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Show PAG! . them in competition at Yuma. CAFnTD OHK'.'NAL BANNER One cannot help but be imthe excellent highpressed 5UH ways that span the desert. Uncle Sam has surely fostered a great federal highway program. One might even wonder how the road building crews could stand the heat andvthe drouth In parts of the wastland. I had By A. M. Reeder mings. The printed words in heard our. friend Clyde J. FarMormon Battalion rar tell how the flies would not Before leaving with the Bat- big letters even disturb In the severe heat talion Trek, we found the origi- 1847. the Cum- of summer and much of the nal banner which was at the It has remianed in home of Mr. and Mrs. George mings family and is now held work is done at night and to a Cummings, who live here at by Yet we occasionally passed a It it is a sacred treasure. them been had It cared Brigham City. home where people had come to times. was many photographed for and carried during the whole their We placed the banner in a live and try to regain march of the Mormon Battalion cellophane bag and health in the quiet of the desert. - transparent Cumby George Washington presented it to President Fred E. Nearing Yuma we again saw Cusfic at Bright Angel lodge. the results of irrigation either All the Trekkers appreciated from canals or deep wells and this rare treasure. Jesse P. Rich wherever water is applied, the s of Logan, also had Mr. good earth responds. sword as one of the ofYuma is a growing center and Curtis President ficials. (as many truck loads of lettuce AbCol. Cook) carried Father were on the way to market. ram Hunsakers sword. We joined in a parade in the The banner was carried by business section and were the color guard in all the pa- greeted by many Interesting Ben were Wadman people. Great crowds were on rades, who FOR RELAXATION . . and Francis Gunnell, both of hand. Box Elder. A fine barbeque dinner was BOWL! Leaving Mesa we were soon served by the L. D. S. branch ofback into the desert country ficials and as we stood In line among the lonely cactus for our trays we saw our friend, again, Worried about the days bods and how an wondered J. Farar, uncovering one events? Forget them. Come army of marching men fared as Clyde of the barbeque meat pits. He they tugged away without prop- greeted us pleasantly and told bowling tonight. Have fun. er us they were prepared to serve supplies of food and water. All new alleys. Open Daily But to change the subdued at- 2,000 people and they kept coms 6 to Midnight, and mosphere we had our song-sheet- ing long after the Trekkers had from in finished eating. and often engaged Sunday afternoons. Phone Jed by WilThe earnings from the dinner singing community 738 for alley reservations. liam and he even indulged In went into the treasury of the any new chapel which is nearly fintelling jokes and called who would respond to use the ished and is a modern church loud speaker near the drivers building- - The branch now has DANCE - BOWL seat and help entertain the grown to more than 250 memcrowd. bers with a very promising fuSome of the buses produced ture. At the evening program songs of their own and offered we were entertained by an all In dian band. They are good musicians and said more would like to join them If instruments could be obtained, so our busses entered a little friendly compeA-- C Trail-Ty- pe tition and raised nearly $200, to help the band. Our bus also donated $50 to the new chapel and it was all much apprecia- Proxy Recounts Box Elder Couniy Bus Experiences On Battalion Trek great-grandso- Cum-ming- More Advantages in the no. 3 Mower ted. Mrs. Heres a mower that is easily attached to your B, C, WC or WD Tractors. Close coupling to tractor brings the cutter bar forward and in better view of the operator, also makes square turns easier. Adjustable drive, together with tractor speeds, gives you the correct sickle speed for the crop being mowed. Automatic safety break-bac- k allows entire mower to swing back when hitting obstructions and snaps back into place by simply backing tractor. Inner shoe is placed out far enough to permit mowing without changing tractor wheel work. apacings set for average row-cro- p Stop in, let us tell you more about the mower that per-- 1 mits more working hours with your tractor. trail-typ- e Allis-Chalme- rs lt (flLUSCH8!iERS n no siavici y Reeder and I were special guests of the Farars for the night and we were very happy to be with them. They were very gracious to us. Mr. Farar as the handy man at one of the schools at Yuma and lives on the school campus, so we were on hand to greet the Trekkers as they came to breakfast on March 16, at the school cafeteria. Growth and expansion seemed everywhere at Yuma even In a low hot climate. All the buildfor the ings are hot weather. Leaving Yuma we had not traveled far until we were in the desert again and the shifting waves of sand as it lay piled like the waves of the sea. We saw the old plank sections of road pulled aside when the hard surfaced road was laid and again we wondered how the Mormon Battalion made their way across the wasteland. During the days ride we crossed the border into Mexico for a short inspection tour and we wondered how a street boun-dr- y line could produce such a contrast., How very interesting and impressive. At San Diego we went directly to the U. S. Grant hotel and registered. After dinner we attended the evening program at State Hall directed by Homer Dunford of the Los Angeles S. U. tainment was enjoyed. We were invited to the stage for square dancing so we gave two numbers ol Pioneer squares. Mrs. Fred Cheal greeted us. I noticed a man looking me over and presently he came forward and proved to be our old friend Will Gidney and his wife. So we meet old friends where-eve- r we go. March 17, we joined in a parade and marched to the top of the hill where the battalion raised the American flag, 103 years ago. Impressive ceremonies were held and an Important program was conducted. U. S. marines took part and many dignitaries attended. The parade had been a special event but as marching men we could see but little of it. Our ladies also marched in their pioneer long dresses and received much applause. The morning passed all too quickly and we were off again to Los Angeles. The ride along the ocean front was very interesting as we had certainly enjoyed a variety of scenery during our trip. Mrs. Reeder and I felt tempted to get a ship and sail to Hawaii to visit our mis- sionary son. We were soon all registered at Hotel Wexandria and at 4 oclock we were driven to Knotts Berry farm. A very interesting resort. The chicken dinner and the Knotts Berry jam and biscuits were much appreciated. Governor WaTren, Governor Lee and President George Albert Smith arrived in time for din- ner. The was evening program given in the amphi theater and presented a fine atmosphere with the circle completed with covered wagons, filled with eager listeners. The evening air was refreshing and everyone seemed to enjoy the bonfire program. Governor J. Bracken Lee of 'Utah and President George Albert Smith each gave a short address during the program. After the program, we invited everyone to dance and many came forward to warm up. It was a pleasant evening. Saturday, March 18 at 9 a. m. the Trekkers marched to the city hall steps This is the site the Moore Hill where the battalion men were mustered out on July 4, 1847. They had spliced two long poles and raised a flag pole 150 feet high on Fort PAGE EIGHT of Moore Hill Through Mrs. the leadership of Davis, past president of the Dayghters of Utah Maybelle Pioneers; two permanent flag poles are to be erected as permanent markers of this historic and Important site. The flagraising ceremony was impressive. As the proceeded, program when Governor Earl Warren arose to speak, he was presented an artistic statue of the discovery of gold, as a tribute from the State of Utah, as an expression of the good will of Utah citizens. It had been prepared by Mr. Avard Fairbanks, of the University of Utah. It was a joyful moment. The very fine program produced a very fine result in cementing the great friendship of the two states. In the large the pro crown that attended gram, we greeted many of our friends and former residents of Brigham City. It was a very fine occasion to be long remembered. Again we loaded our bags into the bus and were on our way to San Bernardino and arrived in time for another lengthy march. Many of the ladies gave a good account of themselves during the long march where many to thousands had assembled Batalion greet the Mormon Trekkers. Through the main streets and on to the fair grounds, we entered the large stadium where the National Orange show had been going on for some time. The exhibits from the orange growing counties were very attractive and the Trekkers feasted on seeing the exhibits while the interesting program proceeded for the assembled throngs of interested people. At 7 p. m. we all lined up for dinner and a bonfire program. This was the final program and the evening air was chilly so we were all glad when the buses arrived and we were on our way home. A grand experience and we hope that much good Biggest little refrigerate NEWS BOX ELDER Brigham City. Utah Wednesday. April 12. 1950 will result from renewing some of the memories of the Mormon We Battalion March of 1846-7- . do much In our life time because of sentiment and our sentiments wo much to help us cherish the great ideals we love. In the list of Sons of Utah Pioneers and their wives prewere viously published, several left out. were Also making the trip Mr .and Mrs. Mirl Mason of Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hunsaker of Honeyville, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wansgaard of Huntsville. Mrs, Wansgaard is the daughter of Varnick Hansen of Brigham City. CHEVROLET 18 North Main 1 mo Holds 35 ulusivt Phone 233 1 lottlt Opewr n Holds I4H lbs. Bri J J ALT FEATURES WITH A FUNCTi; Tight W'td unit that Herat ing and works on a trickle of - 1 beauty, convenience, ecoooa;! such a refrigerator! Beture, Conte In Today! 27 groin neutra proof. 65 Distributors, Inc., N. Y. C 86 Spirits. Schenley TIKES THE ! Brigham Truck and Implement Blended whiskey LAKE Dept. C, a, Handy storage bin for unrefrip, fruits and vegetables; huge ihdf" little floor space required. N0 CONVENIENT TERMS Yours North Main Street 51 ACCESSORIES TUBES SERVICE Phone 1048 Specialized Lubrication Have 301 So. Mas SPRIh cost o new BRIGHAM AUTO SUPPLY CO. Auto Repair I this i SERV CONOCO PRODUCTS Lubrication And Tire Service mattr back ' t Phone 27 Racing over hot hours a day for 10 weeks six highways brand-necars put amazing new Conoco Super Motor Oil to one of the toughest tests ever devised. After 50,000 miles of continuous in fact, an driving, engines showed no wear of any consequence of an inch on cylinders average of less than one and crankshafts! Original factory finishing marks were still visible on piston rings! ... cr ... New-C- ar Gasoline Mileage! Amazing result: gasoline mileage for the Iasi 5,000 miles of the run was as good as for the first 5,000 miles . . . actually there was an average difference for the fleet of only 4100 of a mile per gallon! This astounding test equal to 5 years of normal mileage showed that Conoco Super Motor Oil, with regular care and proper crankcase drain intervals, can keep your new car new! New-C- ar Power! Quicker Starts! Yes Conoco Super Motor Oils extra protection keeps that factory flash . . . that showroom smoothness . . , year after year! metal surfaces Only Conoco Super Motor Oil to make your engine last longer, perform better, use less gasoline and oil! Conoco Super Motor Oil virtually stops Oil-Plat- Brigham City luilt-l- f" I , anil FIFE CONSTRUCTION CO. e street al Ihitesell said, f the compan; Transparent Plastic Crispor Holds 11.3 qts. LET US SUPPLY YOUR PARSON lbs. at 24 Shall Hrrongaments ... Phone For Free Estimates Without Obligation trailer lain th DELIVERED ANYWHERE You Time Save And Time Is Money nnounced tod J w ; reserve orps RICH Mexican-bord- CONCRETE f 5 6 oclock ieutenant Wi ell in charge 11 uutil HARVESTER Mm liigidraww Five Years Driving in 70 Days! 14 Springtime Is Building Time jl th rom INTERNATIONAL These California men of the are very gracious entertainers and they made us 21 feel very much at home. A very fine evening of enter- - CHEAPER km, MORE CONVENIENT recruiting Engineer res. iiie corps in Brighan -- one of the new S, U. P. Phone Res Recruit He Marine P. CENTRAL BOX ELC Brigham Wednesday. wear before it starts . . . keeps your engine new and clean! Cpnoco Super Motor Oil is the great new modern wear-fighte- r! gKl SuRer mo |