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Show STRIKE UP THE BAND PAGE SIX BOX ELDER Bugles Received By Gold-Lacquer- ed V. F. W. For New Drum And Bugie Corp meeting of the V. F. W. andAuxiliary drum and bugle corps Health Department Reports will be held Thursday evening, Five new cases of communistarting promptly at 6:45 oclock, cable disease were reported in at the War Memorial home, ac- Box Elder county for the week cording to board members of the ending December 30, by the unit. Utah state department of health. Several new They are three cases of Ger'Hexburg bugles have been re- man measles, one case of meaceived and will be available for sles and one case of gonorrhea. distribution at the Thursday If you have any society news, meeting, to any boy or girl from the age of 12 years and older, phone it to the who desires to become a mem- society editor. The phone numd d News-Journ- ber. ber Is 192. Instruments were January Wednesday, A newly-forme- NEWS Brigham City, Utah pui chased 11, 1950 Fruit Growers convention, discussion will center around problems of production, such as fertilization, pruning, thinning, and the latest control measures for Insect pests and virus diseases. Saturday, the problems of marketing will be discussed by the best available authorities, Dalton said. Slate Convention A meeting of Importance to Elder county fruit growers, the Utah State 'Horticultural so- cietys annual convention, will held Friday and Saturday, Box January starting at 9:30 oclock Friday morning, it was 13-1- All fruit growers, and others Interested, whether members of the society or not, are Invited to attend the convention. Dalton advised fruit growers to bring their problems to the e convention and have them cussed and also to get the fruit outlook for the coming year. Further information about the dis-b- announced today by A. P. Dalton, convention Willard. Friday, the first day of contacting the phone 882. may be obtained by A. P. Dalton, Willard, Examining New Bugles at a very reasonable price and wil be sold to individuals at that price, or may be rented from the organization at a very small rental fee to cover deof the instrument. preciation Arrangements are being made for several drums and these should arrive In a few days, Any boy or girl who is Interested in playing either a drum or bugle with this organization, should attend the meetstated ing Thursday evening, We feel a muDoyle Packer. sical activity of this sort has been needed In Brigham City for some time 'and many people have shown a desire for their boys and girls to take an active part We are proud td toe able to sponsor such a group and with the whole-heartesupport of all interested, this T activity should become one Brigham City citizens will be proud of In the future, Packer continued. The organization will be ca- Dont Miss Penneys Wonderful Brentwood 'EOMHB d pably directed Calvert and Calvert has had much valuable experience as a member of drum and bugle corps in several different states and Mr. Pettingill is a former army bugler and the U. S. army band during World War I. Both men are overseas veterans. Members Of The VFW And Auxiliary ' Additional information may . . . looking over the new bugles they recently received for their Drum and be obtained by contacting any Bugle corp. Officers said that any boy or girl interested in playing a drum or bugle should of the following board members: attend a meeting Thursday evening at the War Memorial home. Pictured are, from left Doyle Packer, Leah Kimber, Wallace Christensen or Ellen to right, (back row) Keith Pettingill and Wallace Christensen. (Front row) Ellen Rich-ma- n Richman. and Cecil Calvert. Charles Kimber will act as finance manager .of the Keith Petting!!!. by Mr. cornet-est-wit- h gold-lacquer- ed , corps. , 4 Election of officers by boys and girls of the organization wiil be conducted by them in the near future. They will direct social activities of the corps. -- Plans also include new uniforms and the selection of a drum major or majorette and twirlers to take an active part la marching activities this McNamaras To Leave Dear River City Dr. and Mrs. J. H. McNamara are leaving Bear River City to takq over a small and large animal hospital and practice In Casper, Wyo. Dr. McNamara has been a practicing vetinar-lain Box Elder county for the past two years. V or new necklines belts, heart, t n cummerbunds or long zippers to , hug the waist and full skirts! BETTER PRINTS) too . . . all are k 37c $1.77 j2x36 81x108 ' 0 come in and get first choice! vO1- (WTIQN WIDE; ModeIVACTractor with 'v, .'' new I Youll find your size . A so . : NfTOEIN,; SHEEPSv: that W, M'o II oo lo o n I 8 c 3-Po- Bel the I I Hook-u- p int Special Purchase! You Ever Saw NEW- -- HYDRAULIC CONTROL Independent of Clutch and Gears Imagine finding sheets of this quality priced so low! Downright maz-inisnt it? But leave it to Penneys to do just that! Youll be pleased when you discover that these are our famous service quality "Nation Vide g, muslins! The same high count muslins, bleached snowy-whitfinished with a cool, soft texture. What about wear? Dont give it a second sleep-inviti- FARM SERVICE 132 No. Main Phone 915 thought. . . the same as always! Nation Wides are built to take plenty of hard wear! At this lower-than-lo- w price youll want to come away with an armload! Its another White Goods feature! - Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Floral Design on Rayon Crepes Pinpoint Chenille SPRING STYLES REAL VALUE AT AN PRICED WAY DOWN LOW! UNBELIEVABLE, LOW e, TERRY exam and fice i i (o ... most-wante- ... pin-mon- one is a fresh new spring dress terrific buy at this , ry 1 ey ... everyonsisa low ! J2 to 44. i The background is closely stitched pinpoint chenffl and on top an elaborately colored basket of sw posies framed with bowknots. Decorator colors most every room set-uHard to believe Penney price is just $6.90! See it today . . . youll want i p! - V . r Trust Penneys to stretch your dollar and trust Penney s too, to round up a flock of d all at one styles, colors price Every Cash-and-Car- 5 f tn |