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Show - - . p i z 4 pi: ...M TUESDAY' -- TUNE - 1Y. :RNI31.NIN-'11()GU- - ry. ;er', OFFICE 4 hts LAKE yrs. Lod RELIEF An outline for the course in field artillery. motor transport. and infantry instruction of the R. O. Tr C. unit established at the University of Utah has been prepared by Lieut. Col. Walter, C. Moore, commandant. It will take effect next fall. The course of study calls for extelwive work along technical and executive lines. One man from each granuating class who ranks highest will xeceive a second lieutenantcy in the branch of service which he has mat ------- ) Sweet Tells Grocers That Mistaken Policy Is Being Pursued D. Villiam UTAH. CITY , I.6 : 4 40... t . At a 4" a. That Soldiers and Sailors' Bureau Will be Turned Over July t; 1 - ' , 1. .. 1 , ' : ' I It, liy 4,4 :' , ., : !! - , ' '' :7' ' , 4 , it .t.,, i44.41' t., ,,, re.:., i4 ' ,,-- ' ,;; 4404 1 , :;., !: . 0 , 4, ;: 1, I .a, .,t !' ' 1' t - ': ; 1111,, lip At ' ''.".. - : ,'. , . ,,,. 1 .0 461 i , fiMV.,... ...., I j 4 ...s...-, 1 4:-- ' - 4, 3,f4:4,11 '' 1- 6:-,- , , - ' x . !."i'''' i r 1;::,',!::::.-..t1r,- , ,. r , ,...,,. - ,;,.i,.,,,..., ,- lien-tenan- t's ,,,,,,w,-,- , 1- p,----- -,....,...- . e, ---- a , hi .- .- -- -- are 1 ;". ! a up-ma- te Finishes Work blere, Goes Home to Face Charges 1 .. OP 1 ,..., Declare Many Jobs Are Waiting For 5 Applicants ask-lin- , E , : , 5 ,.. I i ' ! y. , , rI f the , - - ' 0 2, ,, , - city COIntriiSIOOTI EFFORTS must TIIE ,t, I : 14 . ! nf stme legiurttors to Mdland'!ai. throgh ' 0 ' I 3,1 I 1 II - I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 ' 1 . 4 4 I . 'li i , I' ' I 111 , Utah-Colora- , 1 ' 1 f 1 . I ' i I I II' I 1- it I 1; t f.i - i I t f i1 . ' T1 I fir BATES OF CHUN SUCCESSION series of debates Is being held at Bountiful, between Elder .:Joseph E. Robinson, former president of th California mission, and L. G. Holloway of the Reorganized Church. Elder Robinson affirms. That the Church presided over by President Heber J. Grant is the true and lawful continuation of the Church of Christ organized in 1830 by the Prophet Joseph Smith," Mr. Holloway contends for the negative of this proposition. Monday evening, at the opening debate the meeting house was filled to capacity.. Bishop Barlow was chairman of the evening, and Mr. McKim and Elder E. T. Ralph acted as s. The Invocation was offered by Mr. Punt. In his opening speech, Mr. Holloway attempted to show that his church was the same in doctrine as the Church organized by Joseph Smith. He read from Section 112 of the Doctrine and Covenants of the "judgments of Go4 . which were to be poured out upon all He said the people." Church was rejected. and toldoriginal how the Reorganised church was formed. No Necessity for Beceganisation. Elder Robinson said it was his pleasure and privilege to contend for "the faith once delivered to the Saints. He contended that there was no necessity of reorganization. and stated that the greater body ot the Church came west to the :valleys of the mountains. He read concerning the original organization. also the names of the Twelve, a majority of whom came west with Brigham Young as their leader. He showed from the Doctrine and Covenants that the Church was not A mod-Crater- 1 fl 1 Francisco. They considered mainly the best method to get work accomWished on the road from Thompson to Moab. and decided that by station contracts to the local letting this road can soon he put into people The project is ready for the shape. final approval at Washington and in the meantime the state Is authorized to go ahead with the work of getting the road into shape. Cssi riot ('amps. A convict camp. is at work at Kane Springs. below Moab.. but a blast set off rolled a 'rock down hill and into the compressor, with the result that the work is, tied up, so far as rock drilling Is concerned for at least four days. and possibly longer. depending on whether local help will be sufficient to get the compressor operating again. Mr. Richmond and Mr. Tuttle also went over the road froni Castle Gate to Duchesne. where another gang of convicts is operating a steam shovel, and there are also Rome gangs working on force account. Thts road is already In good shape. but will be better soon. However. the heavy paresis Omit trat- fie, many thousands of tons a month. on heavily loaded trucks, makes the maintenance problem for a graveled , road a big one. From Duchesne Mr. Tuttle and Mr.. Richmond went to Vernal, to Jensen and then to the K ranch, to see what could be done in the way of improv- ing the road east from Vernal. That. however. is Mit yet a state road. which ends with the present post ad pro. ject at Vernal. is I 1 1 4,1 11 - I , f 9 - 141ili 1 iI! I I 1 1 ft 1 1 i t , , 4 1 f ; , 1 I. I , $ , I , II- - , II I Autos Valued at I I 1 1 Iv $100,000 Stolen '' , t 1 1 t relocted. Mr. Holloway Si nce replied "that it dwits the duty of the Twelve to set in order the Church (not part of the He read from "Times and Twelve). Seasons" to show that "spiritual bless- : ings would continue with the true church." He agreed that the Twelve are to be special witnesses. and said the apostles of the Reorganized church Arend all. their time in the ministry. He compared the original Church with the Reorganized church. Elder Robinson urged that the right of First Presidency is held by the Melcbezidek priesthood and pointed out that the First Presidency. chosen by the body of the Church has been sus-i. tained annually and ever since. He contended that God did not need to 'Treat the plan of church organization twice and dem- . onstrated that the church he represents has been the tecipient of Gorl's Meowing continually. Elder Holbrook dismissed the meet-loThe debate will be resumed this evening and will be continued all week. June 1 automobiles with an proximate value of $1o9.010 have been al len from the streets of Salt Lake since June I, and in no case has the, police department been able to catch the offenders. according to a port made by, the Utah Automobile as. sortalion officers. Oae arrest Las een made by the motorcycle officers a boy in this connection. This taken in custody for the theft of an automobile tire. "sol,s responsibOity for these wholesale thefts of motor care front the streets nightly rests with the (thief of police.' WIS the charge made by T. It. Foster of the Utah State Automohtie association. "Nietc,r patroimen who are supposed to be in charge of this work have practically admitted to me that no or catch' ganired-- Attempt is , made to .these boys who are taking, automoMcFarlane Child Dies. biles. The only hing which the de. partment apparent v is doing is the Melva McFarlane. daughter of Ar- taking of repoilta when a car ia stolen. making an effort the next more-thur and Gertrude Rock McFarlane, and ing to locate it. The record of stolen died in a local hospital at .1.10 this ears at the poilce station will show. tr marry' cases the cars morning. following an operation for however. that mastoid trouble. "She was a twin. and have been recovered by thetr owners, sources before the other was three years old. Her father is or through sales manage2. of the Standard Coal police department gr ot .on the Job., 'It is hard to believe that the pocompany and the family residence Is Hee department could be so niwrilgent 250 itirri1011 avenue. it rune'ral cervices will be held at the in thefts of such value but one has record to see that residence, Thursday. Junea 24. at 4 only to look at the Interment will bpf-ltits rILY no' headway "Lad been made In ellysi- -' p.m. :mating automobile loaves. cemetery. j ' 1 l' ., ' i, i.,, 1:, t-- I 41 , t !I V 141 t, I '11 . s L4-- - semi-annual- ly ..! - t t , ' C'''r'"" p; 4, .4 - ' , I 4 g. , ' 1,, r t Akmm.......mm;'!Vltlg, !i r - ; ' 41,,u:iy f:,,rn a parallel for bids for the paving 1A:th the l'..aa r;rancle raWoad Seventh East .5 tree, between. to a TimP tho CAnYOn miming drew Fifth South and Thirteenth of the Crand ravcr to Moah and thence,: the camefor When the time streets. taking ashari. 1,;en northward agAin opening of bids this morning none! hv way of Valle: cPy and Lit!le Grand were submitted. and contrators pres- to Green flo.,--- ard he raroad again, ent explained that they had not had have had the effect .ot dfpracticil sufficient time to make the bids in verting the Pnt!ye Mid!and trall traffic view of the constantly changing 2. 13'.701r.f, through and Wa.atch prices of materials. They asked for an eountlfs tint to lieher City and thence inextension of time in which to bid. but l.ke city attorney ruled that this could to Sa!' Lalie city. . not be legally granted. He said that ' 'nri f,f Engineers. the city must again call for bids An the T irt brought back front usual manner. v W. A. Richmond. as The necessity of readvertising will that . cause at least 203 days delay. which, simian! engincer. who the board did not wish because- the d,a81 extension is a large one. The street car' i just been on a tour of the eastern Inlet nt the of!. in be srill tracks the center state, accompanying J: placed the street. in the parking strip. except iii. Tuttle. district road engineer. Mr. for the block abutting Liberty park,' I Richmond reports that the Midland Since there is no sidewalk next to the Trail traffic is now boinr,.diverted at paric the tracks in this block will be run on the west side of the street. (Grand Junetion towards tho K ranch. The board authorized the city re- on the line.. whence it corder to advertise for bids for the comes lie Jensen, Uteh and so into paving of Denver street between Fifth Vernal. From Vernal westward it and Thirteenth South streets. follows and federal aid roads In.. An appropriation of $550 was au- to Salt state Lake City. Id other words. thorized for the construction of a ce- i the Nliilland trail road throtigh Utah ment ecinduit in Emigration creek on to Salt Lake now is to aV intents Seventeenth South street Just east of land purposes City the Pike 's Peak OceanIto-OEleventh East street. The conduit will cean highway. be 4 by II feet and will replace an old Mr. Richmond says that the road wooden bridge, .which recently caved up the Crawl river canyon offers enI In. itfficulties such as to bring For some time the commhision con: gineering cost of construction to virtually sidered the question of contracting tot figures. automobile lubricating oils for the en- impracticabte From Price to Clreen River. how. suing year. It has been predicted that I ever. which is still a saving may be made by buying un- siderabb work is state road. coodone In being der contract over the old method of ,straightening out the old road and in calling for bids for small supplies. The Iturripiking. This highway as talon as matter was referred to the city rill--- the local traffic gets to usirg it. will chasing department. in fair pretty shape. Mr. andichttuonid - - i,be Effhrts are being vert the traffic to riesviy constructed SERIES AT partir,as of tos road by running a plow g over tbr, abandoned portions leg-sathe old road. Mr. Richmond and Mr. Tuttle were BOUNTIFUL ON OLIESTION accompaied over part of the road t7ty Engineer pencil. of the bureau of poblic roads district office at San - , G MIDLAND-PAVIN- I ::: '. S l',. DIVERTED 4 1 ti',-;.- 1 ,, - " THE ),,-,- !... 0 - - Contractors Not Ready to Eastern Utah Travel Now Submit Offers on Seventh Comes to Salt Lake by East WorkConduit Is Way of Heber City, Say Authorized by Returning Engineers. , - gI OVER 11 '4141 '' r .,,, i Ay 0.., ti,....!,, 41 ,,,,..----, : - ' 44.2,tylt,.-,',.'"'"A- T 5 ' BIOS ON 1.'EAR ' 'i' ..,: , kl, 41 ! ..: ' i , i 1 , ',!'..,1 i - ; , 1 ' ...: , ' ' UTAH' .'' '''' ....,... 7,41,-...- 1 lith TRAIL ( : -- READVERTEEJRAFFIC FOR , , , ...' State Council of Defense Notifies Mayor Ferry , ) SEVENTIETH , t , .me. 1 . . MUST. ' . , 4 employment committee ifl t1 7 ,.: , state council of defense thisl , notified formally ' 0 , ,ti ,Ift .,.., . Mayor W. Mont Ferry that lt1 , would close its soldiers and sailors' ' - 4..tarbY office in employment the Hotel Utah By Retailers. c, building on July I, After that date 4 -J It will be taken over by the city and , EIMEMEIMIMEMEIMI as as it is needed by the operated long ' mo .. v..... a n ,,,,,, . ,.40., HERE le no immediate prospect' p........I......w Utah men returning from service. It .114 , ...1. 17,, , 2 , of price recession for mer- 4 Benefits Offered. is with considerable satisfaction that intaal . Tr..""S77, chandisc nothing to indicate ( Following is the outline prepared the employment officials are modest2 'W'rfg71?..':,';f1,.....4AS1,11"","-71,117.1r '.'' lower prices for some time to by Col. Moore depicting the benefits ly summing up the records of the 7 -- -,.. y Ill . 1441 ' it 'II It 'is a mistaken policy to to be secured from the military bureau's accomplishments for as Sec,,w course: ,IP smolt of purchases vetch the doctrine Arch M. Thurman pubs it this liL 177' , , , ., 1. Discipline as a leader, of great retary ' ) ' the bureau has done much I carry ea businesi while waiting for value in any life work. TV o morning, ),,k. I 41....0,1 '44 '' 4 1 ' 2. Training in team play and memore than can be totalled up in figsow prices as Gott tends te decrease ;1''''')7AL'.ittet.glumiamm....,,,,,,,,, b. t4 1.43 k t', .., ..:,...,444,1.3 ',. , , and thod of securing organized action by ures." by manufacturers redaction ,:o , . the group. r44,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.....11,-Z,1Mr. Thurman acknowledged that t. 4 ' I ,......ftr..-.'- ' ' ' t 8. Scholarship of about $125 a year ieretere increase costs. The best way ........."40, '',, 4 was 1 little doubt in his mind that ez,: -' t... , I &kids to keep the wave et pres- during the last two years of the course. there .; ' ' 1 (7,---. 4. Physical training that will make It had good effect onthe 4 e iii ,,1,t,, MAY In this nation bp to the present boys in khaki him fit to pursue his civil career as since its , .4,:,r, o ,,r 7,, ,r7 organization last December ,loadard is to preach the doctrine of well an to perform his military duty. ?,;,,, 4: s Ikl,ts ,,,,.,4r,,,i,43.,,4. 5. Training for chosen duty when in letting them know that the big body e ,,., moiety preduction," was the message , ,f4.,-,..? i a , called to service. ,ti ti, of the tate 's citizens were behind sot ire William L. Sweet, president of .. 0. , ; ...,.,,,, Special training of technical them in looking for Jobs. It has pre.,;,,,.,,,,. , T to American Speetalty Manufacturers of character in value his professional . t ,0,,,,,,,N,,,:.,-,..., .,t-- 0 Irsk,itr ., ,, . et vented. he believes, considerable In, ri5-7"stoclation to the National Retail Oro- -, career. , 7. Opportunity to qualify for t,y(rvr I ,.,,,,,t) dustrial unrest and has tended to en! , 6.5,,,,,, Ma asnociation whose annual COMPS1?.,stil: , commission in the officers' re- courage ands:stimulate the morale of , serve corps without interfering with WC is being held in Ithe Nate! Utah. -.,,,A OK( :. the returned service men. It has act'''''''fir for civilian life. PI Er. Sweet was on thew program to training 8. , Training which develops leader. ed as a sort of headquarters for the .,i,. 1 peak at the morning session of the ship, 4 confidence, tourt- men out of work and without homes -- ' ,r,tot-Covention but Inutiness prevented his eery. initiative, and a keen sense of while who could comforsit waiting . . . 00 his message was read by duty. Opportunity to attend without tably In the office in place of just li.symond Turver of the summer benecamps, both Shredded expense F,..DEWEY RICHARDS devised by the War Camp Communroaming the streets. Mr. Thurman . eat Siam and helpful in character. ity Service. are. as a rule, the first company. His message ficial paid high tribute to the work of Ye-p- M-Ain- of New York City was yester- - words 10. servfor national from home folks to reach the Preparation vice lid of the benefits derived from co- ice. thereby chairman L. of day Morris who has had charge fulfilling his patriotic injurod boys after they arrive on the in of Utah service the canteen oties work between the grocers duty. 05 the office, declaring that Mr.. Morris transports. The women invite those The institution will secure: Gotham to assist in receiving and wel- lads who can to visit them at the the manufacturers of specialty 1. A bond of connection with the had the ability of making the boys of States. and In the eases of Hall ierchadIse. A driving out of the national government which will: feel that he was really interested in coming home Utah soldiers and ha il- - the severely wounded. they call on and ors from overseas. them took behind all returned that. who salesman has assisted the men in the wards. carrying' tensity merely (a) Bring it into touch with na- hero" business the bureau officials as at the work for someShetime cheer, COMMUSIOne her and and for his got tional problems. qiers home papers that are avidly seized, 1') man to man had the discharged sol- appointment Was sent by wire yester- and seers to sign orders for goods they ( b) Give it an opportunity for naIi0Wer3 or fruit. diers' and sailors' welfare at heart. day ity Chairman E. O. !Inward fol.- ,!ter expected to acoept is one of the tional service. All the hospital activity for the It is estimated that about 4.300 loWing the meetirg yesterday of the various g benefits derived from the states centers at the Hall of ,,,, (c) Develop closer relations with men have applied at the boreanfor local Red Croto; committee.; a work according to Mr. Sweet's other schools as parts of a national States. schtch the War Camp Comsince 2,900 About Scores of work its Utah opening. soldiers, wounded munity Service has established at 27 4 interprise. Ilesage. have been placed, most of them in per- or ill. lying lit the great army de-- West The sale of standard goods which Value to Government Twenty4ifth street, close to the Z The of cost manent barkation placpositions. of New York.I hospitals Arch. Here "Huddles" meet, consumer It advertiood so that the ',TN The government will secure: men has averaged 92 cents per receive their fIrst special welcome Victory the ing War's end. and home folks at are ..., the value news full weight and being 1. A large group of well trained man and in addition the council be and their first hint of home from welcome the boys back from the vented was advocated also by Mt. reserve officers qualified as teachers employed a number of ,T) them, while letters and calls from volunteer trenches and the deep blue seas. tot, leaders and for service. in for work emergency the wornett at up workers In desk Utah waiting making the Some of the men need even more 4 2. A practical- - appliCation of sci- states war historical record. State Reports Made. the Hall of States in New Yeork city.1 practical aid; some are "blue," some ence to welfare and a sthnulation of While other are states Officials a job hack home; some want to need regarding reports association large State using II Congratulated. scientific interest in things military. such ast Kansas's trace lost To all of these ze, work of the various state organiGovernment officials recently visit- appropriations. 13 3. Officers detailed as professors and dele$35,00.1 Massachuetts's $50.061), the Utah women give help. Somestions were read by various the city from Asst. Secy. Woods' in ing of science and tactics must military retheir rt, welcoming homecoming ion,1 times they take a "blue" lad to es. During the reading of the have congratulated the Utah. study to be able to instruct and will department, Mrs. we, F. dinner and to the theatre. Someby represented rts the question of Sunday closing dedi become familiar with new scientific council on its employment activities, Dewey Richards. re-of salt times they find the lost loved ones. of formerly the so In spite of the fact that having had many or, is dealt with by and educational developments progLake City, and such helpers as she For those who need Jobs the War that a general discussion in favor ress. Army instruction methods will no report of the work being accom- has been -,- .. able to is doing the Camp Community Service maintains closing was entered into. be enriched by contact with the best plished here for the returned service volunteer work. gather at the Hall of States a nation-wid- e voiced the educational agencies. men they really carite to criticize. The work clerical of ea;letc;eofez sending let. employment bureau. Its manager, when he The office is closing, Mr. Thurman ten; to the men in j..tmscenbrot the hospitals here Dr. W. D. Fisher. canvasses stated. but with one anxietythat the is world was made in six large and calls for heavy expense. New York and other states, for posicity continue the work. Mr. Morris Such day was for Did War Work Produce TS and the seventh letters. sent out under a plan! tions for men. directly into the "Own Your Own . If there is anyone here who 'r Meeker Type of Woman, goes Home Campaign" work and it is liketrt make a living in six days he had the employment headquarters will m er get out of the grocery business Or Was It Transitory. ly , be removed to some other location. some other line because he is out There's a flag at the headquarters There was an interesting discuswhich has hung through sun and rain plate Mr. Schroeder advocated the fight the entrance door. By now it is above sion in feminine ranks at Red .r Sunday closinga one that should rather dusky In appearance but it litCross headquarters as to whether tarried on by the association work. tle cares for such matters. For as there bad long or not the war has betped the le sold in Chicago figure after figure khaki clad has ap- an ,ordinance for Sunday clotting cause of mankind. peared in the city just fresh from the many a slip betwixt cup foundation andGillespie was allowed saloons which had always been war front, it has cordially waved its Women notwho directors is the maximum that to continue his work in the temple. an have orgigniwar but during the welcome pmmising self respecting THERE's Meanwhile an officer arrived from ed the activIties of Salt takes to the heroes who gave up their don waited on Mayor William Hale running through the Mesa but at the jobs of Chief chance in the breadwinning ranks to mind of R. N. Gillespie of Mesa. White he has waited request empson with & threat of tmpeach--on1 women tn the war work declare to see some if - ,, if saloons were not closed could not be made of the case Ariz.. for the past five days, but fortuthat one of the hardest dbliculties fight tor their national ideals. I so ,day with the remit the oltt ordicould that his audrive Gilleepie ocovercome has for the fair sex to nately in his case the slip almost ,ce is now being rigidly rettpected. tomobile back to Arizona. 'orders. did not to but been curred obey learning quite. Business Margins. Bond Is Fixed. Surnmed up. it was declared that Mr. Gillespie and wife. who are ,.With this in margins and bust-- , Proper huffiness were view, Chief White wired discussed by of members the Church of Jesus Christ authorities at Mesa to fix Gillespie's mathematics previous to the imr the American , east-' woman had been used to running of Latter-da- y Saints, had always been bond. and then Whife wired J: A. repredelserrta;t3vrePi of the California , , president- of the Maricopa herself, her household, her chilhopeful and the time would come when ILeeueur, ..t. Growers' exchange, who pro-- , stake from which Gillespie and famdren and, alas, most generally, her the value of ,proper selling and they colikl go through the Salt Lake ily came. requesting him to see if ... ting Iimethods husbarKi. And when Uncle Sam, temple. Finally the time came when bond could not be arranged. No ward SpecialWboth of merchandise wasa from Leeueur. eeor the "greatest mother of them they were able to make the trip to this has beento received as advanced be main argument Chief White. but the bond CU." proceeded to dictate how a city and accompanied by Gillespie's cording tans of building up business and was fixed by the authorities at 85.000. sock was to be made or a bandage accounting to see that all mer A death knell to the lazy man who brother and family they arrived in the Today Gillespie started habeas corpus 'dim was bandied at a profit. g IPt the time the all when folded against Chief White. there isn't such a thing as a city early last week. On Wednesday proceedings declares sold be to e goods, he said, have Aoa him to show Cause why he should work in the temple women knew very well how it their began reSof : they sounded with was the less than the cost of doing businesa today be held in custody. Chief White ex-- I job should be done. there was usually ,d therefore other articles of mer12 Telegram Arrive pressed the belief today that matters ceipt here of a bulletin from the U. :lande have to bear the burden of something doing. If Red Cross recwould be fixed up this afternoon so civil service department. According In the meantime a telegram arrived that The main lualizing profit margin& a seemto Gillespie could start home with are be ords considered, he said, from to the govern- from the .authorities at Niesa baying hie family a communication cern of the merchant. tomorrow. ingly meeker type of woman has lotild be to keep the general margin Jobe ment the days of men hunting for that Gillespie was wanted there on a The Church authorities expressed , and the of work. war But in buyer front from the developed profit is over. Now the Jobs are hunting the felony charge. De tectite H. D. Lyon their appreciation this morning for :ere would be less complaint, he said, ) Red Cross oMcials are i Whites stand in the matter and wondering . men. And theatrangest fact of all is placed the man under arrest and Chief . profiteering.- thanked him for the courtesy extendback has she dollar-a-dadropped already fruit the of y Analyzing the growth that the positions are 110 lodged him in the city Jail. Chief of ed.. Into her old habit of running Minas in the grocery trade Mr.Pindbut have salaries attached Police J. Parley-Whi- te in.the meantime the Gillespie e realwas away from positions of Y said is sugar the fruit now mere man citrus a ambition of doing the things or has as high as $3.600 a year. ttie statien at the time and the easel ized their i up s fruit trade. running lie said prohibition tonal' say in matters. temple work and are now' ready to to his attention i return home to Another feature of the ' bulletin is was not brought wiped out a great part of the 1 the charges which later. As soon as he heard of it he they claim are face as a result of tho 1 false. It is expected Uncle Sams recognition cif women's ordered artrr;ct. footr tiaelm000nn: which used large "Maytime" Thu Evening Gillespie brought before him' that they will the next day. away get place in the economic and industrial and distened to his story. atItities of lemons in serving mixed The widely advertised New 'York fields. for although a few years ago says that bat fall he 11 nks but that the development of Gillespie a bunch of rows from a Will Face Charge of tier outlets making home consump- success. "Itlaytime," a comedy and a worth-whil- e positions were limited bought m develop company at .Mesa and was creamery market for lam- musical play blended. will be the at- the a gel 40 for the meat part to men, now they to yoay for them on time. givine a s to take upi the slack had created Being Draft Evader tar better market than the saloons traction at the Salt take Theatre this are in the main offered to both men mortgage on the cattle as security. will be in The leading parts , furnished. The housewives are evening. got Early in the winter he discovered that , Marcus Jensen. ,22 yeare old. was hands of John Charles Thomas and women. a. of like animals were not good arrested at the federal building Mon-- I skins lemon pies, he said, former the College training evidently has little many' cows and with witnesses went crs are taking more fruit juices and Carolyn Thomson. while John T. And, doctors, or- mach Metals of the creamery coin- - day and is being held for the United ';d that'bt better for the nation., to Murphy has the comedian's role. The prestige. for in theteachers. the are etc., entire Broadway production will be dinary engineers. , obtained their consent to sell !States authorities on a charge of beand pany Buying, I among the poorest paid. with salariesA some shown in this city. of the animals and use the fu'rvis log a draft evader. According to the A to 11.600. from efficient more organMO and larger running feed with which 'to carry to Jensen teien after he stood ation was de:cussed by F. B. Con-oil"Joker" has been placed in the bulletin the purchase of being drafted. bought a others through the winter. This Ipolice. than the retailer. The who independently he says profit larger , past president of the National noth-plumber "King" and dtd he last Jantritry ear from a local automobile 'dealer who re-- organization can well afford to give charges a dollar an hour in Halt Lake ttall Grocers' or was it said about done made! ecie and ing further payment on it. He then .ewed the growth of the national or- - more attention to this question. he City. le' listed by Uncle gam ea worth until after he had left for ,Salt Lake !left town in the machine and only re- buying Just Alzation in the, past few years and said. By making other of number MO a year. A4 Metals of the company then ap-- 1 Iturned since the war was ended. Dur- ,111 how national organization ef- part of association work the retail- - mechanics Jobs of about the same The time. the nott(1 say. he has oarently swore to the complaint daainst rts along various lines increased ip Ito can eliminate a big part of the class salbeen have which drawing ibeen in the states Of IVashington.- Ore- 'Men in comparison to thwtncrease profit and sell merchan- aries at $S or more a day. are decided- him. to mans' and California. Nevada After listening gon the, young dise to the consumer at a lower price, The story,. which was confirmed by his sob- - all the time in the machine. traveling organization. He was ly under rated on the bulletin. advocated an exten- - he said. was served at highest salad& are offered business bing wife and the brother's family. accompanied on these trips be his 1')n of the in- luncheon A cafeteria aa to, so organization and 'Chief White detridedtotake a chance." the police allege. Officers vie all classes of retail merchants noon to the delegates and their guests managers. valuation engineers. leadunable to locate the car. actual and turned Gillespie looae on his own Ifather. vd the at fhe Hotel Utah. Following the other positions orrequiringhundred development of to lemon is said to have told him Jobs recogni;oonee. rendiring three I report were taken for ership. Two as a luncheon the ladies 'Irinfr by retail merchants it was in the city. in most to each It is a station that Thlit listed the day. although taking Gillespie Ithem val- are S .,,,ornit of cutting down high,costo to automobile rides throughout the that a federal warrant will - ley after which they were taken to varied number at profeselons. together has done. furHe said we Jobber the 1:11(timera Pawed by. DIM. Atty. W. W. Ray and The Church authoritiSA also is-- , he of breaking quantity ittaltair where the men will Join them with the statement that there is great be charged vestigated the ease and satisfied them- Ibe the young man will ,rthases into small individual store following the afternoon session of the difficulty in securtng a sufficient num- iteives ovaditaz the draft law.that the charge --- watt without - ber of eligible workers. r.rtha$el and in many CAMS takes a.convention. . - , :. ' A ) , 6 d. : Boy Smut Week,- June 8th to . -- , Mao-hoo- 4'f State University , to I Build rrite4 VINSIFIrrlfst,rsima Work Offered at tOOKSFORLITTIE , s At , SALT 4. ' 14 , . WANlIFACTUR111. Outline of Army ,, - Volunteer Worers In Flail of States Aiding Sons Arriving From Fight , r - SIP . Utah. Ha's- El EMPLOYMENT . , ,, -- 24 '1919 - ICITTO,.Cillitilitj tn. E . IJIGit-;.,:T'gliES,11.1:111-1:- 14- I . - 7- ' , , vi, ' SECTION, :i 1850 t . , 1 ' , - , dr , 1 .., i , ,,v 11 , I 1 ',1 1Tk i 1 it |