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Show THE WEEKLY REFLEX PACE TWO NewsJJeview of Current Events the World Over O. sr mads PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT t visits to Puerto - lUco Virgin-- 1 .aud-Jths- ..,. -- Inspecting government projects and talking reassuringly to the Inhabitants. Then the cruiser Houston headed for faitagena, Colombia, for a short stop before going to the Canal Zone. At Colon practically the entire Germanys Economic Crisis Now Wofries the Nazi population was out to see Hr. ModificaNRA Seems Due Government and he was cheered all loosevelt, the way through the canal to Balto Kill Cattery Foiled. tion boa. There be landed and motored to Panama City, where he was the dinner guest of President Arias at ' By EDWARD W. PICKARD and delivered an address. ReturnQ by WHtira Np.p.r Union. ing to Houston, the President began th Journey across the Pano politics) pact be requestRECOVERING from the terror edThat cific to Honolulu. but technical collaboration be caused by Hitler's "purging" of the Natl party at a guaranteed In the event Belgium SVEN nEDIN, famous coat of some fifty Uvea, the people of la Invaded again. explorer, has been capThat the world disarmament conGermany now real- ior tured the Second time by Gen. "S Ise that a serious moved t.o London and ference be ' ' J Ha Chung and hla "army of ban10115 naval consolidated with the for economic crisis i their country Is at conference. In view of the apparent dits In eastern Turkestan. Taken band. The essence failure of negotiations at Geneva. with nedln wers a dozen or so of That these questions be answered bis companions. The captives were of the Natl new reported to have been Imprisoned deal is that to make categorically: What la Britain goIn an Inaccessible camp in the neighing to do about the Increase of the money la no credit borhood of Aksu, snd officials of Does German favor Britain to the Individual navy? but that to work la German rearmament on sea as well the Chinese government said that their rescue would be exceedingly a treat honor. In- as land? That reaffirm Britain that form centive in the spirit difficult nedln was engaged In of profit ta vanish- of the Locarno pact in which Ger- laying out a new trade route across following the ancient silk ing; Jobs, many of many, Belgium, France, Britain and Chins, caravan route. Last March GenerIn western been out Italy guaranteed peace , them created, have spread Ma al ' him and held him captured run to are Europe. urged thinly; emphyera for three weeks. their plants at thdr own expense, to take on more men and to Increase ASSISTANT PRESIDENT is wages under the theory that it Is what they now call Donald WUEAT production In the United this year will be the a privilege thus to serve the state. Rlchberg, because he la it the bead 0, Observers believe the Natl govern- of e kind of according to tho which ment Is now trying to retreat from government report For the second 1 bolds power during virtual Communism, which its lead the a b s e n c e of year since 1890 the yield will fall era profess to bate, toward relative President Roose- below domestic consumption. The governments figures, which 'liberalism. t appolnt-menThe econonfic velt The counsel of Dr. Kurt Schmitt, minister upset calculations of the completely for he NRA has Indicated the aggregate of wconomlca,tA-th- e grain trade. . position nf eco-- bis - work - cut - out r of five leading grain nomic dictator Is taken as evidence the n1 countrys kS 1r , will fall bushels of this trend. Schmitt has been 450,000,000 cropa gone t It with a given blanket powers that will exwill The chief short of last year's production and tend to October 1, and in that time part of his task Is 1,588,000,000 bushels below the yearha has the authority to promulgate acting aa director ly avenge for the period from 1927-31wbl.'h la customarily used as a any reasonable laws that ha thinks of an indnstrlal will help trade and commerce. Ue emergency commit standard of comparison. also has the right to impose fines tee which baa been The government estimated the toon those who do not obey his dicgiven sweeping su tal wheat crop at 484,000,000 bushtates. powers els, which Is 16,000,000 bushels bepervtsory and Chancellor Hitler sought to re over the major agencies of the low the forecast It mads a month store quiet to the relch by ordering New Deal . ago. a political truce and a call for peace, What is going to happen to the Even more sensational than the and ha then left Berlin for a vacaNRA Is an absorbing question to report on wheat was the governtion In the Bavarian Alps. In the many. of our best mlnda General ment prediction of e corn crop of capitals of Europe It was possible Johnson has recommended the crea- 2,113,000,000 bushels. Private an ta bear almost any kind of rumor tion of an entirely new body to take thoritlea had predicted a crop of concerning Hitler and his prospects, Its place and to perform the func2134,000,000 bushels, and It was beso It la Just as well to wait and see tions of the federal trade commie lieved that the governments figures what happens. One guess Is as good Ion In preventing monopoly. In would show little change. The as another. thla he recognizee aa Just aome of corn crop has been counted on te There la current among friends' the complaints uttered by Senator make tip the known deficiencies tn of the slain Nad "traitors an ex-- Borah. The plan was submitted to other feed crops. Last year the planatloa to the effect that those Ur. Roosevelt before be went to corn crop totaled 2,330,000,000 bush-el- a men were truly the supporters of and la being studied by Rich sea, In the fire years from 1927 and Hitler and were only preparing and and others. 1931 the country produced an to berg arming selected troops to back him The administrator, meanwhile, la average of 24116,000,000 bushels up ta an attack on tha reactionto complete the regl year. undertaking ac-for this aries. The sponsors ' count blame General Goering for mentation of industry, ne Issued an order directing all Industries THROUGH four counties of south misleading Hitler and engineering a tornado swept, an uocodlfled either to sign spestill the executions. One of the chancellors firmest cific codes or to submit to a new Jacksonville was especially bare ant hit Scores of persons were Injured friends, Rudolph Hess, minister "basic codetimegoverning SOwages was A and the property damage, was estiof hours. limit days without portfolio, broke out with a snd three of the generals aides mated at a million dollars. Hunset, in he to which speech appealed Trance to help Germany avert an were named to supervise this opera dreds of the big oaks, elms and cottonwoods that have been the glory other war, addressing himself to the tlon. Senator James Hamilton Lewis of the city for many years, were veterans. Then he delivered a stern of Illinois, In hts capacity of chair destroyed warning to Trance end the world not to try to Invade the relch. man of the Democratic Senatorial "Just you dare to attack ns! Just campaign committee, replied to the IT MAT be that William P. Me-charge that the' New Deal fosters Crarken, Jr, will not have to you dare to march Into Germany The speech was delivered before monopoly by. asserting that the ad serve the ten days In Jail to which Kail chieftains of East Prussia and ministration Intends to prosecute the aenate sentenced him. The District of Colombia Court of Appeals, was broadcast throughout the na the monopolists. "At the demand of large busiby a 3 to 2 vote, declared the sentlon. Translations were then broad cast to the remotest corners of the ness, stimulated by the national ate had not the Jurisdiction to Inflict such punishment The case world, showing the emphesls placed chamber of commerce, said Sena tor Lewis, "congress by the votee will be carried to tho Supremo n this pronouncement of both parties suspended the trust court act to allow all bualnesa to econ greatly strengthened . McCracken was tried by the sen JIS position omlse by consolidation to ssre ex events In Germany, Chanate for contempt because he refused cellor Engelbert Dollfuss of Ana pense end provide larger develop to give the airmail committee copies w . trla promptly reorganised hla cabinet tnenl' Result; Instead of keeping of correspondence with hla clients, and declared onre- - faith with the government certain ne claimed that as a lawyer he lentlng warfare on manufacturing and financial estab- could not produce the documents the Nails In his lishments, conscious that the trust without permission from those country. He got rid law was suspended, promptly vlo whom be represented of three ministers Isted the codes of the NRA by Join Ing with each other to fix the who were not work' of applicants for even .as of everything price him with weir ing are sure to be disand himself took against the government Itself, to Secretary Thls administration has Just appointed according tha portfolios of all that adwho Ickea, says nearly been able to discover the responsl public safety, debeen alhas ministrations money fense, foreign af- ble parties to this conspiracy, or located earmarked President has not had time to take steps to fairs and agriculrecently turned over to ture. Mai fiitill puntsh It. It will proceed at once Roosevelt about PWA 1400,000,000 of the max Fey was supplant- both to punish and obstruct further Imum of $.'00,000,000 which coned as vice chancelInjustice." gress authorized him to allocate for lor by Prince Von Starhemberg and In another statement Senatot was given the Job of repressing all Lewis Indicated the President ts public works. Ickes said the other 9100,000.000 anti government political activities. willing to modify the NRA and per be banded over to the PWA might his to disapprovrobably register haps some other New Deal policies later, but that "we are proceeding al of Hitlers methods, especially on the theory that we will have aa they affect Catholics, Dollfuss ambassador to Cuba la no BEING to spend" In addition to $400,000,000 minisrecalled Stephen Tauschnltz, The authorities of the Is ter to Germany, and made him un- land republic have Just uncovered the original 93,300.000,000 approprt an extensive plot to assassinate Am atlon disposed of long ago. dersecretary of foreign affairs Tha opponents of Dollfuss bare bassador Jefferson civil sendee been resorting freely to the throw- Cattery with bomba, THE world of the Methodist Episcopal ing of bombs, especially In Vienna, many of which and the chancellor In his official were found. Somechurch, lp session at Evanston, 111, voted to participate In the camcommunique said his patience was thing like seventy-fiv- e ended and that all political opposiofpaign against dirty moving picformer army tion to him must crass. The Imtures that originated largely In the ficers were arrested mediate reply to this was the and It witt said doc- Legion of Decency organised with in the Catholic church. throwing of a lot more bombs. umentary proof of f Thla campaign la having Its efthe plot was seized. French on the movie Industry and the fect BARTHOU, officials also The LOUIS minister, went over to of film pictures hsve been makers found large stores London to ask a lot of things of of guns snd munBreen deeply disturbed James the British government, but wise itions In warehof Will Hays' office has been made observers did not believe he would ouses. virtual dictator of pictures In so far Jose Pedraza, chief of the Havana as their decency Is concerned Ten get much satisfaction. The chief thing he wanted was assurance police, said the former Officers were of the largest concerns making that Great Britain line up with aided by one faction of the ABC po movies have agreed to "grant exFrance again In case of a war with litlcaj society, which recently with- hibitors the rlghCto omit ths exCermany. Reports that Barthou drew Its support from the klendleta hibition of any motion picture rewonld propose such .an alliance government, and planned a revolt In leased prior td 15, 1934, reached London ahead of the min- Havana, atrlklzg at police stations against which there Is a genuine ister and aroused loud opposition and army barracks simultaneously protest on moral grounds." Tills Is la parliament and the press. There In a night attack after cutting elec- a big modification of the "block were indications that the cabinet tric. lights off over the city. booking" system that has prevailed, was very cool toward the sugges- .There were persistent reports In and at Hays' office In Jlollywood It ' tion Havana that President Mendleta was said that It will cost the prowas ducers around ten millions of It reliably reported that woulijl resign tn favor of CoL also proposed; of head the army. Batista, d, Plot 12-da- lowest-slnce-189- - . , 1 -- r . . J Thousands - . I Bar-the- n Ful-genci- o '3KiUi;u i.ViTi.1 DU super-cabin- ed honey-colore- for . it we rest," Her from kn ejulneijcsTwhere he length and Bgrgploe stood tall and straight d sky. ag!fit the The elevation' commanded all the rugged country about them. They could not see the academy, and Wilton was glad of this. Berenice seemed more than content! seated on a fallen, tree trunk, her hands clasped shout her knees. They were rather the four of them Berenice because of her seclusion the other three for the reason that Ufe had presented serious problems to them problems of livelihood and education. It was natural they should think It quite wonderful to hive such a view spread at their feet while Payne from an anthology he had brought read aloud "The Eve of St Agnes." These lovers fledaway Into the storm" seemed a thrilling climax while clonds raced across the Intensely blue sky, and the alienee of the lonely world about them was broken only by distant gunshots the farmer boys after partridges. "It would be a rare privilege to have an eve of St Agnes these days," Janet remarked, "and flee away only theres nothing aa a rule ;o flee from I" Arthur was reflecting that one could not be too sure this was true ; and Payne, too, wondered If the old academy would not prove some day a good place to flee from. Would that he might take Berenice not Into storm but out of It Arthur was looking Intensely at Janet, and wondering how long be could go on without telling her . he loved her. Now It seemed by those strange anachronism of love that be had known herlongbefore- - he ever met her. How automatically Haskell was left out of all their plans and pleasures I He wondered If the mad had ever been In love. Tbelr way home took them past the deserted village. ' At that hour the long, straggling row of crumbling houses, sunk in their ancient orchards, presented a ghostly, unearthly air. The empty windows seemed watching the road for Inhabitants who were never to rehe-call- pi'-fcian- SYNOPSIS her way to a teaching position Ifilxxtland Academy, Janet Mercer Oa meets I'rof. Arthur Fleming; also on hie way to tho Academy. Gordon Haskell, proprietor, welcomes them. Wilton Payne, teacher of psycholJanet ogy, completes the faculty. witnesses a meeting between Haskell and a man of unprepossessing appearanca, but avldently high In In a schoolHaskell's confidence. room ehe And a group, which aha had supposed were scholars, are wax Haskell explains unusual figures. circumstances connected with the conduct oT the Academy. Among the Bracebrldge, pupils la Berenice daughter of the late owner of tho Academy.r Tha tragedy of Loslland Academy Me the drowning of four of the Bracebrldge children who lost their lives, at the same moment, years ago. The wax figures were modeled In the likenesses of the children, and Doctor Bracebrldgea will ordered them preserved. Bereaome facte of the nice tells raj-nthet-- the unbe iosrns tragedyand whom Janet had seen couth giant ts named Balder, and la a valuable servant. Payne visits Jerry Moore, only witness of the drowning of the children Beading dlartea kept by Dr. Jethro Bracebrldge, Payne senses something sinister In the drowning of the children. e CHAPTER V Continued 'gjVi.iti su They both looked towards her as she came lightly down the path, calling to them, pulling her fluffy white wrap around her. "A great day for our walk," she saluted them. "Ton are out early." "I went to the church." Yhat did you find there?" "in tell you later Its quite a story," He did not think It the time to how her the card, particularly as he saw Haskell and Balder emerging from the 'greenish shadows of the basement Both looked towards the group; then, exchanging some words, separated. Ilaskell approached Berenice with self-cosclousness always in his manner; as If he must be perpetually on on guard warding away even friendliness and pleasant words. "You are walking again today?" r .."YetUWUl yon Jolirusr "Why should 1 walk over these hills "Will you go up the ravine with us?" "You know I never go up the ravine. It la too exhausting. However, It must be beautiful op there now, with the scarlet maples. Yea, theyre blood red," Wilton said, "rve never seen such Intensity of red. Haskell put his hands over his eyes. "This sun fills my eyes with red." That afternoon the four were stepping together over the hills; their happiness singularly like that n r , Descending to the church again, he found a key sticking In the keyhole of an old closet In tho vestry, and went up the belfry stairs again to try It on the locked door. It fitted snugly, and though It turned the lock with difficulty. It served the ' purpose. He found himself In a room with four windows facing to the four points of the compass ; and absolutely nothing In the place but an old Christmas tree still nailed to Its square base of green painted wood. Nearly all Its branches had been stripped or torn from It; but enough were left to Indicate Its character with the aid of a few bits of tinsel of festive silver and gold. A Christmas tag was still, dangling from one of the branches, with a name written on It He examined It more closely. The name was He mused "Althea Bracebrldge." over this poor little memorial some moments a pathetic signpost pointChristing back to some long-agmas celebration In this church. But why bad the tree been carried up and stored away In the belfry room Instead of thrown out of doors? "Perhaps the boys got hold of It snd carried It up here to form a part of their endless Ingenuities; I think Ill take the card. Berenice might be glad to have It" He. untied It carefully, ne was about to put It la hla pocket when But Why Had the Tree Been Carhe saw that on the back of It was ried Up and Stored Away In the the date of the celebration of which Belfry Room? this was perhaps, the old memorial Calculating back, he made It precisely the Christmas before the ac- of creatures let out of cages. W1 cident ton told Berenice of reading the "But this church must have been diary. deserted then, he thought "May"ll&w'long did your stepmother be they reopened It for a. Christmas live after the deaths of your broth celebration. To what had this lit- era and sisters T tle card been attached? A book? "Fully eight years, 1 think; Tm A bottle of perfume? A box of not sure. She was a blessed womcandy? And bad Althea liked her an; always kind to me. Even my brothers and sisters Uked her, present?" He tried to picture the scene She broke though they didn't like the old church with the pale winter off. "Oh, well Its all past am sunshine streaming In and some one gone. In the choir singing,. "Hark,- - 'the "May I ask you If you can remem Herald Angels"; and the youngsters her when the old church down there excited over their gifts and Impa- was. last usedj" tient for the exercises to end. And "Long before I was born about had Berenice been there? As msual 1SS0, I think."' when he thought of her, horizons "And was It ever opened for began to open and the sky to clear. Christmas celebrations after that?" "Mrs. Denver bless her! told her Oh, no I" to marry. But what of poor me; "Are you surer with so little laid up for a wife?" Quite sure! But father used to He relocked the door and replaced have celebrations for the neighbors the key In the vestry. children in the old academy, and Janet was strolling In the grounds they all received presents from the of the academy when he tree. I only faintly remember the them,,, and waved to him In her last one ever held the Christmas usual friendly way, making no before the accident It was Tery comment w hen he Joined her on his gay. We had s beautiful tree." "That tree Is still In existence." early excursions, She looked at him incredulously "I think we did very well last tight," she observed; "we' really her eyes half fearful "How do took Berenices mind from the an- you know that?" niversary. I, went to the belfry room this The trouble is theres a perpetfound a key that fitted ual anniversary la that old academy the door. The room was absolutely long as those wax figures are bare' except for an ancient tree on there. Its wooden base, . painted green, as "fheyre haunting queer, un- usuaL Bits of tinsel still clung to canny things like something living the dry branches, and this little on long after its time. Sometimes card was tied to one of them with this place seems like a dream to me. a red ribbon. Can you read the l'et It has an odd charm, too writing? The Ink Is very pale. those wakings In the quiet morning How strange. Why, ' "Althea light that solemn hall with the pic- have a card Just like It. saved all tures of the old presidents ; s princi- these years. How on earth did pal so fond of flowers that he keeps that tree get up there?" his hyacinth, bulbs always bloomShe turned, holding out the cad. "See 'what Mr, Tayne found." and ing." "Yes. Youre right. It has charm she told them the story, her eyes bow glowing red the old bricks brilliant, her dunks flushed as If are I" the Incident had excited her. "Not See everything Is lost In JLo?tln&" "Everything glitters today. And some things beyond rrlce Berenice s hair In the sun Its like " are Lnwtd, Wilton reflected. flame." . , o ... 1 . turn. A ruddy glow not of the sunset was traced to a burning pile of rubbish at tho back of the church. Looming above It was Balder like a basalt Image, for bla face and clothes were dark with soot; be saluted them with more courtesy than waa his wont "Dont you want to warm you? "Balder, Berenice told aa they gathered around the Are, do you remember the last Christmas tree we had In the academy?" Balder rolled hla black eyes. Do I sure I do! and I know where It Is, too. I saw It only yesterday the remains of It It's up In the belfry of the church there." "How on earth did It get there?" He had a pitchfork In his left hand snd on this he rested, meditatively watching the fire which tit up all their faces, and made Janet's sweater glow like a coat of gold. Ill tell you what I know of Its history after that Christmas. It was thrown out on one of the sheds, base and all and lay there for months with some bits of tinsel sticking to It; then Norman, he found It, and he and Jethro took it up the ravine to be a flagpole in front of their tent near the whirl they had tiny tent there that summer Twasn't safe shale crumbly under their very beds; but there the pole was on its stand; it got washed down In the spring freshets; and bobbed np in the lake again. I fished It out and brought It down here to burn with some other rubbish ; some children must have lugged It up those belfry stairs I remember mlssln It when I came down to set fire to the stuff. I never thought no more about the old dried tree till I see It yesterday. Arthur and Janet dropped behind Berenice and Wilton on the way home. "I dont think Payne ought to have told her about that tree,' he said. "That poor child la too morbidly Interested In everything connected with her brothers and sis to. Its k bout fifteen tropolis compared to o, a thousand Inhabitant, tlon picture thf-a- r r , 414 ernnd te dale-- be o!0 w made of the key t0 which the four wa tL fi;ar. stored. Berenice shoe'r when she wiaeq. When he hud .U,-ln 4 few minutes Arthur - Qj- "1 . a Uk.e this place tonight," h abruptly. You kuw not a nervous iiuiniduai. up here as full of heahh as a man could he" Dont tell me ; those four wax LgUr?" "I might as well L. J last that I ' , J wV? am-- and but its a sense of some lurking. Were e brougj serve some purpose other utility as teachers? "How should I, Renta. more than you? if guess Is that we were cause Berenice insisted oath?! of her fathers wdi t,eing ' with that she should he cated. Certainly she Is tensive training now. if tS.' did." Payne told Arthur of tbepnr, expedition toBirndule. That I can ger a duplicate key mi 1 !1 the enlces use." e wax-figur- You think one?" room door- -h, she ought ta Shell feel more at ease have told her where Haskell k key, but I thou gilt it trouble inie foundrsbe ton biding place. It may make tro anyway." I can sympathize with her, four figures have seemed mudi oppressive to me since they locked In. If they were kept I , o ly upstairs as we saw the first night for everybody tt at and remember or forget, a chose, wed soon all forget t: You can't remember anything d constantly nnder your nose. There waa a knock at th Mrs. Denver stood ther be quite white. "I hate to trouble Mr. Wilton, and youll think ut foolish, but Mother Uanht been ln tbe kitchen talking of four children. I listened at pau ly as 1 could, because the eld so few to listen to them but i Mr. Haskell came ln and asked to go In that room and set everything wag right ln around a bit, I confess Ta nervous to go alone. Ill go with you I shonlj a Haskell wouldn't send you la a srTBls hour of the day. Be gladly go with you, Mrs. Daw They were passing through hall when Gordon ilaskell them. He was wearing hla an cloak, and looked more irk i ther-du- st 1 than usuaL "Well was erery right?" be addressed Mrs. Dec "I haven't been yet, sir. "Tayne, may I see you I ment?" "I am going down with Mn ver. "Why?" , "Shes afraid. Haskell gave an Impatient clamatlon. "How glad Ill be i Berenice attains her majority. ' well have no more of the vu urea. Well let the dusting Mrs. Denver. Really a worn your years should hare h sense." - "Yon should have mentions figures ln your letter, sir," it l back; "unless you were afrxa mention them." He scowled but made ne nf Payne was moving toward th brary. "No, not there the drawing room. You dont favor the tt much." "Too many memories of my What I want t stepfather. this: Balder ells me that I nice was talking about a Chr-tree the family had the year the accident Now, what started ters." Wilton was meanwhile saying to on that?" "Isnt It natural her mind Berenice: If I were yon I would not .speak of the old tree to Mr. sometimes go back td the veff HaskelL After all he has his memIts Just as well you shoo ories, too; and it may be as well not to revive them. encourage her recollections, I not "Thats true! 1 hope .you will all her to look forward so do E all my heart stay here until I am twenty-one- , Is that door kept locked!" she added Impulsively. "So far as I am concerned noth added. "The archives of the pari Ing could drive me away." room, As they entered the grounds; kept ln a chest In that smoothly. nastell and one of the farmers of kell explained ra- Oh, well there's every the neighborhood came slowly down "Yes, every reason." the walk together. As they passed The two men faced eart Berenice and Wilton the farmer was across the marble-toppesaying: "I cant make Sally come If one like a study In bun she don't want to come! And shes ble; ber; the other a bold sndP afraid" ln black snd They heard no more, but another choly etching hand Haskell moment Haskell came running after marble. the down against them. "Of all the ridiculous as black ts the veins to th I must say he panted as cut a car he came np to them. "Heres Obq His ring had his about ring finger. dlab Welford over to tell me his he went, on, T91 "rayne," daughter Sally has nerves about how oppressive this this place, and doesn't want to come know to to school any more." place is to me. Fd like bats. Us "That's a pity." Wilton said. "For to the Ivy and dead pr all the of ghosts she's quick and bright Really, we come and ring Its be could cant allow her to drop out Do had a mld to Ah, Berea you want me to walk over to the In." Welford farm and talk to her?" (TO BB CQXTtXEEPl Haskell brightened a little. "I lsb you would. Go over When Them Were N Sunday tot afternoon Berenice will show you Chairs did not come the way. And, Payne, If convenient use until the Sixteen I'd like you to go to Birndale next Prior to that tbe chest, to Saturday for some supplies. You and the stool were .the can drive yourself over If you want every-dalife. 1 i hack-"Wit- J d c-- dead-whit- e , non-sens- e, & y t |