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Show PAGE FOUR Rites Win Be Held Funeral Was Held On Monday for Today for Civic and Thelma W. Morgan Religious Leader plow -- THURSDAY, AUGUST THE WEEKLY REFLEX Farmington, haa completed primary flight training at Chickasha. Ok la., according to word received by his parents. -A Davis high school graduate, he entered the armed forces in 1043 and received hia basic training at Miami Beach,-Fla-. He trained subsequently at Butler university, Indianapolis and San Antonio, Texas, lie has been transferred for further air cadet training at Perrin field, Sherman, Texas. ENTERS SUD TRAINING Ralph W. Robinson, non of Mr and Mrs, M. Gill Robinson of Farmington, has boon promoted to the rank of Seaman First Class following completion of quarter master training at the U. S. naval CLEARFIELD Funeral services will be held today (Thursday) at 5 p. m. in the Clearfield L D S w'ard chapel for Mrs. Alice Nancy Barlow Wol. 52, wife of Loy Wood who died Monday at the family residence of carcinoma. Burial will be in the Clearfield cemetery. ' Active in civic affairs - in the county, Wood was Mra. LAYTON Funeral services for Thelma Wahlstrom Morgan, wife of Royal Morgan, who died in Los Angeles, August 15. were held in Layton L D S chapel Monday under the direction of William A. Dawson, bishop, Prelude and postlude music was by- Edith Owen with vocal solos by Gladys Simpson and Viola Drake, both of Ogden, accompanied by Evelyn Layton. J. William Burton offered the invocation and benediction was' by Frank Morgan. E. G. King and Nicholas G. Smith, associate member of the council of the twelve apostles, were the speakers. Burial was in the Kaysville-Layto- n cemetery with E. M. Whitesides offering , Survivors in addition to her son include another son, James Grant Gibson, Price; four daughters, Mrs. Evelyn Nielson and Mrs. Jennie G Nielson, both of Price; Mrs. Eli zabeth Gunn, Salt Lake City Mrs Rena Aspey, Sacramento, Calif, two sisters, one brother, 2H grand children and 14 dren. great-grandc- . GOLDEN JUBILEE KAYSVILLE A LEE JOST training station, Farragut, Idaho. Robinson spent a few days S 1- -0 at his parents home in Farming-to- n recently en route to San IWego, where he will report to the Calif., t submarine school. A 11)43 graduate ? of Davis high school, he entered the armed forces in January, HM4. I He completed boot training at the I Idaho station before entering the I four-mont- quartermaster school. h NAPLES Italy, 4, 11)44. Dear Editor: Have meant to write and at least let you know my new address so that I can. still get the paper. Am sorry to say that I havent seen a copy since leaving the U. S. I have been in Italy only a short time, but long enough to be convinced that the entire country isnt worth any part of the states. And W'hat people! Practically all of them live like animals, begging for food scraps and cigarettes. (Cig-- , nrettes seem to be higher prized than the currency.) Have had the opportunity of visiting both Rome and Naples. Rome is an example of the new world city, at least in some ways it is similar to cities of the United StaUs. I enjoyed g there very much. By the way. Mubro-liis given credit for making Rome what it is and it is far above any other city Ive seen here. Of course it was spared the ravages of war which other cities suffered. Naples, on the other hand, is an example of a city that was bomb-eand shelled. It is a filthy, smelly place where most of its populous seem to be beggars of one sort or another. If these jx'ople are ever educated to the advantage of keeping clean, the soup industry of the world should Ik in for a great eximnsion. Also hud the opportunity of driving through the and shelled Cussino area. It is difficult for anyone who husnt seen it to picture a city so completely and thoroughly destroyed. Even the trees around have leon destroyed. What destruction this war ts bringing to what some people culled hone! Huvent hen able to contact any of the local h'ys who are in this section but I exject to one of these days, lluve chanced upon several that 1 knew back in the stales Dam running out f news that will pass the censor, so will bring this to a close Hope to receive Relex soon Yours sincerely. LT. GOLDEN l Voi-lenzue- -- for Cold Weather Needs Circulating Oil Heaters Commercial Stokers PACIFIC VETERAN HOME D. la retire Sanders, fire control man second class, is on ,UMluy furlough at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Doan C. Sanders of Farmington, after 20 months of duty m the southwest Pacific. A Davis high school graduate, FOM Sanders attended the U. S. A. C. at IiOgan and B. Y. U. at I rovo. Pi ior to his enlistment in the navy in 1012. he was employed for two years by the Union Pacific railroad as a fireman. FolC 2-- C Ford, . Richard Telford. Robert Telford, Merrill Taylor, Richard Steed and Stephen Robinson. Hearing Is Set For August Electric Ranges Gas Ranges (Four-burn- er small and Four-burn- full size er Coolerator Refrigerators for SEE US FOR INSTALLATION ESTIMATES "SCHOFIELD PLUMBING AND SHEET METAL FRANK SCHOFIELD, Prop. Kaysvil(e phone 274-- J Heaters Gas Ranges Gas Water Heaters 26 KAYSVILLE Preliminary hearing for Vivian McCrory, 27. nogress of Sahara Village, has been set for August ltd at 2:00 p. m. before Justice of the Peace Wendell Barnes of Kaysville. Remember those grim days Miss McCrory is being held under $1,000 bond after a knifing fracas August 0 at Clearfield in which The best way to make sure that you will never she allegedly stabbed Phyllis Cady. Verdeland Park, after an argument over a seat on the Bamberger. during the Great Depression when men who be a Ration Timetable couldnt find work stood on street corners to put your extra money into selling apples? War Bonds. Meats, Fats, Etc. . Siam ns Expire (Book Four' Red Stamps AS through 7- Good Indef. , A .7 through 1)5 Good Indef. Processed Foods (Book Four) Blue Stamps As through Z' Good Indef. As through F5 Good Indef. (G5 through I5 becomes valid SeptcmU'r 1) 0 0 peddler is street-com- er . Sugar (Book Four) (. Lbs.) No. .to (. Lbs ) No. 31 (5 Lbs.) No. 32 (Canning) No. to Shoes Book Good Indef. Good Indef. Good Indef. Feb. 2 lb 15 Three) Airplane Stamp No 1 Airplane Stamp No 2 Gasoline A-1- (ood for 2 Good Indef. Good Indef. t hrt-- e Sept. 21, inclusive gallons) for suptdeniental gasoline rations must be mailed in to the boards two weeks lefore gas is needed. The must bo signed, endorsee!, and accompanied by tire inspection reword. Applications Many of those apple peddlers had been prosperous . . . Theyd been making ext money. . . just as had had good jobs. you are today. But the trouble Card of Thanks in vestment in the world. Every $3 you put into them today will pay you back $4 ten years from now. And . . . best of all . . . was, they thought things would you can never be broke while always be like that. r War Bonds are the best in- . Are you making that mistake today? , T e wish to express our sincere the appreciation to all those who so kindly assisted us in any way during ottr bereafomont caused by the AIR CADET COMPLETES illness and death of our beloved PRIMARY husband and father. James Q. Knowlton. son of Mr, Mrs William H Blood and and Mrs. George Q. Knowlton, training Gas Water Heaters -- lowing his leave, he will report for advanced states. Coal and Gas Combination Ranges Oil Floor Furnaces - Remember the Newel ( SILL 4 - d The 24-J- g, ni ed EAST KAYSVILLE HOT BARGAINS -- sight-seein- much-bomb- Last Rites Bountiful Or are you saving your extra money so that no matter what happens after the war you will have some money you youve got a sheaf of War Bonds in your pocket! . So. buy War .. t Bonds... and more War Bonds. And hang on to them! Family. 1 1 A can get your hands on? WEEK-EN- D SPECIALS MAID OCLOVEU BUTTER, AA" Qualitj Quartered, lb ,, ,,ALLSWEET MARGARINE, lb. 29c SKINLESS FRANKS, lb Z.3Z.25c Whole or Half, lb 29c -- ASSORTED LUNCH MEAT, lb .33c liAIlDf lb 1 Sc WE HAVE A FEW iioNELESS riCNIC HAMS! 110I.S0M Kaysville L a A. Ken Leonardson, WAR RONDS to Have and to Hold n of as Inform, Cooperation Amorico at War THIS ADVERTISE VEST IS SPONSORED ' BT SMITH CANNING CO. IIOME OWNED AND OPERATED 45 - - man Waitress Wanted WRITES OF VISIT TO ROME, August Certificates Last" 25. PHONE T. RALPH W. ROBINSON 4c IB. . Death three While They Excellent for Canning or Cutting I hil coroners jury composed of Kayspromville residents Monday exonerated inent in the Red Oliver Lovelace, former Kaysville Cross and had VISITS PARENTS of blame in the death of resident, received her honBaker second class Rulon Cole L. Irish. Stewart orary pin. She left last week for San Diego, Cal. Mr. Irish died July 1H of pneuwas the first after spending a fifteen-da- y furmonia after being confined to a president of the lough with his parents. Mr & Mrs Lake hospital with a fractured Salt Clearfield Literthe dedicatory prayer. Percy Cole of Kaysville and his Mrs. Morgan was born In Ogden skull and other injuries received in ary Guild and brother, William Cole of Ogden. a was well know'n April 15, loox, a July 1 at the Lovelace home daughter of Carl in fight Mr. Lovelace, now P.-in Kaysville. A. work. A. and Mable Earley Wahlstrom. VISITS PAhENTS in Oklahoma, returned to in-- s She residing was also She married William on W. East is spending Royal Morgan Pc, July Utah this week and appeared bet r u m e ntal in 31. 102U, in ihe a furlough at the home of his parSalt Lake L D S fore the coroners jury Monday. promoting, the temple. The couple made their ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. Easi, MRS. WOOD The verdict reads: "We the jury establishment of home in of Bountiful. A graduate of DaLayton for several years at the North the Davis schoo inquest of S. L. Irish, find junior high after their marriage, then moving vis high school, he is stationed at immediate cause of death the at Clearfield. that to Buckley, Wash. Later they re- was Augusta, Ga. , A native of Bountiful, she was turned to pneumonia, superinduced by Layton for a number of complications from a born resulting 2. a August 102. had of been years. FURLOUGH ENDS daughter They residing in fractured skull brqught about by H. Ianthus Bar-loand Alice Willey the California city only a short Cpl. John L.- Earn os has return blows on the head inflicted by OliShe married Mr. Wood on time. to duties at Cump Chafee, Ark., 13. in Survivors include her husband, a ver Lovelace in self defense. the Salt Lake after spending a furlough in Boun- August li)ll, Active in the daughter, Pauline Morgan; her partiful with his mother, Mrs. Cyn- L D S temple. thia Eames. Cpl. Eames is a tank church she had served as president ents of Ogden; her grandmother. CHOSEN AS DELEGATE driver and instructor at the Ar- of the local Primary and was stake Mrs. Mary E. Earley of Ogden and KAYSVILLE Mrs. Walter Buh-le- r president of the Primary for 23 nine brothers and, sisters. kansas base. of Kaysville was chosen as a years. She served as first counsedelegate to the National Convenlor in the M I A, as counselor in tion of the American Legion AuxSwim the Relief society and was a Sunto be held in Chicago, SepHeld iliary school teacher for many ears tember 15. Mrs. Buhler was seWill Be Awarded daySurvivors include her husband Woman lected at the state convention held and the following Hons and daughFriday and Saturday at Richfield. BOUNTIFUL Thirty, - two ters: Barlow Lloyd Wood, U S. arBOUNTIFUL Funeral services Red Cross beginner swimmy, Loy J. Wood. U S. ar- for Mrs. Sarah Jane Grant Gibson, ming certificate's will be awarded my; Italy; Gordon D. Wood, Ogdgn; Mrs. 2, on Scout Honor night to be held Bountiful, who died Saturday, larold C, Weatherston, Clearfield, were conducted sometime in September, according and Mrs. in the Elsie Johnston, North Bountiful L D S Tuesday to Lloyd S. Baker, who conducted Second ward by Pleasant Work lollywood, Cailf.; her parents ,of Lloyd Riley, Burial was in classes recently at Clearfield, swimming bishop. and the following broth- the Wasatch GOOD PAY Becks Hot Springs. lawp memorial park ers and Bisters: Ianthus H. and in Salt Lake Those who qualified for the cerunder directhe City See Jleldng S. Barlow, Clearfield; tion of the Union tificates are: Jerry Kennyston, Shermin mortuary of W. Barlow, Olympia. Bountiful. Mack Chapman, , Frank Taylor, MaHh.; Milton A. iv DONALD THOMAS A. Mrs. Gibson was born February Douglas Sorensen. John Moore, Eli s. Tinge and Mrs.Barlow, Mrs. Lund-ber1 17, Lynne 2, in Mill Creek, a . PHONE 177 KAYSVILLE Mitchell, Lawrence Budd, Theril Washington, D C.; Mrs. Clar- of David and Elizabeth daughter Lund, Richard Manning, Dick Mad- ence Duffin. Williams Salt I,ake City; Mrs. Grant A member of the L D S Easential female workers sen, J. Dell Ix'c, Gordon Jacob, must have statement of Reid Jones, Wayne Holbrook, Ste- L L. Kelley, Zenith, Wash.; Mrs. church she had been livin' with a Blood, Ogden, and Mrs. David son, George Gibson, in Bountiful availability. phen Ellis, B. Holbrook, Richard for the past 14 years.Ellis, Ijiwrence Hatch, Preston Jton, Hollywood, Calif. Clark, Harry Buck, Jay Barton, Blaine Moss,, Richard Wood, I.arry Wood, Early Forrestal, Rubon - PEACHES Former Resident Exonerated In' Irish , Clearfield LAYTONSUGAR Owner C. FARMERS UNION Layton THE WEEKLY REFLEX Kaysrille, Utah THOMAS LUNCH Kaysville O.P. SKAGGS Laytoh CLOVER CLUB FOODS COMPANY Kaysville 09 |