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Show t.ulc:.t at I S.A C spent the and Erma Black were Sunday din-.with . their ner quests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl ' T'.irpiti h,Ti ' Pearson. !' Mairirie R:inuisn-n- Salina, j interior Decorating and Eur-- ' weeks , with Mr. rushing will be discussed by Mel- an l'Pird vin Fifield in the Special Interest . '!r ,i.,d Mrx Khum Bennett vis- - kroup of the Second ward M.l.A. I:r'l SatL.1 lay eveiumr at the home! Wednesday, Dec. U. Ml l' . M. li de I 'abb. Bert Rawlings attended a social -".?iv.. r S!';,' ie 1 npleb Uki;r?; . pent Satur-- ' were made "i Salt Lake fltv. clubs. for a 1lans held 'be to dinner sometime iU1 party Mr. Milton lladfield and !' all Harden Blub . Iiioircn weie Sjr.d.ij dinner guests in Jauuary for memters. at Mt. Letter Bui. Salt ,Mi use ( n Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr & Mrs E. B. King we.e Mr & '.r and Mrs. Victor Smith ed Sumias rum a holiday trip 'v' ox Jensen, 1II of Ogden; Mr & Mrs & Mrs Alexis Ma-Kaysville, Davis County, Utah Mr & Mrs llerliert large number of people at- Thurs., Dec. 4, 1917-Pagtended the farewell testimonial in1 Heslop, Mr & Mrs jkustin lfeslop, 4 honor of Hoyden Heslop held in the1 U 'f '! City; Mr Mrs George week end gugats of Mr & Mrs Second ward chapel Sunday eve-- Hadley and family, Mr,& Mrs nur Hadley and fnmily and Mr & Frank E. Bennett and family. Among the 'H thailes Heslop, allof.West Mr & Mrs Glen Hill and chilHunter, guests were Mrs ileotg , WcUt eh Mr dren spent a few days in Provo Mr & Mrs Louis Beesley of during the past week as guests lon wore Friday guests of Mr & of Mr & Mrs Ferrell Lilljenquist. "i l' "is ,r,llv lan Mrs' Uvi Mrs' ownD Mrs Jesse Heslop and family, Miss Afton Webster, daughter Mrs. aughn E. Sheffield and of Mr & Mrs.Wilford II. Webster, held Thursday, Becember 4, at A five sons spent Thanksgiving day arrived home Thursday from the, in Erovo as guests of Mr & Mr L I) S mission P m. NV where she had been doing missionHacking. Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr & Mrs ldoyd Bishop enter- - ary work for the L I) S church for Mr & Mrs Joe Knight were Mr tamed - relatives from Bountiful the past eighteen months. Miss & Mrs Waldron Knight, Mr Mrs Chuiles Knight, Mr & Mrs John nJ Sult Hake at dinner at their Webster gave an interesting, talk at the First ward sacrament meetAngeles Brew, Mr & Mrs Jay Thompson, home Sunday afternoon. ing Sunday evening on her mishe Beacon-.- ' quorum i.f Second Helen Knight, Jack Ecterson, Bleu experiences. sionary and Lois a Baker. I'owluur party Fri- - Thursday of Mr & Mis Elmo Hod Knight and Mrs. at Fred Bountiful. eveirng The son Amy Implehy were dinner ni.'i.p returned to "The Cottage Holdaway guests I visit w here the the home of Mr & Mrs Thanksgiving day with Mr & Mrs ThurJay h. P of Ogden. George Simpson m:n I Lorenzo Mitchell, general secre- ... new city council and the old tarv uf (he church music Mr. and Mrs ('Luton Stout nent commit- ednesday eve- - no, Wln iH, nu, speaker at the Thanksgunm in Ephraim w ith rel- - n,-- counc1 ning to make budget plans for the KirSt ward sacrament meeting on ativ.'s 51m Clarenc, 14, at ttLUl p. m S,t. Mr & Mrs James A. McEntne locemlor Taylr Mis. Flora Knight attended a o Edmunds urday wuh Mrs. Mrs. Leo Black Erovo visited and dauKhter. Mona, Loa and bridge luncheon Saturday at thi! and Mr &'Mrs home of Bessie Adams in Layton. with relatives ,1, Clear- - !T.n,V- of illiam Urry of Ogden were din- The infant son of Mr & Mrs Stei- field. t'laik is recovering at the Dee Mr and Mrs. Keith Brown and mr usts o Mr.& Mra A,len from a severe illness. son. Wayne, were dinner hospital When Jeb Crowell's daughter, lorT That's why I'm not worried abont guests of (. learfield fire.men are mak-- l Mr & Mrs Ralph Banner and Mr. and Mrs. Orlow. Brown Thurs- nineteen-year-ol- d eur married Sue, younger married couplet. They ing plans for the second annual children of Roy, Mr & Mrs Eldon day. lot of folks were Slim' a raised in a country that reBlake, (espeMr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kirk vis- New Years eve ball to le held in Low ham and children and Mrs. to shako dinolder one anothera right a counLow the North ham f Davis were Junior ones) David cially began spects high Ogden ited Sunday afternoon with Mr. school, ner guests Thursday of Mr & Mrs their heads. Young marriages! try of toleraneo and temperance (a and Mrs Wilmer Barlow. Mrs. Martha Green and Mrs. David l,owham Mr. and Mrs. Jens K. Nelson, lot of bridegrooms ars Tut, tut! Mr & MrS Jesse Ijiyton enterMrs. Edith Steed. Mrs. Delma Marie Lloyd visited last Monday and it looked to mo like their falooked So I some Its Mrs. figures. up tained the following at dinner on Phyllis King. Bushnell and children visited Fri- with Walter W. Steed and Joseph Thursday: Mr & Mra Roy Stuart true, young American girls and vorite beverage waa beer!) day in Bountiful at the home of Barlow were the From where I ait, It isn't whtn speakers at the and family, ,Mr & Mrs Lyman boys marry younger than in other Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Piepgrass. First ward sacrament meeting on Schenck and family, Mr & Mrs Jay countries. And where do you supyou Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ellis and Nov. marry that'a important. Its :to, which was under the diLayton, Mr & Mra Thomas Allen spirit of tolerfamily were dinner guests Thurs- rection of the Seventys quorum. and Harold Hill. pose they had tha least chance? I the ance day of Mrs. Gertrude Ellis in Two and aame wont understanding that you it, but mayba youve trumpet solos were played by The Clearfield Literary Guild Farmington. Eldon Bennett accompanied by will hold its Christmaa party MonOne of those countries bring to marriage. guessed. Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Coones, Mr. Mary Blood. day evening, December a at 7::t0 that before the war suppressed all and Mrs. Wallace Sayer and daughThanksgiving day guests of Mr at the Mansion House Tea Room tflLvaZ individual freedom and tolerance. ters, Deanne and Sandra, Idaho k. Mrs Francis M. Pratt included on Adams avenue in Ogden. balls, spent Thursday and Friday Mr & Mrs J. Ross Hughes and Hostesses will le Lona Stevens, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur daughter, Suzanne, Greeley, Colo- Lavon Stuart, Ruth Adams and Copyright, 1947, Vtutoi Statu Brewer Foundation Chapman. rado; Mr & Mrs Byron Tibbitts and Alma Dahl. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Nelson son Brad, St. Anthony, Idaho; Mr were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. & Mrs Grant Pratt, Salt I.ake City and Mrs: Elden Schwartz and Mr & Mra Robert Barker of Mr. and Mrs. George Haslam en- Kaysville. The Bluebird class of the First tertained the following friends at their home after the Thanksgiving ward Primary, accompanied by dance on Wednesday: Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Dorothy White and Mrs. Cora Eldon Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Wilcox visited the historical Wei-nmill stone in Kaysville last Barlow, Mr. and Mrs. Kay Nelson O Tuesday. and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stuart. MarMrs. Mrs. and King Phyllis The Second ward Gleaner y was held Tuesday evening tha Green visited Monday with at the home of Susie Nelson. Elaine Mrs. Gladys Simpson in Ogden. Mr & Mrs Arthur White enterAdams, stake Gleaner leader, was tained at Thanksgiving dinner for present. Light refreshments were the following: Mr & Mrs Thomas served. L. White and Irma White of ClearMr. and Mrs. Wells lladfield's field; Mr & Mra Joel Gold of Salt Thanksgiving dinner guests were Lake City; Mr & Mrs Horace Rum-se- y Mr. and Mrs. Lqsteb Bai and famand Mrs. Donna Sedgewick of ily, Salt Lake City; Mr. Howard Ogden. Umpleby and children and Mrs. Harold Hill of Drigga, Idaho, Lucy Trowbridge. the week end at the home of spent Mrs. Ellis Black and daughter, Mr & Mra Roy Stuart. Lyne. are spending the week in Ten people from North Davis Provo with Mrs. Jessie Black. stake will attend a second year Mr. and Mrs. Ray Yarnell Jr., organ class at tha assembly hall Sunset Heights, visited Friday with under the direction of N. Lorenzo Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Day. Mitchell. This will be a twelve Mrs. Melvin Rust and son. Jay, week course, the first class to be m ear Malaiv-M- r J"hn A Hc-lo- p. : 3 e , Published by '' i,, - THE INLAND PRINTING company ! t n - - NnATONALDTAlAt w KcondUss matter February of under 15. 1911. March 8, 1879. aTKfflTuuh Adv. Mgrn fely. re-l- I 10 Lon a Ldy Parrish, Reporter, 179-- R; lni-- j tm-n- t that following could be classed as a shaggy dog jtory" depending upon how it strikes you, and despite the fact that it is not about dogs, shaggy or otherwise . . . Once upon a time, a man, intent on buying a donkey, stopped at a quaint little farm next to an orchard, in fhich was seated a fine donkey. The farmer sold the animal with a word of warn- - ly Joe Marshy Marry Young? Marry Old? - Tay-llin- g The . ei-G.L- a, i Hes a wonderful animal, but he has one peculiar-tty- . He likes to sit on apples With the understanding that he was to avoid all orchards or any place where there were apples, the man jslowiy rode away 1 traveled for a couple of hours, careful to avoid Wry orchard. They came to a small stream and just as 'they reached the center, the donkey sat down, throwing unsuspecting gent into the cold water. Burning with anger, the man hurried back to the inner and demanded to know why the critter seated jmseif in a stream. where there was no apples. I forgot to tell ya, exclaimed the farmer. He has ne other peculiarity. He also likes to sit on fish Qot They j Rom where sit ii" vi.l wont pick you up. ! 1 N A shaggy dog story is a story that is guaranteed of th6 sane people mad. It is a store with 98 drive to doesnt exactly let you down, . but it , trick ending if A . On the Beam 1 Texas-Iouisian- 1 Albert W. Epperson, Editor and Manager Phone 17 Office Phone certainly j 1 ' y S i Advertising Rates on Application Subscription $2.50 a year in advance. " r! ag s. ?, r7 s n jglSSBSOCUIlOH f El-nin- g. 1 . T ! al -- About Folks in News guests of Mr. and Mrs. David CLEARFIELD Mrs. Delma Bushnell Correspondent Pine: Kaysville 685-R- 2 of :kr Stephen L. Richards Council of Twelve will be iker at the L.D.S. Sunday the eve-;iervic- to be held Dec. es at 7 North Davis junior First and Second di trill meet jointly for this enj with the Sunday school of-- tt of both wards in charge of pjs. in the The KhooL program. Briant S. Jacobs Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ben-u- d family; Mr. and Mrs. Aria Jacobs and family, and Mr. In Donald Jacobs, and Mrs. Angus Stevens Wednesday evening from Francisco where they spent the and Mrs. r. their guests on M giv-da- y; week. -- tiful, man, Woods Cross. The ladies of the O.F.T. club and their husbands were entertained Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elden Schwartz. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Barlow, Mr. and Mrs. n Hadfield. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bushnell, Mr. and Mrs. John V. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harvey and Mrs. Snoden Roberts. Mrs. Hadfield, Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Harvey assisted the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Thurgood had as their dinner guests Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Charlton and daughter, Gayle. Eloise Wilcox and Elaine Holt, Mil-to- elwright, Mr. oca uenca a WE ARE NOW ABIE TO SUPPLY YOU WITH Henry Naylor, and Mrs. Lance Ogden, trusted Sun-it- h and Mrs. John Thur- - and Mrs. Jens K. Nelsin, Mr. Xa Kay Nelson and family, ud Mrs. Clarence Bushnell famly and Mrs. Edith Steed 0 Com-rader- Mrs. and Mr. and r. Wise- AU YOUR r. Thanksgiving dinner guests (r. and Mrs. Rodney Beus of ud Mrs. David Roberts of ud Mr. and Mrs. Osmond f Tooele were Sunday vis, 4 Mr. anJ Mrs. B. A. Bird. ' aenior class of the First Sunday school held a party evening at the home of r. ' TYPEWRITER mr BGO:iSffnOT and OFFICE NEEDS ALL DY ITSELF Mrs. Melvin Wilcox and fu were dinner guests Thurs--c Mr. and Mrs. Emery Wil- - RIBBONS. PAPER. CARBON of the First ward party the home of Betty Village. The fol- present: Wilma Slaughter, Nola itaners HOW THE DEtIDIX TYPE BRUSHES. SAVES CLOTHES Jane Faclcrell, Maxine DriskeD, Miss Don- ry Thurgood, Glean- - HAND CLEANER. Krause COVERS. left Wednes-Blackfo- ot, Ida., to attend for her niece. J? Mrs- - Milton Hadfield had dinner Thanksgiving . and Mra. William Da-n- d Mrs. Wayne Davis Aagb r, Deloma, aU of Og- - . HOW THE DEHDIX eervices Pent THE CENDIX END INDEX GUIDES. Thurgood and Mrs. visited Sunday 3?, m 3 e 6Cond W, W5p Jnc ward Sund?F evening at Hamblin. Doro- gave an account of her S WiLlheffield of Kaysville at the Junior Girls Uaker Scouts h n BUSINESS FORMS. jr X, evening at ... fireside meeting the home Graydon Holt. His Courtship and Mar- - Stevens and 'fJAngoa as Thanksgiving day ance you ever aaw , , r ' - SWEEIER-CLEAt- lER r Kaysville . t Inland Printing Co. J all by itself 1 No hard work for you. No bnd in water! Como in for your Bendix demonstration now! HAKE CLOTHES COttE washing, PRINTED TO FIT YOUR BUSINESS. and M-M- en washday perform- the Bendix doing the It's the moet exciting fire-Jfw- ThiskelL A dis- Doctrine and Cove-e- d by Melvin Bitter. was in charge. CLOTHES H0ISTR1G RUBBER STAMPS. Mr. and Mrs. and family. West tnd Gleaners of the M.I.A. held their g Sunday evening at WATER-SO-AP TYPEWRITER PADS. tteir grandfather, Hy r. SAVES TOUCHTYPE KEYS. Francine and Pamela the week end in Boun WanJj? . , O THE CEtJDIX DO THE WASHING Ellis. slumber D IIov on Display at Lly Ilcno . EP AX Hi CS EE-EE- L RADIO & APPLIANCE CO. Phono 173 1 1 3 j |