWC W itoi owowmri et Csyyrlfbf I9S1 AMm FiiNiii lynO H 1 Book on Plant Smuts Written By The Late Dr. Geo. L. Zundel Is Published works; the farmer . . . the two coupling beams on the implement slip into the Fast-Hitc- h sockets on the tractor, and are locked instantly and automatically to uncouple, just lift two latches. The farmer saves a great deal of tuna and all of the hard work usually required in hitching. Fast-Hitc- h Phone 300 BRIGHAM TRUCK and IMPLEMENT Go. Publication of a 410 page volume, authored toy the late Dr. George Lorenzo Zundel, formerly of Brigham City, has just been completed, it was announced here this week toy Mrs. Zundel of iLogan, and Miss Louisa Ingram, aunt of the deceased. The scientific treatise is entitled The Ustilaginales of the World, and covers more than 25 years of research on plant smut. Before his death in 1950, Dr. Zundel was an associate profesor on plant pathology at State college, Pennsylvania 'school of agriculture. Dedication of the book is particularly significant locally and reqds as follows: "These studies are affectionately dedicated to 6 Box Elder NEWS Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, November 18, 1953 my paternal grandfather, James Jngram, iwith whom I first discussed the smuts while shocking grain one harvest time on the farm In (Perry, Box Elder County, Utah, and George Per kins Clinton, American under whom it was my very good fortune to study the Uslilaginales at Yale University. In the foreword, written by H. W. Pepp, of the department of botany at Penn State, credit for the publication of the book is given to Mrs. Zundel. "With the 'help of a grant of money from Mrs. Zundel, we were finally able to publish the manuscript in its present form, Pepp stated. In the acknowledgements, the author gave credit to a long of list who assisted in the research, and regarding his wife, he had this to say: Ustila-ginalis- During the preparation t, of this publication the .sympathy and moral support of my wife, Mae 'Bell Zundel, has helped me to overcome discouragement many times. In all respects she me has faithfully supported and has shown keen Interest in the progress of the. compilation of the manuscript. She has fulfilled the part of a faithful and sympathetic helpmate. Cars Collide At City Intersection Friday Only slight damage was suffered to automobiles that were driven by Mrs. William Henry Craghead and George Forsythe, Sugar City, Idaho, when they collided at the intersection of First East and Second south, last Friday afternoon at 4:15 p. m., the local police department reports. No citations were issued and there was no personal injury Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS dueto EXCESS ACID QUICK RELIEF OR NO COST Over five million packages of the Willard Trkatmemt have been told for relief of ymptome of distress arising from Stomach and Duodenal Ulcere due to Excess Add- Poor Digestion. Sour or Upset Stomach, Gawlnm, Heartburn. Sleeplessness, etc., due to Excess Add. Ask for Willard's Massage which fully explains this remark-tb- it boma treatment froa at KENTUCKY mm a mim BETOGE TOM E5EEIBE STRAIGHT BOURBON CLENMQRE DISTILLERIES COMPANY LOUISVILLE. KY HAMILTON DRUG GLENS MODERN DRUG MACKS PHARMACY When the Aero Willys hit the market less than two years ago, it rendered conventional g habits obsolete. Its years-ahea- d styling, backed by its blending of automotive and aero engineering, when considered with its hereditary stamina and economy, made people sit up and take notice. If you've been in a car-buyi- rut, you owe it to yourself to see and drive the Aero Willys before you decide. May we show you why, today? PRICED AS LOW AS 1871 .95 ' Aero Lark 2 door Sedan delivered in Brigham City, Utah. BUNDY MOTOR CO. persons. RWIAN admiral, ArtmcanDEFINE THE tlZVEZ F0U6HT Heres how the new Farmall just backs up to the implement - Charles Discussion of Current 580 West 13 South ly1-- di- vision are undergoing Intensive training to maintain the peak combat efficiency displayed by the unit from Pusan to the Yalu river. iwho is Sergeant Kunzler, chief telephone operator in the divisions Seventh Signal company, arrived in Korea last November. A farmer in civilian life- - he entered the army in March 1952 and completed basic training at Camp San Luis Obispo, Calif. - A report on tho Livestock Caravan will be given by Heber Bennion, Jr., chairman of the Utah group. Mr. Dennis Driscoll of Colorado, and elected spokesman for the entire delegation to Washington, D. C., will also give a report. Rocky Mountain Farmers Union President, Harvey R. Soiberg will discuss the Farmers Union in Utah. After the reports the meeting will be thrown open for general discussion of Utah's Farm problems such as: "Price Supports," "What is the Dairy picture today?" . , . "How about the Produce Market?" i :Sw j) SUMMERS By Bob Kirk |