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Show .a List isr iLWELY S , lorn is feeah pres in the market, at u cents per lb. and there quotMt ara Ajueatille f orengee jobbing at It per can. Baxtaa- tUl hold ip to t vnt per lb with Pile only 1 cent higher There rtatlnone are too many to be had. and a real scarcity te apprehended by Mother week. California cabbage. a piTme la wholesaling at 3 cents. Kreh black cod is to be had at 6 cents per lb. red snappers, IS rents. Ore-so- u red-ail- iW.o n smelt, seme Krosen white fth 1' ? from Lftk Michigan. Te f4nf 3b cents There is an additional supAef scollops at hand from the ply tlantic seaboard, at 30 rents per 1U. Hot a handful of turkeys were te be had today, at 42 cents, and not of high at that. quality Commission houses report a movement among millers in the state to restore the pre-wstatus rf flours, that Is to place once more on the local mar- - yeAl r ,20ft 44 ket high patent, straight grade anff Mnun per lb 30 .171 family flours. 'At. present there is fb li per one grade, stmjghigrade. notwith .30 lb ,er many A, :e standingIt ishigh patent' noted-orhflf,. bagm. rx explained by dealers that per ih. these 'bags were used beforeorthe rnset ji for high patent flour, end beirg p ..5 do rather thin ho ftound per Ih 7 used for straight ,1 east aside and not put o some asuse j to! Hay is stilLaji uncertain gixftUty priee. Western Market Letter. , Butter i tendingupa with the absorption fey he puhli 'f onj the targe amounts of butter thrown fSpeUi! Cnrrearondenci.) ri.ee4 the market some time agd e CITY "PTCirK TART KHVS sorrowful to the proflteeri, who werj "rr on S filling market TVjT C.tttlr ,re wpf tocMT 8 Oflu Feb. 17 down to II rents it some pis!- heid fr :1 out nnr hiiif of last-- Mon too kaa .tahsa-- daub, tram. JJU X Is' ftft 'ft TfTctif 'vafraitV' frt tit' 011 There J a $1 gL Un I'urfc r Mg rj1y 00, which downward tendency ail stone the of foodvproduet. though bv no scare- t 7 pop head le thin Monday a week a sn even on. There seems ta be reinmarket strong to 1ft cent high- jf ar t I 4uh ie pr Justm.nt rt lrt easement In Cnrrrnt Ct t "" qt44un rno.lpt. I1 thnn ftft ! Monday. h-- al. matlA-- t i mm. ,f ct - ' .... ....... 5 I a r I , I ,0 ' I i 1 jt i amt-feed- ers ll State Scnator. Discus. , Out- - Negotiation With Mining Companies Effort to Kill Bill Fail. ide tli Ninth South Track Fight Goes to Court . rfrORTS failed In the senate Thursday afternoon to hare that body virtually ireverae Its action of tha day before, by striking a apur track on Nintn noutn siren leading from K rt Wwt etreet by the the enacting clause of the bill It had I uth ltail road company (jec(jgj to consider on the mine tag halt Lake anaforred from the city hits bc4n was the same ae com mica ion Umlar to the Third dm- - aueetion. TImjfqU day before, 10 to 3. This time it tnrt kurt jths fiutt was filed yesterday by the reij was a record vote. Those voting in of .trikihg the enacting cUue. teraection or the mo etreeta. Krneetfrom senate bill J,. known variously and Albert me Mruh and T T. Bui ton minority committee bill, the are mad- - the defendant, in the s'cBevan-rarkbill," and the of owner the lion, the r.rtt two a were: Senator bill, their ptace of residence, Property Ipesa ( - er tr !. ' ill Kwe.d snin from 25. wethyearllnge from $14 to 115and feeders SO. etmkera ers 110 to good fat lf to 117 Any kind offrom 111 2S ewes would hate brought to 1 11. SO, here today of. (CU , uPr d Batuou a. jna . tion upon i( TJie complaint chargee In ihar Burton tentereeted In trackage competiIn the city that aould be 4 090 tion with that proposed by the plainand that he obtained frilly tiff company the option on the ground In queetlon to block the In.talLaXum of the proposed spur track. !5 mit, hlghrr the market, Atm h Bnrf CalJln. wboi.imi. n.t.a 2.5ft H fed gtnem on the no With Bran, cr PU prime 2 fto Corn, per a hunrh of II head of market t 4 10 .ft I corn Cracked 1.210 pounde I i Oregon rtrera sreraglng 1.25 . . ,. .. 1 4i' j tnpped the market at 1 ft 1ft. A Wring I !i Hulled barley . meere of oklohama weighing l.lftft lha Per bal 1 IS natter H I mild for lift 40, whtla arm, Alfalfa, par ton Tlmsthv hay. per ton aleer. very plain In quality, brought . l. lift ftft Cnneidertng quality, the eteer (baled) la fully IS vent ri.oiA. market higher 1ft Oft I than Ui week' i lose No iMilpera on II Straight grade - rre Butrher rhet the ni. gradea IlCiR. ' with tride aetive and higher, ('owe 11 Beet or cane .lift 4 i anthorfi-rselling from 25 to 50 canto ECtia. than last week', close, cows fresh aggs, Pcr cave II M - ..mca higher fr(mk ,t4 h(lrgni sgU)nE aiTTBH. from IS 50 to 115. Tanner cow sell- 54 In Creamery, ft&.ku t lft.5ft bulls steady carl,, ng f ... .4 Creamery, .olid pa-T selling from 17 50 to 110 6. veal Creamery, second ela.s, .55 caltes strong, aelllng up to 112. .4M4I , j Nncktta sud Fedora. 'MILK A5I) ( BE M. rat With very few stork era It 25(121 frees milk on the market, the good kind ruled 15 Babies special eteady at steady to stronger prices. Fresh eresra feeders selling from 112 to 114, stock-er- a ,7 I, ft Whipping erear .... from I lo id to 1 4. CtlKESE. iToge. Wholesale Rctat 'of .25 W Ko. 1 cheese ,,r-- . With receipt about one-ha- lf fol!n,: av DEBATE OK loot Monday's supply the market opened steady to 10 eentn higher. Top the hlgheet today 118.0(1, equaling front price paid (hie year, buAi selling butchand medium, to 117.70, 117.25 er. aelilng from $12 to lift. Slevp and Lambs. todav Wlth'only 1.000 head here sold market opened etrotig K,t lambelambe from 117 to 117 IS. while choice Onmions ac, In th current market. with tmwquiet fo&luro, as in e- t at thla time of Prc4 t lonih fair, tn e Mndtu Jot bine t 15 cents per lb, elsoplant, peppers, lobbtn ai osmls per lb. Cell ; 21' 1 f)l 9 ETtETEV E N I KG"N K VV S 'FRIDAY FEBRUARY r . Hogs Are Poisoned. rrafh of five bog on the farm of Paul W rat hall, of Orantsvtlle. tnvestl-gate- d by Dr R. W. Hoggan. stats ltveotock inspector, was traced te the fAcdng to the huge of a carcae of a that had died of Seventeen hogs which were .boat reads to fatten for th market had been fed on th, steer, and several had contracted blood poisoning. str PETITION IT BAVKHTPITT. Pred Q Bader, manager of the Salt Lake store ,f the Chevrolet Motor com- filed City, yesterday pnv of Kansas petition In voluntary bankruptcy In ths T'ntted States district courta suetBis a liabilities are lllftni and , claimed exempts.nw V. .T., JaM, X . 5W ilcr Joae Kinney. C. L. Olson, Allen T. Sanford, Daniel Stevens Kdward Southwick. and President J. W. Funk. Voting against the motion, and virtually to throw the bill introduced by Senator C, L. Olson Into the discard, save for the very --eonniderable portion which la Incorporated In the rival bill, were: Senators Archibald Bevan. Orlando Bradley, X W. Clyde, George H Dem, Elisabeth Hayward, Quince Kimball, J. Will Knight, W. T. Lamph. W. X Park.er.aml gichard String ham. Reference to Negotiations. In the debate which preceded this vote constant reference was made to the negotiations carried on, since the passage of the mine tax Amendment to the constitution, by state officials with representatives of various metalliferous mining companies. In this connection hat some of the senators spoke of as an. agreement, while others were not pleased to consider it by any such definite a term, was fre- qucntly mentioned. The terms of the were not mentioned.' save that by occasional reference it could be concluded that it was some- - Our Exclusive Process Gives ..Troco Its- - Delicious Flavor Ask .your dealer for a cspsule of the coloring used by butter makers. Solves the Butter Problem .....Troco in not merely .a butter. lubsUtutei i.t ij.the successor to butter. It tastes like creamery butter and is as iigestible. with the same high nutritive value. Troco solves the butter pr blem lot critical users who say that rarely is spy product so sweet and delicate. Troco Is made from the white meat of eoeonuta, churned with pasteurised milk by an exclusive proc- ess which gives the delicate Troco flavor. , ' Compare Troco With the Best Creamery Butter The test of Troco Is on the table, where it wim butter lovers. For cooking it hat no equal, main results or from the standpoint of economy, iroc goes farther than butter. . Troco is a quality product used In homes when only the beet fa tolerated. Here flavor, quality and the assurance of fastidious manufacturing methodi insure the popularity of Troco. UTAH WHOLESALE GROCER CO. Write Troco Co., Saves 20 to 30 Cents a Pound Blvd. Bldg., Chicago, IIL, Michigan forFree Cook Book illiWI near-compa- vti :it as iWMirii iiUiUuiiikUua ful low a The metal mine companies, which had a suit In coart at that time undecided, asked that the legislature pass a bill which would require the atate hoard of Utah-Idah- o Casualties. to assess metalliferous equalisation A Telephone mines at not to exceed" three times Your Dealer : the net proceeds. They also stipulated Can Troco Message Brings the he that bill should of certain D. G. Feb. WASHINGTON, deductions 'from the permit gross yield of a You Get Prompt Delivery following' casualties ere reported by tbe m)n, ,n (1,t.rmn,nr ,h Bet proc,,,,, commanding general of the American ThM Included all tha deductions that forces expeditionary Weaadcd tDewree redetevmtwed) unnecessary hardships oo me mr? Thomas Patterson. Mre. Jane PaUrr-eopersonally against those rerred to his efforts, and was always Against this was pcf th .ua Maama. Utah. u Jir.y ft who voted man that the law docs not jurfit Charles to W nrerketta. willing Iawrence give anyhe fit the farmer in tho- - tito benefit the to did what differently Check us. pi with the workmens com of having the ,c An RrowiLiot eotnphenee mm 4 firemen and The owe hie to enginemen opinion, ,xw dld no include and had neverright the haiard would be rncread s to question attempted HI Westminster avenue, Balt ilkeTltT pntloB o( officers of the corpora stock owners and herder veind mome of a eehator o ting. IBfll Utah. nor of employees who wer not (he come more carelcM with rega-Off- benator Olson further asserted, howMr. Mry J tion. in residents of the stale. a net corporof keeping the stock off the trrk J that the profit of the value treet, Id return for consideration fluff. 33 norUt Second of the ever, measure ation are'thetrue vigorously opposed (he measure lien wifihe of the mining companies In this of Its Provo, Utah. H. Smith, counsel for the UbUhI of board the and that property, Wllbw La. Cortrllo. Mr Auflrusta P regard the companies were to pay the The senate committee on commerce railroad administrAtum, tqwk never would obtain the aSortli Ogden Utah tax for 1318 without fur- equalisation Cortrllo, occupation the of how a the women bill, as did repbentpve o! until held and last the net provisions profits industry hearing they night ,are particular People epocially Herbert f. Haylor Mra Agnee Hay-lo- ther protest or proceedings in court. bill, requiring reports from the at the Hotel Utah, at which the bilL by ttalt Iake & Utah and th rtah-lBL Anthony. Idaho. It was also brought out that the Olson dress. What they wear. Then why should they not Railroad cotnptnie Central were on writthis point corporations Mr Mlnnl Py.tt, mining companies had at one time proGuy E. Iyeatt ten Ihto th statutes of the state. He Rep. - M Masters regarding the killing Edward Southwuk. of I tah and I be particular what they eat? , posed that the payment of th mine tax adntted that the rival bill gave the of live stock by trains Was considered. Masters, also of that touny favr TetKioy, Tmht coontr, Maho Ira E. Putman. Jacob Putman. Kuna, be by certified check, which sould be board power to obtain tbe information The bill was opposed by representatives the bill. It wa ery mu.h a QUALITY AND REPUTATION PLUS REAS0N-- ; J placed fn the hands of the governor, If It would exercise that power, but of the Idaho. session, sirne Senator to be turned over to the state treasenginemen and firemen's unions, county romT.itt John H. MrErers lira Catherine ABLE PRICES. also asserted that the board had had on Knight, chairman of theand it urer when tbe It countA would tbe tbe that from that also Idaho provisions ground incrqaae ever since and proposed the Orefjno, statehood, power sorted uiatmost of (he cofrplajaia Come and see whether father will enjoy his next Georft W. Bradford. E. M. Bradford. should become lan. never had exercised ft hazard of their occupations. It nas further brouxht-ot- rt in the had come frm reatdeeti 134 eighth arena bill provides Of course," be said, discussing the live this regard The north. Twin Falla. debate when that Dinner. of Utah county. that it was some 'such propo- attitude taken by the companies, un- stock is killed by a train, the railroad property-owne- r Sunday Idaho. as was sition which this submitted to ofJLha der the jurUdlcttoiUMf xLaie.bpard, .sbaIUJUa4ecmeLgulHy ; igsmie WmdH theofthe senate, are willing for a board to have untiMli opposite has been proven. At joint committee A Bank-wo- rk, cmintrv w erk of had before it at the time the "they JoeT Mr. Ida Boderlomd which in siaht except the one realitorney Jacob Evans spoke fo favor of - ww; work,-qtzick m4ne taxation b!ttt.and to theTeve-nu- e everything exwork, legal true In essentiaf similar the lbebTTT, Enroka. Utah that laws determining thing saIng per lb., by the piece Strictly faneyr committee of the house, earlier in value of the corporations holdings isted in other states without working Fpeclaltics, Deseret News Job Dept Pietro Fort un to. PaaqueHo Fortt-nafthe present session. Hammett. Idaho The Old Reliable. Tannin W. LarVoti. JaniM A- - Larvoiu Conference With Governor. R K D No. 2, Oakley. Idaho -The conference between the rover-- , lovl Baurey Mr, lAura Saurey, "R nor an dthe' legislators was held tbe F P No. 3, Rexburx, kiaho day after the local United Htates court C UTCT PfDCT CAfTTU HVci Iftftl Robert Bimmona Beth tiaamona. decided the suit against the mining Idaho companies. It was definitely mentioned at the time, however, the the proposal was completed before R was known what the decision of tbe court And there was stiM the would be chance of the decision being reversed on appeal to the supreme court of the rolled Staten. The negotiations had been carried on as was out at that time, by ths governor,given the secretary of state, the attorney general and members of the state board of equalisation ll wm not announced at tbe time that there was any agreement reached at the conference between the governor and (he legislators. And in the debate of esterday it was asserted that the with the legislators left the matter enrirely in meeting their own bands. The metal mining companies, have smee paid their occupation lax direct to the state treasurer. The argument was advanced jester day that it was the moral obligation' of the legislators, if they were not to repudiate the action of the elected officers of the state govuPure Because ernment to comply with certain exf the mining compressed rfrftiree Pasteurized panies. In this manner, therefore, the argument was advanced that acceptance of (he Bevan-Park1H1. Senate Bill No. i5, was virtually a party vote. Reference. Cified rheiK incident was later bv .Senator Dern as an attack on the governor. Bill No, 8T te The Ohmn earrfes in it the pronaioir that metal be assessed at mining companies shall Three lnnea the net proceed. Thu no of the discretion to the latitude is left state board of cquatixation. and also, no for it was argued, the opportunity t distant representations from the mining companies to which this body has been subjet ted r J Coal WlalssrCempsnles. most delicious for The easiest for you The coal m!ntnr comnaples. a$ re con the to qujrert by the amendment all is a generous dish of piptos; hot pancakes, irresistibly tempt-..i- n etitutlon. am to be taxed at their actu al valueH These comnaniea, so far as CLOVER Butter. with meltintc Bits of fresh, pure MAID was de. lured on the floor of the senate J Puritan Baked JTam . the! vesterday wen not a party Je was BoS Puritan Ham 4 hours: remove skin. Mix a enpf nl of has CLOVER fine, rich flavor to which reference MAII) agreement the uke with a 4 cuplul of cider Tinegin your ever ham made Nor, of. course, ere they ai footsavuri-ues- s and set m pan to bake. Cook 2 hours m moderate men, in the the cakes it zest to the adds bv adopted dian a -- nicely baked ham. Its the ed gives finally what multiple reskin been has baste often Insert clove in fat where The coal mining comnante. however, moved. 51x h cupful each of brown sugar and bread the delicacy. pave an interest in which bill is to be crumbs and H teaaixxmiul of pepper, eprmkle over ham. piece de resistance for a big dinner. Bake 1 hour longer. chosen, for the reason that the Olson . CLOV ER MAID . and prompts many secret trips, later to Tlie ij?li ijiit ti bill would reonlre verv definite reantl.h in be marfe'fctfntranv hr thnrnfpports e the pantry by Dad .and the boys. . BMk aJHf erous --isMouhliiinsurcd thronirh i icrf ect nasteu mining companies In- of jnr! n tr (ho pet rofS T prorfiteffon . WSXJ4 N551a. At" -- co w jW a ynsy 4 k! ed rr.at gruia-v n a he f 'of' selWg Tin Ur course you must jhave a good ham sav would be giving information to ' before '.entering' the huar- ckuma, tbe com-- ) tested in the first place. The brand PURL their competitor to which and fully mleht peMtors are not entitled, FurTAN guarantees young, tender, sweet Your grocer has MAID O CLOVER Butter fresh every day. seeiouelv affect theib business ther they srrued that the bosrd could under . flavor the nch inforwiatlon meai obtain TMtT XM?sf Tie deemed nereasafr to fixing th actual THE CUDAHY PACKING C,C. hntrM value of a i'oa) wlaf it would nrbbahly be considered as V Vox dealer doesn't handle Puritan, phone confidential, an$ would not be made Ilt.iAn public. l., turn. Mjjr. .Sor.h Sail The fact that ftenator Olson baa lake, - llione Was. tio.i. J. Lewis. City been aookn of !h buaineaa cfr Manager, 3rd West & HtxJe Axe, as a radical was brought Into cles' ' . . 1406. the debate, end wHh It the additional Vurltan Hums and Bacon V wirvkod dailj fa.d' that some of he senators who lu our Balt Lake Plant, w1 ' What ? ! i-- 4 d I or It for Has Eat Must Be Good Tt' rhr a d ac ii i r, d I- ? , Special, Delicious Piece olBaconJ9c .Jie-g- odr-rlan- -- o. SUCCESS MARKET Rex-bor- " er charai-terlxe- bill,-Sena- The Breakfast Everyone Likes ; Best , thats breakfast thats 'I Li IK1 0 Nothing More Delicious 0 just piuity - Butter eat y iTjht just n vcya luesof rizatiunlTIi . 'fti f !? jlfjaw i Wkj-- bTTt -- t u iliom-Masani- - frh TheTastcTells -- 'fTpami t uetjifwest era V that that right 0 - Mutual Creamery Company |