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Show a DESERET EVENING NEWS .TUESDAY JULY 1910 20 , I w w A decision hu been render v ',jf It wasrttolnted out jijr&ie'jrpurty summons.-- ' , opinion. Out If action was. brought notice, a great against aliens without lnjustica might occur to tha alien on acount of poasibla errors in names or cases slackers might have that in some used the names of aliens and claimed . exemption under such names. Allens admitted to citizenship upon examination held before Judge P. C. Evans were Harold Hulme and Eda-war- d CharlesOttley, from England, Gustav Paul wBabingsr, of Germany; Morris Button, Turkey; and John Williams Blmondson, . of. Sweden. i . - Gillhamt Automobile -Stolen From Garage his Hudson of theft retouring 'car was to the police departported ment and sheriffs office today by L. 8. Gillham, of 491 Atlas building: The car was stolen from a garage at First South and 81xth East streets between 2 and 4 oclock this morning. The license number of the car is in color, with 14284. It is blue-gree- n white wire wheels and two extra wire wheels with new cord tires carried on the left hand running board. The car carried a special top, with large plate glassseatwindowsa on each side of and the rear long plate glass window, pointed at each end, in the j rear. There was a bumper In the front and rear and small wind cur on each side of the windshield, tains i Occupants of the apartment over the garage from which the car was j stolen, heard the thieves at work on the car about .3 oclock this morning, but did not suspect it was being stolen. The car was locked at the time, but ' thieves managed to release it and ' the drive away. . The - V super-si- x Salvation Army Drive Nets $11 28 in County The ealvation Army treasurer for Salt Lake county reports receipts amounting to 1 11.222.66 as a result of the drive ae far, was unredeemed pledgee amounting to $600, most of the amount being raised in this city. Julius Rosenberg and Mrs. W. Mont Ferry raised $250 for the campaign In Brighton and the net proceeds from the Dempsey day ball game were $44.07.- - The Oregon Short Line shops donated 1452.75, and contributions are coming in form the smelters, mills - and factorise. - Letters setting forth the policies of the Salvation Army have been sent to Lester D. Freed, president of the Com-- 1 merclal club; James W. Collins, presi-- i dent of the Rotary club; Herbert Van Dam, Jr., president of the Kiwaais club; Otto E. Ashbridge, president of the labor federation, and E. A. Culbertson, president of the National Bank of the Republic. The next active step will be taken at a public meeting early In September, when the Rotary and Kiwaais club will unite in support of the drive. Headquarters will be maintained in the MeCorntck block for voluntary contributions, solicitations being discontinued after this week, until Sep-- I tembers t I ' - - Chamberlains Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy. Every family should keep this medicine at hand during the hot weather of the summer months. It Is almost sure to he needed before the summer is over and .when that time cornea is worth many timea its cost. It has no purposes for which superior for the It Is Intended. . Buy if now. Adver! Q JJ Provincial Grand Lodge meets Wednesday at 2 p.m., in Ogden. A large delegation from the two Balt Cake lodges, Garibaldi No. 6 gnd Beehlwf' N6j?117, will assemble at ths Scottish Rite Masonic temple Wednesday, July 20, at 6 a.m., and leave at 10 a.m. for Ogden. A large representation, including all the officers of Heatberbell lodge (Eastern Star), will accompany them to assist in ths initiation of a new Eastern 8tar lodge of the Scottish Rite in Ogden. On their arrival in Ogden they will be the guests of the Ogden Scottish Rite Masons, who will take them by automobiles on a trip through the canyons and give them's banquet. Preparations are being made already for a grand reception of the delegates to ths coming triennial supreme lodge meeting of the Scottish Rite Masons in the American Masonio federation, which will begin Sept 2 and oontinue during the whole week. Delegates will be here from lodges from as far as ths British West Indies, Egypt and Panama canal cone, and from Canada to Mexico, and New York to San Francisco. More than 150 lodges have already announced their intention to be represented. The most important business to corns before this meeting is a proposition to move the headquarters of the American Masonio Federation to Chicago, on account of the rapid growth of the order In the east The members of the Chicago lodges have pledged fhemselves to put up a $150,000 building, if Chloagt becomes headquarters As tha delegates win be guests of tha two Salt Lake lodges here. Garibaldi lodge No. 6 has appointed a reception committee, consisting of G. F. Bushman, chairman; W. Atchison and 8. Johnwith a son, to work in committee from Beehive No. 117. The committee will work with the delegates to vote for Salt Lake City as Some of the delegates headquarters. who are coming were here three years ago and have written that they are eagerly looking forward to visit. here. Aa one delegate expressed hlmeelf, "A treat like an organ' recital in the tabernacle .can be offered by no .other city but Salt Lake." j Inter-Montan- a, C omf oxtab le, serviceable effects, in lawns, voiles, organdies m price from $12.50 to $30, .your choice a- t- 2 to 6 and 6 to 14, at Your-choic- OFF ONE-FOURT- H Blou'es at Changes Ownership Alpine Auxiliaries Plan Three-Da- y BRIGHAM CITY, July 22. A real i Booster From Logan (Special to The News.) PARK CITY, July 2 . Prominent citizens of Logan, most of whom are members of the Logan Boosters' club, about 60 In all, were entertained here tour, yesterday on a which will Include Heber City. CoalvisThe and ville, Morgan Ogden. itors cam her from Salt Lake, where they gathered after making the run down from the Cache metropolis. They were met by leading citizens below tdwn and piloted to the Elks' club, where they were welcomed by Henry Welsh and E. W. Robinson. At 11 a. m., a visit was made to the Judge zinc plant and the Judge concentrating mill In Empire canyon.New Park After luncheon at the of the party went hotel one-ha- lf through the Ontario mine and the other half through the Silver King Coalition min. The Ontario party went through the tunnel end up the shaft, while the Silver King group went down the shaft and came out through tb Alliance tunnel. Dinner followed, the Elks' dub was open to the visitors and some went to . Fair ' (Special Correspondence.) AMERICAN FORK, July 23. Mutual Improvement associations and Sunday schools of Alpine stake will hold a three-da- y fair here beginning September 26. it le ennouneed by officers of these organisations. Districts to be represented are Llndon, Pleasant Grove, American Fork. Highland, Alpine, Lehi and Cedar Fort. There are to be competitive exhibits -- POSpJM instead f For Washing Hair If you want to keep your hair In what you wash it with. Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and la very harmful. Mulsified cocoanut oil shampoo (which Is pure and entirely greaseless). Is much better than anything else yop can us for shampooing, as this can't possibly injure the hair. Simply moisten your hair with water and, rub it In. On or two teaspoonful will make an abundance of rich, creamy lather, and cleanses the hair and scalp thoroughly. Tb lather rinses out easily, and removes every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and exceneive oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and It leaves It fin and silky, bright, fluffy and easy to manage. You cqn get mulsified cocoanut ell shampoo at most any drug store. It le Is very cheap, and a few ounces enough 1o last everyone In the family for mouth. Advertisement good condition, be careful Extraordinary Millinery Hats-Thes- e . t Horning embroidered Sport are regu- lar $7 and $8 Values. Your choice at $1.29, tablets 0 T N these tasty fruit tablets you will find T a pleasing offering for our. regular .XWednesday special. Because of the pure fruit flavors, they are refreshing for thesp warm" summer days. Wholesome a well aS delicious ' i home a pound to'your family. take . . ' ' , Think it over. "There's a Reason? Handsomely Cjruit Satisfaction! Candy sent everywhertsby parcel post. - . - 6 v 1 Use Cocoanut Oil Special Price! i i ! 41 Commencing Wednesday coffee ? Every reason worth while., i Park City Entertains The First National Bank, Brigham in Boxelder Main Street Corner ; of grains and vegetables, poultry, a special motion picture ahow at the fruits, live stock. Including Jerseys, American theatre and others to a ball t swine and products of animal Indus- - at Rasband's ball. Today tbe party will Visit Heber and Yyvicinity. has fixed Sept. I for the opening ef with a harvest vacation when beet digging begins Work on the new addition to the Boxelder high school is rapidly nearing completion. A number .of changes have been made in tbe arrangement of rooms In the (d part of the building. When the addition is completed, the high school will be equipped to care tor 1,200 students. Samuel Smith was fined fit by Justice Figging, on complaint of Sarah Bott, who charged that Smith threw her into an irrigation ditch during an altercation ever water turns. ec hoots, City, the leading bankers Advertisement County. 1 OFF H 112-11- Jesse W. Hoop, leading embalm!- - Advertisement. serv-iceX- ONE-FOURT- e and OflR DRUG STORE IS AT! 4 SOUTH MAIN SLZ TREMONTON. July 22. The Tremonton Milling & Elevator company has been organized for the purpose of operating a flour mill at Tremonton. A new building, 32x50 feet, will be stories high erected one and one-ha- lf and concrete elevators will be constructed 40 feet high. Machinery for the plant has been ordered and at. a meeting held Saturday, the following officers were elected: K. H. Frida.1, president; Matthew Baer, vies president; Alvin Ipsen, secretary; A. D. McGuire, .treasurer, with the following as the other members of the board Boren L. Miller. J. L. of directors: Weidman and R. E. Steffensen. . : I Entire - Line of Waists All Z.C.M.I. Childrens Gingham Dresses Company Will Build Mill at Tremonton Having Studied League , Will Have to Fight it ? MMJF 4 COMMUNICATIONS . ' TO MEET IN OGDEN estate transaction .was consummated this week In which Moroni Jsnsen and a number of local associates acquire the Squires property at the corner of Main and First South streets and immediately across the Street from the Federal building. The deal involve . -a tisement froptage of 65 feet on Main street N, and 165 feel on First South street. The was $8,126 and the new Emigration Ward Picnic. consideration owners propof to erect a business ' block thereon. Members of Emigration ward' will The Boxelder board of education1 hold a , picnic outing at Liberty park Thursday. 6 Childrens program to commence at p.m, consisting of sports and races. Frizes will be given From 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. winners. luncheon will be served. The outing is under the direction of the ward M. L A. associations Editor, Deseret News. In your issue .of Saturday last under the head of The Churches and the League, you make the astonishing statement that: "So far from being debarred from,mentioning the league in, their or from indorsing it, or even from demanding that the senators ratify It, it is the dear and solemn , duty of all the churches of this country end of the world to get solidly, t earn cutty and milltantly behind it. You are absolutely In error. In effect you say that despite the fact that Intelligent people comtltuta the laity of every church there la no difference of opinlen among them on the league of nations. The real truth If that among those who have not read nor studied tbs treaty nor the league a -- majority, favor it: but .'among those who have studied It a majority oppoee it Thle is not a church question but a legal one; tt Is not a question of whether or not we believe In I peace, but whether or not we think that by the great sacrifice of sov- -' ereignty demanded of us by the league . we shall reap in the slightest measure i the harvest of peace. You take it for granted that the leegtie. will " bring peace. I have not time nor space to discuss ths legal phases herein, but I should think Mr. Taft's letter to Mr. Hays would eonvince you that theis strength of the league supporters waning. ,A an American 1 shall fight tiw league until the' last vote Is taken . v. Cordially youra ' . 'CLAUDE T. BARNJ.3. Salt-Lak- o City, July 22. llli. iiei ttiriiM by Judge Harold M. Stephana of the Third district court in the cases of Petrurf Lundgren and Carl Cost a Maurlts Ke. Under, both natives of Sweden, neutral aliens who took advantage of the congressional act allowing exemption from military draft to those who withdrew their applications for admission to citizenship, are entitled to a hearcancellation of ing in court before the application is ordered by the court.. as in othheld Judge Stephens er auctions, the defendanU In this action are entitled to summons aa in those cases the court held no jurisdiction because vQf the tack qt regular - SB i 0C At' ! |