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Show 'nrs Alo( Fcs la -- .Nears LAYTOII KAYSVILLE MRS. MAGGIE SIMMONS JLKXOLD XL BARNES Correspondent Chon : Knynriae SI Mr. uni Mrs. Waiter Buhler visit! rriatim ia Heber City and rtouujt Ciw, Memorial Pay. Mr. al Mra. Dr MUgely. k "Lave bore nNticc relatives her tor the fas three weeks, tear today (Thursday) for their home . ia Ddhsk Calif, Mrs. Midgel y was formerly Miss Oma Bone of Kiysrilk. Mr. Tooele, aJ Mrs. IVa Feller'. of Mrs. FelSunday went past ler's fMttU. Mr. aad Mrs. CWa Roliias. Mr. and Mrs. Carl R Cottrell and Hollies visited relatives in BMatifal Monday entity. Mr. aad Mrs. Arthur J. Svan-ge- r, Garfield. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Veraea Swanyer Moaday. Mr. aad Mrs. Burton IUamires, Franklin, Ida, were wls of Mr. lUuRim mother, Mrs. Caroline IUamires. daring the fast week. Mr. aad Mrs. Ralph J. Stray. Salt Lur. aad Mrs. Ella Van F1m(. Farmington visited with Mr. aad Mrs. Ftulhf Strong Moaday. Bishop aad Mrs. Ima Sheffield aad family visited with Mrs. Minnie K. Sheffield aad other Kays-vilrelatives Tuesday. le Mr, aad Mrs. Kdert loses. Of; were Taesday dinner guests ds, of Mrs. lion mother. Mrs. Rose Coaeche. Mr. aad Mrs. Weyae Chipman. Silt Lake City, .visited with Mrs. James Oupmaa Tuesday. . Walter Cottrell Mr. had at their Memorial Day guests MivSnd Mrs. Kelton R Cottrell and sea. Lane K. Mr. aad Mrs. John Melrer and Us children. Mr. aad Mrs. Charles Cottrell. Mr. and Mrs. Wcskdra Cottrell and Mrs. Louis J.- Bowers, all of Salt Lake. Mrs. Jeaaie Bird. Mrs. Elizabeth R Davis and Mrs. Beatrice Cannon, all of Salt Lake, visited with Mr. aad Mrs. Herman IUamires Taesday. Miss Irene Swan was a visitor to Lorsn Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ranrer. Salt Lake, were Taesday gwests of Mrs. aad-'Mrs- - - Robot Green. Mrs. Kimball Saadbecg aad children, Logan. aad Mr. aad Mrs. Trnmaa Curtis, Salt Lake, visited with Mrn George W. Cndrr-won- d t !t ! About Folks In Taeidi y. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Smith. Mr. aad Mrs. John Graham. Mrs. Mary E. Roberts aad Mrs. Lois Stephens motored to Ilenefer Mrmirial Day 219-J- 1 Mrs. Wilkie Barnes was taken back to the St. Marks hospital Friday where she will undergo more treatment. Annie Adams daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Adams has been ill at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Arraj of Pueblo, Colorado visited last week with Jlrrand Mrs. Mrs. Typhena llogan of Santa Paula, Calif., is visiting her mother. Mrs. Kuth E. Layton, for a few weeks. Miss Sharon Phillips left Sunday for a few weeks trip to San Mateo, California. Mrs. Roy Bichard entertained Wednesday evening at her home. Guests were Mrs. C. G. Chandler, Mrs. Ben Whitesides, Mrs. John BringhursL Mrs. Clarence Iverson. Mrs. La Var Ellis, Mrs. Amil Allen and Mrs. Maud Smith. The Layton Second ward Relief society will hold their closing social next Tuesday at jl p.m. at the ward Relief society room June G. Roy-Dirt-ha- XJrtgt Mr. and Mrs., William Bloxnam and family, Ogden, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bloxham Tuesday. Mrs. Nettie B. Wilcox was a Wednesday dinner guest of her Mr. and brother and sister-in-laMrs. Clifford Barber, in Syracuse. The Occasion was in honor of the birthday, anniversary of Mr. Barber. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hocking, Ogden, and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Talbot. Salt Lake, were Memorial Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Bennett and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Swanger, all of Salt Lake, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Verne 11 Swanger, Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Guile Syracuse, visited Kaysville frien were Monday Elia-so- Darlene tensen. Willey, King. Marlene Day, Carolyn Thorn-leGaye Hill. Shirley Walker, Carol Dean Hill. Augie Webster and Carol Ann Larsen. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Peterson, Ogden, were Tuesday guests of Mr. Petersons mother. Mrs, James E. ltenntt. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Eliason and children spent Memorial Days in Bountiful visity. 9an.tf an. Every Day in the Week DELBERT E. ITLCTIEX Operator KaysriSew Utah 1930 pa5 Through efforts of the town cemthe and past, board, present Geneva Steel companv etery now has an excellent sprin- the kling system; has. been landscap- in the amount of Lewis Patterson ed and planted into grass. Herbert combe, Bountiful, and LJb CLINTON combe, Centerville, are was guest speaker at Memorial Kirkman is caretaker of the painting concern. Pn(! Clinton Day services held in the Their bid was for labor on' cemetery Tuesday morning. The that the jub hi'' numbers specifications vocal rogram included; pleted in 1UO working days y David A. Johnson and instru- Part of the job will be underside of the rolhW ployed for the summer with Snod-e- n Roberts. roof, while the plant i tion. This will require the n151 Tuesday guests of Bishop and some special equipment Mrs. Frank Hickenlooper were Mr. especially for this job by ii. Mrs. Franklin and Hickenlooper atthe USAC. Wiscombe Painting and Decorat- combe. It will be the first Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Page and and family of Provo. Mrs. Richard ing Co, of Salt Lake City, has been equipment has been used n .I1 daughter Joan arrived Saturday Beesley and son, and Mrs. Joseph-of awarded 3,11 a contract for painting at termountain area. from San Benardino, California to ine Bird and daughter,' Helen, visit relatives, and due to the ill- Woods Cross. DAVIS COUNTY SHEET METAL WORKS Mrs. Leland Sill returned home ness of Mrs. Wilkie Barnes, Mrs. an from Ogden hospital Monday Pages sister. LENNOX COAL, OIL AND GAS FURNACES The Layton Fourth ward Relief where she had undergone an operSTOKERS and AIR CONDITIONERS society held a pot luck luncheon ation. Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Greejj. have and program last Wednesday aftGUTTERS : SKYLIGHTS : CHIMNEY TOPS returned from a five week trip to. ernoon, closing their .years work. - Vern Flint left'Chas. A. Trump, Prop, . Phone Bountiful 103 or 105 Saturday for On- Great Falls, Montana where they visited relatives. tario, Oregon where he will be eei- Mrs. A. Z. Tanneiy'Mrs', J. B. Cooley, Mrs. Harold Ellison and Mrs. Laurence E. Ellison attend the Bay View club at the home of Mriy Ethel Bonnemort in Kaysville-' Wednesday afternoon. .Herbert Mathshaw was speaker at the Layton Second ward Sacra- - c nrl" Wiscombe Wins D,-th- $56,780 Paintingjob ing relatives and friends. BISCUIT MIX, A-- - PORK & BEANS, Pierce's, Uk Can Lg. Pkg. 10c Sale l, PUNCH POWDER, 3 Pkg. .j) CORN BEEF, Libby, 12 Oz. Can .... Q Tl ... HI C ORANGE ADE. 46 Oz. Can FRUIT COCKTAIL, Del Monte ... . APPLE JELLY, Musselman GRAPEFRUIT, Shaver's, No. 2 Can 8 OZ. GLASS 508 FLOUR, Big J, 50 Lbs. r.f.v COFFEE, Shurfine Vac Pack, 1 Lb. .... SNACK. Luncheon Meat J o MORRELLS, 12 OZ. CAN TOETADIBI Watermelons, Lb. . . . 5 . COuOE U MEATS Li PEAS, Davis Co., 3 For IQ KLONDYKE Tomatoes, Lb. ... jl . . For U ... FRESH. GREEN U $ CORN, Cream Style TASTEHELL, A GRADE t 303 CAN """I' Lmsjl 1 i . . gM . LB. l9( .. LEAN U " Fryers, Cut Up, Lb. A i SEGOMILK, jl Lean Pork Steaks Ground Beef, Lb. VEG. SOUP, Campbell's, Can jj Carrots, 2 Bu. CALIFORNIA, NO. .. I CALIFORNIA Com, 3 Ears POT ROAST, Lb. if NO. 2 CAN Sliced Bacon, Lb. Sugar Crisp 2 PKG. Quaker Oats DOUBLE DOWN . Tissue 4 COLORS JOHNSONS MClRElOFiTHElWEEK Zfc WUtg Xc TOWN HOUSE Car-pla- te Deep Sea Salad KftvlxMtM Pat Milk . ( 2 ROLLS mil) Vi two 6a8r M , AUTO WAX cap dicwd cwUff KAYSVILLE , STORE HOURS -8:30 to 6:30 Sat. to 7 :00 on lettue. Makoo 4 oorvingt. ' d, salt and peppor. Stir in vintgar. Fold ia remaining Ingrtdicnt QiilL Sarve BARNES BANKING CO. mas-lar- WAX YOUR CAR IN 20 MIN. POUND CLEAN v lgpkg. phone FAIRWAY MA ALWAYS A PLACE TO PAIIK Crackers S00 lcm lab! Mix salad drafting, milk, onion, NUCOA NEW!! JcwcmMiUI eeied dratatee in-co- T W ... LARGE SIZE Dear Sir: The best way to establish financial security for your family is to save regularly, depositing n percentage of me your weekly or monthly in a' savings account where your dollars will grow. OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT TODAY! Umber Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. f 2 yj CAN Cantaloupe, Lb. An Open Letter To A Family Man... , d1 SPECIALS FOR FRL & SAT. JUNE 2nd & 3rd Marie Open Countyjj n. and Mrs. Leland Frost and family visited relatives in Tayson aad Ephraim over the weke end. Miss Lorraine Swanger entertained th following guests at a slumber party at her home Monday evening: Misses Lou Jean Flint, M aril yd Scoffield, Mary Lue Simpson. Joan Morgan. Kaye Chris- Dayton and Lew Tires and Taken Nations! aad Tknjan Batterien Thdmiul Brake Service Expert Tire Recapping June 1. Thurs-- , evening Mr. Tkw Kaysville. Davis w, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dale I nWirstien Mitchell. City. Ogden, Merchant" mental numbers by -- Myron Child, Jr., Joyce Mitchell and F. E. Memorial Day Rites At Clinton Held children. Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Wilcox and daughter, Layton, and Mr. and Mrs. John Bird and daughter, of Salt Lake w, Conoco Service ment meeting last Sunday evening. Remarks were given by Mrs. Charles B. Flint and Mrs. Ruby Hickenlooper. Gary Thomley of Ogden played a cornet solo. Mrs. Maggie Simmons, Fern and LeGrande Simmons, visited Samuel Flint who is ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Geneva Cunningham in Kaysville Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flint and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Day and daughter Connie attended the baccalaureate exercises at the US AC at Logan last Sunday. Bill Day and Grant Flint were Phi initiated;ihtothePhi-Kapp- a fraternity last Thursday evening S' tives. Margaret Master, radio commentator, will be' guest speaker. Mrs. llelen Smith returned to her home Sunday in Los Angeles, California after spending a few days with Mr. ana Mrs. J. Ward Stevenson and other relative. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Forbes, Mrs. Beatrice Ward and Homer Forbes attended the Institute of Religion exercises at the University of Utah last Sunday. Homer was a graduate. Mrs. Alice Hansen of Logan visited relatives last week here. Mr. and Mrs. John Putnik of Tooele ia visiting for. a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Golden Adams. They will make their home in Logan this summer. and visited friends. The rgealar monthly meeting of Americna Legion Auxiliary will wia he held at the hsaae of Mrs. Wray Hyde. Monday evening. June A. at a'dork. Mrs. May Lneea-de- e win he nsaastmg Wastes. This will he the last meeting of th A fu3 attendance Is dons new affkers for tho he elected aad del- Tuesday. mated for the state coa- - Mrs. Stella Swanger, Bountiful, egates apf was a Tuesday dinner guest of her Mr. and Mrs. Mariam Bennett on and daughter-in-laMr. and and family, hwtm. Mah were Mrs. Glen Swanger. Mrs. ' Nettie R Wilcox spent Sunday ywmta of Mr. Bennetts parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. three days in Salt Lpke City durOtsartL ing th past week, visiting at the Mrs. Nettie R WiWx had as une of her daughter Mrs. Leone her Memorial Day gwests. Mr. aad Jensen. Mrs. Q. C WiVatx, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Estella Criddle entertained Victor Bide and threw children, 91 friends from Salt Lake City Mrs. Lrane Jewsen and daughter at a buffet supper at her home Lira in and Leemn R. and Mr. Saturday evening. Mrs. and Mrs. Fit an R WiWx and son Mrs. Clarence Layton, Michael, all of Salt Lake; Mr. and Mark Gundelfinger, Mrs. Rufus Mrs. 11 srokt R. VQrex and daugh- W. Benton and William C. Barton ter. Jane. Mr. ami Mix Alan Bar- attended funeral services for Gerber and threw children. and Mr. ald Lott, held in Trenton. Cache and Mrs. Clwn Tucker and three Co. last week. Mr. Lott was born children, all ef P sntifsl; Mr. aad in Kaysville and spent his early Mrs. MHria A. Jensen aad two life here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Payne, all of ea-pt- ar Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ence and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Poulson spent the week end in Richfield with relative!. Goests of Miss Marian Adams last week end at the home of her parents Mr. ' and Mrs. Golden Adams were Miss Cathy Rearson, New York; Miss Annette Montgomery, Heber City; Miss Patty Holst, Las Vegas, Nevada, and Miss Helen Rice of Farmington. They are all U. of U. students. Hammer "and Doyle Norman Lamb of Santa Monica, California visited last week end with Mr. and Mnirr Haven Barlow and family. Mr. and Mrs. Thorley Taylor and chijdren spent Tuesday in Preston, Idaho with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Golden M. Ada rt(a spent Tuesday in Lehi with '"rela- 33 kaysviix UTAH CONVENIENT COURTEOUS |