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Show f such Echo From Past be In aw led envelopes accompanied by preference tight must assert money right within 30 davs from the above cert If led checks or post-offic- e U dat Treasurer to the orders made payable Small WICHITA. Kan. (UP) ERNEST E. HOUSE. of the United states for tha amounts Manager. must be O. L. Walof the bids. The envelopes world department: corner marked in the lower left-hanlace found two 1919 calendars No, 071578. "Public aale bid. Serial Lives Up To Name Sate. 10 A M. Dec 6. 1950. in a house he was wrecking. The highest bidder will be required P. The calendars were printed ahd MEMPHIS. Tenn. (UP)--to pay immediately the amount thereof. d Any adverse claimants of the his late father, land should file their claims, Parker wryly admits he was distributed by or objections, on or before the time well-name- d while In the army. F. M. Wallace, a few months designated for aale. before he died 31 years ago. a He did his share of KP. Any contiguous owner claiming public mI to be held at 10 o clock m , on the 6th Hay of Detember, 1950 next, at thia office, tha following tracts of land: All of Sec. 10. T- - 13 N. R. U W S L.M., at not lees than $3.00 per acre. Sec. 14. T. 640 acres NE'aNW1, 13 N., R 14 W S.L M. at not less than 62 50 per acre. 360 acres. Bids may be made by the principal or hia agent, either personally at the aale or by mall. Bids sent by mall will be considered only tf received at thia office prior to the hour fixed for the aala. Bide muet l seven PAGE elder news OX ESTATE OH heater, City ytah November 8. 1950 Services Offered brand new, Wanted ELECTRIC for WANTED will heat up to three rooms. rent of employ Was SI 09.95. Close out types price ance, 68 North Main. F18tf-c- h ment in Public Welfare 'and S59.95. North Main Furniture, Public Health offices. Get apphone 250. for Sale SALES BOOKS, plications end detailed inforrestaurant jQsed refrigerator; FOB SALE Weiner pigs. Floyd offices of the checks, cashier pads, punch mation at local Carter, West Corinne. Phone checks, printed to your order. Departments of Employment 2384, Bear Biver exchange. Security, Public Welfare or delivery, so order or from the Merit Sys Lowest Health early. The News and prices. jTrJI-Shrifle; gun Journal tem CounciL 428 Atlas Build jjYguns. Mountain States USED Philco console radio, ing. Salt Lake City. Phone Uc. speaker. Bargain SEPTIC tanks and cesspools for $14.95. Pay only $3.00 pimped. Roots and debris down, S3 a month. North Main cleaned from eewer and drain WANTED Women to work in lines up to 12 inches. No digc Furniture, phone 250. poultry plant. Apply at Emor tearing up of lawns. ging ployment office, 17 West FoFOB SALE Norge oil stove. d Call collect 027J4 Logan. rest Brigham City. 93 Call after 1p.m. Cheap. CHEVROLET Sewer Service Co. St, floor pollsner for APPLICANTS Beehive Coal & Appliprofessional By Len Kleia VIRGIL One-mont- h ot N8-10- Roto-Hoot- FlO-tf-c- SEDAN K $1095 1941 CHEVROLET Til 7 P. M. Open or ih, phone BRIGHAM Central Chevrolet Co. . Open Til 7 TO $25 IN P. M. train leaving R' PUBLICATION United States ' Of The Interior Department BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Lake A Land Salt Survey Office, 1950. City. Utah. Oct.-1Under provisions of section 2455, R. S., as amended by section ! 4 of the act of June 28, 1934 46 Stat, 1274; 43 U. S. C. 1171), and pursuant to the Harold L. Kunzler of application of Park Valley, Utah. Serial No. 071603, there will be offered to the highest bidder, at a public aale to be held at 10 o'clock a day of m., on the 6th December, 1950 next, at thia office, the following tracts of land: Lots I, 2, 3, 4, S'jNj, 5W 14 Sec. SLM. 503.04 3. T. 12 N-- , R- - 16 W., acres at not less than $3 00 per acre, and SESELS Sec. 4, T. 12 N.. R. 16 W , S L.M., 40 acres, at not lees than $300 Phone 448 One dozen pullets, GOOD USED electric washers, O For Rent or Lease be laying. Ph. completely overhauled with by will soon 321 north good wringers, one at $34.95; $2 50 per acre. (.g or call st BENT Unfurnished Bids may be made by the principal iird west another for $39.95. Pay only FOB his agent, either personally at the deluxe Peach City. Apts. or apt sale or by mail. $5.00 down, $1.25 a week. Ph. 723-J- , Dean Keller, apt 35. Bids sent by mail will be considered North Main Furniture, phone only tf received at thie office prior to . 250. the sale. Bide the hour fixed for must be in sealed envelopes accompae YOU DONT have to or nied checks drown certified by STUDIO Davenport blue upholto the money orders made payable children to find home. a your Treasurer of the United States for the stery, makes into bed, stor1946 FORD Come and see us. We even amounts of the bids. The envelopes age space below cushions. be marked in the lower have a play yard. Four and must No. Serial corner "Public Mile bid. Mrs. Charles W. Claybaugh. TUDOR five room Sale. 10 A. M., Dec. 6. 1950. heated 071683, apartments. 117 West Fifth South, phone be will bidder The required Befrigerator and stove includ- to pay highest 1069. immediately the amount thereof. ed. We insist on dean orderAny adverse claimants of the land should file their claims, Bush-nell ly families. Call Stan at or objections, on or before the time Services 115 east designated for sale. Apartments, Any contiguous owner claiming Seventh south, in Brigham preference FURNACE CLEANING right muet assert such right within 30 days from the above hale mtral Chevrolet Co. We Vacuum. Clean and City. Phone 73. Repair datC All Make ERNEST E. HOUSE. of Furnaces Open 'Til 7 P. M. FOB BENT Two room furnishManager BEEHIVE COAL k APPLIANCE . . h ed Call SALE BlNKCRICK, ANKLEHOOF, SKWEEDUNK.BATTLESWO SOCAPOf? SWAMPBURG, CONDONn-t- , ankle hoof, skweedunk battleswo, CONDONIIII. SODA POP, SWAMPBURG, MARSHLAND TENEFLVAND' CHiCkALAGOOSE BOROUGH t? MARSHLAND, TENEFLVAND CHlCKALAGOOSE - TRACK winuur vvirvur BOROUGH . ON TRACK FIVE By Oon Hmhi I WINDY DRIVES A LONG LONG FOUL BALL INTO THE 4 OK Bud Fiaher TRAIN LEAVING FOR SKWEEZBORO LASSiNG, MIDDLETOE. BlNKCRICK. FO? SKWEEZBORO, LASSiNG MiDDLETOE, NOTICE-FO- LOAN CO. Main 43 So. By Probata and Guardianship Notices. Court, Consult Clerk of District Brigham City, Utah, or respective signers for information. SMALL LOANS $(S45 Bed potatoes. Call , $ o'clock in the evening, 113 west Sixth i Harper, SALE 364-J- Leaal Notice h Coupe Chevrolet Co. nfra WE SPECIALIZE N3-8-p- er LEFT FIELD STANDS ! T in post-offic- left-han- d $395 YOUB Bouncing at me now, S14.95, Offered Phon- hobby FOB N8-tf-c- electric only two months, Tours for only she:, used it $139.95. on all makes of terms. .Convenient Main Furniture, phone 15 Washers, vacuums, irons, etc. We fix anything. Just bring them in or phone us. mi B R PONTIAC 1947 BENT Three room 2 fur122 Furnished clean; duplex apt. modem, entrance; garage. private Adults. Ph. 568 J. 75 north Third east. FOR RENT EITEN BEKER ELECTRIC 84 S. Main Phone 990 SEDAN A23-tf-c- 409-W- nished heated apartment east Second south. Call before 3 p. m. or evenings. FOB BENT 3 room heated furnished apt on ground floor. Front and back porch. 95 north First west tVSERVICE h NEW CTICALLY apt - "ONE" south 61 east Brigham. iird d For Sate-T-Re- al Estate And service on all Fo"rSALEOB RENT Six room home appliances, guns, etc. home. L. E. Turley, 612 North Main. Guaranteed service and repair parts. lowest prices. Phone 163 for service at your home, ALL INDICATIONS POINT or bring them to Thompson to another housing shortage Hardware and Implement. and building curbs are soon to be enforced. BEFAIBS S1345 Chevrolet Co. mtral Open Til 7 P. M. SALE Wire nw. Boland tied baled d. Utah. DELIVERED TRY IT. G.M.C. PICKUP Phone 504 WILL TEND Shiall children in my home, five days a week. Will serve hot lunch. Mrs. . Fred Eliason. Phone Chevrolet Co. 809-M- PM. Till 7 Open DAIRY SUPERIOR 1095 Mtral business directory lines advertisements Y one n per 10 one-hal- Grade A Pasteurized MILK & CREAM 0K 1948 THREE BEDROOM HOME with basement apartment, located in Seventh ward on a f acre lot Coal furnace with stoker. Price reduced to $9,500.00 and possession can be given immediately. TWO PRACTICALLY NEW brick homes, both completely furnished. RflllK Wil'- Mackey, Phone 882-R- of four calen-mont- 01 ess, $2.00 per Additional lines 50 cents month minimum. ', ORCHARD SUPPLIES Panttog. body and fen-tK- , wrecks completely re-- f Approved quality Insecticide materials.- Anderso spraying and save. Produce Co. at rear of MACHINES - ShoP Motor, 604 North SEWING Repaired. Prompt service. Work guaranteed. Bate Sewing work Machine Service, 54 . So. 2nd W Nicholas for free Brigham. Phone ring-ceme- rdon B. i on 378-W- plastering work. Fh. Stucco-ceme- 487J6. pXints and glass Home and automobile glass, Gn-era- l CORDS w"?PH mirrors, shelves, installed. ana Painits. Brigham Glass jjOWttntaU, Third Man 696. Cut, Theres No Paint, 85 North Main. Ph. S an Kentons new in Modem RADIATOR REPAIR Hlt Parade tunes. Complete auto radiator service, BrigInstates Electric. cleaned, repaired, or ham Radiator Shop, back 1 acdlng machines Icartf116 ted .Jelsters bought, sold, REPAIREDOffice - Supply. WIRING wlrlng and The M22-ch-- Re" tf T contrac-'We5la- n fic5.th Fourth cast BLINDS ehades. Call us tes. Large stock Th "Ringside." 380 N. Main. PORTRAITS FLOOR-WAL- Wanted EXPERIENCED WAITRESS WANTED For Extra Work MATTIE'S CAFE Call 825 Bids may be made by the principal or his agent either personally at the sale or by mail. Bids sent by mail will be considered only if received at this office prior to the hour fixed for the sale. Bids must be m sealed envelopes accompanied by certified checks or post-offic- e money orders made payable to the Treasurer of the United States for the amounts must be The envelopes of the bids. corner marked in the lower left-hanSerial No. 071424, "Public sale bid. 1950. A. Dec. M.. 10 Sale. 6, The highest bidder will be required to pay immediately the amount thereof. d Any adverse claimants of the land should file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. owner claiming Any contiguous such preference right must assert 30 from the above within days right sale date ERNEST E. HOUSE, Manager. FOR PUBLICATION United States Department Of The Interior BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Land & Survey Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct. 13. 1950. Under provisions of section 2455, S., as amended by section 14 of the act of June 26. 1934 4S Stat, 1274; 43 U. S. C. 1171), and pursuant to the Harold L. Kunzler of application of Park Valley, Utah, Serial No. 071445 there will be offered to the highest bidder, but at not less than $2.50 per acre, at a public sale to be held at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 6th day of December, 1950 next, at this office, the following tracts of tend All Sec. 12, T 12 North, Range 16 West, S L.M., 667.30 acres. Bids mav be made by the principal or his agent, either personally at the sale or by mall. Bids sent by mail will be considered only if received at this office pnor to the sale.- Bids the hour fixed for must be in eealed envelopes accompanied by certified checks or post-offic- e money orders made payable to Treasurer of the United States for the The amounts of the bids envelopes d must be marked in the lower No. Serial corner "Public sale bid. 071445, Sale. 10 A. M., Dec. 6, 1950 The highest bidder will be required to pay immediately the amount thereof. , Any adverse claimants of the above-describland should file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. Any contiguous owner claiming preference right must assert such right within 30 days from the above sale dat " ERNEST E. HOUSE, Manager. 1-- MOVING For local or phone J long household for tree 4 Son. of S38-- 3. A. May asked ME to MARRY him! is RED y ho-hu- well, when you WEHT INTO THE KITCHEN TO FIX HOT , HE NEARLY TO ME IM SO EXCITED.1 1 SAW MR.SIPPIE COMING OUT OF A JEWELRY STORE AND HE HAD A LITTLE BOX THAT 7 COULD s v WELL, MAMA, IT'S ME . JACK KINQ m TIME WILL EITHER YOU OR . BEARING! PEPPER by AUDAVEE DON'T MAKE Y PASSENGERS SORRY DEMANDS OF THE CAPTAIN GENTLEMEN, BUT HE SAYS IF (HAVING HOODLUMS NOW, DO AS YOU WANT THE RESPECT AFTER ME MAKES DUE A PASSENGER, ACT 'ME SUSPICIOUS OF STRANGERS I AS ONE pr BRANSFORD PLEASE ACCEPT YOU MAV REST ASSURED MY APOLOGIES . MR. PARKS. WEVE TAKEN EVERV PRECAUTION OUR HOME OFFICE HAS BEEN NOTIFIED TO RADIO US A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE MISSING SfADE RICKEY AND ALSO A SKETCH I'M HIGHLY NERVOUS AND IN GREAT FEAR FOR MV LIFE tr i OF SIR TOLIVER'S BACKGROUND MISTER WHEd By Chofli SKOOCH pokthbT BltfGOGAMB 60 OH?. ff FOUOWcS Yco-lto- ! Squton LAURA! THtfWeCTml PICTURE f- y JUST PLAIN FOLKS car- moving by MAMA, WHILE YOU WERE ON THE PHONE LAST NIGHT TALKING TO I COUSIN EFFIt. MR. SIPP1E ALMOST FOR PUBLICATION PUBLIC SALE United States Department Of The Interior BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Lake Salt Land & Survey Office, City, Utah, October 13, 1950. Under provisions of eection 2455, R. S., as amended by section 14 of the act of June 26. 1934 4S Stat., 1274; 43 U. S. C. 1171), and pursuant to the application of John J. Kunzler of Park Valley, Utah, Serial No. 071578, there will be offered to the highest bidder. Linoleum, tile, broadtoom pet, Congowall in stock. Expert FurniInstalled. North Main . .. ture, phone 250. l, CLEANERS , GLAMOUROUS WIDOW NOTICE win-Ma- i' vy ..CHICKEN SANDWICHES, COOKIES AND PUNCH!. NOTICE COVERINGS L FURNITURE 15 or call Jeppson. Salesman Phone 349-- WE'RE PROM THE WOMEN'! CIVIC CLUB, SHERIFF ...WITH VOUR PERMISSION WE'D LIKE TO SPREAD A LITTLE CHEER TO THE PRISONERS. color for VETERINARIAN service. Complete Veterinary aIways available. facilities. Dr- - endrik Hospital Pk 250 Versiuis, Tremonton, school matFeT 1 4 miles west of Elwood 3962. . . restaurant check. house. Phone Phone News-Journa- S. L. By Jack Taylor SMALL IN THE SADDLE - acrek We specialize in natural deveioplng-Photportraits. Roll (ilm68 S. Main, Art Service, Phone 945. 1' Industrial and Estimates given. Ph. u REAL ESTATE BROKER 140 So. Main Phone 6 WWT AND BODY bic cows. C. B. WILLIAMS h, month. .our IT IS POSSIBLE FOR us to take your home as the down payment on a good dairy farm close in completely modern home. This farm is fully equipped, including a fine herd of dairy FOR PUBLICATION PUBLIC SALE United States Department Of The Interior BURFAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Salt Lake Land 6 Survey Office, City, Utah, Ootober 13, 1950. Under provisions of section 2455, R. S., as amended by section 14 of the act of June 28, 1934 48 Stat., 1274; 43 U S C. 1171), and pursuant to the Hereford application of Park Valley Park Valley, Utah, Serial Association, No there will be offered to the highest bidder, at public sale to be held at 10 oclock a. m., on the 6th day of December, 1950 next, at this office, the following tracts of land: All Sec. 4, Twp 13 North, Range 13 641.60 acres) at not West. S.L M. less than $3 00 per acre, and All Sec. 10, T. 13 North, Range 13 West, S.L.M. (640 acres) at not less than $2.50 per NOTICE WfM Caoyftf esd. For Daytime WRECKER At Night, on Sundays and Holidays Call 906 or 541W. SERVICE Phone By Paul Trammtl |