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Show n Change In Club Leadership Safety" Was Keynote Of P. T. A. Fiaht Box Elder Men Due Back From Korea Soon Meeting Box Eight SNOW QUEEN NOMINATION Elder county men Date- are aboard a navy transport (i. tSf K) i M. I) r f& - Snow Carnival Committee P. O. Box 5 scheduled to arrive in Seattle, Washington this week. They include Corpoal Ronald L. Jensen, 241 West Forest street, Brigham City; CpI. Lowell M. Johnson, Trenton-ton- ; Sic. Dwight L. MorrelL 235 east Second north; Cpl. Raulon M. Nelson. 207 east First south; Sgt. Glenn R. Richards, 528 south Fourth east and Sgt. Ted O. Whitaker, 15 south First east, all of Brigham City; Sgt Ray E. Nes-seTremonton; and Corporal Frederick L. Nye, Garland. Brigham City, Utah I wish to nominate Her Address is. Telephone No Age (Queen Candidate MustBe 17 Years Of Age or Older) J DO A r i Dee Glen Smith and Dale Baron new presidents of the Brigham City club, respectively, as Smith, left, congratulates President Baron. ... old and PAGE EIGHT TremontonJ.Cs BOX ELDER NEWS Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, January 16, JANUARY 1952 Plan To Build TO MVfARCHPIIVIES1 Complete Line Office Needs and Supplies Wooden Lung Tremonton Jaycees held their regular meeting, Wednesday, January 9, in the Oak cafe, at Gordon which Worley, president, officiated. Luncheon was served, aftpr which Max Fridal was voted as chairman to handle the building of a "Wooden Lung, to be used in emergency cases of polio. The wooden lung, doctors say will hold and help serious polio victim until an iron lung is available, will be oullt in the high school shop under the supervision of a competent carpenter. Plans for financing the project will be announced later, Mr. Fridal said. Guests for the evening were !Lon Hadfield, Tremonton, Paul Spencer, Clear Creek, and Dennis Miller Tremonton. Following he meeting, all the members gathered at the city ice skating rink to clear off the recent 3now fall and spray a new coat of ice to prepare it for further h Large capacity, security to con- tents and portability, adapt these tiles to a wide. range oi use business or personal. Each pocket expands to hold approximately 200 sheets. Stiii iront and back keep hie upright. Made oi heavy Krait stock, reenforced at points oi wear. . Choice of alphabetical, monthly, and daily indexes. use. RELIEF AT LAST For Your COUGH Letter and Legal Sixes Snow Ball Will be held Saturday, January 19, at 9 oclock in the Fourth ward hall. Elaborate decoration plans are under way to make this dance sponsored by the Third ward one of the nicest dances of the season according to those in charge. Everyone is welcome ,and reminded that there is no admission charge. A special floor show number will be presented. Activity counselors in charge are Mrs. Norma C. Burnett and Reed Simonsen along with Mary Ann Hall, dance director for the Third ward. are committees Following working: dance cards, Colleen Hansen and Mary Ann Hall; decorations, Mrs. Burnett. Mr. Simonsen, Renee Mclntire, Joanne Andersen, Cordell Nelson and Cliff Watkins; refreshments. Colleen Chugg and posters and advertising, Janet Jensen, Dave e Wright, Ted Olsen and Mrs. Glover. The attendance ribbon . now held by the Eighth ward will be presented to the ward with the highest number of Mutual attendee present. This is the seventh scheduled Fun Night for members of North Box Elder stake. Committee in charge have suggested that there be no cor sages. semi-form- Central School Plan Sunday School Hears Jenkins Convention Jan. 20 North and South Talk On Safety Elder convention for 1952 will be held Sunday, January 20, It was learned today. Morning session at the tabernacle will begin at 10 a. m. for Sunday school ward superintendents, ward secretaries, Jr. Sunday School coordinators, ward bishoprics, stake high council, stake presidency and Sunday Scho0 sta5e board members. Four general board members will be present. Afternoon session will be held in the Fourth ward chapel at 2 p. m. for all who attended the morning session and all ward officers and teaches. Theme for the 1952 convention is Spiritual Rejuvenation Through Participation in Sunday School." stake Sunday With the topic "Safety When Ab JenChildren Come First, Meteor kins, famous Mormon racer, told an audience of 420 Central school parents that a greater responsibility falls on drivers of automobiles now than ever before. Extreme care in driving should be exercised When ever passing through an area of many dill dren, he said. The safety expert who has driven two million miles himself without an accident, was introduced by Sgt. T. Earl Hunsaker, state highway patrol officer. Under direction of Blythe Tin-geand Nellie Wight, teachers, fifth and sixth grade students presented a play and song on safety. Fathers night, Mrs. Blythe Tingeys room won school honors with 21 fathers in attendance. Committee in charge included Dr. and Mrs. Harper Pearse; Mr. and Mrs. Ezra B. Owen, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Queton, Mr. and Mrs. B. Glen Marble. J. D. Gunderson Is principal and Mrs. Floyd Anderson is Central school P.T.A. president. y Box M Meet January 18 Take Office Monday LIVESTOCK AUCTION This Big Money Saving Event Is For THIS rWEK ONLY! HURRY Grain Growers Will Willard Councilmen CREOMULSION SaaUtai! Ria Valaell school A meeting for all grain growers of Box Elder county will be held Friday afternoon, January 18, at 1:30 oclock at the Utah Power A Light building in Tremonton. A grain growers association is Cats are safer now than they formed in the county, and being to be. Manufacturers make used for this organization and plans nvion strings for guitars and its progam of work is to be exCiuH CkMt CoHa, Acats BracMHs ukeleles. plained. A representative from the Utah State Agricultural college will also be present to explain the grain improvement 'J. and Wesley Perry Replacing that is being carried on Jack Wright, Claire Stauffer and program at institution. that STOCKYARDS UNION LAKE SALT Lous Barnes took office as four year city councilmen of Willard Every Friday at one oclock Audra Call, South Stake Primary City last Monday. who was continues as Union In the heart of the buying and selling area where Meeting Slated city treasurer. the demand meets the supply. We have for you the All South Box Elder stake PriOther city officials who were most modern facilities in the Intermountain West. not up for this year mary ward workers were reare: Mayor A. P. Dalton and minded today that regular union SALT LAKE LIVESTOCK AUCTION CO. councilmen Robert Morgan, Ro- meeting will be held Saturday, Auction every Friday at 1 oclock land Mackey, and Howard January 19, at 2 oclock at the First ward chapel. Creomuhion relieves promptly because it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial membranes. Guaranteed to please you or money refunded. Creomulsion has Stood the test of millions of users. MUaws An expanding file with 8 pockets for keeping papers and documents separately under subiect matter. Widely used by executives, professional men. students and as a personal file. Made oi heavy Leatherlufe material with insertable celluloid index for inserting titles Title inserts included. Flap buttons in back for convenience in filing. Has be tape. . . Snow Ball To Be Held at Fourth Ward Hall Sat. 1 CIVE Principals in Central School Meeting left to Tight: J. D. Gunderson, principal of Central school; Dr. Harper Pearse, committee chairman for meeting; T. Earl Hunsaker, highway patrol; Ab Jenkins, main speaker and Mrs. Floyd Andersen, P.TjA. president. Jenkins, famous Mormon Meteor racer, talked on safety. . The above is the actual photograph of this BEAUTIFUL CHROME SET priced $30.00 below actual value. Stunning pedestal base table with laminated plastic top; one leaf Value extension; stainless steel apron. 0 PLUS 4 Beautiful Vinyl plastic upholstered chairs, with the new popular pillow type, nomsr back. Large well padded seats. Chairs of grey or red! ALL J These wallets are partitioned for keeping or carrying papers or other contents in separate pockets. Ideal for professional men, salesmen, collectors, messengers, and for personal use. Sturdily constructed of heavy LeatherLife matenal, cloth reenforced gussets Made with large flap and be tape, 399105 Pay Only $10.50 Down. $5.00 per month. CHOl'f SET1 Select from HOWELL, DAYSTROM, DOUGLAS! Legend ped estal type, choose your favorite color, red gray green, yellow and chartreause. , PRICED ALL WAY , CELLING BELOW PRICE! STEEL FILES REDUCED TO SAVE YOU MONEYI YOUR CHOICE MAKE YOUR AND SAVE- - COMBINATION OWN MONEYI CHAIRS AND TABLES PRICED SEPARATELY. If you still hurry we still have a few STEEL Choice of FILING CABINETS. - Available CABINETS 55 UP 2 DRAWER CABINETS 2Q COMBINATION . Ceiling Price pedestal or leg style Regularly sold at $63.75. OUR SALE PRICE ON SALE BEAT THIS BARGAIN SO 47 $13. ... IF YOU CAN Large 36" 2 Leaf Howell 50 CHROME TABLE. STEEL FILES Shop at the' Reminder tor all GOOD your office needs. THIS WEEK ONLYJSAVE m Ceiling $8440 NOW 1 . . Office Supply gviriched and Iron 67.75 .t ;THIS I Reminder III. b 31 NORTH MAIN f 1 OFFER |