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Show t .. ,1 Ittretn. llee I t ) Itl'a Uub iu a ta.ic pound of su par and Ditee tiu.ii of a pound of but v. add ll ut n eegs, a pound tt len w it s filltuHcrlnff ter, j of: L i ,!iil !uD a pouii of alnonnU blanched front tV Klip" cut fine, one-!- . all pound of toned and . flu Isnt but .., v It, f Sj lu hliis j nurse of citron bought a r.u.n nt buttle fcliced m. i Jnd and You ia' td juice (,f a jmon time fusts c,f uuJIilio for 4 and cue , rskd ; :m Mu all wdl va b glnmiHT to ' i! . ' npo at:d ! and tcpctl.cr cif levins; a chant e to u, K. 00tl The Wrilc-helianat'i Doctor You ought to tak that child r n i rirf. !.! Tj, weeks Into the country -r sew-ru.. 1UI "How's w ID I.--.- Dili mcirnlnsr '',Q9'' BICYCLES FROM $20.00 TO $EO,00.'V .. ii -- i ySy (pr,c:U - 1 miffr-ring- onr-Iutl- "". W i'o 11 PS RIPYH ULfLOi DiU 5 ctr . 1 l f- 1 v. try summer. tl' m Die Aiiait-- D.si.! ' :t! a from a n anJ ptal.aunu.! of Die Of it i Mother enough In - frcsh-rJ- r b Put. doctor, were not poor Uhaitcr. A j : co.-tl- : : 1 j i , f Mlkj I itr. A recent writer on the .Angora goat Angola 62 NVest ScdonJ Finns. 5outh Street. ' d jjmon. i SALT LAKE CITY. t Fundav 25r Telephone I laiUit. "You don't mean to sav you are go- ' Is Ins to urge the nomination of that f till dlfHc old enemy of yours! "Yes." answered Die experienced ii hrif Thats one of the peculipolitician. Once in a t outlines. They are arities of the hminess. di.Mi in Miii.e and "bu- while a man in my position has to get .pread upon a dice of bread excellent lr line and take orders or else lose tter, am! sautes his Icb fa a political boss. are made with them. They are food in Siam, within as a y Hawkii'; With Ilc'lo. the reach only of well to do people. The sport of hawking is still largely They are the object of an important practiced, although it has ceased to be trade in some countries of Northern the fashionable amusement that it once Europe, where they are cooked in was in England and western Europe. boiling water and yield a hind of vino A recent writer on the subject shows that an astonishing large number of gar or formic acid. birds are trained for this sport, varyAu CHlicl.a Shlimcnl. in size from a merlin to an eagle. The Pittsburg Uasdull Club .will ing Engles are employe. In Turkestan ami not play Sunday hall next year. Pres- other parts of the Russian empire, ident Kerr, who has always been op- Among the animals hunted with the posed to Sunday games, has received iaid of these powerful birds are the word from Vico President P. L. Auten roebuck and the wof. ' of Chh ago that ho ton. was tired of reA Il.rgaiu. a of favor in was ha'.l ami Sunday ' .Aunt (who has rtceived a letter from turn to the old regime. President Young of t lie lre'i,n l'w again been Johnnies home). :0h, Johnnie, your Pittsburg in the mamma has got two nice new ba-- I notified not to i com-ldere- OKI IN I, ENVOY, DURING, FAMOUS and MANHATTAN. Atrcnts BAKNLS, . fund. ;;( , j tj Mot la r Oh. doctor, Pm sorry to say we are not rU3i cuoug.h. Docto- r- Well. then, have her sent by SUNDRIES. 1 bies. That's just like mamma. I suppose by having two she gets them Punch. cheaper. Johnnie. - calls attentio i to the fact that the clilllncllstH On Sill. Ilecord. e mate of Angora possesses some rebicycle In twenty years the demarkable peculiarity causing the i from o min. educed record nas been on a coat of animals silky secs. In 187S velopment 03 secs, to 1 rain. 31 of various kinds. Not only the famous H. M. Pope oi Boston established the are thus which produce mohair, goats, higher figures from a standing start on furnished, hut a similar tendency is a high, ordinary bicycle. In Novemexhibited among such animals as cats ber of last year Major" Taylor, the and greyhounds lhing in the same colored champion, covered the mile in country. secs, from a flying start 1 min. 8j oil a chainless bicycle. Scared to Death Cireuni'dHiict" Alter tfaes. Ed Travers of Huntsville, Ohio, had clerical-lookin- g he was that horse beautiful trying My friend," said the ,o break so it wouldnt be afraid of passenger to the traveling man in he cars.. East Saturday he drove it the next seat, do you ever drink?" Is that an invitation or only a ques;o close to a train that it frightened tion? asked the wily drummer. md died on the spot Merely a question pertaining to e. I. p. Mor.n mUni. your future welfare. replied the The good who looked at her mending Then, observed the other, I never seen basket and sighed. If she hadnt drink, sir, never." them there she wouldnt have believed At the Other Krnl. her husband could have worn holes in The deep research of London Judy so many pairs of socks in so short a enables us to see how a certain portion time. of the submerged" view those on top, There are occasions, she said at How are you getting on? asked the last, when I am almost ready to be- first fish. No luck at all! replied the lieve that it would be a good thing The man at the end of second fish. be a Mormon. for a man-tis an idiot. Whats the Then she, went at the job she would the line an I hour ago, bait the took trouble? willingly have shared with a few other and Ive been waiting ever since for wives. Chicago Post. him to put some more on. one-mil- 4- -5 - 4-- 5 We also have the latest makes of Dver think runlo rs rev lied tk Well, hard-v- ! best typewriters urn! a large number age of discretion yet? He-- , married fur ttalfeeiv Cnmi,. get'!"' third time Irili I'ollct of second-han- machines. d r. Phoenix Agency, Notice. From tne beginning of dark every vehicle must have a lighted lamp. Darkness begins when the street lamps are lighted. 154 I. CAUTHIt. S. W. Temple. It Ilurts. If ruptureil and have to wear a truss, why not wear a good one, not the Drug Store Kind, that are sold like suspenI Titori'ii'i IU(h: K nou lU'Mcr. Where ignorance is ders, but a scientific truss, fitted by a Mr. Addlepato ti folly to bo wise. competent person. It will cost you bliss, you know, MiU Willikins-"Y- e . I know. Still nothing to see our truss, or try it. know t" yrm interest that it may your FIDELITY RUPTURE CURE CO.. hat is nil mmmrd in u D top. 0 Ch lea 0,0 vp" Atlas Hlk. j f 42S-3- lrufcsstir J,.hns Henry A. Howland of university, by a re'ent MORNING, NOON, AND NIGHT. invention, has simplified the art of telNew Train Service. r.eeos-saiy no It is longer egraphy so that The Rio Grande Western Railway for pt ruton to learn the Morse now operates the best local train sersystem. Anyone who can work a type-- vice to Ogden. Trains leave Salt Lake liter can send a dsnatch." Chicago City at 9:45 a. m., 12:30 noon and 10:50 Ti ibune. p. m. The 12:30 noon train will stop at all intermediate points between Salt Your Eastern Mail is now carried on the Overland Limited Lake City and Ogden. Return trains leave Ogden at 7:30 a. m., 2:10 p. m. and of the Union Pacific, because Unci-Saknows that the Old Reliable 6:35 p, m. gives the best service and makes the To Riders. west. the in of line time any quickest There was never a bicycle offered to Old Ticket office, Stand, 201 Main the trade before at such a small margin street. of profit by and yet it is more Leaders Society eagerly sought for than any other are necassarily people of excellent judg- agency, because of the universal satisment, taste and refinement. In travel- faction it gives to the rider. Every biobservice demand best the ing they cycle dealer knows that when a Patee which with and tainable the liberality Crest goes out of the house it is sold. one His profit, although small, is made, they patronize the Union Pacific is of the best proofs of that lines su- and the transaction is finished, as he periority. Ticket office, Old Stand, will not be bothered by having to do 201 Main street. one hundred and one" free repair jobs on the machine during the life of the THE PHOENIX. The Pnoenix is a bicycle on which the guaranty'. The Patee Crest never visits strictest reliance can be Tlaced, and a repaii shop unless it is run over by one of the principal arguments in favor an omnibus, street car or other vehicle of the wheel is the liberal guarantee of that character. In Selecting a Patee which goes with it. And that guarantee Crest for your 99 mount, you can do so means something, because we are able with our positive guaranty that there to and always will make it good.. We is no better bicycle in the world at any ask your careful attention to what we price. A. II. Meredith, 333 Main. offer, feeling certain that the merits of our 1899 models will at once be apparHe is also giving away a World wheel deas a prize to customers of Deskw, the ent, and you will unhesitatingly clare: "The Phoenix is my choice for clothier: Newman-No- tt Shoe Co., and 1899. the Capitol Grocery. w m one-hal- . f, . , |