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Show -- and - published by -- THE INLAND PRINTING COMPANY UUH lace-cover- Pvm AnflTI0M STATF Entered as second-flas- s matter February under the Act of March 8, JS79. 1.", 1911, at Kaysville, Utah, Advertising Rates on Application Subscription $2.00 a year in advance TELEPHONES C. A. Epperson, No. 124 Albert W. Epperson, No. No. 70 Office, No. 10 C. V. K. Saxton, 109-- W daughter, Katherine are spending several weeks with relatives in FARMINGTON Manti. Miss Effie M. Chadwick left earMr. and Mrs. Sam Carlton are ly this week to spend the summer vacation . with relatives in Yost. touring the northwest for two weeks.. Utah. and Mrs. Arthur Miller. Mr. Mrs. Glen, Miller. Master Charles and Miss Glenda Miller, all of Farmington; Mr. and Mm. Charles Miller and Mrs. Dorothy Fessenden of Salt Lake City; and Miss Eleanor Farr of Provo. The reception rooms were decorated with red tulips and bridal wreath. The table in the dining room was centered with pink tulips and pink candles. Refreshments were served to 200 guests. Miss Clara Huber recently returned to her home in Heber to spend the summer. Mrs. Ethelyn Christensen spent the day In Farmington Sunday. She was a dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Van Fleet. Mr. and Mrs. John e. White, who have spent the past several years in California, recently returned to Farmington. Miss Margaret Leonard left Monday enroute to Omaha and Chicago. Miss Leonard plans to return within two or three weeks. Mrs. E. F. Richards, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Richards, of Salt Lake, motored to Logan Saturday. Mrs. -- Richards visited in Logan and Hyde Park and participated in exercises to commem-prat- e the. birthday. aniversary of her .father, the late Robert W. Mr. tffhe mehlgTtefla ed the seventy-sevent- h Honoring birthday aniversary of Charles A. Miller, a reception was held at his home here Sunday. Among the guests were Mr. Miller's two aged sisters, Mrs. Bathsheba M. Steed, 81, of Farmington; hnd Mrs. Malin-d- a The Reader. M. Jones, 84, of Logan. underwent a major operation Thursday. Mrs. Dance's condition entertainment was under the direcMr. and Mrs. Owen Lund and is still critical. tion of Mr. Millers daughter. Miss will in southern Utah family Mrs. Julian Miller and small Emma Miller. She was assisted by and Nevada visit during the Memorial Day vacation period. Mrs. Lund and the children will remain for a week or so to visit relatives in the vicinity of Boulder Lake. Mrs. Wanda Coombs is at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wood, where she is recuperating from a recent illness. Mr, and Mrs. Thaddeus Griffith will celebrate their fiftieth wediVWWWSViVV.V.UW.WViVWWAY.1 ding anniversary next week. Miss Alta Stevens will spend the ARE YOU PLANNING TO BUILD summer at her home In Salt Lake Boll and small daughter, Beth Ann, of Provo, at the home of spent the week-en- d Mrs. E. F. Richards. Mrs., Myra Jacobsen has spent the past week in Ogden where her daughter, - Mrs. Elizabeth Dance, M. OR REMODEL? We shall be pleased to inform you concerning building and remodeling features of the new Federal' Housing Administration Program. A few of the purposes for which you can use F. II. A. loans under Title I are: alterations, repair, additional rooms, plumbing, wiring and heating systems, stokers, oil burners, insulation, roofing, painting, papering, built-i- J J fixtures, closets) bookcases, breakfast nooks, I? cabinets, fences, driveways, landscaping. j n THURSDAY, TOE WEEKLY REFLEX PAGE FOUR Mr. and Mrs. J. H BARNES BANKING CO. 1 Member Federal Reserve System Kaysville 5 AVWWbVbWWAnAVVV.VAVVWViW 5 i had as their Sunday diner guests, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wilde of Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin D. Stoker and son. Carl, were Sunday diner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Christenson Lion House in Salt Lake City. Dinner was served to 71 Gleaner girls, after which Miss Lyle Bradford, director to music at the East high school, gave a travelogue of her travels in China last summer. of Salt Lake City. Mrs. Stokers Clearfield Gleaners, who attended mother, Mrs. N. C. Lyngby. was were: Helen Moore, who is presia special diner guest She left dent of the Gleaner girls organiSalt Lake City Sunday evening for zation in North Davis stake; Mary a two months trip to her native Stoker, president of the ward organization; Golda Criddle, Elma land, Denmark. Forties. Irene Manning. Norma Mrs. Carl B. Green and her Hadfield, Marjorie Reed, Beth daughter, Mrs. Earl Miller, spent Christenson, Arda Reynolds. Annie Monday afternoon in Ogden a.4 Schenck. Nina Hayes, Ruth Stoker. giiehts of Mrs. Ivai Thomley. Julia Thomley, Lorene Cowan and The Lucky Cookers. a 411 club as a special guest Mrs. Roy Cowin second year foods, held their on. first meeting Friday afternoon at The Clearfield Relief society held the home of Mrs. Ora Barlow, leader of the club. The club was or- its regular meeting Tuesday afterganized .with ..the election of the noon and Mrs. Susie Nelson concluded the social service lessons following officers: Mauna Loa this season with Spiritual for Lucile Smith, president; Ruth Jaques. secre- Qualities in the Church Beautifitary and treasurer; Melva Odd as cation Program. cheer leader, and Maurine Wood, of Miss Emma Payne, club reporter. Other members of Mr. and Mrs. S. Frankdaughter of Payne the club include Yvonne Green. MaBloomington, Idaho, has been callrie McEntire. Verla Steed and Mar- ed to serve as a missionary for the jorie Sessions.. Regular meetings L. D. S. church in the East Cenwill be held each Thursday at 2 tral states. Miss Payne formerly rep. m. at the leaders home. sided in Clearfield at the home of The Gleaner girls of North Davis Mr. and Mrs. Melvin G..Wood. She take, under the supervision of Mrs. spent, last week-en- d in Clearfield Alean E. Layton of Layton, were with friends before she entered entertained Monday evening at the the mission school in Salt Lake Mc-Enti- vice-preside- City Monday morning. Relief The North Davis-sta- ke society toard will entertaiq with a luncheon this" (Thursday) afternoon at the Davis high school in honor of the presidency of each ward In the stake. Those attending from Clearfield will be: Mrs. Ethel S. Layton, president of the Clearfield ward organization; Mrs. Treated MAY Non-Surgic- ii 1 That closure of the hernial and the inguinal canals can V!rn complished by 'the injection of , brous tissue producing Solul ? certamly and completely Surgery is no longer a question. This fact has bin vincmgly demonstrated Mabel Steed, second counseloFfMrs. thousand cases of hernia in treat!? Ruth Hampton, secretary and treas- reputable institutions v urer and Mrs. Zilla Smith, second by ,he secretary and treasurer. Mr. aniTSTrs. Charles Smith, who have spent lr.e winter in Salt Lake and entirely satisfactory L M City, have arrived here to spend hemorrhoids is available. BleeHi the summer months. and pain usually cease after tv! Mrs. Robert Love of Kaysville is fit st or second treatment, and mT spending this week with her daugh- trusion progressively lessens M ter. Mrs. George Layton and her treatment is given. Advantages of the family The Book of Mormon class of the method are patient does not hav. to go to bed. complications are rail Sunday School, un ier the direction of Fielding Barlow, enjoyed an out- and not of a serious nature th of hospitalization and W ing to Cottonwood canyon Wednes- expense of time from work is not ineurri of the class members day Twenty Call for appointment at the attended Rex Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. OSTEOPATniC "" Edgar F, Adams of Clearfield, and SURGICAL & NON. Miss Bessie Cheshire of Ogden, SURGICAL CLINIC were married Wednesday evening : olLTempleton Bldg, at the White City ballroom. Many Salt Lake City lovely gifts were presented the houses business the Wasatch 4376 young couple by of Ogden. iSJST.rr J non-surrie- a! City. Mr. and Mrs. Burnham J. Leonard and Miss Margaret Leonard were among the visitors who spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Young in Logan. Mrs. Malinda M. Jones of Logan is a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. Bathsheba M. Steed. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott spent the week-en- d in Preston. Idaho. Mrs. Lewis Oviatt and daughter, Marilyn, are guests at the L. H. Oviatt home. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Hess of Ce- dar City are spending the summer in Farmington. Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Robison and family of Salt Lake City visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hor- ton Miller Sunday. The Ladies Literary club will meet Friday evening at 7:80 at the home of Mrs. Lyle Warnock, The book review will be given by Mrs. Sylva Hughes. Mrs. Julia Gregopr and Mrs. Wilma Miller will give magazine reviews. Charles llarrod has returned from a Salt Lake hospital and is at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Steed. The Helen Marr Miller camp of the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers met at the Pioneer cabin Monday afternoon. Mrs. Margaret Hess read the dedicatory prayer given by President Heber J. Grant at the time of the .dedication of the cabin. She also gave the history of Pioneer relics and pictures housed in the structure. Mrs. Lucy Hess and Mrs. Effie Palmer a special guest told stories of relics. Games were played and lunch was served. The committee consisted , . of Miss Emma Miller. Mrs. Wilma Millgr. Mrs. Willard Hess and Mrs. Violet Richter. This was the last meeting of the organization prior A was held Friparty day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Griffith in honor of their son, Bobbys tenth birthday anniversary. Friday afternoon the South Davis Stake Relief Society officers will entertain officers of the General to summer vacation. Board at Bountiful. Mrs. Julia llaight France, a former Farmington resident who died in Ogden, was buried in the Farmington cemetery Wednesday afternoon. Funeral services were hid in Ogden. If you'll odd up the cost of fuel used to heat water during summer months with a monkey stove or in a tea kettle, then add the cost of heating water with .a coil in your furnace (which increases fuel consumption 20 ) during the heating season you'll find that in actual dollars and cents it amounts to approximately the low cost CLEARFIELD Members of the Njorth stake primary board held monthly meetings Monday noon at the home of Mrs. -- , day or night So why not have it? anytime You're already paying for it Let us give you full particulars. mmmnrynissxmfTt;miTtesr,H Immediately, you'll decide that never again will you run up and down the cellar steps, nor bother with mat chesT7;oo trashes. fcv WW f . COME IN - LET'S TALK IT OVER tnjoij 8dtt juM.nqirilkClifnpllfftiirifi nmm M: 1 1 if. MOW1" their' FREE DANCING afterHilda Williams of West Layton. Mrs. Edella Smith and Miss Edith Nelson. board members of Clearfield, attended the preparation meeting; Elder Blaine Fisher of West Point, who recently returned from' the British mission, delivered the of Automatic Electric Hot Water service. You know, of course, what a comfort and convenience it is to have an abundance of hot water ct a turn of the tap Davis address at the regular sacrament meeting Sunday evening. Ray Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. John 11. Clark, recently opened a porulap piano studio in Salt. Lake City; He js associated with the Martell Studios of dance arts and teaches popular piano. The Guardians of the Treasure." the advanced group of girls in the Beehive organization, received their certificates of graduation at special exercises at the 4th ward of Ogden last Sunday. Five' stakes. !r.' CJ h. . I? W s .sJLakc.. were and 400 girls received represented graduation certificates. Under the . supervision of Beekeeper Opal Hadfield, Clearfield was represented wifinToTTowTKrrrauaTeiTTIeiC tha Criddle. Lucille Smith. Marie McKntirer Ida Mae Letz, Melba Moss, Yione Lake, Virginia Cooper, Marjorie Sessions, and Dora Adams. Seven of these nine girls received the honor Beehive girl award. The North Davis stake swarm day was held Monday at the Lay-to- n ward recreational hall. The Beehive girls of the Clearfield ward were accompanied and chaperoned by the following leaders: Mrs. Opal Hadfield. Mrs. Mary Waite, Mrs. Uoyd Muir. Mrs. Nina Hayes and Miss Annie Schenck. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hadfield SWIM Enjoy Yourself Jn water (Every Night Except Sunday) Youll like the highly polished floor", in Lagoons huge dancing pavilion the favorite of thousands of Utah dancers, but better still you'll' like the music furnished by to Drink f , Plan to hold your outing or family-reuniat LAGOON this summer. Youll find cool picnic tables, an abundance of healthful refreshments, and fun for all whether they are 6 or 60. LAGOON ORCHESTRA by ARNOLD IIURGENER Its Easy to Get to Lagoon .Jk&lx able at avai- l- p.tg.aodjp-arlvingpac- Lagoon. . ' - can"' -- take your choice of two beautiful imetLhjghwayrrirmrttu' THE FUN SPOT OF UTAH GOO, The water in LAGOONS big, filtered fresh water pool will just --the- righ tr Femperatun?"' for the opening day. Be among the first to enjoy" it! V-- duty. Its ar.,,alwaya...ou SAFE at LAGOON! on Buy a Combination Ticket! r,Get 'themstTor money get the most pleasure from your trip to LAGOON! The big combination ticket costing f ery ytrcr $ 1 :(MHrort high quality amusements a feature at LAGOON! onfy-SOc"- tjf hf FREE Auto Parking Sundays and Mondays OTHER DAS 25c TILL 6:00 P. M. PER-CA- -- LAGOON where we have made every effort to please every member of the family. - Ride the big, safe Bamberger Electric cars or drive your own auto if you ohoose. Theres always ... n e wantyoir tcren joyycurself at 50c PER CAR THEREAFTER |