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Show New CoiiJiuiIIMf. islauil of the Barbadoes largo A Ia the "mere Is money on me rigoi side of stocks 7 quantities of a mineral have been found which1 the natives call man It is of a bright blaok color aud jak. occurs at a very slight depth, some times on the surfaoe in beds 1 to 2 feet thick; it generally appears under au angle of about 40 degrees and in the immediate vicinity cf rock.' It is CTRKENT TIM K TABLE. presumed to be solidified petroleum, which is often seen there exuding from (In Effect Febrauury 5, 1898.) the earth or floating on the water. In its composition this mineral is similar LEAVE SALT LAKE to the pitch of Trinidad, to the gilson ite of Utah, and the Canadian alber-tite- , No 2 For l'rovo. Grand Junction 9:00 a in all points cast. but it is of a much better quality. No I Forand l'rovo, 'traod Junctloq and( . The best varieties of maujak con- -, !7:40pm points east.6 For Bingham, Ml. Pleasant, tained 2 per cent, of water, 70.85 per Mantl.Itichtield, Belknapand 8:00 am all intermediate points cent, of volatile organic substances, 3 For Eureka, Poysoii, Provo and so. 26.97 per cent, of ditto solid ones, and 5:00 p m all intermediate points 9:10 pm 0.18 per cent, of mineral parts. It is "fJo. 3 For Ogden and the West 12:30 fo. West and For the p m Ogden used, among other purposes, for the No. 42 For Park City . . . 5:00 p. m. insulation of electrical conduits, for ARRIVE AT SALT LAKE C1T Y. Tarnish, bituminous concrete, and for No. 1 From Bingham,- l'rovo. Grand 12:20 pm Junction and the East fuel, mixed with peat, etc. It is ex- No.v 3 From Giund Junction lrovo, 9 05 p m and the East pected that it will supplant guttq 5 No. From Provo. Eureka. medium. Bingham. percha as an insulating bOWi. ..REERY & ' - 1 Private Wire to Chicago - And New i York at v . Belknap, Kichtleld, Mantl and 5:25 pm all Intermediate points No. 2 From Ogden and the West...... 8:50 a m 7:30 p m No. 4 From Ogden and the West No. 7 From Eureka. Pay son. Provo: . and all intermediate points.. 10:00 a m . . 9:45 am. No. 41 From Park City Only line running through Pullman Palace Sleeping cars from Salt Lake to San Francisco, Salt Lake to Denver via Grand Junction, and ty and cnicafe.o via Colorado points.' Through tourist or family sleepers without change, to Kansas City, Chicago and Boston. Free reclining chair cars from Salt Lake, to Denver. No change: close connections. Safety, speed and comfort. Ticket Office, 103 VV. Second South Street How to Mnkfl Southern Farm Pay, R. W. Hale, a Pike County (Georgia) farmer, has realized the value of diversified crops on a farm by his ex perience during the year just closed. bales of cottou and He made forty-si- x gold it for less than it cost hicL to produce it. On the other hand Mr. Hale has a young orchard of foj;ty;six acres of fruit trees. Only ten acres were old enough to bear any fruit last season, but, nevertheless, fruit men paid him one thousand dollars cash to let them ship what they wanted to from the orchard. When they got through a distiller gave Mr. Hale two barrels of brandy for what fruit "was left. After this, the hogs had a feast on the ' ,f,on. balauce. lostoffice Corner. ' D. C. DODGE. , West Second South- - Street and-1- 2 to-1- 5 Walker Bank Building: th id . and General Manager. S. H. BABCOCK, Traffic Manager. F. A. Wadleigh. General Passenger Agent. he Vice-Preside- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS OF ng Grinding the Poor, Quibble is a mean landlord.9 Why do you think so? He puts down iron pumps so , his Whiskies. V tenants cant pull them up and , use them for fuel. Chicago Record, Wines PCTO&V pa fro v . . Offi aP Trains leave and arrive at Salt Lake City as I .. Cigars follows. - (In effect Jul 25th, 1897.) Railroad and Steamship Tickets on sale to ' ' ' ' all parts of the world. Leave: The Overland Limited" for Chicago, St. Paul St. Louis, Omaha, Kansas City, Denver and .' 7:00a.m. Park City In. Effect Feb. 5, 1898. The Fast Mail for Chicago, St. Louis, Omaha 6:25 p. m. Kansas iCty and Denver " Trains arrive and depart at Salt'.ake City Arrive: The Overland Limited" from Chicago, St daily as follows: Paul St. Louis, Omaha, Kansas City, Park . ..,3:10 p. m. City and Denver...: depart. The Fast Mail from Chicago, St. Paul, St. For Chicago, Omaha, Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Ogden and Park Louis, Omaha, Kansas City and Den3:30 a. m ver 00 7 a. m. City " For San Francisco, Ogden, Cache Val8 00 a. m. Only one night on the road to Omaha,' two ley and intermediate points For Ogden, Denver Kansas City.Oma-h- a, nights to Chicago and St. Louis, Other lines one night additional. St. Louis, Chicago and intermeThe Union Pacific is the only line through to . diate points 6 25 p. m. above points without change of cars and the For Ogden , Butte, Helena, Portland, , and San Francisco.. 8;45 p. m. only line operating Buffet Smoking and Li-11 brary cars and Pullman dining cars, with F'jr Eureka, Mercur, Provo, Nephi 50 a. m. and 12 hoyi quicker time to Missouri river Sanpete Valley.,... and Chicagr respectively. For Provo, Nephi, Milford, Frisco C , v and intermediate points .,..6 00 p. m. tMixed train for Garfield Beach, No. 201 Main Ticket Street. Office,' City Tooele and Terminus 7 45 a. m y V - to I his W1 CULLEN HOTEL BAR. . . . the .,. NO. 274 STATE. STREET (Opposite Knutsford Hotel.) GRAND PACIFIC HOTEL BAR. .. . AND 215 SOUTH MAIN STREET. wil poi - -- arrive. From Chicago, Omaha. St. Louis, Kansas City, Denver, Park City and ...3 Ogden Tclej 10 1 1 o. Ct6. H, M. CLAY, General agent " re, Ko SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Vsb&ll, p. m. From Helena, Butte, Portland, San Francisco, Ogden and ir vermediate 9 0b a. a. points From San Framtsco, Cache Valley, 7 15 p. m Ogden and intermediate points From Chicago, Omaha, St. Louis, 3 30 a. m. Kansas CHy, Denver and Ogden From Frisco, Milford and intermediate points 9 35 a. m Daily Time Table in Effect September 20. From Mercur, Tintic, Provo, Nephi, ' Sanpete Valley and intermediate- Arrive Arrive 6 20 p. m. points alt Lake ' Mixed train from Terminus, Tooele ton & 4 00 p. m. and Garfield Beach Lagoon. Trains south of Juab run daily except Sun- 7;00 a. m.,..7:40 a. m.... ATTORN m... .9:40 a. m 3:00p. m 3:40p.m.... 6:00 day. tDaily except Sunday. 10.00 a. 4 m.,.. 00p,m W. II. 7 Vice-Preside- nt Bancroft, and General Managei. SIMON BAMBERGER, Gen. Mgr. J. V. KAKLY, Passenger Agent. J. I the com wee! 5LE TUTTLE It 5 1'. S ahea Live Real a. m 4:40p. m - ' W. Estate Dealers. - 10:40 m....6:40 p. m.... 7:00 p. m... 7,40 p. m Ticket Office Under Masonic Hall Additional Sunday anl Holiday trains. - t City Second Corner South and Westfiempe. 11:00 a. m. and 10:0 p. m Leave Salt Lake W. Eccles. . ; 12:00 and 2:00 p. m Leave Lagoon d. e. burt.et; Gen. Trf. Mgr. Gen. Pass. A Ticket Agent. p. EYS-AT-LA- . pari Offices Over WeBs, Par go A Companys Bank, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. -- 9:00 a. Royle & H?mpstaI... Oh, Y c BARGAINS FOR RENT, FOR SALE! P. 8. Only C omplete Rent List in the City. 119 Pill II. sitio affai ...510 Dooly Block. 1 Hi C ani |