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Show '!.,v, f v' ; v l u fcif'T ni!' . BENNETT, JONES AND NELSON V Ail FAVORITES OF B.E PEOPLE State Representative reached Lloyment r r.,.f h low in Box Elder with only 13 men unem-- I registered mmen Utah employment the at "office in Brigham; City, Jding to (Douglas Miller, H the service here, the L employment situation result of superb weather allowed the harvest fcas Construction work to prog coun-Jmont- interruption, Without Elected Representative Commissioner 4-Y- 2-Y- 1 Commissioner ear Still Sheriff Tuesday evening. an teninantly of yoyed in ; r the r and retail trade Clifton G. M. Kerr Republican , LeRoy D. White , Democrat George H. Davis Democrat New County Attorney Newcomer As Assessor County Recorder vlrr people employed; Lice and ' miscellaneous, gov- railroads, 50; and in capacities, 833. ' Ct all of October there g only 12 new unemployment ' Robert ! I J. Potter Republican , County Treasurer Retained As Co. Clerk S five positions. For state legislature in district one Democrat LeRoy D. White led over Republican J. D. Meser-v- y by a vote count of 2218 to Warren W. Hyde Democrat j ' ' 'n - i Mrs W. H. Griffiths Democrat Bennett Leads . are openings now on the' employment service for both male and female at the turkey proces- Thomas In Race For U. S. Senate V ' for Mrs. Ellen a teacher for 30 years, - E B EDUCATION - m , causes Incident to ) News-Journ- . Elder high school husband, who died her e iany . Franklin A. Hinck- Salt Lake temple of when U.S. church, August 6, 1902 wing is a sister, Mrs. t Hatch, Salt Lake City. rtaFwill be in the Wasatch married i ) , was principal ago, years. years the 0 Memorial tall at the rather large majorities. ' The vote on No. 1 amendment was very close and inconclusive. Only a portion of the reporting precincts turned in the totals on amendments. 1) at Box J (Continued on Page Two) Miss Vera Mills will in : All is in readiness for the ann- gram. ward , bazaar, to be The Fifth, ward Relief society held Thursday evening, Novem- invite the general public to atber 9 at 7 oclock In the ward tend their bazaar. recreation hall, according to ' v those in charge. ual-Fifth j On Job 56 Years pie, cake ' GREENVILLE, Ala. - (UP) and ice scream will be sold durfeaJ. Greten, 82, chief of Herman booths and the ing evening turing aprons, pillow slips, rugs, the Greenville Fire department, handkerchiefs, luncheon- - sets, has been on the job for 36 years. childrens clothing, tea towels He- has been chief for almost 50. . chili, (Home-mad- e 1 N JO (olnPTAWill u 019 4go it Tonight Vnext monthly meeting of Uncoln school n will ' 'ay, BOS be held on November R,in the evening ward meeting pannounced 8, at in .the house, it today, chairman prom-verinteresting speaker person Program y of Mrs. Cleo p nSaltTheLake City. She will Citizen Child .ftffedom and Growth. the reputa-enjoying j wing both an eloquent ,t and charming" person, (Wright is Mdren, feel it ne time i the mother i of would be well of the parents to one mother has to Put this vital subject, P. Wfeers commented.: President M Thanks L,0! of Call, president of Com from S. ?n, president of Fram ex-kjLU?!v recently, that appreciation for the welcome here. Uson visited the new Elder Chamber fc, Meived a letter 1 warehouse here last Iwi? n tlle letter, that he r quoted as stating that 300 pepie em V,"!, :,th.e Fram factory, Cldbe It Is constructed in . . Radicated that the number 1(1 he considerably nL City. aked that t S Z o :g- Z o 3d- Id K P. 3 At & O 2w Id CO . O co , Corinne - Plymouth Fielding Garland- Tremonton No. Tremonton No. Penrose Perry Honeyville Bothwell Bear River City 2 n d sas z o co w t: 0 3u Deweyville .. ... Riverside Promontory Valley .... Howell Harper 58 81 6 32 30 39 rk 38 i6 51 46 33 19 ' 16 41 82 7 . 117 4276 ' 58 62 5 33 27 34 51 21 14 9 106 3753 180 123 157 I; t - will be Republican O. Dee Lund who took the nod over Democrat Omer J. Call by a vote tabulation of 4071 to 2893. A tight race was that of W. H. Griffiths, Democrat, and A Carruthers In - which Griffiths eventually was leading by the narrow margin of 3535 to 342L Interest in the . election ran very high with a comparison of Lunch In Corinne 154 There will be no need' for hunters planning to shoot their pheasant in the area near Corinne to bring lunches. . : According to Donna Hansen, secretary of the Corinne V. F, W., there will be plenty of hot food, served by the auxiliary, at the veterans home in Corinne, two blocks east of the church building. To be 6old at reasonable prices, the menu includes hot chill, sandwich: pie, coffee and a host of other home cooked foods to satisfy the appetites of all hunters. The food sale for hunters is now an annual project of the Corinne V. F. W. Last year the project was very successful with many hunters chowing down" at their headquarters. 128 163 128 130 112 25 46 43 23 , 5 33 . f i "' as county attorney , ; . f Offered Hunters 196 39 34 33 16 16 15 43 63 26 17 47 43 32 25 27 28 12 29 42' ' j : - r, 26 i electhis years tion reurns with the 1948 Truman vs. Dewey contest, indlcat. ing that there were only a few more votes cast in 48- ' 2 Lucin Collinston Blue Creek . Beaver Dam Portage Lakeside Elwood J M Q w s ' ..: East Garland J 170 210 168 164 185 185 193 156 217 162 Id P e H CO 185 206 206 165 169 163 28 , ' 21 ' 74 ' 208 261 v 213 28 122 82 98 113 66 .. 64 46 ,168, 158 Sixth ... Seventh Eighth . W S .171 207, Third ... Fourth . Fifth ..... Willard Mantua M IE 232 198 Brigham First Brigham Brigham Brigham Brigham Brigham Brigham CO i ? , t j 3 a 1 place of services - . , - Friends park. k I to 2873. The entire county, north, south, east and west, gave sheriff Warren W. Hyde a tremendous vote of confidence and another .term as chief law officer of the county by an avalanche of votes. He beat Republican Ursel M. Hunsaker of Honeyville, by the 1 count of 4793 to 2211 Ihcumbent county clerk K. B. Olsen was again hired: by the people of Box Elder county. He won out over Robert - Nielsen, 2859. To serve M ) Fifth Ward Slates time of services. until i Republican On the basis of incomplete returns tabulated at the office last night. Constitutional Amendment No. 1 apparently was carrying in Box Elder county while the other two were trailing by - in Grantsville, e county, March 18, 1875, a liter of John and Charlotte She taught Eowberry. born was Republican Boyd M. Sheffield . Republican and many " gifts suitable for Christmas giving will be ar i. ranged around the halk An interesting short program will be presented:.. at 9 oclock andT36or prize drawings will take:, place following the .pro ! .: " K. B. Olsen First Amendment Is Only One To Lead In County . to1 Because the public just cant seem to find time is taking visits schools, the Box Elder education association : . : school classes to the public. next Main street Literally, classes will be taught 'on in afternoon 1 3 oclock the to from and Friday Wednesday ' to stimulate more public interest in Box Elder county is being observed by week (Nov. schools. This entire the schools as American Education Week. first With events scheduled each struct her Central school Pacof the window in' the will most grade spectacular day, the come on Wednesday afternoon ker Motor company 'building, at 11 a, m. last Sat-a- t her Salt hake City Effie E. Adams - ASSOCIATION OBSERVrS FOUCATION died of '(Democrat- Republican y -- Fred L. Petersen O. Dee Lund will be today at I oclock In the loon at 36 East 7th South, '.Lake City, ;by Rulon T, ley, bishop of the Seven-iw- i, nice El- -- of Salt In Box City, V. Senator over incumbent bert D. Thomas. The vote at that time was reported as 86,107 for Thomas, 102,217 for Bennett Less than two thousand rotes separated Congressman Walter K. . Granger , andr Dr. Preston L, Jones, his opponent for. reelection in Utah's! district .1- - The popular Vote was Granger 38,927 Demo?ratfc,3864o 3059. , , . Jones Fred L. Petfersen. Democrat'of , J. Allen Crockett held a fair Brigham City, was assured lead i over Joseph E. Nelson in post of Box Elder county assessor the race for justice of the su- incumbent Republican Ernest E. preme court, the vote being 95,178 by a vote of 3751 to J 3235 over for Crockett, 91,285 for Nelson. Hansen. Incumbent Congressman Bos Effie E. Adams, Republican, one in district 2 held a substan will serve the , next term : as tial lead over Mrs. Priest, the county recorder. She took 4378 vote being 59,158 for Bosone and votes to Mrs. F. Joseph : Laws 53,490 for priest. 2527. The public . also voiced confiStatewide, all three amend ments appeared to be carrying dence in the work of incumbent County Treasurer Boyd M. Shefby strong majorities. field by giving him 4107 votes to Garlands Horace S. Roses U. S. Hinckley, 75, erry 5 v' 4087 United Press tabulations in the state contests at 1:45 oclock this morning gave Wallace F.. Bennett a lead of over 16,000 votes Dies Sat. sral services 'i -- ;er B.E. School wr f it a representative district x Elder count Incumbent Cliuon G. M. Kerr .ed over Democrat Owen L. Brough ,1644 : to 1138. ( Democrat George H. Davis, with a solid block of votes from Garland, his home town, defeated John Hadfield, Brigham City Republic n 3984 to 2989. Also with very active support from Garland and its near area, Robert J. Potter won the two-yea- r commission' post over Howard Glen, Tremonton Democrat, For two or )i ' 1835. sAc : , While they apparently won six posts the Democrats placed men ' In are 610 ses. Incumbent over victorious. convincingly ' at the service claims were 78 ,r HJ : , C filed l. Walter K. Granger. For Justice of the supreme court, Joseph E. Nelson had 3753 votes to J. Allen V ' Crocketts 3159. On the county and state level the Republicans were not so agrarian are 2,699 people jobs, ((instruction there are 225 Wr county people em-The growing manufac-- t now employs industry Lie, according to the em-- i votes of 319 t There wholesale al J mil-- Ced in non-a- g j : ' News-Journ- the labor force agriculture ca-- service. i office at Unofficial election returns at the 2 a. m-- i with 36 of the heaviest precincts of Box Elder countys 43 in, indicated the Republicans had walked off with nine of the offices, state, national and county,' leaving five for the Democrats. Following the general trend in Utah, Republican Wallace F. Bennet won in this county by a landslide with 4276 votes to Elbert D. Thomas 2701, For rep ' 'sent ative In Congress, Preston L, Jones had a margin I 'tmployment at Ogden and the re-- y installations many local young men he service. I labor force in the county Mated at 6,244. C 2,785 Vote Count Nears That Of Presendential Election; 36 Of 43 Precincts Reported It was smilin time for Box Elder county. Republicans 8 PAGES - BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY MORNING,- NOV. 8, 1950 i ' .4 38 22, 40 30 33 28 56 26 16 12 29 6 33 21 38 35 34 8 36 44 20 24 35 18 17 36 15 39 97 67 3235 2527 4378 10 32 34 8 36 35 16 39 33 24 34 31 12 31 18 32 37 113 105 100 3421 67' 37 '25 22 32 65 ' '4 8 ,93 16 1138 15 14 . , 160 3984 113 3751 . 139- - 86 122 93 2859 4107. 2893 4071 3535 145th Field Artillery Plan Reunion Saturday Members of the 145th Field artillery which served during the first World War are holding their annual reunion in Salt Lake City on Armistice day, it was .announced today .by W. Higham, secretary. Events begin at 12 noon with registration, and after an afternoon of activity concludes with a dinner and entertainment at 7 p. m. - c - : : , : ; T, A P; fi ll V iU U i |