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Show " Congratulations Winners NEWS BOX ELDER Exciting Newcomer What's Doing At Brigham City, Wednesday, November 8, 1950 Thanks Losers A weekly newspaper, established In 1896, pubThe people of Box Elder county have seleclished at Brigham City, Utah. ted their public officers for the coming term. They are indeed a well qualified Charles W. Claybaugh, Publisher of men and women . who, without Secgroup entered as and Published every Wednesday In office at the Matter ond Class Brigham doubt, will serve us to the best of their capapost bilities. City, Utah, under the act of March 8, 1879. Congratulations are due on the following Member United Press, Audit Bureau 6f ClrcuTa men and women : torlaJ Association. Advertising Representative: v National Advertising Service. LeRoy D. White, Clifton G. M. Kerr, j TMXY miaT THINK Dear Sirs: Just a line to inform you of my change of address again, from 123 Perkins 6treet Pontiac, Mich, to 1766 Carlyon Rd., East Cleveland, Ohio. I have enjoyed reading the paper and learning of others that are coming on missions. I do appreciate your cooperation in changing my address as you have. r. Sincerely yours. Elder Sherwin H. Larsen. LINCOlIf , , Warren Following are some original Subscription rate In Box Elder County: $3.00 per George II. Davis, Robert J. Potter, Ef-fi-e submitted by pupils on poems L. K. B. Petersen, with Fred combination in W. Olsen, in advance; Hyde, year payable recent the holiday: Dee O. Journal $4.00 Box Elder the E. Adams, Boyd M. Sheffield, (published Fridays) Our Halloween Carnival per year; $2.00for 6 months; singe copy 5 cents. Lund and either W. H. Griffiths or A. the night of our Halcomi Car-ruthe- bination rate $5.00. rs. Tonights tions. Utah State Press Association. National the Political Campaign Im Edi- - Is Oyer or think about politics for another year," was the tired comment of a very active acmpagn worker a, day or so before ' the climatic election, I not going to read November 7. Afteir doing everything but eating politics for the past couple months, the campaigner wearied of his suspense burdened jOb just as a soldier tires of a tense military campaign. It will be a boulder off my back win or lose," he concluded as he stepped out of the front door. f Probably he expressed the sentiments of a good many people who are happy, this morning, that our governmental representatives have been selected that the election is over. .But too, as we know the campaign worker will continue to do in spite of his declaration, we hope that there will still be a lot of political thinking. News-Journa- ls ; Judging from the electorate turn-o- ut of While a pat on the back is in order to the winning candidates for being chosen by the people of Box Elder county to represent them in county government, congratulations and a sincere thanks are also in order for the candidates who lost. It takes a great deal of courage to run for an office in public life for the very nature of an election campaign, as vital as it is, is discouraging. It i3 expensive, involves a lot of time consuming hard work, and puts the candidates before the public for a complete inspection. It takes the type of men who have participated in the campaign to make our system of government work. Though only half of the candidates were elected, full support of the elected officers is needed for the government of Box Elder county to function at peak efficiency. The attitude of those people who were supporting losers in the election indicates that they will support those people elected by the majority, and along with everyone else, congratulate them. Working as a representative of the people in government is a tough job and often offers more work than pay. The candidates of both parties, winners and losers alike, deserve the respect and admiration of their friends and neighbors for their willingness to run for office. , - . this election, more people than ever before examined their own political beliefs; inspected every plank in. the Entertainment Instead Of Mischief . ial ; 1 Events Scheduled - Motor company show window in the afternoon Just where they left off for lunch at the school. committee members Also, have announced, a poster contest is now underway and the best poster from each grade in each Box Elder school will be displayed during the latter part of the week in the . window. This year, the American Education week comes at a time when publjc interest in schools The association also plans is keen. similar events in Tremonton. The purpose of the observance ;"Here is an opportunity for is to appropriately pay homage everyone in this area to see how to the great men and women : Show Room This Morning think its from ' j ' seven 'till r Teressa Celia .... portrays Gene sweetheart in The Miss. 2219 North 3rd Ave. October 29, 1950. Laurel, Kellys Knife, a The witches and skeletons look highly dramatic- - suspense Dear Editor: ' This letter Is to tell you how Coal Mines Ruled Out fine on the wall; story set in New York at the much re1 have appreciated The Jolly big pumpkins seem turn of the century. and News Elder Box Shelters of As the all, ;: ceiving prettiest nine. A-Bo- Journal. It has been a great comfort to me since I have been away from home, and It contains many things that Interest me that my folks fail to write me. And my heart fills with joy. as I read it and see all that is going on in our town., 1 truly miss it when it falls to come. But I still wait for its coming so 1 will know all the news from back home. Many of my companions read my paper when I get through and they have enjoyed it also. Many times I save them till I see Elder David Price also from Brigham City and laboring In the same district; to see if he has received his and If not I let him read mine. And he does the same. By that way we get together and talk of the things we have read in each pa... per. May you accept of my thanks again till Im able to thank you in person in about four months. Sincerely yours, Elder Milton S. Bywater. Prizes and movies fish ponds security representative. On January first full time too, I wish we could bob for apples, life Insurance salesmen, traveldont you? ing and city salesmen will be brought under the Social SecurOur Spooky Halloween ity law. In addition, agent or Witches and goblins galore, commission drivers, such as Oh, what a sight to see. laundry, dry cleaning, or those Bats and cats sneak round my who distribute meat, vegetables, fruit and dairy products will bedoor, X hope that they dont snatch gin building toward old-agand me. survivors benefits. . e To be covered by the new So Big tall hats and ugly faces, Wouldnt it be spooky to have cial Security law, the worker must perform the services himthem chase us. No wonder my bones rattle and self, he must 'not have a substantial Investment In the bussqueek, iness for which he Is engaged Halloween makes me weak. as a salesman or distributor, Our Class, Lasca King, 4th grade teacher. and he must be employed continuously ;by the same employ er. On- Halloween Night Skeletons hiding everywhere Employees who have ques Children saying "trick or treat. tions concerning their right to Ghosts and goblins in the air under the new Social coverage One nice lady gave us a sweet Security law should contact or write to the social security field Witches riding on a broom Ogden, Utah for further filled with light office, information. Owls are flying by the moon We have fun on Halloween The social security field rep UTAH POULTRY BUILDS night resentative, Charles W. Feld UTAH AGRICULTURE i Miss Blair, 3rd grade teacher, hauser, will toe in Brigham City on Thursday, November 2, 1950 Teachers at Lincoln have He may be contacted at the Embeen busy the past ten days ployment Security office from 2 v. taking the school census. It to 4 p. m. The wife of a worker retired has been mostly a house to house canvas, with some con- on social security benefits can tacts being made on the tele- now be entitled to a wifes benefit even though she is under 65 phone. provided that she has a child under 18 In her care, accord Ing to a statement made by - - Jack-o-lanter- (WHEELING, W. Va. (UP) One producer has ruled out coal mines as possible shelters in case of atomic warfare. Some of the reasons such pits would be valueless as havens, according to the Hanna Coal Co., were Specializing in Groups, Glamour and Baby Pictures. VISIT US AT 01' NEW STUDIO these: Few people could be lowered Into the shafts in numbers; en- trances could be sealed by the blast, the mine flooded or the walls crumbled; the ventilating system could be knocked out since the by the explosion, mechanism is .above ground; little or no sanitary facilities would be available in the mine. 142 South Mail SMITH STUDIO If you have any society news, phone it to the News-Journsociety editor. The phone num- - , IfajUA TUuo i who made sacrifices and gaye thought and service in founding, not alone the American nation, tout also the American educational system. Americas very survival as a free nation depends on good schools. They are the bulwark of freedom, Superintendent K. E. Weight said this week. Continuing, Weight said: "The rise and growth of. our free education service, that led to establishment of freedom, unity, There. will be no different or special arrangement for Instruction in the classes. They will toe resumed in the Packer Continued From Page One) and Friday afternoon during the eajhe hours when Mrs. Nell Bar-loteaches her second grade clws In full public view. These classes will be conducted from lito 2:30 p. m, ; immediately following these classes, until 3:30 p. m., Glen Marble will take over in . the show room-clas- s room and will give demonstrations on visual aids. ; : ed , a modern class is taught without going to all of the bother of a classroom in a visiting school, commented B.E.E.A. the time? V and have some ; Principal J. D. Gunderson of the Central school had nothing but the kindest words Halfor the success of the loween dance, Tuesday, October 31. He reported that there was not a single instance of vandalism at the school, not even a window soaped up, and also offered the comment that his neighborhood was free of destructive mischief. Though probably not all of the neighborhoods in this area could boast of the same 100 percent plus record, there is no doubt at all that the Halloween school parties greatly reduce Halloween mischief. ' The Parents Teachers associations work hard to make the parties an outstanding event for both the children and their parents. Both Lincoln and Central schools report , capacity crowds this year. Not only do the affairs offer the children an evening - of superb entertainment but through games builds up the funds of the P.T.A. that will be spent fro the cultural land educational improvement of the children. P.T.A.-sponsor- fun, I V-- BENEFITS, REPORT ANY CHANGE OF ADDRESS IMMEDIATELY TDTUE REGIONAL OFFICE V-HANDLING 'tOUR CASE : i platforms of the parties; thought very seriously about the qualifications and records of the candidates and exercised the power, of their citizenship by voting Democracy will never fail us when we ' serve it so well. In the heat of political activity, such as that concluded with the election yesterday, We hear many disparaging remarks about Our system of selecting public officers. , ; . j the whole mess Politics, politicians smells like a bad barrel of sardines,, is typical of inconsiderate remarks made. ; Of course politics just prior to an election are not as spotless as a newly washed sheet. ;How could they be? 1n this tremendous political debate, which our constitution provides for every two years, .emotions are bound to soar, statements to be misinterpreted and actions taken wrongly. , .Beneath the wrangling of our. national candidates and most certainly our county candidates there was undoubtedly sincere desire to maintain and improve our way of ; life. ; Our two party system cannot be beat. loween carnival. Can you guess Everyone come RECEIVING- - ., -- Outside Box Elder County, $3.50 per year, fF'rOURE ? Feldhauser. . x iWiffes benefits under the new law will be payable starting with the month of September, 1950. The child in her card must be a child of the wage earner and must also be entitled to benefits. In addition, the wife must be living with her retired husband. marketing system that assures premium prices for its - the Social Security law in effect before September 1950 a wife of a retired worker could receive wifes benefits only If she were 65 or over. Wives who think they may be eligible for benefits under the new law should contact Mr. Feldhauser on Thursday. He will be glad to assist all those who wish to file claims for survivors or retirement benefits and will accept applications for new or duplicate social security cards. top-quali- . ty MILK WHITE products. - "Under the new Social Security law, the meaning of the term employees has been changed. Under this new definition approimately 400,000 additional persons will now be covered by social security, to according Charles W. Feldhauser, social smooth Providing and efficient, omtpownv AND FARMERS CO-O- P Qrmral ONkm . . . . . Mi ula 0 T CuMraim Bran.hr, fa l ml SuKkra UiM ... , , mutual understanding and common desires in our great nation, constitute Americas unique gift to humanity. Without free education democracy could News-Jour-n- not exist. As a part of the observance, also, the department of education is broadcasting a daily program from the local station each day at 3:30 o'clock In the ; ' afternoon. PICK HALF-A-DOZE- N TOP TUNES.. School Room This Afternoon Youll ret your kfl . . Entirely Jew I1E17. oft choice RCA Victor "45 record, from M . monthly tingle release, lor 6 months. When yon Victor "45, yon will get th book plus h complimentary Recort subscription to Picture Magazine. Come in now. - y DGFRIGGRATORS t76etje 0pewiKeencct( here! Theyre Theyre beautiful! Four sizes ... e four price-tag- s . . . four great new that women dreamed and home economists planned for you! Come in today and see them. See the big freezer lockers, the spacious y shelves, the meat trays and vece. table crispers. See the new, exciting, "shadowline" styling -- no ledges, no crevices to catch dust and make work. See die t, clever new egg. dispenser. See the new DiSus-O-Lit- e for shadowless interiors. Dont mist the exclusive, built-i- n And let ns show you how "Every Feature Has a Function in these great new International Harvester refrigerators. Buy on convenient terms. i loo Ana roe 45 is notse-Ire-e plastic records virtually do away with surfs f ; Prices start at $ Ira Packer Explains How . Motor of Packer showroom transform the the company to a school room. To bring , the schools to the public in observance of American Education week, two classes will be cbnducted there from 1 to 3:30 p. m. Wednesday Examining the prospective acfepl room are: (left to right) Mrs. Vera Mills, who will teach her first grade there this afternoon; Principal J. D. Gunderson of Central school; Mrs. Nell. Barlow, whose second grade will take the spotlight Friday; Erma Crompton, chairman of the B.E.E.A, publi. . ."to and-Frida- city committee and Mr. Packer. y. bottle-opene- ft. Modal Otbar models 8.4 to 9.5 cu. ft $239.95 to $299.95 Big Igg-O-Ma- 7.4 of. B--74 You can pick up a whole stack of 45 one hand load them on the big center spindle eyes shut! Its the worlds simplest, surest cht it s easy on storage space toot jfQjru , Brigham City, Utah thriftily, "is records cost up to M test ones. And youll have thousand t of favorite title 45 from. Over 50 different companies now make Everybodys going 43, and youll pick a winner no model you buy! RCA Victors 45 has swept the country leara why when you listen to music on this amazing comply T.ILM For Your Listening Pleasure OUR RECORD SHOP WILL y BE OPEN UNTIL 8:00 P.M. Every Night Until Christmas tt Brigham Truck & implement Go. 27 North Main ' r. (fywtC n EASILY big-valu- extra-room- nun ce-- Phone 300 mountain states Phone 410 Brigham City aECTR, 20 Sod |