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Second :DE SB RBT-- E section N W-M f--1 I'NG-N- W SALT LAKE 1919 C Together With Tonr Root (rd WW Ywur Pay Check In T Pam 4 Wp 6at io'MMpmia .. g UTAH CITY Adi-a;li- on Tcrie Enlarge ties Control. wl53: F T 01on, orfe of the V "plant of the halt company Are lo- prytal catf4y xptmed th morning chat-U- ut xea-IlTaKPltAt on the- - land .? a th suggestion of th etAte land hoard, Ju&t huw and in no effort to determine oe control far the extends. land jou Mr Oi&ofi eailatned that the land for board applications fetch daaire to lease from rernpanta Ttn? extract lake to pomp eratr from tftr XfiTiT rontamsr or hie pofefe tai-te- n of the xaier The Hnd board had an optnon from K W Senior to the effect th.tt the fetrte could Uae that lapd but desired a court runng on the matter which it appeared, had never fcAAs-aeie- witer user la northern counties of 1hestate. l Juab and ftah counties, held court aJJ,r into the in the .offices of the state board of the oa nM. filing is made equalization. A similar meeting of eop-hrivri which he derive hie from the southern coun- like official recognities ha been called for tomorrow. long been the ays pV Emphasis being placed: by the state effort to change A iT. oast have met with much on the assessment of riparian lands, water-uaer- a, which heretofore have largely escaped itn la and. on .the necessity of ' attempted change assessment, getting all property not now assessed at theU- - present right Us full cash value on the rolls and up to that value, was brought out at the rUZ To Bemcdy SltuaUoff." wesumed-th- e wituaUon meeting The- gathering to remedy ech a aspect largely of a round-tabl- e which. the. memberof. the board answered any questions and dis of rroform tbe necessity. SreewHf w tn slon. right coming which cussed any problems visiting officials. legiala- - - can', tehej-rarul- 'f 11 ,8 urT1- - by ro.li.ned tn the la nt? " court all kloi lnttr.,,rI,'8, r2 ? !b adjudication be eenpuL 'a planned that nr all claims T'hlT formulate a U bm " right to 11,11 iT r Vatlr ., 'u"r ef the river m YlrrltAnd oUir of tmrrxpher. nui be ax-cat- k n4 paid Pul water rihti fund, in the approprtMon of water 1m under the proponed bill. l preeent, About tbe Hnie.n It exxept that tbe biU wouldwhomakeU I not for prrean any impoMlble fUate or A cUixen of the Vntted referred 'to- - Th declarant to acquire water ricrfeta tn En Ahich an i no bd 'Balled(m the Mate - The only way ritthtn SLS.'i I!1 would alien could acquire uh rente,, th, MeV,?;i corbe bv becoming a ehareholder judgment ... ... pora Uon rally the riAi? 'ting forth Power of, F1ccr. I the r,h,l."f tALh claimant to, watrrn I Jpft Ybo Arrlnint ,h mattie am' contest !n of the erate engineer, whee hand oe the an. hr.V.d. lujl.:,.ar-- . a tA hfe deputy power appoint chiefpurchag ,h hy rprxe,, to- - the and all nrcesMiri: $MatetaU, T "wnta in TfeC procedure ) spe-JTt- er Snrl " . S!U ratiof J ellcveo kting , 1 ai4 "w actions may te equipmeuf fend coWeot fct m connection Itk end hy '"n person HT to om pfey wairr right aw'roprUior wih ii, Ad a year and expeneee At pree- - te re,rs' ef Iht ,?!" YiSa SMlue,lng W,ud & iur HerT.. un ts of wvpenSee, ths costs to" Ja0vu: Priy yRtwtint . v 11 ;rr . the Jd.m j ll tyemployees f''d"b Th; r tlirht xeu. j?A,"ul'k rosta a lieu for smount of $2t.A Is pay salaries of the vriGtxA W'vytV ft or Shat of the ater sights court it u to appotiul- - a water cwnroi prrmeary sltmcf or d tm t com mu. t i rmt r.d tbe-eit exdo s". the salary-anahall gtneer th penses to be borne pro ratato bywhich user of th system water The ih commissioner t 0 bond, fendmey )fe under fl be removed tor cause by the State ena or after bearing In th Water gineer. t , right court, by the court. y 'i"d teaSSrvfri'gJl 1 ' A!,iiiiE,t-ture- rs - ifW t Ivy i t Awjo-- e q , . 1 V 4 iheJifd 1 Leaves Assessor and Coes to Treasurer - er t.ti B' 1 ,?' tiil?lptrr t LO.t-p,- ! county, hfatbonlhh nor to assist the etate bTHTrrlPtnlnt1ta D. W. and R. f vqpr c unnu li i -- - fourteenth bE the r.f.oir, presented by the baa been named by the goverboard in seeing of are on state william the gob "of the eommisiton. rolls. Mr tt hlte. It Is the assessment will neera a member understood, to moved be paid not by the state board, but out resigned when Ji and lh .vacancy waa filled bj of ths !2o 000 fund placed at the dist ot the governor by the last legisjuklneaa. Jr, and theMr.chairman-wBeer 4 posal to Mr W all ace lature with the object of returning to wloaMiic&a meTiber of tbo comrnia-famili- ar the state 'TOO for 1" on the money inwith- -- water vented, It was also brought out at tbe meetproblems by . reason of having .,(ku that the board of boon state engineer ing of the pro recommend for this year equalisation an assessed anefiy stated, tbe draft to Burn be valuation will on rangesheep of flOjer it law subject .fX head. trow change, largely of a minor to adopt featuree of the The basis of the talks of this mornOrsgoi. Wyoming and Colorado ayatema ing is found In a letter sent recently to but the county assessors of the state by the of dsurmlnatlon of water rights, s aot the exact counterpart of any of board of equalization, in which instrucof tions are given as to the assessments hem. in Oregon the adjudication The letter was read at the right la by a commission of threw for lUlt men, and la confirmed by the district meeting this morning by Mr. Bailey and ronrt mth an appeal to the Supreroi wits discussed at some lengtb by hint eovt. In Wyoming the state engineer In telling of the alms of the meeting apAccompanying the .letters were copies adjudicates the rights, which ara prised by the district court, with ap- of The Instructions and rules of the peal. la Colorado, the work la don by slate board, which were Issued last lie district court direct, subject also to year- and which will be in effect, except as changed In accordance with appeal. la ths proposed Utah system, a prater new legislation which may be enacted at the session beginning next week court be would rights named, specially created with the purpose of handling In It Is quite evident." said the board water rights eases, and with- - equal addressing the assessors, "that there powers over this subject to the jires-m- t, will be some new legislation on matters of taxation; therefore we reserve the Ths rights in the district court to amend these Instructions and state engineer is made the administratright to conform thereto. ive arm ef tbe water rights court and rules hea the dttty of Assessment ef Realty. preparing the data to Present to that court in the adjudication With regard to the aseeasment of at water rights Appeal may be taken real estate, the letter which was amfrew the water to the su- plified by Mr Bailey in his talk to the court right preme court. assessors and commissioners this ftb water right judge and state says esgtiew are made under the proposed morning The attention of the board has been hold lewto office for 10 years. In called. to the fact that very often th weertbst the stale mayavoid the matter of water that is used upon tnining a new man for cither lands for irrigation purposes ha not In the political had proper consideration. charge The value connexion of the state of any water used should be reflected Dirts low lute Districts. in the price of the ground, bat In cue The theory ef the Water is owned separately, tt with where proposed law wat-fand then become personal property, te (he administration wirK j. of should be assessed as such " b about the same aa at present, deal te Inserted was This paragraph tate is to ,hit ' w eJxepl,on an Important question of assessvnto water districts, and a with ment that has proved a puxxllng probMr eomstssloner appointed through lem to th county asseasors of several office to distribute In the state, where men have fnif wa'ers in accordance with csuntles acquired water right In excess of the rX '::'"1 tight ef theuoera system It is hoped that, amount required for the land cultiwt"r r g h ta and priorities vated. and are selling those rights to w wees a a. ,, determined. he msy reste&ey other land owners or .cultivators . letIt ia very Important, says th of those right p,ro.c,on h watwa of a stream ter, "that all lands in your oncounty as-be 0 h the accounted for and placed at his ProPeriy vcaier oommisstoner sessment roll whether they have a . dtricl value or not It appears that In some of the counties there are lands known ot, th 'aw is devot-watProvlatona concerning as riparian lands or lands that a, "oj much change Is made in under water a portion of the year. TWt ths "hr the existing provision land may or may not have a value, but Ceart Is Crew ted. - . should be placed upon the rolls In order th acreage can be accounted for of the proposed that .chapter law m TL.s applies also to foadw ditches Co the determination Jccc'" of nrhu or anypropertg of this kind Creates a court of record to he t tstelrg steps at this "The beard rlghtscourt-o- f eaTefrtVth,i. t aTITst pf alt patand time 'sh Irestd.ng oer this ented groundpreparing within th variow held b PP9lntei b eo unties to Ihe end, we will b uY 1 0 'rm plemor1 that 1 o years. fit to ascertain from your report Ptring cn the f,rst able HmdaTi. Is upon land of or the all not whether 1,2 H.s ie ryassessment rolls You are, thereper annum, out of thepay state the treasury. fore urgently requested to be very iSa toUIii " 'Fn original Juri careful and see that T,all. acreage Is rer civil and ertm- - ported." teal hot bv the constitution Homestead Improvements Belt jm j Us l'Y 3a'- - relating to With regard to state lands the letwater rights ter draws attention to the fact that Tit hoi but the cap- - all tmppnements Upon atal land or lk,f ftcfiarlyatatany t the ,tf g11 entmw wtenu-Aeplace homesteads should be-- assessed In tbe -... while- ths equity herBinfh-'tcase of hemeetend . not exempt T courts is not assessable that does brght in --other , he court. may-,upon this chi, ,1.. Improvements that tihnfc cok(s Nd ground the eowT,?". providecL The clerk of Th letter suggests thst sheep and goats should be assessed as mentioned 'SAiib. HE ral wae-etgn- wot Assist State Board. ''appropriated to Th meeting brought out IB stateTm,Tklature to enable the coinmimlonback ment. also that H. H. Whit. Jr, until fk ,nt to report hoped womd this week county assessor of Beaver fcMai4 i wai-ttm- . miter ests. Uia-U- ar.i Mthortungth s, t the-iai- Of ro "LiU s v - n oS a -- aMiociation w.s jruught to a close last night with a whufi banquet at the Hotel ttah was attended bv nearly 230 members tSeSr wlvee 'bnd btTfAr ifivniJptiesrs. Clagrione representing the Cm ted btutes cluiUlb'-.- r of commerce, was ttje principal speaker of the eve ben gvvtrn business tnen-th- at Mr O'fionvfcald that the lapd board ning lie told the 4 offered QtteaUno to the ceasatioq of hostillUes did not end the aJtair Heach cprupany and the the stupendous problems and tasks alt company for a nominal aurr, but that the offer was turned down and contrommg the American business aficr the uuuur had benfiis- - mem Particular emitljasls was laid on useed foi nne time he and VV. M Me merchant the probabilities of the Kendrick, his partner In tbe lease, to take ilk leAe on condition that marine of this 'country v losing the -the eitualion would be aaain explained benefits gained during the last four to the present ocupant of the land out how the stupenhould again he given years He e pointed and tnat the shipbuilding program to obtain The lcae themaoHei dous chance ,v, . prt-a had placed Tnlted Mates shipping on cnt an acre hen thia offer wa turned down.,- - plane that would make America s . Ms Cleon esplaiaM ih- - leave merchant mariue a world competitive, ed, and j)..)iithU RaV been made byt that with the dropping of two years J all shipp ng plans since the close of . could haw a sit, i, jm i u lar.de v ' , , Japanaddare. forge . the on paniert of reaso! al, e ooeta and .he in6 money acually .xioidel otnerw.se large shipping trade they formerly en- Ine case w .11 probates ko into though the war program rourts. either on a rupu.ated statement gave to the United States a large fleet are adaptable to of vessels lion ot Ah question fie land board commercialwhich shipping, Mr. Clagstone seeks to have answered declared Congress la doing, nothing to put the ships to work and he said daly-aooordi- ng- it oT-t- fc acd the itumpmif Iw i Representative U. S. Chamber of Commerce Sees Breakers Ahead For American Business Inter-- t 4 Inland OtTNTT assessors of the stale, a well as the county commission-er- a and other faking officials thf - t8f ibllrlied by tb 15,ro pu wet urged hy Governor 8)men the "T" f rtie.comrolion have Bamberger this morning to do ndtheir -t theiaw; In Know mqk-in- g doe nor friends neither ba'e they he ira up-tasaessment rolls. The gover1 the addrees of welcome at of Vital Porta nor-made etaiev affectinguser a meeting of, the assessors, commiswater rtrhu of every the la'- - sioners tlnd other official from the I - laild ats elftim to poeMon of fheS&llAfr unciY the lake on urhi h th leges. i f- LEASE Lessee Says it Was to Deter mine Extent of States Court For At Meeting With State Board of Equalizations -- ':fon Governor '"Admonishes En8neer V Them to Allow No Privi- ? "YKaT TSIXlY-XINTi- r EMM wia 1 intelligent action was taken He urged Utah business men to get their Cpnv grestiional delegations to fr've serious consideration to the problem Thcmas A Home. Jr. who wa ap- The .Manufacturers were also d--j pomled Monday, as chief , fe mn county. se.or. office, this mornmgi'are In lfh national legislative assembly . . rciiKiMd th8i position And brdfii behooves Chief deputy in the office of County al Washington and it can business men in to their make Treasurer W W Barton In Mr Horne ptace County Assessor James ' fluence felt In proper tune that 111 ad- Lynch has appointed y p. Hirkey vised legislation detrimental to Ameriwho was advanced from tne position can interests be prevented. of deputy H L. Emery was appointed as a deputy ItcMiluUon of Thank. John Halvorsen waa appointed as a Following Mr. Clagstones address n, clerk in the tax collections depurt- ment of the county treasurers office, John M Hay es "offered the following-resolutioand Amos Turner aa a clerk in tbs which was unanimously department. adopted by a rising vote; These appointment will be eubmit-te- d our esteemed president, to the county commission tomor-r- S W."Whereas, F. Jensen, voluntarily retires from an the acceptance approval the of the bonds of those employees who presidency and directorate of the Utah Manufacturers' association, and must be bonded. "Whereas, his administration has been marked by untiring zeal, scrupuGeneral Board Meets. lous fidelity anU an eye ever single to the welfare of the association, and Member of tbe general board of Re"Whereas, we have been moot highlief society held their firm board ces- ly honored in having him as a pre- - , sion since influenza regulation went siding officer, which advantage ha into effect In their rooms at the Bish- resulted In the furtherance of the many aetlvIUe In which the ops building todsy All. board memassociation haa been enbers except Mrs A. G McCud who is In New- York, were present. gaged during the term of his presiEmmeline B Wells presided President be It . and dency,' of the activities were read as Resolved, That tbe members of the well as plans made for tbe future. association, now - Akkcmblnd- - In their annua convention, do hereby extend to him a hearty vote of thanks for the valuable services he has rendered to tlfb association and for the time and effort devoted to its cause. ,id that we extend to h)m our best wis ,r E for his future success and the hope that his work herea er mM bp a profitable to hlmseir as his public work has been to this association and . Major Fred Jorgensen haa compiled the community at large W. W. Armstrong was toastmaster Information from various sources which be thinks may be of Interest to rela- at the banquet and President W. E (lov. tive and friends of men In the military Jensen master of ceremonies Bamberger and Lon J. Hadservice dock were among the speakers A - Concerning (he matter of man, he musical program was furnished bv the statea that when a body of troop Is Mae Anderson orchestra and Fred C. A designated for return from Franc, ma.. Graham, who sang several solos, for that body is held up at New York feature'of the evening was the giving until If arriva- l- there, and a list of of presents to the guests, each One rethose left in France la given to tbe ceiving a Utah' manufactured article, postal authorities and that mail is for- which wardedranged from a box of candy to When only a few from a d sack of flour. of company is scheduled to re-- , a turn, th mall i sent to France and New Directors Chosen. are thoee returning listed before tljev At the afternoon session at the . leave gad their mart follows them back Be statea that the government ts as Commercial club th following were near as possible discharging men from elected, directors. A. J. Hall, of Ogthe miliary poats tn tbe neighborhoods den. C F. Castle. H. Kardlev, E f hen P, a man is discharged be is given 3) The Will meet next Mondav directors cents a mile traveling expenses from the point of discharge to the place from and choose executive officers for the ensuing which he entered the service year. If he While making committee report to chooses to return to thqpolnt of enlistment without delay, the railroad admin- the. business session yesterday afteristration makes him a special rate of I noon. both George Jf Stratton of th cents a mile, which leaves him 1) cents Salt Lake Iron and Steel company a mile for other expense such aa and G- - E Howe of the Dans-How- e meeds and sleeper costs piade strong As previously announced, the 145th ta company, foundrymen. to be demobilfxed xt Logan. Utah. The appeals for the backing of th orUtah men in the 132nd and 361rd are to ganization fn gaining the development be mastered out at Fort Logajte Colo- of the iron and coal lands in southee rado; ern - Utah. Tbe Bew lnduatriea the organization waa ra recommended to pe cl resource. Belgian Actor in Recital. studyallythe possibilities of thisthoroughly i t EFFOHT TO ROUTE TROOPS T0I5 MEET PROVISIONS OF STSTE PUTFORM Preliminary hearing In the case of ths Stats of Utah against E. p. Kirby, charged with sassuU with Intent to murder and assault with a deadly weap-l- y Monopollstic state Insurance, with weapon on Deputy Sheriff Georg the option of protecting employees ia before held Justice Vine, today being under regulations similar to those in if the Peace Henry C. Lund. Kirby Is tbe alleged bandit bootleg- effect at present with regard to seifger, who is said to have shot at Ddputy Insurance. Is one of the proposals that Vina after having Inflicted a serious Democratic member of the next legbodily wound upon a Davis county of- islature arp working on. Supporters ficer. At the time of the shooting the officers were seeking to apprehend Kir- of such a plan when asked their reaby on a charge of bringing intoxicatand the al- sons by many tn opposition simply ing liquor into the state, leged assaults occurred to the north of point to the state platform of the parthis city . h changes In Dr. T, J. Howell, county physician, ty, wtuch called was on the witness stand most of this the workmen's compensation act. morning He testified with reference Other featuree that are being con to the character of wounds in the leg of the defendant, which he treated after sidered are tbe benefits allowed una said Kirby arrest. Thesi wounds ara der the act. The platform at present Vo have been Inflicted by buckshot discharged with a shotgun In the hands of calls for increased allowances to the ths officer It is Inferred that Kirby's defense Injured workmen or to tbe dependent will be that It wa not he who shot at of deceased workmen, should they tbe officer or was shot by the officer, but that ha suffered the wounds In an- choose to come under the act. other manner. The proposal now made ia that th maximum weekly benefit to be derivin the former rules and regulations at ed tinder the present act bp increas119 per head for range sheep and at 139 pee head for blooded sheep or rims. ed at $21. It is at present $12 in case "You should understand, however," it is of men Injured In accident, for the added, "that these figures are merely" most part, and $16 In the case of concerned suggestive as far as we are been urged that The pamphlet referred to- call atten- death - claims It ha cost the $12 to tion that the acid teat is- the full cash tinder- present living the family of an Injured workman value of th stock aosessed. Greater efforts oir the part of the frequently a large family at that is of the state with , insufficient. taxingto officials the assessment of ihonev and home of the Democratic legislator are credits urged In the letjer, and this are also pointing to tbe platfArm In wa reiterated at the meeting today. . support of tbe movement to allow an Th letter say: injured workman 6i per cent of his Credit. wage a benefits, instead of weekly -- Tbe i!!5., feels of equalisation cent. Throe percentage.. that Hi "re should be grMrter effort f)e ki per for-suc- egard MIS TIME " VV fp to this afternoon the Oregon Short JUtur bad received no word front the war department as to the day of departure ofthe HJrd. I4dth and west145lh field artillery regiment ward from Hoboken. The routing Jy 'he department, a announced yester- dv. continue to hold good, thu de- priving Sail Lake of the pleasure of welcoming the Utalj regiment as a unit. A suggestion was made that an appeal be made to the department, Lake over asking a routing from Salt of the Western i'acific west Ogden, but Short Line transportation officials say thia cannot be done, as the regular through routing of troop westward over the Union Pacific, goes over the Southern Pacific, the Western Pacific having handled eastward bound troop trains with go over the Denver A Rio Grande. As soon as the Camp Memtt transportation officers have arranged the schedules, they will wire the Oregon Short Una so that fnends of the regiment along the.line will know Just when to expect them. The Utah artillerymen will travel from Ogden to ljogart by daylight. If their trains arrive in Ogden during the night, they will be held In the yards unUl morning, and then sent north. It is expected the men will be In camp at Logan about a week. Logan will give the boys a great reception. Ogden will do the same, if opportunity offers, as one entire battery, B, hi com-- posed of Ogden boys. -- Body Brought Home. fr st ill -- -- ts - n, til-sl- ate I P! he-b- 4 toulne-bmtr"ttr cwnmli)i that the city and coimoitdvte the two election wa mentioned shd'eome memrimf the hoard seemed to look favnrnbly upon th matter It is practically certain that .the a bond county mmmiM'an wliU-ca- ll elertlod for public Improvement work, and tt ts argued that the expense of the election might be materially lex. aenJd to both city tend county by i . LI- - OPINIONS DIFFER AS . :7T0 STATE MILITIIl Col Freeman Bassett First Infantrv Utah National Guard. Issued an. order today "suspending all further drills'and regimental functions generally unt-had taken artton on the leglalature to eliminate the Fate the proposition therefore a state militia Col. Bassett has recconstabulary a constabugovernor ommended to the tn one troop, lary force of K-- men n thw . ity, tbo with headquarter troop being divided into four platoons stationed In advantageous parts of the state hemb-emtetee- i te; not ace why .there ed Hunxa.-in.-JAhnuaro IxhaulJnot he a reelment of militia Wrojpqrie4-J0th- e the ex- cupboard cd health up to noon today. ,f 32.509 to 3 i 900 in r prtr the Interior ot the armorr, and it In reauthorlttro believe continued improvebeen expend! ment will be noted and that the flare-u- p ported that $5,000 haa accommodation Provos on armorv wa case at ao the of many recently thfl expense of people 4feerw to aay nothin result ef been to ti prondm the holiday season. Nlnely-eve- n offlcre harewith duringcases. nnliona and eqais In 34 nouaes, were report- themselTM ment. x ed Wednesday. crtesn - rr: com--tnitl- TftTIPrirril tant general, doe - V., w I fifty-poun- 1 assrrs one manpr one w JOU haa two, the next year he wil! be asked to work ont demand that you auras - him- for three I uxmfed would sw on 8- lC. lt- ts SlmnsC thatinH rwe-vh- fs to th bank elrck who commences with 1 which the .prtsent rates were estabsmall defalcations and Increases them llehed, and then. If throe are found to until finally th bank Is wrecked You be too high some form of rebate d uid !. wium uuh th great war- - sad tt Is your duty rates by an experito be patriotic to your state and are ence are made pomibla over table extending several that It receives th fu,ll valoe due it from tinnmuiU, year. rs' - r some-mflTtT- ' -- Manu-facture- .The body of Trank L. Crown, who was In charge of the Joseph Sntlth at of money and credits. Th de- - mums above given. The change would mean, for exam- - memorial farm, SoutttTRoyalton. VL, mand for revenue Jtt th various de- hat Increased materially and pie, that the man 'Who pertinents working 'and who died a few day ago, arrived f ' necessary that each o f the taxing t six days a. week at $4 a day in Salt Lake, Wednesday noon, in officials put forth hia best efforts in steadily ho therefore a at and get $12 charge of Elder Service, who accotn-- a present procuring all of the property o that week, In case he ia Injured, that : panied the family from 'Chattanooga, upon the tan- amount the busden will not fall being the maximum 'possible , Tennessee, funeral services will be now u (Son the assessgible propertv ward chapel, ment rolls - If a special effort la put on the 55 per cent basis, would get In- - ;held in the Thirty-firforth we kre eertain that a yary good stead $1$ a week aa benefits. Sixteen south Ninth Last atreet near Princeton In this direction can be made, dollars is 66 per cent of the $24 aver- - avenue, on Friday. Jan. 19. at 2 showing and wa urge von tot thi end." age wage of the Injured workman in oclock. "In making comparisons of valuacase., lie does not get the maxi tions," the letter add "In the various this counties last yrar. tt is quite evident mum, proposed, of wa unless Thisav-erag- e or a $31 weekly wage that there ta ntill considerable property below full cash value. You are, there- triflqrintreAhn-- $ a day for the six fore. urged to give your work very da vs a week, careful conelderatlon In order that full There will undoubtedly be an ef-- i value may be obtained, and that no fort made to change the term of the Carlo Llten, 'the Belgian actor, gavd " j present law with regard to the wailing burden mTybe distributed Vqui't'ablV readings Wednesday evening gt the .4 period, a a measure to increase the - benefi, to be derived rivtlegem Ladled Literary dub house before a iV . injured thU n'orn- - j workmen under the act.by the Three da good sized audience, under the ausMEETING MONDAY'S pices of the local French Alliance. 'tneknrohahni?er!h1 VI?!1' "It your duty to allow no privileges ?dProf Squire Coop furntahed accomta anyone If there waa ever a timjed- Ji,h will w? fLnaJly favored, un conscientious and Tcr$ipulous figure panying music for a number of the : leA ths forces opposing any change were neodd, this reconstruct jWf sMfmnts The program Included seDefinite decision Aa to whether th selections. non period Is th time You should arc able to control ths quteuon from Paul Verlaine, Charles lection bond a I will call commission special non aroesa H to city your 'duty spare finch changes, of course, would fn- Maeterlinck, elect iooor the purpose of submitting t Baudelaire, Rodembach. Cammaerts and ?htr s,v? vl'T3L,r ns!,raIMr. Liten intends 'jr , would liases and I pour neighbors much can not be predicted until public Improvements to And to revtsit Salt Lake next October, with stranger "The system of iqual taxatSon haa actuaries get buy on the subject The employment for returning solders and hi own Belgian company, in prroenta-sailor- s. been approved hv the people of the rates at present In effect In will probably jie reached vlon- - ; tlon of -In French . It this morning . announced cloister;" state bv their ratification of the amend- - are those fixed by the National Work-men- ! j,tv The romiri-lothat AndraFrlbourg, a Bivi' g the power to the stale bouidj mrn agreed to meet on that- - date.-. veteran tentatively B ton reau. penaation They of the war. will lecture at the tO aS,SS Ullnes Uponi... Of CRsllSStlnn be derided to call the elec. If it wShall a Ht-- ls of at,r.'adAV ,,,IS alliell rmp.aniw tion, hleb is marked as probable ti j Hotel Uta blunder the auspices of the brvuT'Tnumpl wWfeH as Just A hat date oF IhrJf rrt proceed The?e minr etectlon may be decided French Alliance. eMte have hrrn prhUeged for 22 year, hat woniu happen in Ihe case ofinoaopo upon also. now ih people of the Mata demand lfetlc stale Insurance, it would be still The bond matter wa Informally dls- , ! J f - pis 7 - |