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Show ANTI-POLYGAM- 48 STANDARD. Y SALT LAKE ACADEMY, AND ITS SssaepJ- - THE GREAT CURE Independent Assay Office, FOR F. M, BISHOP, Assaysr. RHEUMATISM As it is for all diseases of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. of the acrid poison that causes the creaciful suffering which only the victims of Rheumatism can realize. THOUSANDS OF. CASES of the worst forms of this terrible disease have been quickly relieved, in a short time All work carefully executed end guaranteed. Ores, Mineral Waters, etc., a Specially. It cleanses the system Analysis J. McYICKERS ASSAY OFFICE. PERFECTLY CURED. Main 'tssshbi Under has liud wonderful success, and an immense sale in every part of the Country. In hun dreds of cases it hascured where all else had failed. Itis inild, but efficient, tTKTAIX IN ITS ACTION, but harmless m ail cases. tTltflemiKCfi, Strengt liens mid give.Xew Life to all the important organs of the body. The natural uction of the Kidneys is restored. The Liver is cleansed of all disease, and the Bowels move freely and healthfully. In this way the worst diseases are eradicated from W. St, . Salt Lake City. McCorniclcs IIar.lt GEO. M. SCOTT & CO., DEALERS thesystem. As it has been proved by thousands that System of Graded Schools. Will begin the School Year of 1SS1-2- , under T. It Jones' Rank, Salt Lake City, 1J. O. liOX 1004. Oflico, Sept. 5. The New Academy Ku.l ding will be ready for occupancy by end of ihe first term. A eptcial and important feature of these schools is that large numbers of laupUs, old and young, are not congregated together, but pupils of different grades are kept in separate schools, under the special care of superior teachers. In the city will be Three Schools of Lower Grade primary and interim dlate, in different parts of the city, besides Ten or twelve similar Schools in different parts of the Territory. AH Tributary to the Academy. The Academy will opt u at its old rooms near Clifc House. The two Free Primary hchools will have Racine Perforated Furi iture. single seats, and like the other schools, be amply provided with charts nd the best facilities of instruction. Their location will shortly he aunouncid. Upon the removal of the Academy to its new buildin a Select Primary and Intermediate school will be conducted in the rooms on 3rd South st. All these schools have commodious play grounds, and the children will be caiefully kept from the streets. K A'lES OF TUITION IN Mill Findings, Miners and Blacksmith Tools, Ac. 5 The Academic year, of 40 weeks, is divided into four terms. Recess at Christmas and in the Spring will two weeks. These rates are strictly in advance. occupy Academic Course, per ferm, s oo fi OJ Preparatory Course, above Primary Grade, 5 p;) Primary Grade, There are no extras, except Special Courses in Art and Ins rumcntal Mu-i- SALT Main Street, over W. H. Yearian'e Store. RENCE GIVEN TO PROMINENT LADIES OF Lake. Good work ana moderate guaranteed. Sptcial attention given to lacies fnmprices the country Will keep their measure and can co work without them coming to the city. REFE Ali-HIVIN- G CONSTANTLY . I We sell at One Price Only, and our Goods are warranted the Best and Cheapest in the market. Orders by mail filled Promptly. J. I). FAKMER. Rates of Board and Tuition. Board, Fuel and Washing, No changing cars between Omaha and Chicago, where direct connections are made with through sleeping car lines to New York, Boston, W' J, kj m ir Philadelphia, Baltimore, Bashing-ton- , EH jh and all Eastern cities. w a? hH ikkvfi The Short Line via Peoria for In! dianapolis, Cincinnati, Louisville, k and all points in the Southeast. t- lit Eh The best line for St Louis, where kil'T direct connections are made in the O Union Depot with through sleeping A " ! Kj iifi car lines for all points South. pt b"'-- ; I The new line for Des Moines. & The Favorite Route for Rock IsX3&rX1AmlI319 3AY, 1876. land. The unequaled inducements ofAll the year round we have on fered by this line to travelers and tourists, are as follows: The cele hand a brated Pullman Palace Fine Stock of Materials Sleeping Cars, run only on this line. o f bf o o pj lif NEW AND ELEGANT GOODS coiti-fortaol- e iheau-nferintende- Fashionable Dressmaker C Notions. y, The S li id Year will consi?t of forty weeks, out of u hich there wm beoneweikof Vacation at ChiMmas nd one week j b Jore the opening of the spring term. Connected with . he school is a BOARDING DR PAR I ME NT, in which a limited number of boys and girls ' n find a home, under the personal supe rision of oi the school aud his family. This has been so popunr the past year, that anotherdjpa story is being put on the building, so as 10 secure more r.oms. The High School deparinent will be in chaige of Prof. Ww. Hoyle, of Cinciuna'i. an experienced Classical and Mathematical Teacher. Pof. IUocuff will bae charge of the Murical department, assisted by Miss E J. a graduate of the Chicago Conservatory of Muric. Killsy wits. McDaniels, STORE, Mam St., Salt Lake City. Boot?, Shoes, Hosiery, GIoycs. FiiFiiishiiij; Goods and This Model Graded School for Boys aud Girls I'-- r , OrVli! lASLIOii! Mil, 1 0 ATTENTION. FARMERS DRY GOODS COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE Jlon-da- y D. LALICE Will Op n its Sfvtuth 1'efr, on Sept. Jilt, JSSI. - J. c. Application can be made of the Principal, E. BEN-NEMa'n st., block south cf Clift House, or of Hou. J. T; LYNCH, I. M. SPRING MEDICINE. U-;W-'h- . Anti-Polygam- Drawing. Always cures EILIOuSNEriS, CONSTIPATION, PILES and all FEMALE Diseases. 13 nut no in Dry Vegetable lerni, in tin cans, one package of a men makes Cnuai is medicine. Also in Liquid Form, x ery 0 oneent rated for the comeiiienoe of tin se a no cannot res any prepare it. It ads mtn equal efficiency tneittterjomi. GET IT OF TOUIt DRUGGIST. TRICE. 1.00 WELLS. RICHARDSON A Co.. PronN. It! HI IM.TON. YT. send th cry non-mr- FASHIOIT Friends, a blue mark on margin of this notice is an indication that your subscription has expired, and it is time for you to renetr, which you should not fail to do at once, lleueinber that the Standard is the only journal in the United States, and it is the duty of every Christian woman not only to support it herselt but also aid in extending its circulation. TVe hope every subscriber feels they cannot do without the Standard, no true woman can alford to be xvithoutit. Friends, wre are addressing YOU individually, will you not renew your own subscription immediately, and send at least one more name witli yours. Do not wait for a more convenient opportunity'. NOW is the golden moment. 1enew at once. In the regular Course of Study are Ancient Languages, East Temple or Main Street. SALT LAKE CITY French and German, and instruction in Vocal Music and is the most effectual remedy for cleansing the system of all morbid secretions. It should be used in every household as a LADII RENEW ! RENEW ! ! RENEW!!! 1 Lights, per Quarten (ten weeks) Tuitien Tuition Tuition Tuition PXTIIA STUDIEH. Piano, with nee of Insrument 01 00 Importer and Dealer in fin CO ill per quarter, from to BUDOLPH ALFF, S65 0) V. . . lu in High School, per quarter in Grammar 8 per quarter in InteroiediUe D paitment, per quarter ... fi in Primary Department, per qnaiter 5 , 58 Uiuiiu mill uillfiDl 25 00 ure of tl e Voice, per quarter 20 00 Painting or Drawing, per quarter 10 (0 German and French, per quarter i fi co Cias-- i Leeson in Elocution, per quar er 5 00 Pmate Lemons in F locution, each 1 to !" For farther particulars enquire of Fror. J. M. COYNER, Supt., or li. G. McNIECB. Prebident Boa d of Directors. Cu M'S. LYDIA L PINSffllM, OF LYNK, MISS., 120 Main St., Lalt Lake City, Utah. ATTENTION I Business Men ? Place your Money where it will do you the most good. , (lG-wheel- The s) C. B. & Q. Palace Drawing-Roowith Hortons Reclining To select suits from, and our Cars, Style Chairs. No extra charge for seats and Wormanship is in reclining chairs. The famous C., B. & Q. Palace Dining Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Cars fitted with elegant d Ty any house in the trade. At this rattan revolving chairs time, more than ever, we are dis- for the exclusive use of first-clas- s posed to offer extra inducement for passengers. Steel track and superior equipyou to give us the preference. Gentlemens own material made ment, combined with their Great up. Cleaning and repairing at all Through Car Arrangement, makes not surpassed east. BUCKLE & SON, Tailors 6 Woolen Drapers, 105 MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE WALKER HOUSE. Try it, and you will find traveling a luxury instead of a discomfort. Through tickets via this cele- brated line for sale at all oflices in the United States.and Canada. All information about rates of fare, sleeping car accommodations, time tables, etc., will be cheerfully given by applying to PERCEVAL LOWELL, It is the duty of every wife and General Passenger Agent, Chicago. mother, to aid in circulating the T. J. POTTER, Anti-Polygam- y Standard. General Manager, Chicago. my Standard 3r-Z- t HAS A FIELD OF ITS OWN. zS There is no other Journal like 7 high-hacke- iimes receive our prompt attention. this, above all others, the fayoiite route to the East, South and SouthCharges reasonable. Anti-Polyga- it in America. LYDIA E. PINKHAM VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is a Positive Cure for all tho.e 1iilnfnl Complaint, ami Wenlmei.es tocoiuiuon toour bent IVmule population. It will cure entirely the worbt form of Female Com-Iilain- G, all ovarian troubles, Inflammation aud Ulccra tlon, Falling and IiRpluremeuts, nmlthe coiibequent Spluul Wtukntss, and Is iarticulai!y adapted to the Change of Life. It will dissolve and expel tumors from the uterus In an arly stage of development. The tendency to cancerous humors theic is cLe( l.ed very speedily by Its use. It removes faintness, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Floating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, fcleeplessness, Dcpicsslon aud Inui-gestio- n. That feeling of bearing down, enuring pain, weight and backache, Is always permanently cured by its uso. It will at all times end under all eireumatam es act In harmony with ll.bL.ws that govei n the female system. For the cureof Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound Is uusurparstd. LYDIA li. IINKtIAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND Is preparod at 233 and 2.15 Western Avenue, I.ynn, Mass. Price L Six bottles for $5. Sent by mail in the form of pills, also In the form of lorenges, on receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Mrs. Pinkham freely answers all letters of inquiry. Send for pamphlet. Address as above. Mention this Paper. No family should be without LYDIA E. PIXKHAMS LIVER PILLS. They cure constipation, biliousness and torpidity of the liver. 25 cents per box. JViT .Sold by all Druggists. ft IT HAS A LARGE And constantly increasing circuit tion in the City and Territory, an copies of it reach every State an Territory in the entire Union. ITS CIRCULATION May not he as large as that claime by some other papers in Utah, bn we defy any one to show us a joui nal in this section of tlui country has as many readers, with as Jot rates of advertising, as the Standari Wo are confident that one dolla invested in its columns will brin both general and local advertise better returns than any othe monthly or weekly journal in thi Territory. |