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Show with Mr. and Mrs. Reed Larson. Mrs. Larson is the former Norma Van Fleet. The Rose city bridge club will meet at Mra. Robert Griffiths ds. May 19, for luncheon Senior Literary club will meet at the home of Mrs. Blanche Wilcox, May 16. Mrs. Mary Hannock is in charge of the entertainment. There will be an election of officers. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Griffith - for Mothers - Day were Mrs. Annie Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. John Meyers and family. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Sessions were Farmingon visitors last Sunday. Callers at the E. B. Gregory home Sunday were Bishop and Mrs. Milton Hess and family; also, Mr. and Mrs. George Spackman were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spackman on a short motor trip CEE 00 Sunday. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peery Preece for Mothers day were their four- children and eleven grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jennings and Mr. and Mrs. Gil Robinson left Sunday for a three weeks vacation to Denver and Kansas City. in New About Folks Miss Emma Miller has returned from Washington,-C.; she was the guest of her sister, Mrs. L. B. Farr, for a month. HRs. Kathryn jennings Mr. and Mrs. Glen MilleT enterCorrespondent tained at a welcome home dinner Phone: Farm: 78 for Miss Emma Miller. Mrs. Ella Van Fleet left MonenterMr. and Mrs. Ray Evans for Logan to spend a week day tained at a family dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Horton Evans of Centerville, Rays parents and the following, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Nelson and family, Provo; Mr. and Urr-- Bill Evans and family from MORE VALUE FOR Spanish Ranch, Nev.; Mr. and Vlrs. Stanley Ellison and family from Spanish Ranch, Nev. Mrs. Nellie Bowen of Oakland, " Calif., has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Fannie Stevenson, the - ICI TOR SALE USED CARS FOR SALE STARTING to build "in Layton, LAYTON Desirable Building new Brick Homes, with garage. lots, all utilities In, $400.00 per 1842 PLYMOUTH Sedan. State inlot. Equipped M(ith Bendix Automat ic spected, best' offer. Call after Washer, General Electric A. building 4:30 p. m. Sahara Village, Steel Cabinets, new economical CLEARFIELD Utah. Lenox ' Gas Heating System. lot, all in fruit $050.00, 1 acre ltc. site for $1,100.00, $150.00 Dn, Total $8,250.00. Choose your lot, 1048 Plymouth, HTR, Ra$25.00 per month. brick and paint color selection dio. Also House Trailer. Phone now. FHA or Comb. FIIA-G.- I. ltc. LAYTON Skyline $8750.00. Esloan terms. pecially nice place, newly decorated throughout, Lg. kitchen, KAYSVILLE - Special buy on an full basement, garage, landscapnice nice brick, home, especially, WILL T ed lot $1,000.00 Dn. for G. I. completely furlinen closets, full basement with nished modem home in Clear2 extra rooms. 88 foot frontage V--, Dry goods business with field for the summer months to lot $10,000.00 with $1,000.00 dn. ROY fixtures and stock, lease on bldg. acceptable tenants at reasonable No drinkers or smokers. 125.00 per mo. Total $3500.00. .rate. EAST KAYSVILLE 4 A. ground Call 2tp. $2100.00. 1 acre piece $800.00, ROY a. building lot excel$1)00.00, $1,000.00. utilities. lent location, all 4, 1 30H-R- 2. For Rent SUB-REN- 5-- 12 327-J1- 1. ; VENETIAN BUNDS , 1 V $885.00. LAYTON $0,500.00 Substantially built 3 Rm. Brick home. 5 acres excellent farm ground. Flowing well, barn, coop, nice ' FAntmiGTOII D. -- -- YOUn ilOHEYI ast week. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hess of Ogden spent the week end in Farm- Alu-mlnim- w NEW 3RR. Fireplace. Full Basement. Priced to Sell by Owner 2 acres or any part of land. Will consider taking smaller home and acreage on same. W. LeROY CALL ) Kaysville 8-- 24 Phone 4-- 21 5-- 487-- J ADMIRAL Mountain R. SALE BRICK HOMl WRINGER WASHING MACHINES NOW ONLY $99.50 WITHOUT PUMP $109.50 WITH PUMP $5.00 MONTHLY $10.00 DOWN . . . Trade-ins.(WiH Take j Mr. and Mrs. Elton J. pT . from Layton. Mr. and Mrs. E. Clifton man and daughter, Patty. 0f rT lette, Wyoming, were guest -Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wort and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Held J eral days this week. The family of Mabel Steed U ored her on Mothers day with children spending the day J? her and each helping to do tL spring cleaning and plantimr the Steed yard. Elder R1(!L Steed sent his mother a greetu from Denmark, where he is mission. Mrs. Steed was on ! the mothers honored by the J r Penney Co., of Salt Lake Cb for having the largest family thisjeommunity; HOME FOR THOR ington. STEEL OR Mr. G. J. Barton had the misfor Blinds. Slat Venetian tune to break his foot last week Choice of 350 color combina- end. young orchard. tions. 59c Sq. Ft Phone Barlows Mrs. Nellie Bowen and Mrs. for free estimate, Kaysville Fannie Stevenson were guest of WE ARRANGE FINANCING. 355-J- 3 or Ogden 25017. Pauline Allen and family Wednes Members of The Salt Lake Multiple Listing Bureau, Check tfc. day. Week-en- d Our Other Listings All Over Davis County. guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Bowen were Mr. and Mrs. SoU BR0CKBANK REALTY CO. Vernon G. Bowen and Mr. and Layton Office Mrs. Henry Reynolds of Ogden. MOUNTAIN SOIL and Sand OPEN UNTIL 7:00 P. M. The Bowens and their guests TruckGravel, fill dirt. General Phone Kays. 184 Residence Kays 371-J- 4 Sunday at Liberty park, with ing, Elden F. Nielsen. Phone spent Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson and 231-tf. Mr. Kays. and Mrs. Clarence Tomow and family. The group enjoyed a WORK WANTED FOR SALE . CLEARFIELD picnic dinner, ' A black Cocker FOR SALE Mrs. Jack Frazier, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Lyle Minkler underwent a Spaniel puppy with pedigree WORK WANTED Landscaping serious operation at St Benedicts Moss and daughter, Linda, from papers.1 Make offer, 201 Flint and gardening by month or con hospital Monday. He is reported Layton, and Mrs. Fannie Steventract. Yoshio (Y) Horiuchi, Box as getting along satisfactorily. St, Victory Park, Layton. 7 son visited Mrs. Emily Hampton Layton. Phone Kaysville Clearfield First ward Primary and found her greatly improved. FOR SALE t practically new 728, 148-J- l. 5 2tp. preparation meeting was held Hugh Vance, son of Mr. and wine colored rug and pad, 0x12, Mrs. Ed Vance, celebrated his 5th home of at the Tuesday evening $05.00, One dresser in good conand Deans White. birthday Thursday with a party Dorothy Spiers Phone Bountiful dition, $5.00. PATER HANGING Pa Expert home at the of his grandparents, host as assisted 031-HUS Address E, 1st So., done at Reasonable Mary Thurgood Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Sorensen. esses. Kr Hanging Bountiful. Call after 4 p. m. Itp. 3U7-JKaysville Sunday evening guests of Mr. Hughs little guests were, Judy 2tc. and FOR SALE Mrs. Clarence Bushnell were and Joyce Stevenson, Kathy and Large used baby Mr. and Mrs. Parnell Smith and Greg Sorensen, Duane Jenson, carriage, good condition. Call David Jones, Micheal Steed and Mrs. E. J. Cheney, Kaysville family of Ogden. LIVESTOCK Dobson. Chad 427-M. meet Club will F. J. Saturday ltp. Mr. Neph Ellis and son of Salt for their monthly party. The group Duroc Jersey will drive to FOR SALE Girls bicycle, cup- FOR SERVICE to the home of Lake apent Sunday with his mothBoar from registered stock. D. Mr. and Mrs.Logan board and rocking chair all for Hal Nielsen. er, Mrs. Gertrude Ellis. All of A. Stewart, West Kaysville. ltp. $20.00, excellent condition. Fhone Mr. and Mrs. Orin Taysom and Mrs. Ellis children called during ltc. Kays. 372-Rfamily of Rockland, Idaho, were the day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sorensen week end guests at the home of G. E. Refrigerator, FOR SALE for Lu entertained Mr. Mrs. and Elvin Wednesday Taysom. 7 cu. ft Very good condition, 0 Melvin Jean Griffith. and Sanders her Mrs. celebrated Nadine Day years old $175.00. Call 340. ltp. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk, birthday last Wednesday At the May 10 meeting of the in Salt Market, ward Relief society, Kaysville, Taylors Lake she met her where Farmington parents, FOR SALE 18 H. P. Outboard Utah. ltc. radio artist, and Leo and Mr. Masters, of Stott Mrs. Margret Meadow, A-l condition. Call Motor, OgHazel food nutritionalist, Utah. Stevens, den 24012 before 8 P. M. or on frozen demonstration a Roland to flew Keith and Smith gave 113-J. Kaysville SALESMAN Denver Monday and returned with foods. Brick Wood of Kaysville FOR SALE Stork line Baby a plane they had had to leave furnished the deep freeze and the WANTED I there since last winter. refrigerator. The aame demonBuggy, one year old. Good constration will be given at the FarmC. W. Colonial of 85 last week, dition, Bragan, Sunday evening MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Mr. Mr. Roland Mrs. and ington ward for the North FarmSmith, Drive, Skyline Subdivision, Lay-tobusinesa. Sell to 1500 families. Relief society. . Mr. Jensen and end Mrs. ington ltc. Good profits for hustlers. Write Clyde Meadow were the Warner of Ray UTE-52-today. Rawleighs, Dept. FOR SALE Beautiful Pedigreed of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Day. Lake visited Sunday with Mr. an ' Denver, Colo. black and blonde Cocker Pup- ltp guests Mrs. Marguerite Young and Mrs. Milo Snow. R. H. Cox, 875 Adams, Mrs. Ver Dastrup and daughter, Eies. Subdivision, Layton. ltc. Joan of Huntsville, visited Thursday with Mrs. Ralph Thomas. FOR SALE Studio Couch, blue Mr. and Mrs. Henry Befort are Friese cover with matching PAINTING BY SPRAY. Roofs, brick moving from Layton Park to their stucco, shingleshakes, platform rocker, good condition, Town or county. R. H. Hebdon new home in Rose Park in Salt also breakfast set, all priced for Phone Ogden 34021. Also spray Lake. Mr. Befort has been trans immediate sale. Phone 2tc. ferred to Salt Lake where he will for rent outfit 15 East Campbell Heights, Mrs. Mrs. Marcia Adair, Clearfield. ltc. ATTENTION! Bonded representa- work. Mrs. Warwick Nina and Margaret tive of the Singer Sewing ma- Scarpelli entertained recently for FOR SALE Electric Grill(21x38) Co. be in chine will Kaysville Mrs. Beforts farewell. The party Phene Kaysville 82-or and vicinity 4 days each week. was held at Clearfield community ltp. If you need service or supplies, church. The color scheme was yelcontact the Reflex or Call Ogden low and green. Refreshments inLivestock 5771. 3tc. cluded little cakes, decorated with roses, green leaves and FOR SALE WASHER REPAIR We repair yellow Millie. marked Prises all Maytags, Ironrtie, Launder-all- s. were won Adias, Jackie Graham and RIDING HORSE, bay, mare, seven Etc. Schoss Furniture Co. Mrs. Claud by Parrott. The group prerears reasonable price. Wil355 24th St, Ogden, Utah. Jiam old, Mrs. sented Befort with a large 4 tc. Heaton, Kaysville, Utah. mirror. plate glass Phone 2 2tc. Mrs. Mike Dalla, who is the UPHOLSTERING, repairing, redaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Obray covering, cleaning, mattresses of r r rebuilt Free Estimates. Phone, DeeLayton park is seriously ill at tf. Mr.hospital in Ogden. Kaysville 130-J- . and Mrs. Don Snow of Salt GUARANTEED and-cir- Kaysville, Davis County, fui Thurs, May 12, 1949 pagt Table Model Radios Admiral Electric Range Admiral Radio Phonograph Admiral Television (Table $17.95 and UP $209,00 $49.95 Model) .$189.50 TRUCKING Sand, Gravel Mountain Soil FISH EQUIPMENT Telescope Fish Rods, 9 Ft., Only Fiber Glass Rods, Only GET YOUR FISHING EQUIPMENT $3.95 $18.95 Anytime! HOWARD THOMAS 436-or 1S0-- J Phone Kays. NOW! M 2. 5-- 12 f LITTLE'S HOME AND AUTO SUPPLY Phone 585-- J . . . Layton, Utah - R. ( LAYTON TIKE CO. CLEANING SERVICE Rugs . . Carpets . . Upholstery 2. Help Wanted ... n. S, at your Cleaned LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED ONLY $1.25 AT YOUR HOME! PHONE FARMINGTON ... 104-- office J For Smoother Fit... E. L SCHRYVER I AM home, or Business. REASONABLE PRICES! FAST AND EFFICIENT! for Call Kays: 389-R- 2 FREE ESTIMATE Work Done With Power Grinder . . - . Amaiingly Longer Weai Services Ollered 32X-R1- 1, 5-- 12 i 31-R- 2. Rl 5-- 12 4-- 28 24-J- 5-1- 2. 4-- 31 Admiral Theatre RITZ THEATRE CLEARFIELD LAYTON. UTAH Phene: FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MAY 13 AND 14 Roy Rogers and Trigger in "Disaster" SUSANNA TASS Richard Denning Trudy Marshall Plus "The Untamed Breed" t i i 'tf ! i, r Tuesday and Wednesday I ' ' 1 May 17 and 18 I "More Than f?, ' a t c Ingrid Bergman Warner Baxter Tim Of Wmk Dfcjw SHOWS) ftra Stow ( TiSS iMto ,Oati4aya tal SSay CmMiiww hw IiM CM CHICKEN EVERY SUNDAY THE BIG CAT Color by Technicolor Lon McCallister Peggy Ann Garner THONE 784-- J L one-thi- food-stora- ' REFRIGERATOR ge drawer and lota fruit-and-vegeta- Dependable! Now, more than 2,000, 000 General Electric Refrigerators have been in use 10 yean or longer! ' Come in 1 ' . Control to give you nylon that make allowances for dif ' ferences In the shape of kg as well as the size! Never hit nylons fitted better th , Colors: Antique Taupe, Th lie Down, Nude Mist 0 Denier. 15-3- SIZES 9 TO CLEARFIELD . . J ie naturally! and see this General Electric beauty today! BARLOW FURNITURE CO. -- L Volu-Mctr- Larkwoods... never have they -- 'Vrorn better! In newest shades, ! - that helps prevent root, keep back team straight. V for Vamp-To- p low price Full 8.1 Cubic Footl Gives you rd more refrigerated apace than older models occupying the same ' floor space! Practical Features! Large freezer compartment, big bottle storage space, roomy more Preston Foster New Time Schedule Week Days 1:45 P.M. 2:30 P.M. Saturday 2:99 P.M. Sundaya e. (91 weeks to pay) 1 TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY MAY 17. 18 AND 19 in Waiter Catlett : SUNDAY AND MONDAY MAY 15 AND 18 Premiere Filmed in Southern Utah THE BIG CAT Inter-Mounta- V for the already famoo V for the new Vamp-To- DOWN PAYMENT Nows the time to buy a dependable General Electric Refrigerator at a new SPACE MAKER Raymond Walbura "Adam Had Four Sens" 4 ' Smiley Burnett THE UNAFRAID HENRY THE RAINMAKER Jean Arthur, George Brent Plus AFTER TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY MAY 17, 18 AND 19 Lon McAllister Peggy Ann Garner Also Secretary" k 'M i LAW Charles Starett SIX-GU- N Joan Fontaine Burt Lancaster 3V A WEEK Technicolor Dsn Dailey, Celeste Holm Plus HEART Color. by Technicolor Technicolor M HEART GENERAL ELECTRIC SO DEAR TO MY Heart" ! ! in Walt Disneys So Dear to My 'I Plus SUNDAY AND .MONDAY MAY 15 AND 1C Burl Ives and Bobby Driscoll Walt Disneys mt ! Warren Douglas in THREE Catkwood Walt Disneys SO DEAR TO MY HOMICIDE FOR Sunday and Monday May 15 and 16 i THURSDAY, FRIDAY SATURDAY MAY IS, 13 AND 14 la Trucolor ,'TIub Audrey Long and Sonny Tufts Barbara Britton In Cinecolor ! 1 Wwen Until Mlrmlniilt a M Thursday, Friday and Saturday May 12, 13 and 14 I X59-J-- 11 Layton Department n LAYTON |