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Show We (jive Thanks TTT BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY VOLUME 55, NUMBER 47 PAGES. Posse Searching Western B.E. For Missing Ogden Prospector Brigham StQres Will Close Thursday For Thanksgiving 8-M- an - i All Brigham City stores will close in observance of Thanksgiving day tomorrow, according to Charles Keller, Merchant committee chairman. TOdTmSHERFF hyde, Education Board This automatically eliminates the late., evening., open hours ..tonight ..observed by business men last Thursday in ..Brigham.. City. However. Keller said, they will be resumed the following Thursday, November 30. Stores will be open this Friday and Saturday, November 24 and 25, as usuaL Okeys Plans For Bear River Gym COVERING COUNTY RIDERS DES01A1F DESERT t -. posse of eight Box - been j have men county summer with Grant the searching the rugged New during on Oc- Read, 38, Read, Ogden. Foundland mountain area in tober he Sheriff told 26, Hyde western Box Elder county since was digging out a spring near an for aged Ogden their Sunday camp when the older man prospector lost there since Octo- had left to do some prospecting. ber 26, evidently without sucAfter he had not returned for cess. . Sheriff Warren W. Hyde with two days Read reported the man missing to the 'Sheriff. There his picked group of riders,-whhe described as capable of cov- was some speculation that Murering 50 miles a day, boarded a phy could have boarded a train train In Ogden Sunday morning on the line that runs within to cross the Great Salt Lake In- three miles of thelf camp. Sherto the desolate area. The sher- iff Hyde, however, said this was iffs office in Brigham City re- not likely. ,: mineralized area A highly ports there has been no word from them since they left. They that has prospectors shafts and had supplies for a stay of as drifts spotted over it, the Box Elder county posse took . all long as a week. The lost prospector, J. R. Mur types of lines, pulleys and other A picked special adjourned session of the Box Elder school November 3, board, Friday, board members came to a decision on the plans for the cew Bear River high school gymnasium and instructed Karl L. Krusmark, architect, to prepare the plans and specifications for the building. According to minutes of the meeting the architect submitted four different plans. The one chosen by the board will seat 2,450 persons. It will have the standard size basketball court (48 by 85 feet) and the. building itself, with school rooms, will have 45,380 square School Election v No Word Received Yet From Party. Stationed Near Prospectors Camp; Mines To Be Searched At a One Files For Once again we face Thanksgiving Day with gratitude for His favor in bestowing on us the blessings of democracy and all the fruits this fertile tree bears. But now, as our fore -fathers three hundred years ago, we are aware of the need for protecting His gift against forces of evil that threaten to drag these works down into the lowest depths of tyranny. Again we are faced with the stern reality that "vigilance is the price of liberty." 6 MORNING, NOV. 22, 1950 Elder u, o Evidently there will be little argument over who will repre sent precinct 3 of the Box Elder ' school district for the coming term, for at deadline only Wayne Elder Evan Mack Palmer Sandall, who now holds the . who is now serving an for De the had post, registered cember 7 election for the job. feet of floor space. n L.D.S. mission in the the The proposed gym will cost Precinct 3 encompasses mission field. communities of Corlnne, Bear an 'estimated $680,700. equipment to Inspect them. ' River City, Elwood, Thatcher, The easiest way to get into floorTnd61" A main" have' BOY COUNTRY JUST IM Penrose, Bothwell and Tremon balcony the desolate area is by train ton. seating, hand ball court, physiThe over the Lucin cal education and team room Non-Cit- y 5 was In Box m, for Deadline p. tracks pass only a few miles filing Elias Is lockers and showers, physical from the prospectors camp. Monday, November 20. If Sandall has any competi- education and sports equipment The posse made their ' headall equipped with 29.60 Mills tion at all in the election, it storage room, In one of the railroad Folk quarters Tax; Buried Dig City will have to come through adequate storage space, and cars there. write in votes, where the toilet facilities, corridors and The area being searched is Funeral services ' for Elias name of a candidate is written foyer, as well as a large, over 50 miles In length, It pays literally to be a wing of sufficient size to pro(Lee) Andersen, 77, Brigham on the ballot and so rough that parts of it Box In If live Sssed By Drs you Other members of the School vide for eight class rooms or "country boy cannot be traversed by horse. City, Who died last Thursday s cor- - Elder county, or, for that morning at his home here, were board are Leonard Bishop, pres equivalent, with necessary Those In the posse from Box ito And C. A. Munns ' and stairs. held in the Brigham City Fifth ident, Garland; Abel S, Rich, ter any county. Elder county are Sheriff WarTte board specified that the 0wners of L. D .S. ward Monday afternoon Brigham City; Laron Hunsaker, ren Hyde, Deputy Sheriff. .Ed Mission t outside of Friday the regular meeting of at 2 oclock with Bishop J. Oleen Honeyville, and Lawrence Car plans have alternate specifica- both of Brigham City, Sylvester, ilder county or in towns Coordinating the wing incorporated cities Park Valley, tions under which ter, Sarah Elizabeth Graser, 71, Palmer presiding. and the following: LaMoine for Health Services was two a Now and a Box are half Elder this serving rooms the class year county comprising may One son, Stanley P. Andersen, Hurd and Either Parks, both of at 10 a. m., November Willard, died Friday, Nov. 17, be left off. (paying a tax of $29.60 (29.60 years L. D. S. mission In the Bothwell; Austin McWilliams, at 4:43 a. m., in the Cooley Me- who is studying at the Univer Vice Chairman Mrs. Ethel is field Elder At the regular school board mills) per thousand dollars Brigham City and Martin Rise, in the absence of Mrs. morial hospital after an extendBEHS In meeting sity of Wisconsin, . was delayed FFA to the special ses- - property. Owners of property in Evan Mack Palmer, son of Mr. Garland. prior bad illness. ed enroute home weather by chairman. MacFarlane, slon about the gym, Superinten Tremonton, on the other hand, and Mrs. Joseph Palmer of Park ol the previous meeting She was born January 12, and arrived five hours late, a Valley. dent Weight reported the resig- must dig deep Into their Returning home by plane, An read by Secretary, Mrs. 1879, at Willard, the daughter Elder Palmer Is a graduate of to pay a tax levy of $49.60 nation of Duett Loveland, dersen was grounded at Minneaof George L. and Elizabeth efidW, and approved, the Deweyville school. iper'f'tlutttsand dollars the. .high- Box, Elder high schooLaruL-We' ahd Denver. Smith. She was reared and polis 7, Vivian Miller, ' district' The board passed a resolution est property tax in Box Elder ber college In Ogden. As a feature of National Safe At the services the prayer at educated at Willard. She marPrior to his departure Sept. I supervisor, gave a reithe Issuance of a county, according to figures tabauthorizing the Box M. Graser, May home was offered by H. C. Han- ty week (Nov. n the recent 'tuberculosis ried Valentine 20, for the mission field a fareA. V. Smoot ulated by Hervin Bunderson. to claim deed quit sen, followed by the prelude by Elder high school Future Far and Mr. E. S. Smoot for 15, 1899, at Ogden. Owners of property in Gar- well testimonial and party were survey made in this coun-iproperCharlotte D. Johnson. The in mers of America, under the di home at are next hardest hit, pay- held in his honor in the Park land made their at The ty complimented the Box They Appledale. property vocation was offered . by Hans rectlon of Sam Gordon and had B. committee on their this to Red Rock, Montana. Three years Alfred sold been year a total of $48.60 Valley ward chapel. Jensen ing Chairman Maurice of Bear River O My Leadership Knudsen and the in 1930 and per thousand. Brigham upport of the survey, City and later they returned to Willard Father, was sung song, City a Fifth the Hunsaker, sponsored by safety now Jensen wishes to sell it to property owners get off comthat of the 3,864 where they have resided since. ward choir. contest. Logon LDS Temple Will The South Box Elder j scout . jingle in the paratively easy, paying $43.60. county, there were She was a member or the L. were ask- Smoot, t All of were offered students the Remarks by , one advanced district will hold a Court of The difference of tax levies Close Until Monday case, one D. S. church and was an active Lewis Hunsaker followed the ed to participate In this conby and eleven Sunon city and LDS temple will be Honor in, the First ward, Friday, is residents The worker in the Willard ward Logan suspected two the test last Work of The Teachers by finishing singing of T. B. aside from about day school and Relief society. caused by the tax levy 6et up closed from Wednesday, Novem- November 24, beginning at 8 Is Done, by a quartet consist lines of a jingle, which the FFA llac and other chest coniSurvivors include her hus- ing of Norma, Wayne and Sara boys started and posted on the by the cities and towns. ber 22, until Monday, November, oclock in the evening, it was ' Besides the total above, band, and the following chil- Gunnell. Incorporated cities and towns 27, it was announced today by announced today by Herb Adameach day. board ' bulletin , were about 327 chest son, leader in the district. are one of the four major organ- Elray Christiansen, president. dren: Theodore L. Graser and The object of this contest was A talk was given by K. H. at the Intermountain George L. Graser, both of Wilizations to a Highlight of the program will with power levy safeFriday, a male chorus from the to stress the importance of school, on which tax. The other three, state, 16.8 percent of total levy for be the awarding of the coveted there lard; Floyd J. and Ervin S. Gra- Elwood ward sang The Morn- ty throughout the home, farm, made no public report ser, both of Ogden; Mrs. Lola county and schools, have a levy state, county, schools and city; eagle award to David Holland ing Breaks, and concluding re school, etc., and also to check hngs. that is the same to each and all Brigham City, 14 mills, 32.2 per- and the showing of a film on Calif.; Los of Angeles, In Owen before hazards marks were given by Edsinga, they resulted ors Frank cent; Corlnne 15 mills, 33.7 per- the national scout jamboree 'at Beckman, D. county residents. Mrs. s J. (Lucille) Saito and Rasmussen. The Fifth ward accidents. With all seasonal work In Valley Forge, by Tippy Pearse. 17 The city council or the town cent. grandchildren; choir sang Oh It, Is Wonderful Winners Included the followpresented to the Bountiful; Box Elder county now complete board At the court will be Lew Rob7 mills, 19.1 peran and Deweyville, levies tax office 4th their was nine hour benediction and the force, discussion dependinteresting Roger given ing; 16.8 6 the Garerts, In Elwood, perexcept mills, use of fluorides Ogden, head of this scout cent; Julia sugar Kettle, Mrs. factory on Mr. MarMrs. the communitys street, to con-J- five sisters: Johnston, Jensen, ing by Leslie I. Andersen. Mrs. Emma Long, and cent; Fielding, 8.75 mills, 22.7 area, who will distribute illusprevent tooth decay in Roosevelt; services were held garet Johnsen, Jaron Nichols and land and the turkey plant in power, law enforcement Concluding Tremonton and Brigham City, other bills. percent; Garland, 19 mills, 39.1 trated books to each of the Mrs. Gertrude Ja- in the Bear River City cemetery Louise Reed. Coating the teeth of Washington; scouts who participated In the is on 'Mrs. the Chloe stars of upunemployment Idaho; Albin, certain ages with cobsen, with dedication of the grave by This year the tax levies' that percent 3.4 1 - , to here, swing Annie Howell, mill, percent; Mrs. jamboree. Dougaccording along with proper diet Burkhart, Walter E. Fridal. Murray; owner Adamson emphasized that all 8 mills, 21.5 perlas Miller, head of the Utah Em- every county property Honeyville, Pall bearers were the Fifth CAP 'tjer care, reduces decay Wood, Los Angeles, Calif. coun8.05 are: state, mills; Hold ployment Security office In pays cent; Mantua, 4 mills, 12.1 per- the parents of scouts in the disPercent The method Funeral services were held ward high priests and the Fifth ty, 6.20 mills, and schools 15.35 cent; Brigham ward hcial fluoridation City. Perry, 18 mills, 37.9 per- trict are especially invited to atWillard the at r Monday ward Relief society was in of mills a total of 29.60 mills. 4 mills, 12.1 per- tend the court with their sons Cook cent; Portage, Delbert Miller However," which pointed City .dwellers have varying cent. has recently chapel with ' Bishop charge of the flowers. as well as any others interested. out, most of the unemployed javocated by the American officiating. additional tax payments in ad12 mills, 28.9 perare women. Willard Plymouth, Men the in work was find 'Society, if used in proper Interment dition as, follows. , cent; Snowville, 8 mills, 21.5 youll be surprised at the exwhich Is about Civil Air Patrol cadet one city cemetery under the direcand with little difficulty at the miliIn 20 mills, The percentage of the city percent; Tremonton, fucellent B. Felt uoride to one installation tary in results and Ogden tion of the Harold senior with million members, together tax to the total Is listed fol- 40.4 percent; Willard, 14 mills, classified ads secure. . vicinity." home. de-neral reduces tooth their partners, will hold a swim32.2 percent; and Yost, 2 mills, the city tax levy: to 60 The employment securitys lowing at the Intermoun-taipercent Fifteen 6.00 ming party school Bear 6.4 percent. River. mills, City, Nov. 24 for to the u. S. are now the period up, this evening, prediction Indian on --iNext December 15, was increasing fPam of 7 oclock. at artificial S.U.P. Schedules Wednesday, The swim party will take the unemployment. During this per- Kris The Corinne L. D. S. ward Rewith good re- iod of time the sugar' factory lief society will hold their anfted- The Council place of the usual weekly meet- and the to the effect nual bazaar, November 24, at 3 ing at the airport, John C. Weir, conclude - turkey plants should To Raise Building that a operations, e? composed . of releasing oclock in the afternoon in the one commanding officer, announced. 400 Will Good rom each town people from employment. wards recreation hall. in this 100 of to will number that Only the7heir wives In a special one On sale at the bazaar will be Swing your partners appointed Edward by the Thorsted ,7 rectors, be MilKris classified Capt. Kringles Corporals are; unemployed, to work with right. . . will be the call next family feature. work of all kinds, aprons, fancy was idea developed porals by ler said, because about 300 of going to be busy here In BrigU. S. Army To Recalled toward, a program Elder rugs, childrens clothing quilts, Heaton Box high the The at class taught by them are regularly employed on ham City. very shortly, according the Department of Utah and ai fluoridation of the Saturday and home made candy. For the the of Ogden will present a number when school gymnasium, to r farms Commander J. Charles and naL. their this year it has become a squeeze this area. Thorsted, turkey Captain Edward children there will be a special Box Elder county camp of the as will the Merry Mixers. of the V. F. W. Post 1695. wiliard West, husband of the former Lois plant and sugar factory jobs In tional project on 4he local post fish pond and plenty of refreshdistrict No. Sons of Utah Pioneers hold anNumbers to dance to will in- Toombs, This catchy name has been daughter of Mr. and between other regular chores. ments. Htllan of the state board other of their famed level. pioneer clude such music as the "Mili- Mrs. Also, from 50 to 100 construe- - chosen by the Veterans of Toombs, Joseph Brigham Pte on the subject dances. ,, ' Starting at 8 oclock In the Schottische" We (mixer), the are tary stressing workers Its are to for Wars community Christmas be eign expected City, has been recalled to active evening-therRation and What It will be a dance for Bird Fordance, in Veterans service the funds of square Mocking laid raise off 'soon due to winter community service program, durBeing held to duty with the U. S. army. stated that the de-- , Wars this year, and Post with the Darrel Siggard orcheseign weather. which withPioneer Memorial the Paticake Polka," the will new all do who is son the ing the Thorsted, they Capt. tra the music. A . always ready and Barn Dance," the canyon, With an estimate labor force in their power to assist the 1695 wants to do its very best floorfurnishing of Mr. and Mrs. Otto L. building up Box Elder will begin at 10 show trained con-- ( the others. Jnish for and the of 29 many of to Box in 5,414 people Brigham boast City. Elder county, needy affair will of Ogden, will serve as have, the very merriest either to towns or in- oclock in the evening. During r We believe that by keeping the dance numbers, and mixassistant professor of military there are 150 unemployed and of Christmases possible, n the square dance there will be plenty of problems PUBLIC spebe will THE NOTICE said. 5,264 TO to which On of November the American tactics and science employed. people at three friendly ers, Ogden of food on sale. food cial af e disposal, instandnumerous out were 17, there This 222 been we we of will have to as be act in There to able school. life, way year employed plan performances by high Officers of the Corlnne ReA. M. stances of minors operating auiendmiik, grabage i n combat those influences which He is veteran of World War construction, 525 in manufac- Kris Kringles Corporals ing groups, according to lief are Mrs. Eva Haretc. rdents, tomobiles upon the streets of Two. turing (350 of these were work- spreadiril: joy' throughout the often creep in to cause dissatis- per, society Reeder, president. Martha Smoot, president; m m.e"t can easily be opera-tor- s at the entire when the round 135 We faction in ing the and that sugar Brigham City, comfnunity. among hope factory), the dance either first counselor; Rhoda Owens, lithrough our out Attend drivers 616 Our of not have week and do anyone having toys transportation utilities, any type greatest hope is that a happy Thanksgiving Kotter Infant Dies At of in wholesale and retail trade, will contact Doyle L. Packer, our children and needy famil- second counselor and May Bed.. nurs. cense. end by participating in the t0 the state 37 in finance and insurance and Kris Krlngle chairman by call- ies learn that we have of The parents are warned that Local Hospitad Thur. their dings, Health In popular dance. Salt Lake minor real estate .1032 a or their 208 well service as and interests in to at them and if the ing taking heart, that we yu they, is invited and Gordon Kotter, infant son of and miscellaneous. Packer - Motor company. Ar- are always striving to improve Liquor Store To Be children, are liable for damarent sure you know how There are 50 working for the rangements will be made to see their conditions, and Fern Hinchcliff Commnder ages when they permit their Wendell square dance, dont worry, Gaeth To Give Open Until 11 P. M. automobiles Kotter, died Thursday morning, railroad, 275 for the federal that the neediest are properly Kimber continued. to operate children vised Mr. Reeder. withand 15 after at the 58 of minutes birth, are for hls state age government, before supplied governyear. He said that Post and Auxilthey The state liquor store will Broadcasts For those who do not care to out a drivers Kim bet said that the V. F. W. ment, 80 In county and 75 in license. Cooley Memorial hospital. members will gladly call be open until 11 oclock tonight, iary dance, come anyway, Reeder be besides the parents city governments.- The school will work closely with local re- for contributions if notification Survivors proseThese children will muen Wednesday, in anticipation of ' nationally said, the dances are as lief organizations so that there Is given to cuted criminally to the fullest Include two brothers: Paul W. district employs 370. Doyle Packer or any the mmentator and fun to watch as participate in. Thanksgiving holifu- and Gary Frank Kotter. There are be a will i law n of 1,970 minimum the of extent employed duplica- other member of either organi- day, Thursday, it was announcfotny iSP.ondent' will All the Square dance cluos ture violations. Services will be held today' at agriculture, 630 tion. We will accept toys which zation. Pickups will be made ed this week. broad - in this area have been given Weekly The cooperation erf the public 1 oclock. Friends may call at in jobs, and can be repainted and repaired each Saturday from now until at 0,1 KLO on Sun- attend and The late shopping hours beto invitations so that other youngsters may Christmas. special the parents of the Harold P. Felt funeral home 2,664 in non-aand employment p, contributions fore national holidays have been Early . . some of them will present spe- such particularly services. of time a until have Is of maximum requested. minors enjoyment are solicited however, so that a inaugurated this year as a conis now field cial numbers. V The . Interment will be in- the BrigHARRY SMITH, telephone from them. be Alvin satisfactory program and gift venience to patrons . ot the will ' Natinal Inion number the On program The V. F. W. Kris Kringle Cor list ham City cemetery. is 1,000. Chief of Police.' ' in Utah store. may be arranged. and Idaho. Norr and his three sons ana - PH COUNCIL HEARS T.B. cut-of- Elder Pay Residents Andersen Sort at last Monday meet lfsls Spanish-America- Deeper Monday two-stor- f. side-tracke- d y SarafECraser Serving Spanish mat-riddr- Succumbs American vice-preside- , Spanlsh-America- Leads r, n poc-ket- rf j Al-tfo- p -. - South;B.E Scout District Slaies e Court Of Honor T. non-cit- y Unemployment On Upswing In B. E. County Char-Munn- n d Members pub-lte- Swimming Party Plan Bazaar News-Journ- gal-wate- r, , p Corlnne n fluori-wate- - pass-otio- Square Dance r, n Kringles Corporals Prepare Funds Saturday Christmas Program Of , -- Kim-be- For-tio- n , Cana-dia- e n Sour-lann- a, Thor-stea- d old-tim- e Kim-be- dis-an- d under-privilege- secretary-treasure- ' . - iduath all-da- n be-v- 1 12 g - - News-Journ- y r. |