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Show t. i r v o?h:ei CERTAIN KINDS OF MEN. The man who complains of wrongs ho la not ready to assist In righting la nothing hut a croaker. There aro those who growl about errors they mako no effort correct; who censure others for cowardice which is their own falling; who bemoan a slavery for the perpetuation Now and then you run ot which they help to forgo tho shackles. across a man whoso heart is full of Indignation, and ho boasts of what ho would like to do, and tells what ho will do. With tho gimlet of a political or business bribe his indignation is let out, and his heart shrivels to its accustomed size, while tho promises ho made dicker from his memory. Men have lived in every land and age, perhaps, who sang of liberty, but cried "lyong live tho King! when tho tyrant they professed to despise was within hearing. Theso are tho men who claim to bo interested in tho people, to bo wrapped up in their progress and devoted to their cause; who talk about It in corners and byways. In safe places they aro lions in tho majesty of their wrath and defiance; but when the object of their denunciation, however withered and weazened, appears on the rim of tho horizon, such lions scamper away like frightened They are bold only in security; full of good cheer and encouragement, pledges and promises, to all who shoulder their woes and fight the wars which they themselves declare; yet they aro ever ready to desert in tho midst of tho conflict. Such reformers are always a drawback to real reform. They are Iiko the Spanish soldiers who fought with Wellington to drive Napoleon from Spain, not only liable to retire from tho conllict without notice, but inclined to demoralize tho Britons who were espousing their cause. jack-rabbit- s. SOME STRANGE SECTS. It is possible for a religious denomination to flourish if it gets a good start and plenty of unwiso opposition. This is evidenced by the progress of tho Holiness Band in tho Florida Everglades, the "Lords Farmers in New Jersey, the True Followers in Kansas, and others. Cdiio has a half dozen of these peculiar religious bands, the wilds of Pennsylvania are full of them, and a new one is heard of every now cracker-white- s of the South. Of course and then among the each claims to be the only true religion and to teach the only inspired truth, but a glance at one will serve as an illustration of the peculiarities of all. And they are all entitled to a full measure of consideration end respect for no worshiper is more devout than those who have ways which seem strange and unworldly. For instance, the True Followers, which has been in existence for about twenty-fiv- e years, has a membership of several thousand, scattered over Southern Kansas, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Northern Texas. The stronghold is on the Cimarron river in Oklahoma. There is a striking unanimity of purpose among the believers which is causing them to be regarded as a political factor, but the church lacks organization. With a good organiza-ize- r it would doubtless grow' rapidly and wax strong. The acknowledged leader is Joab Morris. Second only to him in the fervor of his religion and the power of his teachings is his Joseph H. Bohall. These two profess to be inspired and speak only as they are bidden to James Clay Darling, has speak by Jesus Christ. Another the gift of the unknown tongue, and through him speaks the Holy Ghost to the brethren. These three live, travel and work together and in reality constitute the fountain head of inspiration for the church of The True Followers, a belief born in superstition and nurtured in the grossest ignorance, and whose rights suggest the antics of tho Indian ghost dance. The belief seems to have led a very precarious existence, however, and to have found few followers until quite recently, when men were born into it, as they say, who were possessed of greater fanaticism and were willing to abandon earthly pursuits for those leading, as they believe, to a more permanent and greater happiness in the long hereafter. Morris carried a great deal of energy into the organization about four years ago. They are when he joined it with his now the bone and sinew of the creed. Morris himself claims to hold communion with the Deity and is known as The prophet. Bohall, of a is Southern the the preacher fluent, though ignorant exhorter, g other the the unknown speaks style, an,d All profess to cure sickness by the laying on of hands; they longue. also claim to be able to handle rattlesnakes, although no one ever saw any of them attempt it. The members attend services regularly and take a keen interest in every word and look of the leaders, and pay particular attention to the one who talks the unknown tongue. They so-call- ed son-in-la- son-in-la- sons-in-la- camp-meetin- w, w son-in-la- w bee 3 hno a number of ceremonies and practices which tho public Is not allowed to know anything about. They are excessively solemn. Each and every ono goes through his simple and lowly life with an air of I raring tho sorrows of the world upon his individual shoulders. Their fiices never give signs of tho lighter emotions. Their only laugh Is ono of pitying superiority oer the rest of mankind. Kansas City newspaper man attended ono of their mendings. At tho end of a fervid exhortation by tho preacher, tho linguist sprang suddenly to his feed and began at tho top of his voice to shout Kl yl, how po, poeo poki, kl y I, hi hi hi hi yl, his voice ending in tremolo its ho fell In a trance to bo carried out of tho room, whiio tho "prophet interpreted tho message to tho audience. Their creed is summed up in the following: And tho prayer of faith shall save tho sick. James, chapter 5, erse 15. And theso signs shall follow them that believe; In my name they shall cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues. They shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing It thall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on tho sick ana they shall recover. Mark, chapter 1G, verse's 17 and 18. This is tho third time I am coming to you. Greet ono another with an holy kiss. Corinthians, chapter 13, verses 1 and 12. All of which goes to show how easy it is to start a religious organization although it takes work and discipline to keep it moving. And the history of tho True Followers" is tho history of many strango sects in various parts of the world. A OUR BUSINESS INTEREST. great many working people aro making comments just now which aro calculated to injure tho commercial prosperity of the State. Attention is paid to tho matter in these columns only because the discussion has become so general that privato remonstrance will be ineffectual to stop it. Men are saying that the Presidents call for volunteers in Utah was not enough, that the Governors call was insufficient; that it required a call from the first presidency before it was possible to get the young men of tho State to take any interest in the countrys r.eed. And while it is a fact that enlistments were pretty slow before that appeal of the first presidency and rapid enough afterwards, such lemarks should not be made. They are apt to injure the State financially. They are liable to turn away capital now seeking a placo for investment. They are more than likely to delay the construction of the Salt Lake & Los Angeles railroad again. People ought to be guarded in their remarks; ought to always bear in mind the financial interests of the State, and never call attention to any circumstances, however, strange or condition however deplorable that will in the least affect our business interests. And THE BEE hopes this caution will be received in the spirit in which it was given. A EXTRAORDINARY. IDENTIFICATION There, she said, as she finally got the check properly indorsed and handed it to the paying-telle- r, Id like to have the money, please. Tho young man scanned it carefully, and then looked at her. Is there anything wrong wdth it? she inquired, apprehensively. No; I am sure its all right. Only w'e have our rules here, and before we can let you have the money you will have to be identified. But the friends I am visiting took a trip out into the country with my mother this morning. Then you will have to wait until tomorrow. But I need the money to do some shopping with this afternoon. Im very sorry. Is it absolutely necessary to be identified? she asked, plaintively. Absolutely. Well I suppose I can manage it. Will the bank be open for an hour? Yes. Ill hurry home trouble, but its the Then deal of I and put on my evening gown. Its a great only way, and Im glad I thought of it. dont quite understand. Why, I have a strawberry mark on my right shoulder, and everybody who has read anything at all knows that there isnt any better identifieatinn than a strawberry mark. Ex. |