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Show t 7 T r r '- ' Featured Artist During December -7 TNTT r t V v x Cs : - V- ' , Stores Will Be Open Until 8 P. M. Thursday Central Holds 'fvCXi 8 PAGES BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOV. 29, 1950 VOLUME 55, NUMBER 48 Parent-lead- er I Scout Awards Are SANTA CLAUS WILL ARRIVE IN i Given At Honor BRIGHAM CITY NEXT SATURDAY Tomorrow avoning, from 6 to Main Street, Will Be I p. nu tha storaa of Brig- Wins Top Honor ham City will be open for tha Decorated With : comrenianca of ahoppan. Tha Thuradoy avening lata son of Mr. and David Beautiful Decorations until Mrs, Roy Holland, ''confer- hours will contlnuo First parent-teache- r Holland, Brigham City, Santa Claus will arrive in term are Christmas. ences of. the 1950-5received the coveted Boy Scout Also, tha atoras ara now to-- 1 Eagle award at impressive cereon ; Decembeing held this week at Central City Brigham school. It was announced by J. maining open until 6 oclock monies in the First ward chapel Yuletide the to ber 2, open ' in the evening on days other last D. Gunderson, principal. Friday evening at a South and to season in City., Brigham than Thursdays. Box Eider district court of honor. and Tuesday, Wednesday their here children give the With Herb Adamson In charge Thursday afternoon have been Claus. Santa at first peek of the program, David was preassigned for the conferences, Gunderson with each Santa will probably arrive toy said, sented the scout pin, that repteacher holding 15 minute conresents years of consistent Boy plane for hes letting his reinLynn Fausett deer rest up at the' north pole Scout work, by Sam Gordon, native Utah artist, surveys a portion of his paintings of his beloved ferences and trying to meet 14 n scout leader in the First ward. for the big Christmas trip. parents a day on the average. will the in Brigham the hang that City st, month of December. library during The badge was pinned on him 1 School pupils are being dis; When he arrives he will be missed at noon on these three by his father and he In turn loaded with candy, nuts and all pinned a miniature Eagle badge of the traditional Christmas days after attending regular on his mother. Kent Payne admorning sessions, A second parent-goodies. Because he was a litteacher ministered the Eagle oath. conference is plantle short last year he has been book The ; meeting opened with ned for spring, probably .tn Not satisfied with notified to load down this year learning, about the sugar beet community singing conducted to make sure there is plenty for March,, Gunderson; reported. , v These conferences have been industry in Box Elder county, by Searl Beecher, accompanied everyone. Captains of basketball teams a great help in the past, Gun- the two Lincoln school fourth byvv Barbara Armstrong. The The city will be in gay attire idal opening of the one-- in and Miss King Brigham City and the imme- derson announced. Each teach grades, taught by next Saturday, all ready some k art display of Lynn Fau-- f opening prayer by Norwood diate area that are interested er tells the beautiful of the unusually of the Childs Mrs. ; Hansen, Journeyed to the Hyer was followed by, a talk on (ms been set for the Brig-yat- y parents U. & I, sugar factory in Garland in using high, school facilities the Valley Forge trip this sum Christmas decorations are up progress in school and by mu to observe library, on 'December first hand the pro met by L. D, Wilde. Main during the winter months tual discussion a better - solu and before Saturday of placing the 'paintings cesses of meet should information at for sugar, Friday, Marvin Grazer, accompanied making street will resemble a giant for who worked has is often v tion Alverta Jacobsen out, ! the Box Elder high school gym, working out problems that may November 17. dur-th- e ;1 Christmas tree. by Athlene Toomps, sang a solo, Uyed . her paintings Thursday evening at 7 oclock. develop. Leaving Brigham City in a and- - Dixie Gordon played a materials New r decorating month of November. V bus driven by Mrs. Ahder piano solo. According to Coach Earl Ferhave been purchased and have In k featured artist years only one con large during the there are several impor- ferenoe past son, the group traveled through guson, we David Holland Loveland of. troop 106, arrived for the has been held but opening. Wayne f month, Mr. Fausett, a na-l- f tant items to be discussed with feel that more can be accom Harper ward and Honeyvllle presented Tenderfoot badges to . . . son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Newly purchased gala decorating macaDtured ' has Pricp. Utah, A boiler explosion - sometime the team V at enroute to . Garland, stopping captains. Richard Billy Sheffield, Holland of Brigham City re- terials include 14 large 38 inch plished by holding two during a beet field on the way jtain and landscape scenes Sunday night caused damage to wit Leonard Gordon, Orwln and Robert Ep ceived the coveted Eagle red plastic bells with interior the school year, he continued. ness west he knows and loves estimated at about $400 to the ; the harvesting of beets. dis ley,- all of troop 101 and Bruce Through these informal South Box Elder lighting and a dozen interior Is new Fram warehouse on the can help Arriving i at the factory they Burdon of the Willard ward award at the court of honor lanterns, also lighted inside, to the cussions, parents at west edge of Brigham City, acscout district man blowing his attendance be the teachers, and the teacher of- were greeted by Mr. Jones, alternately in pairs. to the re troop. of Utah and .a cording to Rich Poulsen, manaager, and,: in the First ward last Friday This hung ; University according Earl new material, added to the ten can help the parents. presenGrazer, Willard, ( the ger. in the navy during porters of the two classes, saw ted second class awards to Rich- evening. MYF stare and lights the city alt the huge fire that creates steam ard Gordon, Billy Sheffield, both t World War. 'Fausett. rea- - Evidently caused by a faulty ready owns, should give the to qnth6 big maphihes..i : t i of that art was his first igniter that shorted out, the ex 101 and Marvin Grazer, three decorated blocks of Main troop conferences? of the ; At annual We saw how they washed Dennis Hales and Burnard Bato San Fran- plosion opened a crack between I, street a festive. Christmas air. r Felthe beets. First they were wash- ker, all of Willard. then shipped on a freigh- the Toof of the building and the Utah Methodist Yputh Practically - every :. 6tore- In ed out of box cars, then down ts New York City. Here he the cement block wall. Damage lowship,.: November;- 24 and ;25, 20-3B. . Hendricks W, presented Brigham City will feature spe0 Patricia Reed, Corinne, daugha ditch into the factory where first class awards to Charles jd at i, the 'Art Students to the building was estimated ter merchandise. Christmas cial ' Mrs. of v James Reed, Mr, and they, were washed more, toe decojjie uner such notables as at $250 and the boiler damage Scot Dee Packer stores of will Most Keller, the Olsen, or was elected president of the The nominating committee of - The beets, the reporters and Randall Jensen, troop 101. rdman Robinson, George was estimated at $150. holi-- ' the with in rated keeping ' ' club on said, were then sliced or shred-eganization. the Brigham City a and Kenneth Hayes Mil Dr.- C. A. . Munns presented theme. ", According to Poulsen, the furday She succeeds Don Gust, Bing- Monday Might at the regular and purified with lime. The merit to David Holland, nace was burning normally ham, whose term expired this at the Howard cafe, beets then went through a big Dennis badges The South Box Elder stake ' Charles Keller, meeting looming active; in New York when he Gordon, eve Sunday, departed month. Charles Allen, Ogden, listed candidates for 'the club spout into a large tank, where Scott . associa Mutual Improvement circles, he served eight years Randall Olsen, 7 The Jensen, at oclock. ning : damaged was chosen vice president and election to be held December 1L they are cooked. will present its annual tion the board of control of Art Lowell Wilde Hendricks, were boiler and building found Janet Day, S. L .C is the new Candidates are: Jerry titled Oh The pulp goes out of ' one and jents League for four years I. Beecher, all of troop comedy, this year, Monday morning. Cliff ; Mehler, T. pipe and the juice out the other. 101;. Ray , November ; secretary treasurer. President, Father, 'president. He also served a Thursday. and Gary Hollingsworth, Other officers elected incliid Wayne Woodland and, Dick The i brown Juice runs into . big John Bair and Ross Jensen of 30, at 8 oclock In the evening i u i member of the board ed Richard Anderson, Jdary Jane Bloxham; first vice president. tanks where '. powdered in the Box Elder .high schod Irectors of the National So sugar troop 106. H Emma ;V" t Ottinger and Lois Randall. Ruth Bob Call and Dee Glen Smith; was added to start crystals jr f Mural Painter ; Carruthers presented auditorium. (Andy selec second vice president, . Leon forming. iv : Walcotton, Sdlt Lake,-wa- s All members of the South B, X Jaing fame as a muralist, Stanto Rajr Beecher, awards ted to be a delegate to the Wes- Goodliffe and, Bob Crompton; wafched dmSten- - E stake and any( others Interest; ten years (.fauSeit: spent Fe 'jaSd In tern slopecouncil.'Jn Wyoming Sgt. at Arms, ' cd are invited to attend. There apun until it' finally came .out sem troop; 105. ' ting with- - the noted mura; k ' dnd George Sherwood, Salt-Lakno and Demaln Jacobsen; ( direc- of large funnels-intUnited States post' office is 'The pure charge. bags The closing prayer for the will represent: the ;; group tors, Bob Brown, Ben Anderson, and white as snow. ;; This years play is directed by this week called for bids for a V tme he ' assisted in was ; the Emma J. Rasmussen, 91, for- City, offered meeting H Boyd by 111., nOxt August Dale Baron, Deb Hadfleld, Rex "We. had lunch and then re- Sheffield. Kartell Woodland- and the mu contract station of the post .of-- ction of murals , for the mer resident of Brigham City, in, Purdue, ; The M. Y. F. holds a two-daNick turned home. . On the way we Brown, Vernon Coleman, sic between the acts will be fice at the Intermountain Ins died at the home of her daughwing buildings: St , Harthe program session each year during the Topic and Russ Flshburn. saw meij loading beets with a perFollowing furnished by the Fifth ward and dian school from January 1 unv mov-in- g Pearse Church, New York ter, Mrs. J. C. Larsen, Preston, showed (Tippy) week-end- . At tljis On the program at the meet- big loader near Corinne Mantua. til July 1, 1951. rf .:,4 !i;'The New Yorkof films the .jamboreDaily Idaho, Monday evening after a Thanksgiving picture from all over::- Utah ing Lynn Jenkins, Logan, preare the following ' The announcement, ' released; the cast On the Fourth graders making v,. e.-;.; VHie Irving Trust Co., Wall two weeks illness of causes in- time youth f toNevAda meet of A ' New and. part sented the sound film' Blanche Hen from the Brigham City post ofreport, were Ronald Nielson, IDaVid ; Holland was the third Olive Petersen, A The Chicago ..Tribune, cident to age. " con- World of Color. He for fellowship was' introi pnd Wilsorf, Carl Jones, Cal- scout In the south stake to win dricks and O. Dee Lund, all of fice by C. Henry Nielsen, postKansas City station, the Ne-J- i Mis. Rasmussen was born in gether ' : Miss Ada r Duhigg, duced by Deb Hadfleld. ; . , vin Wheatley, Tommy Hazeldine the , ? state capital and at both Brigham City, April 25, 1859, a ference. award during the last the First ward; Iva Beth Simon master, said: activities director ; of the With Varlene Cook ? accom and Madge Sato, all of Mrs. 15 Eagle and Luana Jensen of the sen for the Invitation bids for Chicago months. and v New, York daughter of Mads and Gertrude youth Herb Previously Utah M. Y, R., and Mr. Gust were panying, Val Woodland ; and Hansens class. In Miss King's Fifth ward; Glenda Larsen and conduct of a contract station ids fairs." ' X ; X Adamsdn Jensen. She lived in Brigham A. Dr. Munns and C i '? of the meeting. Gary Braegger each sang a solo class the following students re- won the award. to the Dorothy Hirschi of Perry ward; of the post office department at inspiration of Ken-- City until she was married to and then a duet T. Wayne ported the trip: Dewayne Lee, Vleria Stokes, Second ward; the Intermountain Indian school Hayes Miller, Fausett de-Hans Rasmussen Nov. 5, 1876. Woodland was in charge-othe Sue Rasmussen, Don ChristenNola Nelsen, Iris Wood, Willard; at Brigham City, Utah. , that an artists real mis They then moved to Mink Creek, Be ; sen,- Sydney .Ann Reeder, Judy Primaries Schedule program. and Mrs. Estella Burt, Sixth P and best ' Any person or persons interMr. Rasmussen died opportunity was Idaho. Each of ward. Nielsen, Carolyn Poulsen, Merle Bazaar ested in competitive bidding to 'paint the things x he knew about 20 years ago. Saturday tees reported at the' meeting Jo- Markham and Catherine conduct a contract post office, ft w in i939 he returned to In 1908 they returned to Brig- In . Thd Brigham City Sixth ward States electric store, the event which will provide and R was decided to' hold the Chase. native Utah. His first comadequate ham City where she resided un1 oclock and will ward in the at will Perry begin Christmas , party and inaugural primaries n mon here Was a postal facilities at the large series til two years ago . forces to to afternon. invited attend is De on of sponsor join the Saturday Everyone evening banquet Indian followschool,; murals for the the include Survivors .in city, hall a cake sale to raise money for Relief Society cember 3. For sale will be a variety of Mrs. the Seventh ward in which he Brigham City, Utah, for the painted scenes ing sons and daughters: the Primary childrens hospital. j home-bakebazaar to be held December 1, cakes, pies and first day of January 1951 through. " ictijig the development, of Victoria Wilde, Ogden, Utah; held To be o'clock in the at the Mountain cookies. , Bea- beginning at 6 the balance of the present conname town. Unique in this Alfortzo Rasmussen, Mrs. The affair ; will take tract is the fact that all of the trice Larsen, Mrs. Charity Lar- evening. period ending June 30th, Mr. And Mrs. William Korth Will Be Honored place in the recreation hall of 1951, may obtain the necessary portrayed are actual sen, Ivan Rasmussen and Pres- the new chapel, t forms from the Postmaster, at At Golden Wedding Reception Next Sunday known by the artist in Rasmussen, all of Sci Chili, cake, hamburgers, pie ; Herbert .William 73, J. Brigham City, Utah. J. Orme, wed-bMrs. honor . Campbell, In ol the golden ton, Idaho; ice cream will r, and home-mad- e Authorities at in for a died two his Rasmus the hospiyears, many Brigham leaving City murals painted during Phoenix, Ariz.; Wesley ding anniversary of Mr. and be for sale that evening and Indian School, have period hang in the Farm sen, The regular meeting of the tal at 5:10 p. m. Thursday after Mrs. William Korth, open house wife with six children to manPocatello, Idaho; Mrs. also aprons, dolls, 'pillow cases, a 'n L. D. S. chapel, the Ralph E. Jensen, Pittsburg, Pa.; dish towels and dolies. A fish- Corinne P. T. A. will be held three weeks illness. f will be, held at their home, 35 age and operate the farm. Mr. assured the Post Office depart92 ment, that they will provide the Pine high school, He was born April 8, 1877 at East ; 3rd North, Brigham City, Korth hauled great pond will also be there for the Wednesday, the , 29, at the CoEly Ne 47 grandchildren, by team from the following: building, safe, utiliVand the Student Union grandchildren and 12 great-grea- t rinne grade school, beginning Honeyville, a son of Herbert and Sunday, December 3, between 2 children. old cement plant to Brigham ties, lights, heat and water. : at 8 p. m., according to the Emma Wheatley Orme. He mar- and 6 p. m. at the University of grandchildren. ; Square dancing will round held be will Mrs. Hunsaker. ried Arvilla Dec. services City, more than 50,000 bags of They will provide necessary All son 25, ' Funeral Wilhelm of Wynn president, of these depict (Wm.) Korth, (ing. Wight our the evening of entertainmaintenance, such as building at1 in be The will afternoon, Thev 1907, in were the lived in Martin G. and Bertha Mueller cement which program used in at 1; oclock charge Harper. ment. jes important in the his Thursday, to plumbing system, reMrs. Mae Peterson and Mr. Honeyville and later were rerepairs 30, in the of November was 1877 school October born churches and 3, Korth,: buildings, pf Dave Ward. . married in the Logan temple. in Waitekaury, New Zealand. sidewalks throughout the city. placing broken window panes, ring World War II Mr. Fau Preston Fourth ward chapel. In manding officer. a paint job when needComIn meets the discussion The He will Under outfit be the in the a be he farm Brigham will His until terment Rebecca as operated wife, Mary art director for (Becky) He also hauled all the plaster provide I mercial club rooms at 7:30 use of the money derived from recently retired due to his Olson,? daughter of Christian for the Garland stake taberna- ed, floor maintenance, such as Mpecial Service division, City cemetery. v M service command Mrs. health. oclock. '; 'X; waxjng and pickup service on the Halloween Carnival. and Mary Carlson Olson, was cle from Brigham City. at Fort There are still openings for Wynn Hunsaker would like to disposal of trash. 1881 1946 In born His .work there earn Reserve Unit Will in 14, June retired He served as a Brigham April a teacher, they Bids must be submitted to in interested see in joinmen interested Pirn the War every young .. from the farm and moved to parent a Scout troop committeeman City. Departments the Postmaster, . Brigham City, worious Service ing the unit, according to Boyer, this project attend. and was an elder at the time They were married December Brigham City. 'Award, sec Change Meeting Time on or before 4 p. m., DeUtah man who has not and of the highest civilian citation. 1900 L. D. in young Lake 5, any are S. Salt seven the of of the unit his - The Brigham death. They parents City the war, Fausett Since their marriage children, six of whom are liv- cember 11, 1950. has army field artillery reserve will yet been called for a become He was active in political af- temple. a may ; physical ?fd his time to easle paint meet the first and third Thursfairs of his community, serving they have lived in Harper, Box ing. They are: Ernest W. and which have been exhibi as town constable and as a Elder county, engaged in farm- Ray.C. Korth, Brigham of each month instead of member. City; days interested Is invited r numerous and Mae Korth and Vera K. Poirier, and (irrigated ing dry) . of member town places through the second and fourth as has to Anyone the board. attend thq meetings, : Boyer United States. One Salt Lake City; Glenn Korth, of been the schedule in the past, are his widow; stock raising. Surviving com concluded, wnmsses was Keith They both have been active Los Angeles, Calif., and Ella K. Boyer, to sons three and three daughters: recently pur according by;, the : ArtProvo, Utah, and Ladies Aid society Student; of the William Clark Orme, Toma, in church work. In 1920 Mr; Sherwood,for its Korth was called to serve as a eight grandchildren. Kjj E. a Orme church Calif.; Herbert hold will permanent col and Community To raise money for additional bazaar at the Community church Robert W. Orme, ' Honeyville; missionary in Austria and Ger- - . The couple requests no gifts. e San Antonio Express said visual aid equipment at the on Thursday, November 30, from Mrs. Irene Smith, Ogden; Mrs. occasion of an exhibition Afton Rhodes, Tremonton, and 3 to 9 p. m. ... r . Observe Golden Wedding Anniversary Sun. Willard school, the Willard Parwork there, ent Teachers association are "Lynn Fau In addition to a variety of Lois Orme, Salt Lake City; also i 12 grandchildren. a carnival next FriJ: thetalented American who sponsoring childrens and aprons, clothing Funeral services were held on West, loves it, and day evening at 7 ocolck, it was To help Deweyville raise mon-O- ber of Commerce, is planning a there will be a large selection cha; that love. In his fine announced today. in Monday at 2 p. m. in the Honeyey for their proposed new com- barbecue supper tomorrow eve- of doll clothing and doll out ville ngs of its L. D. S. D. A of A. will be and relations with lands, nig ward, games variety November 30. the public fits, as well as many items of - ning, Thursday, ; canvasses, one sees the pel, in the offering for young and old mittee of the Box Elder ChamDinner f will be served at hand work, all of which will Bingham, bishop, officiating. whlch Interment was in the Honeyr the West is made, alike, P. T. A. officers announcthe Crystal Springs from 7:30 be just the things for Christmas ville cemetery under the direcfountains with their thick ed. the in 9 oclock until giving. evening. 0 trees, the far reach-- I School Board Election , tion of the Harold B. Felt fuThere will be facilities and food The proceeds will be used to neral home. j ;.ns' the soft blue skies, Is Scheduled Dec. 6 Kent Hansen Now Works for at least 600 people, accord- make - Improvements in the cliffs of the desert M. in to Mason, see D. is to secretary, held and it funtvti be church, ing will hoped An election For Advertising Unit ' ist and fishery marketing speportrays the work of the Chamber of everyone at the bazaar. district manager west too, the cattlemen the Box Elder school cialist, $3,825 to $8,800 a year; lopi,, s Commerce. Kent Hansen, son of Mrs. with - their herds - and precinct three for , a relations commitdairy and poultry products inThe Wednesday, public on H. Hansen Exams Service member of Brigham board Grace Civjl iJt Dennis and spector Johnson, grader, fresh fruits 6, It was announced tee, headed by of the recent a December City, graduate has and Si.9,40, Lynn Fausett clerx. has invited everyone , in the Are Announced Today vegetables inspector, and Art Center in Los Angeles, Calif., a home and studio today by Eberhart Zundel, ' : attend. to agricultural market commodity ' incum- county is now working for the nationn Th U. S. Civil Service Only one candidate, reporter, $3,825 to $6,400 a year. city. Utah Deweyville is one of the .last be on wide advertising agency, J. Walv ,,Public is invited to visit bent Wayne Sandall, will examFull area in announced. information this today, and applicatwo communities library ter Thompson. tion to forms may be secured from fill the following poduringv December the ticket. the not yet visited by the Box Elder inations Mr. Hansen, who is a gradsome of Fausett fine Precinct three includes local secreChamber of Commerce in their sitions: engineer (various op- the Commission's ver Ctty, . of Box Elder high school, uate Bear Mr. stated Mrs. Onqta J. communities of and lo.a S. ini $4,600 $5,400 Glenn tary, tions); year; program Nelson, Penrose, ,n been with the firm in the has Thatcher. cated at . hnrgp pf the arj dis- - El wood, Mrs. William Korth agricultural marketing special Mated two years.. ago.. Brigham City. , ; William Korth east for the past two months. Bothwell and Tremonton. Court Last Fri. Conferences ; 1 Lincoln Fourth . . .well-know- . Basketball Meet H ft , : , . , , - Corinne Girl Named . hitch-hike- Prexy Candidates Listed d For South Stake Play Slated Nov. 30 Election , 20-3- 0 d . r J. Rasmussen ; Succumbs Idaho; Oean-'Candian- d IS. ' thrown e , . y Bar-mew- ; -- ; ... t -- : S Held Bazaar To f -- ,: ' . . - Seventh Ward Inter-mountai- at Herbert W. Orme d . o , Meet This Evening Inter-mounta- :. " . , . s ; , Willard PTA Plans ; Thur. , . - Chamber Wili . -- 1 53' I . . com-missio- - d - 'J - in |