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Show DISTRICT CROSS-SECTIO- AT N MEETING MON. VOTES SUPPORT ii VOLUME 55, NUMBER 12 i) BRIGIIAM CITY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY State Carpenters Six Of First Seven Men To File For Next Box Elder County Election esday, March 22 Meeting of the Women of the Farm iureau, Corinne ward church ' ielief society rooms. p M. d Meeting of Drum and corps, War Memorial 5P. M. jugle liilUC. Practice for South P. m. E. stake choir at taberna- - p M. Party for of Seventies ard P. ) ( in quor-i- n Eighth March 23 Oak at home of of Meeting M. amp of D.U.P., s. Fifth amusement hall, audcy. 5 With the deadline Jensen. Meeting of Ft. Brig-acamp of D.U.P. at home Mrs. Nora Farrel, 348 north Arvil P. M. itst west. P, M. Meeting of Seagull at home of 153 ' south Jepperson,' ) amp of D.U.P. cphl list west , Ernest E. Hansen Files For Assessor 0. Dee Lund Files For County Attorney ! Ewdard D. Ward Files For Commissioner 4-- Ar-de- n r The M. uxiliary. Social hour at 7 P. M. Outstand-speakers- News-Journ- John W. Phillips, 162 north Second east. me. ! 9:00 P. M. Gold and Green ' lay, March 24 ? Ball, Corinne L.D.S. recreation for directors of hall. Everyone invited. ie South Box Eider Soil n Saturday, March 25 district by all far- Afternoon 14th birthday annios in southern part of Box versary of Civic Improvement wer county. Polling .will be club. Luncheon program at t Ag. agents office, court the B.E.II.S. cafeteria. We in Brigham City; Man-- a 2:00 P. M. Convention of the L.D.S. church; and Willard Box Elder Democratic party, .tool house. f! ..Commercial .clubrooms. AnyVnootj Baseball game. B.E. one interested invited. v 3. vs. South High of S.L.C. Evening 'Dinner and program eybody invited, j. s at Perry ward. Dinner from I P. M. Meeting ' ,of Bear with- - pragrAm.&tl m camp-b- f DJKPafehq&e r fcgOft.8:00 lowing. Everyone invited. r I Serelta Johnson. 10:00 P. M. Regular dance of IP M Meeting of BearRiv-- i Joiieyette dance club. City camp of D.U.P. at Tuesday, March 28 we of Mrs. Melvin Johnson. 8:00 P. M. Three-ac- t play, Big P. M. .Meeting of Willow Hearted Herbert by the North eek camp of D.U.P.' at home stake, B.E.H.S. auditorium. EvBessie Perry. erybody invited. P M. Meeting of the Sea-il- l Wednesday, March 29 camp of the D.U.P. at the 7:00 P. :M. Basketball game. we of Capt. Chloe N.. Peter-n- . Colored Ghosts vs. Brigham 105 north Second west.-City Jaycees, B.E.H.S. gym. M. Meeting of Beehive Price: Adults, $1.00; students, np of D.U.P. at home 75 cents; kids, 25 cents. of rs, ivy Fuller,) 85 north First 8:00 P. M. Basket dance in the ISt. .... ... ., Willard ward. Dancing from P M. Meeting of Deseret 8 to 11. At 11, basket lunches raP of D.U.P., home of Mrs. will be auctioned. ' . ' Richman Will Day-V- oting Con-rvatio- .. rnell Black Will Be Keynote Speaker Parnell Black, attorney of City and recently retary, treasurer, and delegates n of the Democratic to the state convention on May These delegates ;. n, Salt Lake county, will 6, will be held. keynote speaker at the will also represent the local par"Hon of the Box Elder ty at the state nominating convention July 31. Democratic party Satyr-i'c2 beginning at Present officers of the county ln afternoon. Democratic party are Newell the? f the raeetlng will Cook, chairman; Mrs. Hazel organization, of the Blanch Election for coun. Burt, secretary and Robert Gardtairmrtyrman, sec ner treasurer. ' MKe elec-ffri?a- h J5 l - At Brigham City Dinner filing Kimber And War Memorial . - following day, Tuesday, Mar. 21. Edward D. Ward, Democrat, incumbent county commissioner, filed for commissioner Monday. The following day George H. Davis, also a Democrat. of Garland, and retired fieldman of the U, and I. Sugar comcompany filed for missioner. Boyd M. Sheffield, Incumbent, filed for the office of treasurer and Ernest E. Hansen, also holding office at the present time filed for assessor. Warren Hyde, now sheriff of Box Elder county, filed for that office Monday. ' Also filing Monday was O. Dee Lund, attorney in Brigham City, who filed for county attorney. K. B. Olsen, incumbent, filed to run for another term as county clerk, Tuesday. telephone Annual, birthday number is 1,000. Phone in your anquet of the Brigham City news, please. merican Region post 10, and P. for Elder county election still more than a month away, five candidates threw their hats in the ring Monday, March 20, and two others the Box . Charles J. Kimber, an overseas veteran who "served eighteen months in the Pacific with the infantry during World War II, and Mrs. EllCn Richman, were elected commander,, and pre&i deitt1 of Gidney post No. 1695 of the Veterans " of Foreign Wars at elections recently held by the two organizations. ' ' Charles J.' Kimber ' succeeds Doyle Packer as commander and Mrs. Richman replaces Mrs. Leah !P. Kimber, Auxiliary president. r Assisting Kimber will be the officers: following newly-electeClyde P. Larsen, senior vice commander; Lynn Jensen, junior vice commander; Tolman Burke, quartermaster; Royal Petersen, chaplain; Wallace Christensen, judge advocate; Dr. S. L. Moskowitz, post surgeon, and Keith Pettlngill, trustee. Appointive offices have been filled by Doyle Packer, adjutant, and Axel Olsen, Sgt. Major. Elected to assist Mrs. Richman were: Mrs. Royal Petersen, senior vice president; Mrs. Axel Olsen, Junior vice president; Mrs. Borman Smith, treasurer; Mrs. Clyde P. Larsen, conductress; Mrs. Lovlna Thomas, guard; Mrs. C. M. Christensen, trustee; Mrs. Sanford Smith, - barren Hyde Boyd' Sheffield Files' For Treasurer For Sheriff Ifiles . K. B. Olsen , . v.,, Files For ClerKrr 10 BOX EIDER COUNTY P10PLE ' 1 i Students at the Intermountain Indian school were recently entertained by a troupe of Pueblo Indian dancers, headed by Tony won the election and proved it Innoted Pueblo Whiteeloud, could be done, Thomas contin- dian dancer from Jemez, New ' HEAR ELBERT THOMAS TUESDAY Senator Describes The Importance Of 1950 National Election Over 60 citizens of Box Elder county greeted U. S. Senator Elbert D. Thomas at a luncheon in his honor in Brigham City Tuesday noon at the Howard cafe. Speaking to the partisan Democratic gathering Senator Thomthe imporas declared that tance of the 1952 national election should not be underestimated. The labor, farm, bank and security exchange programs are not finished we must push them through. Speaking pointedly about the approaching election the Senator said that the new spirit of our country is here and that the old theories about winning an election have proven undependable. Though President Truman was not from a pivotal state; have the city bosses behind him; was not supported by the populous states; and though the solid south was split, he did-no- t , ued. the accomplishDiscussing ments of the .Democratic party since it has been in power Thomas said the wealth per capita in the United States had doubled between 1930 and 1941, and further declared that the people have more savings; that more people are on pension that plans than ever before; they have more credit and This notion that, our country is growing weaker is wrong, Thomas continued, for it is gaining strength. Not a soul in the United States has not bene-fittefrom the New Deal. In regards to the Intermountain Indian school, Thomas said that this experiment in educawholetion depends on th hearted support of the citizens of Box Elder county for full success. Following the luncheon. Senator Thomas toured the Intermountain Indian school accompanied by Dr. George A. Boyce d Mexico.. e-George y Intermountain Students See Special Dance ! With :Mr. Whiteeloud . were Emett iDia and Clement Young Eagle, also from the same area. The three have performed as members of a large troupe in many cities of the nation. With the 500 pupils of the school in the audience were about 200 invited guests. , Fifth Quorum Seventies Will Meet This Evening d A party for the Fifth quorum of Seventies will be held in the Eighth ward amusement hall, at ,8 March 22, Wednesday, oclock in the evening. An excellent program has been arranged and during the eve- chaplain.. Appointive offiArs and comning games will be played and mittee members will be appointrefreshments served, officers of ed by the commander and presthe group said today. j ident at a later date. The new Y officers are laying and others. plans for In charge of the arrangements many worthwhile programs for for the luncheon were W. E. Da- the coming year. vis, J. Harold Reese and N. V. Phone your news to 1,000. Watkins. , ! Boy Scout 'Dawn To Dusk Campaign Starts Friday Earl Madsen, local civic leader and businessman was appointed chairman of the annual hoy scout campaign for the North and South Box Elder districts, according to a committee of local scout officers. The committee, composed of District Chairmen Emery Wight and Sam Gordon, and District Chairmen Orval Sackett and Car-roWilliams, met recently to arrange a Dawn To Dusk campaign that they slated for Friday, March 24. The campaign will be twofold, said Mr. Madsen, to acquaint the citizens with the operations of the scout program and to secure support for the program for 1950. .About 150 leading citizens throughout the districts will be selected to make contacts with the people in this area. extensive Madsen has an scout background, having been a scout a few years back in troop 103, under the direction of forW. D. Cummer scoumaster mings. He holds the rank of Life Scout and has 17 merit badges, almost enough to become an Eagle scout. Scott is Madsen Assisting Cam Horsley as ll ; Senator Elbert D. Thomas party members at a Ung the senator Tuesday noon at the Howard left to right: (sitting) Newell B. Cook, t the Democratic county; party in Box Elder Davis E. W. vNWatkins, Re". (Standin?) dx Elder county Democratic S committeemen paign executive are Dr. C. H. Munns, Heber Sessions, Ed Ryan, John Howard, J. Edwin Baird, Dr. E. S. Harrison. Team captains for Brigham City are Glenn Andersen, Vernal Lund, Charles Keller, Lon Brightenbeker, Howard Kelley, Les Dredge, Floyd Anderson, K. B. Olsen, Dclmont Beecher, Dr. Wynn Anderson, E. H. Peters and Basil Hendricks. Captains for the communities near Brigham City are Paul Harper; Varsel Chlarsen, Honeyville; R. J. Leonard, Bear River City; and Walter Cheal, Corinne. Captains for Mantua, Perry and WUlard have not yet been fcelected. In j describing the Scouting program Madsen said scouting has always been a real asset to the boys of our communities and I am pure that the citizens of the area will be happy to learn more of the operation of scouting and will generously support the movement. The men who are assisting in the campaign are some of the best in the country and are sold on the merits of scouting. Since this is a Dawn to Dusk campaign we will have it over in a hurry. Ilun-sake- We know, that the men will favor this 'type' of community service. The campaign will start with a kick off meeting at 7 o'clock in the morning Friday and with the contacting of the men that are helping that day. "At the present time in these two districts there are 28 scout and explorer troops with over 500 young men as members with 128 leaders. This means that nearly every young man who is of scout age in this section is a scout or explorer. We want this fine program for our boys." " Purpose of the school bond issue would be to complete the building program projected by the school district in, 4944 and 1945, and begun after the war. About half of the projected program was for remodeling and improvement of existing buildings; the other half for new construction. The building , program was thrown badly out of balance, and finances inaderendered quate, by the burning and necessity for rebuilding Central school In Brigham City. ;The new school, now nearing at completion, was contracted $438,517.50, and by the time it is in operation will cost another $61,482.50 for engineering and architectural fees, lighting fixtures and extras, it is estimated, in addition to $10,000 for the lunchroom, on which construction began Tuesday morning. Taxpayers from all five representative districts of the school district were invited by their respective school board members to Monday evenings meet- Corinne Ward Plan Gold, Green Ball The Corinne ward Gold and Green ball will be held Friday evening, March 24, beginning at 9 o'clock In the evening, it was announced today by officials in ! . . charge of the event. Feature of the evening will be the crowning of the queen. An excellent floor show has been arranged and refreshments will be served. The hall has been specially decorated for the occasion, it was stated by the officials, and everyone of Mutual age or older is invited to attend the event South Stoke Choir Will Hold Practice Tonight Members of the South: Box Elder stake choir will hold a ing. session,' Wednesday practice Leonard Bishop, president of evening at 8 oclock In the stake the school board, conducted the tabernacle, it was ' announced meeting, which was held in the today. court room at the court house. Each school board member in turn was called upon, and each was sure that the Union Pacispoke ln favor of completing fic would favor the Lssuo as it If this group here, the building program projected had then. in 1944 and 1945, and approved tonight, votes in majority in faby the voters of the district In vor of the bond issue, I would 1915 when they voted a $500,000 like to see everyone who votes bond Issue to finance the pro- favorably go out and work for the passage of the bond Issue, gram. " . Hcrvin Bunderson, assistant Sessions declared. 1 Walter attor G. Mann, in of county superintendent charge and buildings maintenance, ney, rose to, make the motion. Since we made the presentation of the people down here facts and figures upon which at Brigham City have the thing the board members based their that caused you k need to opinions that there was need rebond, he .told the school board, it seems to;me that we for, a bond issue. . have risen should take the lead in putting Building costs bond is over the bond election. 1 move sharply since ue lyas voted, Bunderson paint that 4b b the, eO'neensus'tf't&e ?d ouL'At that time It was opinion of thW" group that we the three new building go on reoord in supporting the of projects- - construction of a gym- board in the proposition nasium at Bear River high floating a bond issue for $500, : ' Sr. : t school, an activity room at Gar- 000. land school, and a shop buildFollowing discussion, the motion was carried by ing at Box Elder high school prepon would cost $300,000 all together. derant "Aye" vote. . N- Beside the school board memNow the estimated cost of the Bear River gymnasium is $479,-5- bers, Principal K. E. Weight, the and the Garland activity assistant principal and the room $143,340. The building in- clerk, Eberhart Zundel, those in dex now is 169 percent of its attendance at Monday nights 1944- level, Bunderson reported. meeting were; Bunderson also pointed out From Brigham City that the necessity for building William E. Davis, Vernal WilCentral school had arisen, and lie, W. Vosco Call,: D. Murray been met, since the 1945 bond Mason, Heber J. Sessions, J. W. election, and that this $500,000 Howard, W. B. Hendricks, Glen project had crippled the school M. Bennion, Harold B. Felt, J. district building program fi- Edwin Baird, All L. Freeman. Mrs. Glen S. Humphreys, Boyd nances. Actually," said Abel S. Rich, Sheffield, J. D. Gunderson, Leon school board member from the Christiansen, B. C. Call, Walter dis- G. Mann and William M. Long. southeast representative trict which Includes Brigham From Tremonton Archie L. Richardson, Frank City, the $500,000 asked Is only the money used in building Stevens, George Stcnquist, J. H. Central school. Ford Fronk, Maxine Quinney, Wayne Sandall, member of Jeppson, Russell B. Waldron, A. the school board from Tremon-ton- , W. Rytting, D. B. Green, Clifsaid that if the remodeling ford Kerr and James Walton. and building program was need- From Garland Charles J. Wood, J. L. Carter, ed in 1945, it is needed even more so today. Frank Stevens, Art Michaelis, iR. Evan Gee, principal of Bear River high Floyd Stohl, Rosel Zundel, Chesschool, said that because of the ter P. Boss, Vernald William acute shortage of gymnasium Johns, John J. Shu m way, George facilities, only half of their stu- Davis, Glenn Taylor, Mrs. John dents are able to take physical C. Middleton and A. E. Buchaneducation, whereas it should be an, and Warren Hansen : and Robert J. Potter of East Garland. required of all students. From Elwood Robert Potter, former member . Amos P. Hansen. ; of the school board from East From Snowvllle Garland, spoke emphatically for Archie Rose, D. G. Nelson, the 'bond issue, as did John Bear River City Howard, former president of the Box Elder Chamber of ComWanda W. Cox, Ruby Andermerce, and W. Vosco Call, son, Vernon L. Johnson, ; J. H. ' .. Reese. Chamber president ; From JiVUlard The only voice in the audience to question need for the Vaughn Wassom, George W. Facer. ' ' ' bond issue was raised by d i ; From Collinston S. Capener of Riverside, ' : Lillie Vcibell. who pointed out that a special 7; From Honeyville- - taxing authority of the school Winnie Thorsted, B.. A. Bing-- , board, in effect the past two : , .. . years, will have yielded about ham. t From Bothwell $142,000 by the end of this fiscal year, and that in four or Wallace Anderson, Edna 'Anfive more years the funds need- derson, LaNae B. Summers. , ; ed would have been raised, From Deweyvllle . M. G." Perry. without a bond issue. , ' From Riverside James Walton of Tremonton L. S. Capener, Karl G. Wellreplied that the bond issue could be delayed for 50 years, for that ing, Thomas Udy. From Park Valley matter, but that the children .:J in school today would have lost E. Y J. From Corinne the opportunity that that imme diate action not only is desirMrs. June;Craner, Arch Sims, " A. V. Smoot.' able but essential. John Fronk of Tremonton From Howell ; pointed out that the purpose of I Orvil E. Sorenson, Horher Kot-teL. Carceal Olsen, Pearl Olthe bond election was only to restore the money that the sen, Grace iMunk, Jerald - O. ' : Y school board had Munk. misappro From Grouse Creek in building Central priated ' V school. i Herbert Tanner. Hfeber Sessions, local agent Yost. r for the Union Pacific railroad Carl H- - Yates. From Portage suggested that the record of the '' bond election and the Union Y Y Cyrus Gibbs. Pacifics position five years ago From Plymouth be checked, and said that- - he Dewey Lamb. the-194- - - . ? ; start Friday at continue to Satur. Meetings will day night. The convention will be closed with a banquet and program. . 4 . . 1 : Le-lan- : Ray-Morri- More than 400 poultrymen and farmers from all parts of the state will gather in Salt Lake City Friday and Saturday for the 27th annual convention of the Utah Poultry and Farmers Cooperative which will be held at the Rptel Utah. f ' Poultrymen Will Meet In SLC This Saturday 9 a. m. and cross-sectio- bond issue. Deadline Still g !e. a Filing Early With for. the next . Testing the sentiment of some 78 Box Elder taxpayers, n of the county, the board of education Monday night found them overwhelmingly in favor of a $500,000 Election Brigham City Sat The Utah State council of Carpenters will hold their semiannual convention in Brigham City Saturday, March 25, with the initial meeting beginning at 1 o clock in the afternoon at the Union hall, according to Clarence Smith, president of the Carpenters Local No. 1886, Brie-haCity. Included on the agenda is a banquet for the delegates and their wives at the Howard cafe at 6 oclock In the evening. Beginning at 9 oclock that evening a dance will be held for both delegates and union members at the union hall. Dur-inthe evening a dutch iuneh will be herved. Wives of the delegates will be entertained by wives of the local delegates during the afternoon at the Howard hotel. v Representing the Brigham City local as delegates are Clarence Smith, Parley Lee and C. Balls. According to Smith about 24 delegates and their wives are expected to attend the Funds Needed To Complete Job Projected In 1944 And 1945, Okayed In Bond Vote ; 8 PACKS Seven File For Next Box Elder Union To Meet In t ?:35Tm1 MORNING, MARCH 22, 1950 .' - - r, Earl Madsen .'.. who was selected to head the annual Boy Scout campaign in the North and South Box Elder districts. The campaign is a Dawn To Dusk affair slated for this Fri-day. 1 " ' |