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Show "Checks b-- 29 turret in England THEY HEAD THE DIXIECRAT TICKET YOU'RE' TELLING ME! Ksysville. Davis County, Utah Thur., July J By WILLIAM RITT Central Press Writer AN F.XPKDITION will seek remnants if any. of Noah's Ark in Mount Ararat. Old Captain Noah's log would make in- probably turned oer his bookkeeping to one of the secretary teresting reading at that. Though he ddn't know it, Noah conducted the world's first traveling zoo. But there were no customers. t bwds. t For thing he separa- rate the mo elephants so the d.-- Ark would he well-ballaste- I d &tv S f-- i I The voyage of the Ark must have been a trying experience for Noah there is no record that he ever went yatching again. Oranjpappv Jenkins that i!ue Noah n.ut haveopines been a mighty ousy man settling fights among his cargo that he 7 Heads Bombers ' Hunting for on ancient ship on a mountain top may prove fruitless but at least its a lofty occupation. t well-behove- f . - ? We'd also like to know just how d the pair of mosquitoes were as passengers. ' jii Vi Page 29,-191- ' '' T. J V 4 i . -- I y v V ' j;tvv9 rr-- . Cold Soups for Hot Days By ALICE DENHOFF SOME like it hot and some like It cold! There are epicures who insist that there is nothing like a plate of good hot soup to set you up after the temperature gets you down. Mf' f There are gourmets uho spend the summer months in search of the Terfect" Vichysoise to give pam0 pered appetites an extra treat. With VvJfc V-'- -' ' the warm weather here, how about experimenting with some cold soups and improving jellied consommes? The epitome of iced soups isnt necessarily Tomato Madrilene, so why not experiment occasionally with , rvl z some new flavors? Have you ever tried a delicious cold Orange Soup? It is full of vitan L All FORCi GUNNEI John K. Bryan, New Orleans, La., strips an mins and no end of nutrition, and it 9, soon a turret of after the arrival of munition belt from the makes a perfect first course for a U. S. Forts and five 4s will e U. S. superfort in England. Sixty duck or chicken dinner. A famous t three British R.A.F, bases. (International) Scandinavian retsaurant wins lau-vbe based tmPnrarfl7" fp ite Huckleberry Soup, and the British frequently serve a colortwo inchildren left Lyn-willFolks for About New Monday ful, clear carrot soup that is equally Cal.', tu make their home. Mi hot orcold. The "good green cool- Morley is connected with United ness of a cold Cream pair of Watercress Air Lines. Soup is not only lovely to behold, IRS. MAGGIE SIMMONS Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wood and but it strikes the eolor mood for a follow-u- p Mr. and Mrs. Venar Gamble. OgCorrespondent of pink salmon, shrimps den. spent the week end in southern or lobster. Iced Clam Bisque ean give Phone 219-J- -l new interest to finicky Spring or Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Woodward, Summer appetites. Mrs. J. Morris Mrs. Whitesides. Gooding, Ida- -, spent the week end M. Pratt Whitesides, Mrs. William Decorative Touches vitk Mrs. Woodwards parents, Mr. F. King, Mrs. Clayton Wood, Mrs. Sprinkle fruit soups with finely ml Mrs. Carl Whitesides. Shirley Heywood and Mrs. Dan chopped mint; decorate service Mr. and Mrs. John Thiros have Adams attended a miscellaneous plates with grape, geranium or flowmoved into their new home on Hill shower Wednesday evening in er leaves as a setting for cream Field road. Bountiful in honor of Mrs. Hal soups ; give color to clear consommes Mr. and Mrs. Brigham Grastiet Briggs, the former Ellen White-side- s. with lemon segments dipped in and three children left Wednesday chopped parsley. It is these little for their home in Los Angeles after Mr. and Mrs. Alan Whitesides touches that spell all the difference a veek visiting with Mrs. Gras-- , are spending the summer with Mr. between dull routine meals and a tieti parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry and Mrs. Clayton Wood. Mr. White-aide- s sparkling, delightful repast For the orange soup, dissolve Ssedley, and other relatives. has been attending Mulen-ber- g in VL c. hot water. Then tbsp. John Adams and son,' Mr. and college at Allentown, Pa. He add V4gelatin e. cold water, 2 c. prangs Xa Robert Wall and son, Mr. and is studying veterinary medicine. juice, V4 e. lemon juice, tbsp. lime Xa Irie Wall and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor and juice end V4 c. sugar or honey. Chill Ervia Wall are fishing at Star son, Douglas, spent the week end in refrigerator for several hours. valley this week. Before serving, add one e. diced in Salt Lake City with relatives. Ma Frank Berlin and Miss Mr. and Mrs. R. W? Adams, Mr. oranges. Serve with sprinkling of finely chopped fresh ipint Xargaret Berlin, Blackfoot, Ida., and Mrs. Dick Adams and family, To prepare the Huckleberry Soup, and Mrs. Terry Berlin, Rigby, Ida., Mr. and Mrs. Glen Coray and famvisited last week at the home of ily enjoyed a picnic at Pineview Bishop and Mrs. Frank Hickenloop-e- r. after which they enjoyed boating. field, Travis Weaver and Steven tflv B-2- C-5- cl e, LAYTON Sgt. and Mrs. William Sanders and Mrs. Thayne Corbridge and son, David, left Tuesday for daughter are visiting in Alpine California to make their home. for a few days. Their small son. Mr. and Mrs. Luther S. Winsor Tern is staying at the home of spent Monday with Mrs. Winsors Xa Afton Hatch. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wix-oXa Ensign Terry and son, Jim-- 7, parents, Mr. Winsor has been employed Ogden, are visiting at the at Zion national park but has been Lome of Bishop and Mrs. Frank transferred as a park ranger to Xr. and Hickenlooper. Xr. and Mrs. Cornell Jarman children will leave Wednesday their home in k'a visit Xitt Jean Scotts Bluff national monument. and Scotts Bluff, Neb. They will go by for way of after park, in Berkeley, CaL, here with relatives. Rocky Mountain national Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Burton, Mr. and Adams, daughter of Bishop and Mrs. Clyde Adams, is Mrs. Layne Burton, Terria ThomPyed in Pasadena, Cal Dean Egbert arrived home hyton Third ward Primary will son and from a trip to Ye vwstone. Friday Pvduste their Seagull girls into utusl next A large number of Layton people Sunday evening at viewed the beautiful July 24 sacrament meeting. end Mrs. Robert Wall and parades in Salt Lake City and OgMren arrived Saturday. Saturday from San denMrs. Thomas Wall and Mrs. for a two weeks visit the " home of Mrs. Chloe Harris Wayne Stark were last Friday visM other itors in Clearfield. relatives. Xr. Blaine Adams will enter- North Davis stake MIA chorus,r, B her direction of Mrs. Pearl under bridge club at her home fimrsday afternoon. sang at the Layton Fourth Sally Adams and Miss Bet-- 7 ward sacrament meeting Sunday entertained Monday at evening. Mrs. Dale Ward has spent sevu ?5yon Prty in honor of the her eral days in Kaysville with who SJdyVff Jimmy Hill and Cecil mother. Mrs. N. A. Rasmussen, Other guests were Joyce 0 Morgan, Joyce Toole- - is convalescing from an operation. Ins Godfrey, Maurine Mrs. William Jones and children, Jordan, a few days last tT. Madsen, Stanley Smoot, Logan, visited and Mrs. J. WilMr. with week etre11 an S. D. Adams. ki Hattie Davis, Bountiful, liam Burton. met k ot Mr. nd The Henry Smedley family out- Xa an for at Lagoon last Sunday and Nal-de- l family, tin Jinner and Gary Ellison jir. and Mrs. Dean Simmons at the Tanner home Mr. and sons, Billy and Bobby, and Gening in honor of and Bone daughter Leland frtm y?on. who has returned and Mrs. Washington, D. C. spent Saturday in Weber canyon. Mrs. Robert Mr. and Mrs. Eldredge Smith 1 Morley and and sons, Dennis and Steven, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Owen Anderson in Spring City. xJr? jin Dfty FOR SALE Ford Fordor Condition V Chevrolet New tires. New 1 Paint Job AT Condition: Mrs. Leo Hill and Mrs. Reuben week Kilfoyle visited a day last Mrs. and with Mrs. Don Perkins and family. Dee Chipman Ferren Colemere, California, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Eldredge Smith Friday afternoon. Mr. is a friend of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Williams who U California mission field. Eldermoved been liams and wife have to San Rafael, CaL and Mrs. Olive Robins, Kaysville, in Monday Hill Mrs. Leo Hayes. Mrs. Edgar with Ogden Salt Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Snarr. of guestsLake City, were Sunday Adams. Diamond Mr. and Mrs. n Miss Jean Hint participated ML Tim- to hike BYU the annual received a panogas Saturday. She those who among badge for being reached the top. held their Layton Second ward Mr. fireside chat at the home of Mis Simmons. and Mrs. Clarence Geneve Hickenlooper Mr,. Eklmlfrr Smith enterUumJ for her son, Dennis. noon on his birthday. Lunch selved to DuWayne Evans Flph Scof Watt, Stewart Smith, Rudgar Cole-me- kaiser Frazer Dealer Phone: rers Piement 309-- J Union . Building layton Urge carrots, and grate four of them. Allow grated carrots to stand in s sieve for 30 or 40 min. until juice is drained off. Then press them until liquid is all extracted. (Or, iff desired, use fresh carrot juice.) Cut the 4 remaining carrots in slender jullienne strips; simmer in 2 tbsp. butter in covered skillet until tender. Add tbsp. sugar and tap. salt. Combine the carrot juice and 6 e. chicken broth or consomme, boil for 5 min. Add cooked carrot strips. Chill in refrigerator. Serve with topping of whipped cream and finely chopped parsley oc watercress. Cold Watercress Soup For the Cold Watercress Soup, wash and chop 2 bunches watercress. Add to S e. veal stock or chicken consomme; for 10 min. cook Strain through fine sieve or cloth. Melt 4 tbsp. butter and add 4 tbsp. flour,- stirring to a smooth paste. Add tho stock, cook for 5 mins. Add one e. heavy cream. H tsp. each salt and pepper and tint with soft green vegetable coloring. Chill for several hours; serva topped with finely - chopped chives. For the bisque, wash 24 soft shell clams; put in kettle with M e. water. Cover; boil until shells open. Remove clams from shells, chop finely and add to liquor. Add one chopped onion; simmer for IS min. Scald quart milk; thicken with 1 tbsp. cornstarch diluted with 2 tbsp. cold water. Cook 10 min., add the dam water strained through double thickness of cheesecloth. Season with salt and pepper. Serva topped with a spoon of whipped cream, and sprinkled with finely chopped ' COL Springs. Ida , are visiting relatives here and in Kaysville Word has been received I roin Elder Junior Johnson by his parents that he arrived safely in Honolulu where he has been assigned to labor as a missionary. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Judkins and sons, Val and Clint, are spending a vacation in Yellowstone park. Saundra Flint, West Point.,is visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Flint. Mrs. Howard Dunn and daughter, Charol, left Thursday for their home in Oakland, Cal., after a month's visit here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orvin Call and family. Layton Third ward junior Sunday school was reorganised Sunday with Mrs. Alice W. Johnson as superintendent, Mrs. Maggie Nalder as first counselor nd Mrs. Mary Wiggle as second counselor. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bowers and son, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bowers and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bowers spent V -- was.spej j g Mr. and Mrs. Eldredge Smith and Mrs. W. E. Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bennett left for their home in Napa, CaL, were Mr. and Mrs. Haven I. Bar-loa weeks visit here with Mr. after Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lindenfan, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Burton, Mr. and and Mrs. Thomas Bennett. Mrs. J. F. Allred and Dee Batchelor Cmdr. and Mrs. Kenneth Aplan-a- p and family are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Diamond Adams and Woman Cook to Finish Summer family and with Cmdr. Aplanapa Season at Dude Ranch parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Cooking for 30 Persons Aplanap, Ogden. Cmdr. Aplanap is assistant superintendent at the Wages $130.00 Per Month AnnaMlis naval academy in Maryland. He is a nephew of Mrs. AdReferences Required ams. Address Mr. and Mrs. Keith Marston and MRS. C. F. TRONSEN family Kiverdale, were Thursday Triangle F Ranch guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Wyoming Jackson, Barnes. Phono Jackson 03F32 Mrs. David Green left Saturday on a trip to Red House, Nev. She en- tertained the Study group at their home Sunday evening. Present w, WANTED AUGUST 26, 27 ot THURSDAY AND FRIDAY AT LAGOON HORSE SHOW AND RODEO FRIDAY EVENING AT DAVIS HIGH SCHOOL Horse-draw- 129-JI- 1 BISHOPS PROGRAM Sales WOMENS DEPARTMENT: EXHIBITS OF: Service i LAYTON LIVESTOCK BAKING EXHIBITS FRUITS NEEDLE WORK VEGETABLES CLOTHING FARM CROPS FLOWER SHOW JUNIOR DEPARTMENT Our Parts Room V. HORSE PULLING 4-- II BASEBALL CONTEST JUNIOR DEPT. OTHER SPORTS CHILDRENS GAMES AND CONTESTS WILL CLOSE AT 1:00 P.M. SATURDAYS During Summer Llonlhs. BIG MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT FREE DANCING 29 layton Third ward, furnished the program at the meet-- plans to be gone a few months. Mr. and Mrs. Will Foxley, Salt Sunday evening under direc-tio- n of Mrs. Pearl Nalder. Lake City, spent Sunday with Mr. e 100-fo- B-- priesthood, COUMTY Int - WRAY the 60 U. S. bombers which have been flown to British bases Is CoL Stanley Wray (above), U. S. Air Force liaison officer with the Royal Air Force. The superforts, he said, would remain In BriUln for ttalnlng period of approximately six weeks. (International) RIGHTS Mr. and Mrs. John last wchK in Collinston with their Hill. mother, Mrs F.hzaheth Bowers. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Flint, Soda Junior girls and the Aaronic Mrs. Chester Flint, Kaysville, visited with Mrs. Maggie Simmons Sunday. Billy Day and Grant Flint spent Thursday in Logan. Both boys intend starting school at the AC this fall. Dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Layton Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Dell Shetley and families, and Newell Layton. Mr. and Mrs. Elburn Dickson and son, Franklin, Pat Adams, Mrs. Luella Humphreys and Miss Lottie Layton spent Sunday in Tremonton and Garland. Mr. and Mrs. Diamond Adams and family spent Saturday in City with Dr. and Mrs. L. FOR SALE Reed Alder and family. Almost new Excell silent movie Mr. and Mrs. Dave Clawson and 16mm projector with 3 Mr. and Mrs. Vince Phillips spent films included. last week in Tetonia, Ida. Only $12.00 . PHONE KAYSVILLE 139-- J Mrs. Leo Layton and Mrs. Howard Higley attended the meeting of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers in Syracuse Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Layton, Mr. FRIERS Me PER POUND and Mrs. Wilford Call and their 3 TO 4 LBS. families and Miss Cathelene Stoker EGBERTS LAURA spent Saturday in Parleys canyon. 1 mile west of on Gentile, Layton Johnson Mrs. and Mr. Joseph house Second SL on So. then Angel spent afew days in Vernal last side west of road. week. . Mrs. Elizabeth Wood and James Evans. Bountiful, spent last week end with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Call. FOR SALE Mrs. Gene Bennett and small son n Mower No. 7 in home their for left Saturday McCormkk-Deerin- g Salt Lake City after spending a Call week here with Mrs. Bennetts parG. S. TALBOT ents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stimpson. Layton Mr. and Mrs. Ed Layton attended the Muir reunion in Logan last Salt-Lak- STATES grandparent, week. They also spent a few days at Bear lake. Mrs. Dick Marston and children, Norman and Cynthia, Ogden, spent Thursday with Mrs. Laura Barnes and Mrs. Stan Layton and family. Misses Jean Johnson and Norda Anderson returned home last week from a two weeks trip to Los Angeles and Hollywood. Irene Hadfield, Clearfield, has been visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buckley. Mr. and Mrs. George Gailey and daughter, Lois, and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bone and son. Max, spent the week end in Yellowstone. Janice and Roger Adams have been visiting in Clinton with their Smith. BY THE STANLEY IN COMMAND of Democrats as their Presidential candidate at their rebel convention in" Birmingham, Ala., Gov. J. S. Thurmond (left). South Carolina, congratulates his running mate. Gov. Fielding W right, of Mississippi. They will carry their fight against President Truman through the South. (International Soundphoto) NOMINATED re . INN & SONS boil 3 e. huckleberries in 2 qts. fcater to which ono e. sugar and slice of lemon rind has been added. Cook until soft Thicken w ith 2 tbsp. cornstarch dissolved in tbsp. cold water; add pinch of salt cook for 10 min. Press through aieve and when cool, fold in e. of whipped cream. Serve cold, topped with whole berries. For the carrot soup, scrape 8 THURSDAY EVENING FREE GATE UNTIL 3:00 P. M. |