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Show Memories Are Fun WORCESTER, Mass. (UP) Celebrating her 100th birthday, Mrs.' Martha A. (Brennan observ' ed: When youre my age, you dont have much to look ahead to, but you have a lot to look back to and thats fun, too. BOX ELDER Duck Carnival NEWS ! Brigham City, Wednesday, October 18, 19S0 In 1896, pub- A established newspaper, weekly fished at Brigham City, Utah. Charles W. Claybaugh, Publisher The luckiest hunter in Brigham Published every Wednesday and entered as Secevening, ond Class Matter at the post office in Brigham City last Saturday whether he killed a duck or not, City, Utah, under the act of March 8, 1879. was S. L. Thompson. Box Elder County: $3.00 per He won the grand prize, Brown Subscription rate In In advance; In combination with year payable shells, By Bob Crompton lng automatic, clothes, the Box Elder Journal (published Fridays) $4.00 boots and etc., at the Junior cents. 5 6 copy months; singe per year; $2.00for Chamber of Commerce sponsor Outside Box Elder County, $3.50 per year, comed Duck Carnival. bination rate $5.00. In 1887 the late Rudolph Kaiser, Sr., killCollings, According to Les a total of 196 ducks in one day on the ed Circulaof chairman of the , affair, there Member United Press, Audit BureauNational Edinow encompassed by the Bear River area Association. Press State tions. Utah were over 500 people at the an Representative; Association. torial Advertising refuge. nuai hunters celebration. A bevy Service. That is 196 more ducks than this of prizes were given away to National Advertising other fortunate hunters at the writer shot on opening day of duck season, event. United Nations Week 1950. The Jaycees are very happy at the outcome of the event, There are a lot of weeks in the course It isnt that I am a poor hunter, its just Collings said. of a year, and no one can possibly observe all. But some are far more important that the ducks are brighter now than they them A horsepower represents the than others and 63 years ago. Before the ducks arrive frankly, one of the most wereZion power required to lift 33,000 in which week they are run through a is the our in opinion pounds one foot in one minute, important basic training up in the Yukon. Their or 550 pounds one foot In one culminates on October 24. includes courses os how to recogtraining second. The week is United Nations Week, and the identifi- Just About Termed Success has the most efficient late i8 better than never, we would like to Brigham City in these fire teer department congratulate the Brigham City fire departand careful action swift work in extbj their ment for Mrs. Alfreda Jeppersen for blazes two three or a week is her ing excellent work in subduing a fire in more besides people by many Mrs home some weeks ago. j We would not be far wrong in saying sen. program has been arranged for Sy m ptoms Dlrtm Primary Workers assembly after which be department meetings will held. Members of the stake board To and priesthood representatives desire a good attendance for the Primary officers and teachers first Union meeting of the Priof the North Box Elder stake mary year. will meet Sunday, October 22, at 2 oclock In the afternoon, for An Explosive Issue WilGALLIPOLIS, O. (UP) Union meeting in the new was O., of Columbus, Call liam Fourth ward chapel. Members of the Fourth ward fined $50 and costs for unsafe of officers and operation of his truck. He was organization teachers will act as hostesses. A hauling 12 tons of dynamite. general Hold Meeting STOMACH DUE TO Brig ULCt EXCESS QUICK RELIEF OR if J tcOver four million bottle, if Tbcatmemt have been ow7i V aymptoma of distress end Duodenal Ulcer, Poor Diction, Sour or tuS?? Gaeelneu, Heartburn, duo to Excaaa Add. Ajlt Lnyjjrw , T ar,jJ nJk Maeoate which fully Able home treatment eipliW frwj". Glen's Modem fc Hamilton Drug six-wee- ks ; nize a duck quack from a duck call, culminating day of October 24 is the fifth cation of decoys, detection of camouflauged anniversary of the date the U. N. charter hunters, and thorough indoctrination on became effective when the Soviet Union Know Your Candidates! deposited its instrument of ratification, when duck season opens and closes in any area might travel through on, the way making the requisite number of 29 ratifica- south.they ' tions. INTRODUCING It is with perhaps a wry smile that AmeriFriday at 11:30 there were ducks flying cans recall today that it was Russia which our duck blind like swarms of mosaround ratimade the U. N. charter effective by its quitoes. They zoomed over the hide-ofication action. Since then it has seemed like cadets that have just soloed, that Russia has been doing all it can to make landedflying the decoys quacking the matamong this international body ineffective. caH and the blind. ing acUnited Nations to get rid of scot r j CR , HORACE ROSE Candidate for this way COUNTY TREASURER i M ' ii,- A Product of Sbadard of California Why let a"keroseney dor fill youf kitchen? Why get aoot on your atove, walls and cur tains? Get Pearl Oil & g fuel carefully refined td burn with a steady &SXD. . . at an even without smoke, Sdot or waste. For all your kerosene applig ances, get Pearl 031 A young businessman with years of experience serving the public. , clean-burnin- l-- ste Dependable, courteous, honest. tern-fMratu- re Served in the Armed Forces during World War II. Married a Brigham City girl, the former Ruth Sed erholm. clean-burnin- i, , i . VOTE DEMOCRATIC Distributed By NOV.7TH REYNOLDS V. REEDER Phone 68 or , C 181 129-- W South 8th West 1 ed hqs Nevertheless, the complished much in Palestine, in IndoneBy 11:55 they started thinning out and at sia, Kashmir and of course in Korea. It 12 noon (thats when the season opened) in storms its has weathered some difficult had disappeared. At 1 oclock there they first five years, and despite severe batter- were no ducks, at 2 oclock there were no ing has come through intact, and stronger ducks, and at 3 o'clock one lame teal (he cut for its trials. too many classes in basic) winged his way These two points are important. over our blind. The United Nations is still intact. And Foolish duck. We clouded the sky with despite Russian obstructionism, this is a No. 5 shot except, that is, where the duck real victory. It is indicative of the power- was. The last we saw of him he was passful hold this organization has on world ing the United Airlines special for Miami. opinion. No country, as yet at least, has been willing to take on the role of a world That wasnt bad, though. It was later in outcast by quitting the U. N. in a huff. the afternoon when we shot six of those ReThe second point is perhaps even more fuge mosquitoes apiece thinking they were important. The United Nations is stronger mallards that irritated us. because of, not in spite of, its trials. Steel is tempered in the fire. The sprinter preLouella MacFarlane, clerk of the First pares for a race by putting himself to the distrct court, had a little trouble adapting test. It might have been easier and pleas- herself to the formality of judicial proceedanter if the U. N. had gone along dodging ings when she first took over the job last crises, as the League of Nations did. But summer. it might then have been found flabby and Seems that during a very serious divorce weak, as the League was, when the real test case the lawyers and judge were attempting which could not be dodged came along. to set a date for a future hearing. No one would argue that the United Nations is perfect. Nor is human nature perOne lawyer suggested September 9, but fect, or the world. But it is in existenc Judge Lewis Jones reminded him that was It is working. And there is at least reason on Peach Days. to hope it will continue in existence, continue Hallelujah, Mrs. .MacFarlane slipped, to work effectively in the interest of peace, thinking of an extra day of rest. for a long time to come. Everyone stopped dead and looked at Mrs. The purpose of United Nations Week is To MacFarlane but Judge Jones saved the day, remind Americans of the vital role the U. N. Gentlemen, he said, if she wasnt so new in world the plays today, and to strengthen to the job and the court so informal, I Americans in their support of ah Organizawould fne her for contempt of court. tion which iffers the best hope we have for On the assumption that it wasn't a understanding, for stability and for peace in this troubled world. idiot that dreamed up the . idea that inc travel in smartly Enjoy fast, appointed coaches, or the comfort and privacy of modern Pullman accommodations. Relax in the attractive club car, or stroll leisurely about. Eat delicious dining car meals you won't soon forget! The dining car feature for October is thick juicy steak . . . charcoal broiled to the point of perfection , . . and served piping hot with the chef's special French fried onion rings to help enhance the fine beef flavor! in li the no t , it's smooth sailing . . . pleasant when . . . you go Union Pacificl traveling Yes indeed (el of gel aei let details and reservations, inquire at the nearest Union For Pacific ticket office. V For Dependable freight and Passenger Trcfhspdrtatieri Be Specific SAY ... 05 R3 PAfSDFDt Kl D Deaf But Game O. (UP) horse race player was ONLY ONE DAY LEFT TO arrested when he placed a bet REGISTER October 31 at a bookie place while a police raid was In progress. The oldster told officers he was partly (Paid Political Adv.) " deaf and did not hear the shout: i This Is a raid. CINCINNATI, r because BUD means BUDWEISER, the worlds most famous beer. The distinctive, delicious taste of BUD has made millions of people say, There's nothing like it Hat new truck youre considering may A have to last a long time. So be wise to look at a GMC for theseyoull important reasons: GMCa are built by the worlds largest exclusive manufacturer of commercial vehicles with the broadest truck engineering experience. absolutely nothing. GMC s are real trucks. Engine, transmission and frame, as well as cab and axles, are all specially truck-bui- lt to give you you con see lob of proof, when you look outside, thee! inside. Theres new beauty in the e lustrous interior trim, new e convenience and storage capacnew value and dependability ity, Ye, Ice-Bl- In Frigidaires sturdy cabinet construction. And here ore some Full-wid- th acid-resisti- H. BEEHIVE Phone ONE porcelain feed compartment f, aluminum helves New Porcelain H yd rotors Rust-proo- Powered by Meter-Mis- Synch- Tocco-harden- ed lubrication, re steering gear k d plane-typ- e bearings and Lifetime cabs as standard equipment oo practically all models from Vi ton up- - crankshaft, circulating re ball-beari- Weath-erseale- Thats why more truckers are buylni GMCs today than ever before experience proves them best in the long haul! GASOLINE DIESEL TRUCKS &ef areal truck! er COALS APPLIANCE 5 features Include transmission, e GMC truck-bui- lt engines have high horsepower with higher sustained torque-gre- ater pulling power. They are built to give extra years of service with less ng LAGER BEER BBEWED, AGED AND BOTTLED BT INC..,. ST. LOUIS. MO, U.S.A, extra-valu- ro-Mesh longer service. Chart One-piec- e, GMC Super-Freez- er Sliding Basket-Draw- er New plastic Chill Drawer of the features ANHEUSER-BUSC- yf Smooth Sailing ut dive-bomb- Democratic YOURS FOR ss-SH- F. 68 North Main II f do Utter M $ utd truck wifi you, GMC d.olu. u In ce |