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Show 1 ' i S .i u t In i Co p - Jon 54 Mothers' March On Polio Slated In Brigham City Tomorrow 7 To 8P.M. Polio Drive At Peak This Week With 2 Features Conservation District South BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 28, 1953 VOLUME 58, NUMBER 4 Will Serve Polio Supper Deluxe B.E. Soil 1 8 PAGES will march on polio ly, Morning Milk, Folgers cof- many other prizes will toe given fee. Libbys Pineapple juice, away. From 7 to 8 p. m. an army of Nalleys Lumber Jack 6yrup, The pair of unusual Grows events 165 Brigham City mothers will Rocky Mountain Dairy Products this week will climax the Brigknock at the door of every house milk and butter, and eggs from ham City campaign for funds to Now well Into its third year of and the North Willard Irrigation with a porehlight on to collect all of the Brigham City grocery-men- . fight the dread childs disease, diverCo. a for installation of operation, the South Box Elder funds for the 1953 March of Infantile Paralysis. Soli conservation district is a sion dam, divider box and 1800 Dimes. Everyone is guaranteed all The Mothers March on, Polio the steady feet of concrete irrigation pipe. success, proved The affair is directed by Mrs. they can eat, promises Howard will open with the "sounding growth of the unit indicates, said This work was done in Perry Ilazel Kaiser, chairman. Simeox, chairman of the sup- off of the fire departments Lester P. Knight, district con- canyon, For every donation of $1.00 a per. Last year a similar event whistle at exactly 7 p. m. At reAcre The annual his in Irrigation Seventy servationist, ticket will (be given to the doner attracted over 1100 people. that time the mothers will start company received technical asport. to attend the Aunt Jemima supThe dance, directed by John marching. of for the installation The district has given assis- sistance If you do not have a porch per and dance at Box Elder high Walker, will begin at 9 p. m. to tance on land leveling, irriga- 1875 feet of concrete irrigation school Saturday evening. The the music of a top band. During light put a candle in the winThis affected a saving ticket albo entitles the holder to the dance the steer, along with dow or a flashlight in front of tion and drainage to many far- pipelne. mers cooperating directly vith of 25 percent of the water and a chance on a fat steer, which the house, said Chairman Kaicosts. maintenance the conservation district and has been donated by J. C. Staufser. A. L. H. Grover, Redd, George fer, Willard, and door prizes. It In the meantime results of agricultural conservation proLloyd Olsen and H. L. Valentine is not necessary to be presept to an active county-wid- e gram. March of ( N. R. a and Petersen signed win the steer. Dimes are starting to show. There are now 31 farmers in the with agreement working Mothers The March on Polio the district with basic soil and district and were County Chairman Perc Petertechniis held simultaneously with a sen optimistically predicts a recwater conservation plans on cal assistance on given 1492 installing similar march across the nation. ord breaking their farms that have 3,663 acres. feet of concrete campaign this irrigation pipeThe Aunt Jemima supper beThere are 25 other farmers who line. year through the interest and meato water According enthusiasm of many competent gins at 6 p. m., Saturday, and have initial agreements on their surements taken in 1951 these features a host of donated foods farms with a Jotal of 4,354 acres. farmers were city chairmen and their comlosing 22 percent that will heap every plate that In a pretrial hearing in the mittees. Accomplishments of the dis- of their irrigation in the We Just received $237.69 from goes through the line. Specifi- First District court In Brigham trict during the year Included will open ditch. This cally it includes Aunt Jemima City, Tuesday, Judge Lewis Bear River City, collected so engineering assistance to the effect a saving in pipeline water and pancakes, served by Aunt Jemi- Jones ordered the state road far, said Petersen, "and the Three Mile Irrigation company, shorten the time required for ma herself; Old Manse pure jel commission to is starting to roll In from replace the curb money the water to reach the farms. In front o f all over the county. torn out and gutter Mr. out Knight pointed property belonging to three peo that the district is always Salesmen Who Will Help Stage Supper pie on Second south street. ready and willing to assist farThe three people who own mers and irrigation companies . . . Saturday, January 31, at the Box Elder high school, beginning at G p. m. Ia'ft to the property on the street which in the application of soil water M. Herbert, Don Wiseman and Rulon Sessions, salesa is being converted into conservation practices to their right: Vern Kinghorn, Porter Giles, J. men for the products they hold. , through highway, are Glen canals and farms. Campbell, Lloyd Reese and Car lus Burke. Succumbs They had previously filed High The names of more lovely damage complaints against the Total insurable value of Box state Snow Queen contestants have Elder school districts 40 build- ham road commission and Brig been received by members of City. First Bank of Utah, ings is now greater than the For And the Queens committee. Those Judge Jones also enjoined the N. A., Security announced 1953 construction costs, ac- state original today road commission from added to the list are: Anne officers of the City cording to Supt. K. E. Weight. changing the grade on. Second branch as J. Leo Brigham Fredrickson, daughter of Mr. and the district has spent south Nelson, Though To ward raise the for between and Main street money Mrs. Henry Fredrickson, $2,972,906 in the construction of Sixth east street in excess of and manager, and R. Donna Jones, daughter of building fund, the Second ward Man K. (Dai nee, assistant vice presiits network of school buildings two inches. a scheduled Priests have Two polio benefit basketball over a half Mr. and Mrs. Marcellace Jones, High dent. span, those on, February Set for a games will be staged at the In- buildings nowcentury Brgham City; Colleen Hansen, gigantic auction sale and dinhave an insurable 25 was the hearing O. C. Hammond of Ogden was accordner on sevFeb. 6, contention of C. L. Mr. Mrs. termountain of and Friday, Indian school boys value of $3,107,680. daughter In elected senior to chair'Heber on Second eral residents south Anderson, ing Renee Hansen, gymnasium, Thursday. January Brigham City; This represents an increase of street newly-createof the charge man. construction of the that 29 7 s at Mr. m. of The and Mclntire, daughter p. $134,783 over the cost of con- main Northern District of the bank. Taken to the Cooley Memorial Mrs. Henry Mclntire,- - Brigham will challenge the Brig- structing the highway on that street is This musical instruments buildings, due to a violation, area includes IBrigham City, Quilts, statues and ordiof ham City Sixth ward team and the City; Marjorie Leggett, daugh- and much other merchandise, hospital early Monday morning estate steady rise of real Ogden, Logan and Richmond. nances. F. Glauser, 40, was Los Theodore the of ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Leg- much of it contributed Aguilas Ogden. values. The Bear River State Bank of by mergett, Jr., IBrigham City; Nancy chants, will go on the block and River Heights, near Logan, who Judge Jones set for hearing Tremonton and the Commercial Making one of the greatest June The event is sponsored by the a 9, residents Rees, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the successful bidders will re- was injured when his pick-uby IBank of Smithfleld are teacher interpreters and every- jumps in value is the main on Second complaint truck left the road about a mile Glen Rees, Brigham City; Ar- ceive a south street that their National at Bear River high a for building also is one district and are in building this welcome. receipt a Mantua. Mr. of damand fund contribution on the half north and lene Dunn, daughter of to private property had been purslated to become branches of There will be no admission school which cost $255,586 Mrs. Oliver Dunn, Brigham .City; state commisroad the to was transferred He aged by later 1921 In 1938 build and compared sion fee changed but an offering will chases, said Earl Hanson, chairSDee hospital in Ogden where while the road has been First Security in the near future. Dorothy Secrist, daughter of Mr. man of the be taken ht the door giving to its present 'value of $333,660. program and auc- the George S. Eccles, president of and Mrs. Andrew A. Hansen, under construction. he is reported in serious condian opportunity to beat The new gymnasium and classtioneering. spectators the Jenbank, said four new disand and a Marilyn tion chest crushed with Brigham City; room unit at Bear River high polio. were created to permit tricts comson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. severe ear laceration. Hyrum Jensen and his school, not yet complete, cost closer cooperation between the DeWane Jenson, Brigham City. mittee are preparing a sumpThe accident oepured at about $867,681 to construct and has an Blood various banking offices so as to Karen Craghead, daughter of tuous cafeteria style dinner for 7:30 a. m. when Mr. Glausers Co-ESterling Wright insurable value of $737,529. From B.C, more fully meet the needs of Mr. and Mrs. George Craghead, those attending and Lamont car skidded off the road while . , . served less than a month remore constructed Buildings the areas being served. At Glover is preparing to issue he was enroute to Clearfield. Brigham City. at not Reign term as of his two-yecently high prices are 94 Of The three other districts emMarilyn Anderson, daughter chances on door prizes to everyyet insurable at their cost. USAC Open House county commissioner of Box braced in the new plan are Salt of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ander- one in the food line. Elat Box The main building Late Elder County. Friday evening, January Lake District the six banking son, Brigham City; Other chairmen include Elmer Genealogy Information La Vonne Jensen, Brigham der high school cost $133,864 to 23, the American Red Cross offices in Salt Lake City and the 1908 Nominations are still being Hopkins, assessments; Thomas New On Four Families in 1939 build and has and Bloodmobile left Brigham City Park City, and Jo Ann Forsgren, West Central office; City anin to Ralph Reeder, value accepted by the committee in Kimber, pastry; $165,000, with 94 pints of blood donated District Tooele, were chosen attendants to jumped work Extensive Magna, Binginother of an unusual charge. Those wishing to nomi- tables and decoratioss; James on the Baird,genealogical example colBox Utah donors State from and Laird by generous Bell, Agricultural ham Canyon and military nate a queen are invited to fill Christensen, advertising; Claude crease. Elder county. Nelson families by Mrs. Rachel leges Openhouse queen, Palma at Tooele Ordnance Deout application blank and mail Ol&on and Earl Sheffield, re- B. Box in Elder the Buildings Mrs. Valene chairman uncovDies Lundahl. 'Hansen, Logan. Nelson, Willard, has pot and the Dugway Proving name to Post Office Box 11. The ceipts on building funds, and school 90 are district insured for of the blood ((rawing program, Grounds; Central District Provo name will then go to selection Varnick Hansen, procurement ered new material, Mrs. Nelson Sterling Wright, 61, died at They reigned at the 20th an- percent of their insurable value. announced today that 112 peo- and reported recently. One-fiftcommittee and continue on to chairman, renual of Intramural is insurance the a. m. of 6:30 Openhouse. Monday morning New information on the fample from this area came to doofficers of the Brigham be announced by queens comMiss Forsgren was sponsored newed each year. nate blood. For various reasons Other ilies is available in Scotland, a heart attack at his home in City Branch are Morris Glover, mittee. Delta Miss Phi and Jensen 126 west Second by by some on were to unable Brigham City, donate familof the all homeland the assistant manager, and Lenora Kerr Hall. Jaycees Will Buy This year tiny Janet Hadfield, Friday evening. ies, said Mrs. Nelson, who urged north. Adult Class On Romer, assistant manager. Miss is the Forsgren daughter For went daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herout thanks members of these families to He was born Sept. 3, 1891 at of Mr. Special today General officers of the First Boxing Equipment and Mrs Ralph Forsgren. man W. Hadfield and Sharlene for all who assisted in any way Play Production get in touch with her to assist Richfield, Utah, a son of Isaac She is a freshman Bank of Utah include Hawkes, small daughter of Mr. Brigham Amateurs participating on Friday. Miss Florene Mc- Security K. and Henrietta Wall Wright. her in the genealogical work. Mr. Eccles, president; Marriner in the orientation and Mrs. C. Morgan- - Hawkes, program. Begins Tonight Clure, former Box Elder county A. He was reared and educated in The Brigham City Junior Browning, executive Miss Jensen is the daughter are to be flower girls and Tomnurse, was on hand to take and Richfield and attended the. Union An adult education class will Commerce Charles L. Smith, of Chamber of Mr. E. H. and Mrs. Jensen. case histories. my Owen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Doctors record Be Will in of Lake Salt Utah will begin versity chairman of the board; Willard Play Production She is a freshman student mapurchase $50 worth of boxing Ezra B. Owen, will be crown from In and the Brigham City City. this evening, Wednesday at Box L. Eccles, second equipment from their own bearer. He worked 'as a surveyor in joring in physical education. Elder high school auditorium at termountain Indian school gen R. C, Wilson, senior Mr. and Mrs. John Patcyk and funds for local amateurs who Southern Utah. He married Bar7 p. m. Miss Joyce Thorum is erously helped, merchants made and H. M. Williams, cashMr. and Mrs. 'Jay Frodsham are will enter the state AAU tourspecial donations, ladies of the ier. bara Hopkins February 7, 1918 the instructor. nament Swenson, soon, Jay Circle Will decorations planning special Reading The class includes instruction Eagles Auxiliary furnished and Paintings of the Brigham City in Ogden. chairman, said today, t for the annual affair. e Mcmade their home in art how to act, how to apply served a hot meal for the etaff Deanna on class, They Meet P.M. 8 by At taught To are be purchased Tonight speed Donald, will be on According to members of the Mr. Wright has where the how to direct a play, and workers and ladies from display makeup, food committee there will be bag, punching bag, and set of remainder of this week at the Holley a farm until his retireCircle will meet how to do pantomimes and how Peach City apartments donated Roy The operated Reading home made cookies. plenty of refreshments at a rea- boxing gloves. ment two years ago when they at the home of Mrs. David O An- to give a speech. Brigham City library, according sonable price. Those on food The Jaycees are donating the to Mrs. Henry L. Thorne, spon- moved to Brigham City. During the three visits from derson, 157 south Fourth 'east, While everyone is invited, committee include: Mr. and Mrs. equipment in appreciation of sor. Mr. Wright was a member of Wednesday (tonight) at 8 p. m. ward and stake directors of the Bloodmobile to Brigham Dies In ErMr. Mrs. and Adolph Olsen, the fellows participating in In addition to the ladies pre- the L. D. S. church and at the Mrs. Grace Price will review speech and drama groups are City, Mrs. Hansen reports more nest Korth and Mr. and Mrs. Eu- recent Polio boxing benefit, viously listed the art of Lucille time of his death was an elder The Lincoln Reader by Paul especially urged to attend, said than 400 pints of blood were givRoy Earl Holley, 66, of Corinne, en. Swenson said. gene Wright. Jones, Vilda Bartshi, Mary Tea in the Third ward. He had serv- M. Angle. Miss Thorum. died at his home this morning 'Dee Johnson, general chairAll of the proceeds from the and Pearl Petersen is on exhibit ed as a ward teacher for several of natural causes. man, stated that ticket sales benefit went to the polio fund, at the To Make Sure He's In Condition For Blood Doning years. Mr. Holley was reared in Ohio. library. are progressing nicely. Admis- and the e He was a member of the Art to be displayed He first came to Utah when 12 equipment is being during sion charge will be 50 cents per Old Folks committee for purchased from the Jaycees February is that of Mrs. Doris W. years of age. He also resided in person. own funds. several years and also was acHamlton, Farmington, Utah. Colorado and Promontory and tive in Boy Scout work. He was He Evens, Box Elder county. commisa candidate for More Lovelies Added To Snow Queen Contestants moved to Corinne 40 years ago. sioner in last falls election. On Sept. 6, 1911, he married More recently he has been emBertha Garrard in, Corinne. She ployed in the county assessors died in May, 1928. office in the auto license deHe had worked as a farmer. partment. He was born March 27, ' 1886, Survivors include his wife, in Goshen, Q., a son of Floyd Brigham City, and the following Levi and Lorisetta Rider Holley. sons and daughters: Emeron H. Surviving are the following and John H. Wright, tooth of sons and daughters: Floyd L. Moses Lake, Washington; RobHolley, Tremontonf Mrs. Thomas ert H. Wright, Murray and Mrs. (Blanche) Thorstad, Vale, Ore.; Nolan (Joan) (Burnett, Mrs. Francis Rupert, (Lucille) Roche, Mrs. Gus (Virginal Idaho; Corinne; Mrs. Delwin (Helen) Brigham City. Hansen. Bear River City; Roy E. Also 12 grandchildren and the Holley, Jr., Wallsburg, Wash.; 18 following brothers and sisters, grand children, one brother, HoMrs. Ruby Henderson, SLC; Mrs. " mer Holley, Jordan Valley, Ore.; LeRoy D Young. Ogden; Mrs. one sister, Mrs. Lula White, OnWilford Wolfe, Provo; Miss Matario, Ore. bel Wright, Pleasant Grove; Funeral services will be anMajor Ellis R. Wright, U. S. Manounced by the Harold B. Felt rines, Washington, D. C.; Emdron Funeral home, Brigham City. Wright, Richfield, Utah. Funeral services will be held Funeral services will be held Friday in the Corinne ward chaThursday at 1 p. m. in the Third pel at 1 p. m. with Bishop Henward chapel with Bishop Eber-hary Norman officiating. Zundel officiating. Friends may call at the morFriends may call at the famtuary from 7 to 9 p. m. Thursily residence Wednesday eve day and Friday at the Corinne ward chapel, 11 a. m. until tme ning and Thursday prior to sen Nurse Lillian Felt Takes Herbert Adamsons Temperature vices. of services. . . . prior to Mr. Adamson donating one pint of blood to the Red Cross for use in Korea. Interment will be in the LoInterment will be In the North Adamson said he would trade a pint of blood for a cup of coffee any day. Arlene Dunn Lola White gan City cemetery. Ogden cemetery. Marilyn Jenson Mothers Thursday. Steadily, Report Indicates State Is Ordered To Replace Curb And Gutters Here r New Snow Queen Value Of School Applications Are Received Buildings Now Second Ward Auction Indian School Priests Plan Huge Supper Officers In Exceeds Cost Brigham Told Plans Pair Of Building Fund Polio Games Injured When j 1st Security Bank nt Truck Leaves Road d teacher-interpreter- p Donated ds Pints ar Sterling Wright es Suddenly Orem-Genev- h Art Shown Rest Of This Week t, Earl Corinne Mu-sula- rt |