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Show In John Deere Day Mo vie Doris Speiermon Hostess At. Turkey Dinner Sun, v m P . Bluebird Girls Present ' Penny Skit ' In 1st Ward Charles Keller presided .and Take Over New Duties (Miss Doris Spelerman, daughter of Mrs. Ole Spelerman, entertained a groulp of registered nurses and laboratory technicians at a turkey dinner at the home of her mother Sunday afternoon. Places were laid for Mary OBrian, Arlington, Mont., Betty June Kelly, Grant Forks, North Dakota, (Hope Emerson, Concord, Mass., Fay Pope, Billings, Montana. Mrs. Spelerman and the hostess. Following dinner the group enjoyed seeing points of interest in Brigham City and surrounding areas. All the young ladies are employed at Salt Lake General . v hospital, 4 - conducted regular Sunday evening services in the First ward on Sunday evening, January 27. Dean Freer offered the opening prayer. An interesting skit was presented by Bluebird girls of the First ward Primary under (the direction of their teachers, Mrs. June Gordon and Mrs. Lpda Keller. The skit concerned Primary Birthday Pennies and told of the help the pennies gave at the Childrens hospital In Salt Lake the City. Girls participating inSaun-dra skit were: Linda Jeppsen, Carol Petersen, Sheffield, Linda Petersen, Jarllyn Payne, Shirley Freer, Becky Pearse, Marilyn Hendricks ami Jeanette Murdock. Lords and The Prayer "Youll Never Walk Alone were sung hy the Honeyville trio, composed of Rea Nielsen, Pat Hunsaker, Carol Hunsaker, accompanied by Leota (Hunsaker. Speakers for the evening were J. A. Meservy and J. Wesley Per- i Saorament Meeting Held Richard Crane and Marjorie Lord " .V. who take part in Galahad Jones a full length feature picture to be shown to lies attending the 16th annual John Deere Day show as guests of Merrells, Inc., day, February 6, at 1 p. m. at the Capitol theater. shield wipers on the front winFamily Uvw la Buses Drewes In Second Vard Sunday fami-Wedne- s- 1 dows of their home. They solved Samuel Smith, his wife and the housing problem by moving their six children, have wind into two old buses. ' NAUGATUCK, Conn. CUP) a STOVE OIL FURNACE OIL O Hottest Burning O Clean Burning No Waste O Prompt Courteous Service PHONB WASATCH NORTHERN OIL CO. annnnnnnnn wM DM 6i(jrS ya, &;;& w - 577 North Main Brigham City 1 ::: availaclg Henry Speaks To Beta Sgma Phi Sorority Epsilon chapter of Beta Sigma Phi sorority met Monday evening, January 28, ait the home of Mrs. Elaine Ward. The meeting was conducted by Mrs. Merle Craghead. She also 'led the opening ritual. Announcements were made concerning contribution to International , Endowment , fund (cancer), and the play to be read by Dr. Harold B. Hansen on Wednesday, February 6, (this evening) at the First ward chapel. Mrs. Iris Van Cott reported. , Mrs. Elaine Ward told of the Sweetheart Ball to be held February 1. Election of queen for the evening took place and will be announced at the annual dance. Mrs. Rev a Nelson told of Spring Musical plans. Lesson was planned by Mrs. Merle Craghead and Mrs. Juanita Andersen. Henry Drewes was guest speaker for the evening and spoke on china and porcelain. He also exhibited his hobby of collecting picture post cards. fine Following Mr. Drewes talk each, member of the sorority disclosed her prize possession. . . , Refreshments were served by Mrs. Lapriel Knudsen and Mrs. Elaine Ward. PAGE TWO f BOX ELDER NEWS Brigham City Utah Wednesday February 6, 1952 weekly newspaper, established in published at Brigham City, Utah. Published every Wednesday at Brigham City, Utah, ana entered ee Second Qees Mail Matter at the poet office In Brig ham CKy, Utah, under the act of March 1696, Mods 0' Day Ti CsS in all rayon Luana, the fabric you love Helping families to get a home erf their own has been our policy foe so much ry. Fred the Petersen offered . Everyone is Invited to phone society Items for the News and Journal to 77L their n . . - New Dewey ville Ward Bishopric . who were recently installed. Seated are Horace Gardner, first counselor and Win-for-d M. iBarrus, bishop. Standing: Homer Marble, second counselor and Jess Earl, clerk. - i Pharis Greens Honored In Honeyville Prior To Leaving For Netherlands Mission Field In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Pharis Green, West Weber, who have been called on an L.D.S. mission to the Netherlands, a party was held at the home of Mr. and Mis. Seth (Wheatley, Honeyville, recently. Also receiving special honor at the gathering was Mrs. W. H. Green, mother of Pharis. Mr. Green previously served a mission In the Netherlands from 1980 to 1933. He will represent the 54th quorum of Seventies of the Weber ward. Mrs. Green was president of the Relief society of the ward. - Present were Mrs. W. - H. Mr. and Mrs. Pharis Green, Hannon Green, Mr, and Mrs. Green, Mr. and , Mrs. Leet G. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Russell, Marie Green, Mrs.- - Walter Check efts and Mr. and Mis. Seth Wheatley. Mrs. Marjorie Lish Pinochle Club Hostess Mrs. Albert Poulsen Honored On Birthdate Mrs. Marjorie Lish was pinochle club hostess Thursday evening, January 31. Special guests for the evening were Mrs. Afton Swenson and Mrs. Doris Stander. The evening was spent in playing pinochle with prizes going to Mrs. Jackie Petersen, Mrs. Doris Stander and Mrs. Mauneen , , Pimper. A dessert luncheon was served to the following members and guests: Mrs. Barbara Rowe, Mrs. Joan Nelson, Mrs. Darlene Hansen, Mrs. Fern Whitaker, Mrs. Ivy Wanker, Mrs. Jackie Petersen, Mrs. Shirley Adams, Mrs. Phyllis House, Mrs. Mauneen Pimper, Mrs. Doris Stander and Mrs. Afton Swenson. Birthday anniversary of Mrs. Albert (Poulsen was the occasion for a family recently at the Poulsen home. Those enjoying "a turkey dinner were Albert Poulsen, Stella, Lester and Ray Poulsen, Mr. and Annual Sweetheart And Rose Prom Scheduled North Box Elder stakes annual Sweetheart and (Rose Prom Is scheduled for February 14 at 8:30 p. m. In the Seventh ward recreation hall. The annual Sweetheart Ball and Rose Prom will be united this year on Valentines Day. The lovely affair Is a special and Gleaner party for and Junior Girls, Junior Gleaners, Explorers and Mia Maids. (Mrs. Doris Secrist M.IA. Maid leader Is general chairman with Mrs. Nellie Wight, stake Gleaner leader, as ' Special committees Include Mia Maids, with dance cards under the direction of the Third ward; refreshments toy Eighth ward; posters toy Fourth ward, and stake Gleaners in charge of decorations. "QUICK-CLEAN- . - WITH At THIS GENERAL ELECTR C Deluxe WASHER e, gTC Come in it takes us bat jiffy to do your shoes. a INVISIBLE HALF SOLES LADIES TOP LIFTS VULCANIZING FULL SOLES NEW HEELS POLISH. LOW GOOD LACES COST SERVICE n Mrs. Wm. K. Benson and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Whitaker, 8th Fun Night Slated Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Forsgren, Honeyville Mrs. Delma Pemberton and Ward will be hosts Honeyville of all youngsters, Brigham City; North Box Elder Stake Mr. and Mrs. Frank Karnelley at the 8th Fun Night combined with their and girls of Tremonton; Mr. and own ward Rose Prom. Mrs. Clinton Anderson and son The dance will be held Februof Corinne, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan ary 9 in their lovely new recreaPoulsen and children of Clear- tion hall and will begin at field and Mr. and Mrs. Max 9 m. p. of Pemberton and children San MIA Maids of the Honeyville Diego, California, Ward will be honored at the dance. A good or chestra has been engaged for the WASHING EVERY TIME " WHILE YOU WAIT n LLOYDS SHOE SHOP 72 SOUTH MAIN Ward semi-form- Dresses , ' many years. So if its money you need to build, buy or you will find h readily available at t Tint Security Bank. We have a L. closing prayer. d Card Of Thanks To those who by their acts of 1879. kindness expressed their symCfaes. W. Claybeugh, Publieher pathy and friendship at the Robt. M. Crompton, Managing Editor time of the death of our beloved Gladys Johneon, Advertising Manager daughter and granddaughter, Member Untted Free. Audit Bureau of we wish to express Circulation, Utah State Press Associa- Vicky Lyn, tion, National Editorial Association. heartfelt thanks. We wish esNational Representative! Advertising pecially to thank the ward Advertising Service. bishopric, the Relief society, our Subscription rata in Bos Cider oonn friends, and all others who as$2.2) per year, payable in advance; ty, tn combination with the Bos Elder sisted in any way. $4 00 Fridays) Journal, (published Mr. and Mrs. Owen Jensen. par year; 12 00 for 8 months; single Box noun Elder Outside cents. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Arm) copy ' f,5.00.$3.00 par years combination rata strong and Family. : ULCVj'CCjT After Sunday school Sunday, sacrament meeting and monthly testimony meeting were held In the Second ward with Bishop C. LeGrande- - Horsley presiding and Counselor Lafayette F. Jensen conducting. Organ prelude by Roseanne Littlewood was followed by the opening song and Orel Bertch-Oloffered in vocation followed by sacramental song. Lowell Dained and Alvin were In charge of sacrament, assisted by 12 deacons. Bruce Crompton was released as president of the First quorum of deacons with Rodney Taylor, first counselor; (Delon Jensen, second counselor; Bruce Anderson, secretary. Sustained were DeLon Jensen, president; Reed Hansen, first counselor; Bruce Anderson, second counselor, and Rbdney Thompson,' secretary. iDonald Jensen was released as counselor in the Y.M.M.I.A. and Carol le Larsen was sustained as a teacher In the Primary organization. Darrell Wesley Anderson was confirmed a member of the church by his father, Wesley Anderson. Judy Kay Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merlin U. Thompson, was confirmed by Roger Sederholin. A son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Corbitt was blessed by Lafayette F. Jensen and given the name Edward Joe. The remainder of the time was given over to testimony bearing with 10 persons participating. Jensen , referred Counselor briefly to the letter of Elder Lloyd Bowden who is serving as a missionary In Australia. The closing song was sung and Don Christensen pronounci ed the benediction. evening. Those in charge for the evening are: Lois and La Van Hunsaker and Boyd and Jean Gardner, dance directors; MIA maid leaders; Charlene Benson 'and Donna Hunsaker are in charge of decorations; and refreshments under the direction of MIA officers: Doris Bingham, Rae Burt and Velda' - Hunsaker, Varsel Chlarson, Bill Hunsaker and La Laun Boothe. Attractive posters have been made to tell of the dance by Janet Jensen, Dave Wright and Ted Olsen. "PICK O THE WED. PICTURES and THUR. FEATURES No. I This is a MUST for every teenager and their parents. DONT MISS IT! 2 BIG ' PLUS . , , loan plans - all variety of low-cof ' at low interest rates and at terms to st f 3 ; LAUNDRY KAR 8 fit your budget. Come in and discuss ' igVi your home ownership plans with our N is TODAY & THURS. experienced officers. tat w thaw yea ww-f-ww ra earn help yea with a low cost mortgage loom lillMl Slenderizing half eizet ht a casual style that is always a favorite. Hand washable Luana rayon, handsome spring colon, izea 16H to 24)4. Ita hand washable, and a very special value at (3.991 MY HEART CLOTHES PIN BAG ALL FOR will b very dose to yoursl Starring Gene Ray MILLAND TIERNEY v Kiuinrm 'frvt (t me . CLOSE TO r 'fi TWO FIRST BUN PLASTIC LINER Co-H- it prebd t ' J Full Fashioned) Cuan&teaJ Perfect) ' . r Mtmb Vederd SALES Rtstrv Phone 990 SfJtmm BRIGHAM OTT. UTAH "INSIDE THE WALLS OF FOLSOM Breitenbelcer Electric SERVICE. . Xgjj!' . 84 South Main Lou, Hazel nml DeVon llreitenheker PRISON FllMAKERS BRIAN prMAft))oii CO-HI- T Samuel Goldwyns beautiful story of young love. OUR VERY OWN Starring ANN BLYTH AND FARLEY GRANGER with Joan Evans and i Jane Wyatt Luella Parsons sa See it with som love very much. Plus News Presented by Warner Bros. Starring ' - - . Steve Dadd COCHRAN A Shorts and Cartoon |