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Show Hivers Whiv North CacM Fit NEWS ELDER JOX grigham City. Utah Pag Bowling Results -- ttdnwdgy. December 20. You'll at the be surprised results secure-- News-Journa- ossified ads 1950 l . Wednesday Night League Brigham Truck took three points from Columbia Electric. O. C. Tanner won over B. and b! BiHIards by a score. Darwin Walters of O. C. Tanner had high single game for the eve ning with a Standings:' 213. To Open 39-3- 3 r Seventh vs. Corinne 9:30. the last half to tally eight Bear River, bye. points for the opposition. 11 schedule for the is January following the remainder of play Seventh vs. Eighth 7:30. Third vs. Corinne 8:30. December 21 Fourth vs. Bear River 9:30. Fourth vs. Eighth 7:30. Honeyville bye. Seventh vs. Third 8:30. Honey ville vs. Bear River 9:30. January 18 BEHS SQUELCHES 3RD QUARTER JINX TO EMERGE VICTORIOUS 3-- Malmrose Rocks Up 11 Points, Boothe 9 And Oyler 7 To Spearhead Point Drive January vs. Honeyville February 1 Fourth vs. Corinne 7:30 Bear River vs. Seventh 8:30. Third vs. Honeyille 9:30. Eighth, bye. Fourth 7:30. 8:30. 9:30. Third vs. Bear River Eighth vs. Corinne Seventh, bye. 7 Phone your news to 1,000. v . , . - Coach Earl Ferguson directed his Box Elder Bees to their Corinne,4ihbye. first Region One basketball victory of the new season when January Third s. Fourth 7:30. they spanked the North Cache Pulldogs 39 to 33 at Brigham Haneyvllle vs. Eighth 8:30. City. Starting time wfis 8 oclock and the tussle was played on the HiveFs home court. The stingers led in every canto and they had the game under control all but for a short time in the third period. Although three of the Bulldog players were taller than Lee Boothe, the Hivers took their share of the bankboard rebounds and held on to thq ball most of the evening. During the first quarter, Box Box Elder Elder and North Cache 'played G T F P under even terms with the' edge stingers having a 11 to ending the period. Then the Bees went wild on the offensive side and they split the nets for a 24 to 15 lead at halt time. 25 Bear River vs. Eighth 7:30.' Seventh vs. Fourth 8:30. Corinne vs. Honeyille 9:30. ' Third, bye 'It. ( YOU IF ii SHOP NOW THERFS STILL A COMPLETE SELECTION n' & Gifts Toys All types of Games, Dolls, Bicycles, Mechanical Toys ... " Both, Electric and Wind-U- p Trains Everthing To Make A Happy Xmas cdHdpiKizini rnnsE sikkidi? : 1 Phone 548 146 South Main Street .E(&fci2hi Jinxl Opening the third quarter 6aw the Bees run into their old foe of last year. That old third quarter jinx . hit the locals right between the eyes and they missed set ups, set shots, and everything they tried. This cut their lead to a 28 to 24 count. With the pressure mounting on every shot, the. true worth jof the two teams came to the top. North Cache got jerky and excited while cool andcalm David Malmrose held the Bees to gether and they pulled out to win over the favored Bulldog quintet. , After all... you write the price tag Into any price go all the costs of running a business . . . wages, materials, buildings, machinery, insurance, depreciation, maintenance, taxes, shipping expense, sales cost. Add to this the retailers costs; wages, store rent, taxes and other expenses. Basketball Season , David Malmrose led Box El der in scoring with 11 points. His five out of six at the foul line gave the stingers the edge they needed over their rivals. Frank Johnson proved himself the outstanding player on the visiting team with 13 points from the field. Improving Lee Boothe came in next with nine very important points. Oyler gathered in seven and Bart John son 6ix. The box score for the game Is as follows: Opens In N. Stake North Box Elder stake opened basketball season last Thursday evening with Bear the River, and the Honeyville Eighth ward coming out of the contests victorious. in Bear River beat Corinne the opener with Wayne Anderson high point man for Bear River with a total of 10 points. Honeyville nosed out batSeventh ward in a tle all the way by a score of 25 with Gardener of HoneyI' toville24,making a long shot in the final seconds of the game. .k High point man for Honeyville was Aimer with 10 points, and for Seventh, R. Whitaker with 10. A playing team of Eighth ward beat Third ward 31 to 19. Eighth played two different teams, each playing a half in alternate quarters. Mor tell scored 12 points and Jepp- - But we still haven't written the price tag, because you are the one who does that. For unless the 27-1- see-sa- . WllllilBlVi IMVW I TiJ! Member Federal Deposit lmttrmsfe C?r Jf V ten-ma- t 11 n jrfor' "Eighth Wardf'-'lmd- Member Federal Reserve System The People's Bank serving a U ' their - financial - need r- - u ' vorth Jensen hit four times I lillMl price is right, the product will not sell. If you dont buy, goods will pile up and the business come to a halt. Your buying or not buying, forces the manufac -- t turer to meet your price, if he is . to stay in business. This is the American way of doing business. Free and open competition, on uncontrolled markets. In 150 years its made ns th$ greatest country on earth. It will continue to work so long as you buy carefully . . . and produce fully, whatever your job happens to be. Prices too high? Lets go behind the scenes and see who set them where they are. ' mBgr wp taro JX I Here are gifts of fine quality even though the prices are low And youll want to include some GIFTS FOR THE HOME so weve arranged this convenient shopping list to offer you a wide variety of suggestions. Come 'in and look around stocks are still complete. Remember, at North Main, you can use your credit pay a small amount 'down, the balance nextyear. I t A sNaOv 4 GIFTS UNDER (5 GIFTS . UNDER TABLE LAMPS FLOOR LAMPS PLAYTEX SUPERFOAM PILLOW SAMSON BRIDGE TABLES WICKER CLOTHES HAMPERS KITCHEN ELECTRIC IRONS ELECTRIC CLOCKS BOUDOIR LAMP SETS of 2 and 3 pieces . CHENILLE BED SPREADS CARPET SWEEPERS SUP COVERS END TABLES PICTURES WHAT-NOSHELVES RUGS THROW . . KITCHEN STOOLS CLOTHES RACKS MAGAZINE BASKETS FOLDING CHAIRS MIRRORS . HASSOCKS SILK LAMP SHADES FEATHER PILLOWS SOFA PILLOWS T . . GIFTS UNDER z (? UNDER LANE CEDAR CHESTS PLATFORM ROCKERS SPRINGFILLED MATTRESSES KNEEHOLE DESKS UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC BLANKETS CONSOLE TABLES -- Products Quality Petroleum - 41 years of progress A small down payment will insure delivery J GIFTS OCCASIONAL CHAIRS PHILCO RADIOS TORCHIERS ELECTRIC TOASTERS ELECTRIC WAFFLE BAKERS ELECTRIC HOT PLATES UTAH OIL. REFINING CO and Stations and Dealers in Highest , STEP-STOOL- S BOOK CASES PIER CABINETS q i. ELECTRIC MIXER COFFEEMAKERS Choose From The Largest Selection Of Home Furnishings In Box Elder County At O Christmas pay the bal- ' r i I 1 Come in today and see x the many other gift sug- gestions we have' to fer. ance next year. ? CLYDE w'Mmwa a STRATFORD, Manager of- |